• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 1,102 Views, 153 Comments

Schoolhouse Shenanigans! - Dragonborne Fox

Humans and ponies--as well as everything else--are living together in utmost, perfect harmony. Many even share the same schoolhouse. And this is where five children of odd pairings start their tale...

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Chapter XX- Holy Cross

"Mom?" Alexis, now ten years old (her birthday is December 28th), asked with bouncy motions similar to Pinkie Pie.

"Yes?" Natalie asked with a sigh as she downed a cookie with coconut shavings in it. Her stomach had another bulge.

"Are you pregnant again?" Asked the quarter-demon.

"No. The dress I'm in makes me look that way, though." Natalie answered with a blush on her face. She got up from the couch and her blush burned brighter than her fiery ginger hair. Unexpectedly, she flew up the stairs right then and there and suddenly came back wearing not a simple 30's house dress but in her old Red Dress. It was as if time had stopped to allow this feat!

Alexis giggled, "Mommy, you're funny." It was then she noticed the Crystal Staff in her right hand and the Hallowed Demon Staff in her left. "Is it training time again?"

"Yeah. And I forbid you from learning Kyun!" Natalie answered in a hissyfit tone of voice. "Who wants a bunch of freaky strangers running around asking you out and calling you something along the lines of 'Miss Fanservice' because of it?! It's bad enough that Blake threw a tombstone at this one stupid old man and I am surprised he lived after that!"

"But you look cute using that move!" Nick called from upstairs.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA!" Natalie called back, her face in an even bigger blush. Beads of sweat formed on her entire body at such a rapid rate that for all we knew she could've made the biggest oasis in the Sahara.

"WHOSE FACE MUST I WRECK WITH A TOMBSTONE THIS TIME?!" Blake shouted from upstairs as if war had started and he were somehow made a general.

"I'm trying not to argue with Alexis! Chill!" Natalie replied with a wobbly grin.

"Okay!" Blake called back. The wizard grabbed her daughter and ran out the door while Katie went and cued Yakety Sax on a radio and taped it onto her dress at the right moment before the door slammed.

"Not all things can be prevented in the early stages...well, at least they could be prevented later on, I suppose." Sighed the fox before she curled up and fell into a nap on the floor.


Alexis and Natz stood in what was quite literally a ruined church just five miles away from Ponyville. Its walls were wrecked beyond repair and pebbles of its former glory lay strewn about as if Lance went and made the thing go boom. Moss began growing over the remains and the only thing aside from its graveyard that remained intact was the bell tower. The bell was a dull gold, a sign that said it had been unkempt for at least as long as Alexis had been alive. A dusty rope hung from its bottom and there wasn't a ladder leading upwards but rather a winding staircase that seemed to go on for a mile into the sky before the aforementioned bell was reached. It must have been a grand church of some kind before whatever had happened that made it was it was today: the Sinfilled Hallows, so named for alleged rumors about head pastors doing bad things to their followers before the whole place was, to be blunt, demolished. It looked much creepier considering grey clouds hung overhead but did allow the full, evergreen moons to pierce the heavens with their light thus illuminating the whole area. A thin mist hung just over Natalie's feet but over Alexis' shins. The wind blew and it carried the sound of not one, but two wolves howling in what was assumed to be triumph.

"Do all demons train under the moon?" Alexis asked.

"No. Blake did, but that was because his mom pretty much made him do it." Answered the wizard bluntly. "That, and with school interfering once more with your training, how was I to find the time given homework load after homework load was heaped on you?"

Alexis nodded. "Hooray for Saturday."

"My point exactly." Natalie agreed. Glancing up towards the sky, a chill ran down her spine as more wolf howls sounded off so far in the distance...and yet, they sounded so close by. Confound that which was the wind. And Lazarus. Confound him too. Because he was the alleged God of the Winds. Him and his hax.

Returning her gaze to her eager daughter, she sighed in relief. "I'm going to teach you an Overdrive I have."

"Will it hurt anybody?" Alexis asked, worry in her voice.

"If you want it to, yeah. It does massive holy-based damage and revives the recently dead and auto-revives everything else you hold dear. And it can repair houses, though this church isn't going to be so lucky..." Natalie trailed off as she sighed for the thirteenth time.

"Show me how!" Alexis begged with the puppy-dog eyes.

"Alright, alright. Just keep your panties from going into a knot." Natalie sighed again. Her eyes took on that soul-breaking white as angelic wings made of pure energy--four in total--sprouted from her backside. A gold cross with runic writing flared out behind her. Soon, everything was enveloped in a searing white light that blinded the little girl.

As quick as it had come it had gone. Opening her eyes, she saw her mother land on her feet as her eyes reverted to normal and those wings fade from the world. Natalie struggled to catch her breath for a few moments before her breathing cycle had also reverted.

"Y-You try it." Assured the wizard with a nod.

Alexis charged up the Overdrive. Her own little wings turned angelic themselves and grew as long as Katie was tall with her nine tails. Two more sets of wings, also made of pure energy, grew from her back and so too did the cross that appeared just behind her. Instead of white, the wings and eyes took on a pinkish hue. Another bright flash of light blinded the wizard almost immediately. She, unlike her daughter, had to cover her eyes.

The light lasted not as long as Natalie's, and so it faded quicker. Alexis landed on her rear end.

Natalie opened an eye and sighed with a grin. She walked up to her child and hoisted her up onto her feet. "Got everything except for the landing. I remember the first time I used Genesis: I ended up with my head literally stuck into the ground."

"I think Chuckles will be back with the new sticks soon. Let's go home!" Alexis smiled before she noticed two figures running in her direction. They seemed to have been coming from Ponyville.

The creatures drew closer, and Natalie could see paws kicking up dirt as they collided with the ground even in the fog-obscured moonlight. She didn't take up a battle stance--nope, she merely ended up raising a brow instead.

The creatures stopped right in front of the wizard and her child. One of them was Lance, who was in werewolf form. Standing next to him on all fours was a dark brown werewolf with lighter brown paws and underbelly. Most of her tail was tied up in bandages starting from base to 3/4's the tail's length. A long and messy green mane of sorts shaded heavily over her right eye and the mane frilled out into miniature pegasus wings in dire need of brushing behind her shoulders. Two gold bangle-esque hairbands hung on both sides of her head two inches behind her ears and more strands of green hairy mess jutted out from them like elongated paintbrush tips. A solitary evergreen eye looked at Natalie, and she noticed a small slit making the frame of its pupil.

"This feels great. But still, let's go home." The lycanthropic Anna sighed with a toothy grin, to which both mother and child nodded in agreement.

Author's Note:


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