• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 1,102 Views, 153 Comments

Schoolhouse Shenanigans! - Dragonborne Fox

Humans and ponies--as well as everything else--are living together in utmost, perfect harmony. Many even share the same schoolhouse. And this is where five children of odd pairings start their tale...

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Chapter XIV- Guess Who's Baaaack!~

Natalie was walking to the store to buy more things the household had run out of. It was a bright day, and that only enhanced her cheery mood. It was Thanksgiving Break, so why not? Katie wanted a Turducken in addition to the traditional turkey. She also needed ingredients to prepare the brine in which the turkey would sit. Then there was the stuffing. She NEEDED bacon for it. And don't get her started on the vegetables! Corn, mashed potatoes, green beans and peas, good god there was so much to get! Good thing Lance was pretty much rich.

She took the grocery list from her purse to make sure she had it all memorized. She sighed in content before going about her merry way when a man bumped into her, causing both to land on their rear ends.

"I-I'm sorry!" Natz cried in shock, getting up before helping the man to stand. He had greying blond hair and brown eyes.

"I-It's nothing." Smiled the man who was busy dusting himself. He had a slight British accent going about him.

"Don't I know you...?" Natalie asked, confused.

The man looked at her before taking something out from his pocket. He showed it to the wizard.

Examining the thing, she found it was an employee card. On it bore the words "Doctor Harry Fernandez." Her jaw dropped. This man...was paid by Lance to aid her.

Fernandez, too, seemed to remember the whole ordeal.

"Ah, now it's returned to me!" Harry cried in joy, "You were a patient of mine, no?"

Natalie nodded. This was more than embarrassing.

"Hmm...I think you were accompanied by a soldier and swordsman, no?"

Natalie nodded again.

"It was...how do I say this since there are foals present... er... you had...an issue with a Beholder, right?"

Another nod.

"I just wanted to refresh my memory, Miss...."


"Alrighty then! Before you start to panic, I have something I need to tell you...something my crazy wife normally forbids me to do." Fernandez sighed.

"I didn't know you had a crazy wife!?" Natalie replied in shock.

"It was after the appointment." Harry groaned, eyes squinted. "I was...blackmailed left and right."

"What happened after the wedding? Please skip the honeymoon formalities." Natz asked. She had a feeling she didn't like where this was going.

"Well, she found out about the...spawns. Let's just say she took it upon herself to get them to go full term. She made me do it. And the only reason I am out here in the open is because she wants to turn the...triplets over to you." Harry answered.

Natalie's soul fled once more, and color went with. Her jaw hung open in the breeze...

...and for quite a while, a long silence was all that there was between doctor and patient.

After a while, a stallion ran toward them. He had a light brown coat and a silver mane, green eyes surveying the humans.

"I was sent by a Lance to find a Natalie." The stallion puffed, and he was tired.

"I found something really disturbing, please send this kind man to the Lance-meister, now." Natalie gasped, realizing she'd forgotten about the store. Her legs moved so fast they spun like wheels, a dust cloud trailing behind her as she went.

"What was that all about?" Asked the stallion.

"Just do as she says. Lead me that-away!" Harry sighed bluntly.


"SAY WHAT?!" Matt cried in shock.

"YOUR WIFE DID HUH?!" Anna shrieked, jaw hanging open.

Blake's anger was over the roof. For him, this bit of news did not bode well at all. As such, he refrained from uttering a single word.

"I dare say," Lance started in sheer discomfort, his left eye twitching as he slammed the rolled-up newspaper onto the table, "your wife is a nut! You'd have no idea what Natalie would do once she saw them!"

Katie merely shook her head as she ate her tuna.

Fenrir face-palmed.

Coryza sighed.

NoLegs meowed at Harry.

Natalie soon returned with all the groceries in tow. With her was, strangely enough, the Beholder. Not just any Beholder, but it was the same one who fathered the alleged triplets. He was helping her with the groceries.

"Hooray for packaging." Katie sighed as she unloaded the massive load and proceeded to place said load in the kitchen where it belonged.

Natalie flew up the stairs, running past Harry and causing him to spin in place. She was crying, her sobbing echoing throughout the house. The Beholder shrugged his tentacles. He didn't know what was going on.

"YOU!" Blake shouted, pointing accusingly at the tentacled freak, "YOU! YES, YOU! YOU!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH PAIN YOU CAUSED MY WOMAN?!"

The Beholder froze in place. All five of his eyes were pinned on the half-demon.

"I am outta here." Katie sighed, grabbing Fenrir's arm and rushing upstairs with him in tow.

Coryza backed into a corner, clutching Matt so tightly his face began to turn blue.

Anna fainted, a Wooden Idol hopped around her even as she fell onto the floor.

Lance found himself unable to get up. It was as if there was glue under his rear end.

Harry was most terrified. He was in a fetal position. Just what kind of people did Natalie trust again?

NoLegs was, to be blunt, on the ceiling. His eyes were wide.

Blake grabbed the Beholder's body and with a stone cold glare he murmured, "You are going to apologize to her--right here, right now. And then you will keep to that apology. Is that underSTOOD?"

The Beholder trembled. He actually let off a squeak of fright. He knew at last he angered the wrong person. Sure, he'd loved everyone even if they hated him, but too late had he realized he'd done crossed the fine line. And now was the time to pay for that very penance he'd inflicted all those years ago. He was going to right his wrong.

Blake let the Beholder go. Pointing a finger to the stairs, he added, "Third room to the right after you pass the vase. I better not hear her screaming one measly FOUR-LETTERED WORD. IS THAT CLEAR?!"

The Beholder squeaked again.


"What of the triplets?" Blake asked.

"L-Let them s-stay. That crazy woman h-has no right to r-raise them w-wrong." Natalie answered. She'd just gotten over the shock that even Beholders could apologize.

"This is new." Matt sighed, his eyes white ovals.

"I shall fetch them and hopefully not argue with my wife...if I could even call her that now." Harry stated.

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