• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 9,012 Views, 450 Comments

Solar Child: Burden of the Crown - Bakmah Genesis

Taken place after the events of Solar Child, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Celestia find out about the others relationship and trouble ensues.

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Chapter Five: From the ashes

Blueblood sat inside the barred cell in Block C, a key operated magic suppressor on his horn. He wore a orange prison suit over his white coat, his mane falling limp without his products.

He was sitting in the fetal position, memories from last night's shower present in his mind. Celestia was right when she said that they would love him in there, he just wasn't expecting that kind of love. He learned one thing, however. NEVER drop the soap unless you want to be punished by the 'health inspector'.

He shivered as he remembered the towering stallion. He was large, in more ways than one, and was forceful when needed to be, that much he learned. Blueblood always imagined losing his virginity to a beautiful mare, not a large stallion in prison.

There was a tapping on his cell bars. Blueblood slowly raised his head, his ears still pressed against his head. A guards pony wearing a blue uniform was standing out side the cell, motioning for him to step forward.

"Lucky day, Blueblood. You seem to have a visitor and this one seems to not want to pummel you." said the guard, attaching shackles around his legs. Blueblood grunted as he waited for the door opened, stepping out once it was. On the way, he couldn't help but over-hear the guards conversing.

"Did you hear Trixie, Princess Luna's daughter, turned last night. I heard her coronation is next week." said one, lifting a cup of coffee to his muzzle as he leaned back in the chair.

"Well shit, good for her. From what I heard she had a shitty life until Luna finally found her again." said one guard, leaning back against the counter in the guards booth. The one in the chair next him nodded.

"Goes to show there is a silver lining somewhere in our lives." he said, taking another sip. Blueblood snorted. He felt his anger rise about how a low life like her could rise into alicorn hood and be yet another princess. It went to show more how corrupted their rulers were. He like nothing more to watch them fall.

"Last booth." said the guard as he brought him into the visitor area. Blueblood grunted and walked over to said booth on the far end. Waiting for him was a dark blue mare, her red hair falling over her cyan eyes. She picked up the phone like device on the otherside of the reinforced glass as he sat down. Blueblood followed motion.

"Who are you?" he asked, leaning forward. The mare kept a emotionless face.

"Not much of your concern. I came her with a propisition." she said. She rustled her wings, now just coming to his attention. Blueblood looked back over his shoulder, seeing the guard talking to another on the otherside of the room. He turned back to her.

"What is it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A chance to bring down one the greatest treats to Equestria, the royal family." she said. Blueblood relaxed I. His seat and waved a hoof at her.

"I'm listening."

"The AntiCelestia has been disbanded for eleven years following our failed attempt at killing Twilight Solar. We are slowly getting back together, but we need a leader. Preferably one who knows the daily lives of the family very well." she said with a smirk. Blueblood gave an evil grin, chuckling.

"Very well. But unless you expect me to run the group from inside a prison cell, you're going to have to get me out. I don't feel like five years of staying her especially after last nights shower." He visibly shuddered. The mare nodded.

"Very well. Go back to your cell and once the guard leaves, get under the bed and brace yourself." He nodded and put the phone back in its holder and stood. The guard saw him and guided him back to his cell.

Once inside his cell and was un cuffed, Blueblood waited for the guard to leave before diving under the bed, putting his hooves over his head. A resounding bang followed along with shouting.

Blueblood kept under the cover of the bed as he listened to the screams of the guards and what sounded like the tearing of flesh. He didn't know what the mare was doing to get him out but he wasn't exactly to keen on finding out for himself.

The sounds soon came from his cell block, making him shrink back. He jumped as he saw the body of a guard fly past his cell, the only thing it was missing was the head.

He yelped as a dark blue dragon with red spines entered his vision, standing in front of his cell. It's blood stained claws gripped the cell door and ripped it off its frame, throwing it at oncoming guards.

"Come with me, Sir Blueblood." said the dragon. Blueblood's eyes widened as he realized it was the voice of the mare. The dragon WAS the mare. He slowly came out of from under the bed and walked up to the dragon, who grabbed him and held him close as she dashed out of the prison.


"Almost there." said Twilight, watching the last of the crates get brought into the ball room for the after coronation party. The throne room itself was to be shut down the day before to get set up. The same happened for her coronation and the same was to happen to her sister-in-law. The morning was seemingly quiet.

"Princess Solar! News on Blueblood!" shouted a guard as he ran into the ball room. It was quiet. Blueblood's sentence was being handled by Twilight herself. Any news to complications were brought to her. With a sigh, she turned around to address the guard.

"I told you, I don't need to be informed every time he is raped in the shower." she said as the guard reached her, out of breath.

"It's not that, Ma'am. This morning, there was an attack on the Canterlot State Prison. There were heavy casualties and only one escape and it seems to be Blueblood." Twilight stared at him, her jaw hanging open. She put a hoof on her temple and rubbed it.

"And during the week when everything is the most hectic. Alright, do we have any idea what the suspect looks like?" she asked, walking towards the door to go to her study.

"Well you should know what he looks like, you did live with him." Hoof connected perfectly with face and created a very majestic face hoof.

"Not Blueblood, the pony who waltzed in, murdered the guards, and waltzed out with former nobility." she said, fixing a stern glare at the guard. He smiled sheepishly.

"Well, um, he had a visitor, a dark blue mare with a blood red mane, her cutie mark was of an emblazed sword. It was a normal meeting, that was until shortly after Blueblood left she turned into a dragon and busted through the booths." said the guard, putting a hoof on his chin as he recalled the description. Twilight nearly fell over.

"Wait, she TURNED into a DRAGON?!" she asked, making the guard jump at the loudness of her voice.

"Um, yes. She went through the mandatory procedures when entering so she was proven not to be a changeling. As for how she did it, either some very powerful magic or a miscalculated spell. We are still figuring that part out." Twilight groaned in frustration.

"Fine. Fetch my mothers, Trixie, and My fiancé, I need to confront them with this." The guard nodded and trotted off. She sighed and walked into the circular room that was her study. The door off to the side leading into her personal library that was a little larger than the entire Golden Oaks Library.

She sat at the desk and brought out the file for Blueblood. She looked over his sentence a few times before putting it back. She then opened up another drawer and pulled out two thick folders. One labeled most dangerous, the other accidental transformations. She made sure to keep tabs on anything that could seem as a threat to her ponies.

She first started in the 'Accidental Tramsformations' folder, picking through the files in search for the mare that broke into the prison. She soon found the same mare but was surprised to see her in a Guard's uniform.

"Oh sweet mother of Faust. Please don't tell it's them." she said as she scanned the paper. Her name was Blazing Sword, weirdly enough it being a Stallions name. She was ex-guard and was assistant to the Captain before her brother, but obviously after her mother.

She was dishonorly discharged after aggressive mood swings that led to what she claimed as the 'accidental death' to a fellow guard. The rest of her profile was in the other folder on her desk, taking Twilight by suprise. She put the thought aside and continued.

Her 'unique' form was brought on during a raid of a illegal lab. She managed to get exposed to a vat of expiremental chemicals. In resultant, her dragon form. The rest of the samples were destroyed in the raid so there was no way to know how it happened or to reverse it.

With her form out of the way, Twilight picked out the second file. This one adorning a regular picture of Blazing. From what it was said, she was very lucky to get as high as she did, due to the fact of reports of her having contacts to the AC, or AntiCelestia group.

The reports were put aside due to her position and how unlikely it was. She was discharged only a few days after Twilight's faked death. For Twilight, this rang her internal alarms. Obviously, she was hiding her connections, a safeguard to herself.

Twilight sighed and put the files to the side, placing her head in her hooves. Out of all the idiots to take Blueblood it had to be the same group who had a very violent history with the Royal Family and would like no better to see each member dead. Blueblood was an exception since he was't related to the family blood wise and had a same hate especially after his imprisonment.

"Fuck my life." she said, letting her head drop on the table.

"I wouldn't let anything like that happen." Twilight looked up to see her mother and the others walking into the room. She gave a small smile as they sat down.

"Sorry, Trixie. You aren't even crowned and we have a very large crisis on our hooves to take care of." said Twilight, leaning back a bit.

"And what would this crisis be?" asked Luna, leaning forward slightly.

"Blueblood was freed early this morning. From what I heard, they will be mopping blood off the floors for awhile and C Block is going to need a shit load of bricks." said Twilight. She pushed forward the files. "Blazing Sword. Despite the masculine name, she's female. Ex-guard by the records.

"She was as close to the top without being captain but was dishonorably discharged after an 'accident' that killed another guard. Her being at its center. She is also rather, unique." She tapped the transformation sheet a few times. "Very unique. Lastly, and this is what makes this a national crisis, she has ties with the same group hell bent on seeing us dead."

"The AC? Didn't I hang them and personally mutilate there leader?" asked Celestia, rubbing a hoof on her temple.

"What's the AC?" asked Rainbow and Trixie at the same time.

"The idiots who tried to overthrow Tia through Twilight and almost mounted her head on a stake. AC stands for AntiCelestia, though they haven't been a big fan of the Royal Family in general and me and Trixie fit into it now, same as you, Rainbow. We all have a beautiful target on our heads." said Luna.

"And considering they have a mutant that has a knack on taking things apart, this makes things a buy more difficult." said Twilight.

"But we have four of the most powerful alicorns in one room! Shouldn't we be able to take them down without a sweat?" asked Rainbow. Celestia sighed and shook her head.

"No. We all have weaknesses and ours are displayed. Me and Luna have our daughters, Trixie her family, Twilight her fiancé and family, and you, Twilight." she said, a grim tone in her voice. "If we are not careful, one of us will be used for the others."

"Good thing you guys didn't use the spells yet." said Trixie, sighing in relief. However, the anxious looks coming from the other four in the room brought the stress back. "You didn't."

"We were all in a good mood, and we didn't know the AC was coming back. By now, Rainbow and I are already pregnant." said Celestia with a sigh.

"Well fuck."

"Exactly." said Twilight.

Author's Note:

Septic, meet fan, fan, meet septic. I know you two will be very close. (Very close indeed. Heh heh heh.) Damn, I scare me. Anyways, Blueblood joins the dreaded and absolutely insane AC. A blood bath will ensue for sure. Also, see if you can catch the Boondocks quote I so willingly inserted for all you Bluebitch haters. Onto the next chapter, whenever I write that.