• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 1,102 Views, 153 Comments

Schoolhouse Shenanigans! - Dragonborne Fox

Humans and ponies--as well as everything else--are living together in utmost, perfect harmony. Many even share the same schoolhouse. And this is where five children of odd pairings start their tale...

  • ...

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Chapter XIX- Feast Fit for Kings

Everyone was now back in the house sitting in front of the television set holding mugs filled with hot chocolate and blankets wrapped around their bodies; a vicious snowstorm hammering Ponyville outside the front door. It howled in diabolic fury, intent on making the very landscape freeze and tremble under its might. As a matter of fact, Katie still had quite a bit of snow still on her head. She didn't bother to dust if off, as she took no notice of it. Even NoLegs, Chewy, Mog the moogle, and Anna's Friendly Dog (whose name was Benji) sat alongside their respective partners.

The television had some Christmas/Hearth's Warming specials running every other different TV show (take Digimon, for instance.)

"Kupo." Mog stated as he flew onto Natalie's head.

"Kupo to you too," Replied the wizard as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Yay," Katie grinned widely with a chuckle, "Natalie knows moogle-speak now."

Benji barked, wagging his curled tail in glee as another Christmas show came on. Anna pet him and scratched the back of his ears, causing him to wag his tail faster.

Chewy didn't meow. "I'm hungry, Master."

"THE CAT TALKS?!" Lance shrieked, turning his head to the brown cat and twitching his eyes on shock.

"Took him long enough," Katie scoffed as she drank the rest of her hot chocolate, "Yesterday was his tenth birthday. You know the legend of the nekomata, right? He's now one of those...from...uh.... bah, you guys know what I am trying to say."

Everyone nodded.

"You want the feast to get started?" Matt asked as he pet NoLegs.

Chewy nodded. Katie pet him.

"Kupo." Mog sighed as he hopped off of Natalie's head and clumsily onto Blake's lap.

The wizard got up and helped Anna to her feet. Both went into the kitchen to work on the feast. The moogle went with them, flapping his little wings faster than a Changeling could say 'take off'.

"I cannot believe Katie was buried under snow despite her advantage over all of us." Blake sighed with a smile, shaking his head.

"That's why y'all went and stormed me." Katie retorted with a laugh. "Take out the winner before they win."

"Chewy's a hairball." Wing sneered.

"And so are you." Chewy retorted with a gleaming grin.

"Chill, everyone." Cory called at last, holding her baby in her arms. The baby seemed to point at Matt and giggle. When the mugician turned towards the TV, the baby started to cry.

"Oh, I see she wants daddy," Matt sighed as he gently pried the child from Coryza's arms and into his own. The child stopped crying and started grabbing his braids in order to chew on them.

Lance began holding Natalie's son simply so Matt wouldn't end up with full arms. He was busy entertaining himself by plucking Lance's hat off his head and putting it on his body. He wasn't wearing the Nazi hat, mind you--it was a simple wool snowcap.

"We're one big happy family!" Blake bellowed with a wide grin.

"YEAH!" Fenrir howled, shooting a fist into the air.

"Yay." Katie said as if she were Fluttershy after having a giggle fit.

"Daddy, what's fractious mean?" Nick asked.

"It's to cause either an argument or discord." Answered the soldier.

"Did someone call my name?" Asked a voice as a chimera-like thing suddenly appeared behind the couch, standing on a pony leg and a dragon leg. Next to him was a female Gryphon who had a Gryphon-chimera hybrid on her back.

"No, Discord. I was explaining the definition of a word to my kid." Lance answered as he took his gaze off his son and to the draconquus.

"Well," The god of chaos sighed, "I thought it'd be fun to bring my wife and daughter here and join you in the holiday feast anyway. I was in fact wondering when you'd take notice of me."

"Yay." Katie repeated with a grin. "More full bellies and less leftovers to deal with."

"The more the merrier." Gilda nodded, allowing her daughter to get off her back. Her daughter, you see, had Discord's rear legs and dragon tail but the rest was like Mommy, save for a pointy tooth jutting out from the lower beak.

"Is mommy chaotic?" Fang asked, tilting his head to the side and trying not to drool as the aroma of turkey wafted into the room.

"Yes, she is. Think about it: illusions are used to deceive and her fire is more often than not used to annihilate. Her natural wings help her spread her own form of chaos. Of course, someone always finds her out somehow, and then more chaos results. But she means no harm unless that harm is absolutely necessary." Discord answered with a grin.

"Big brother," Wing called nervously, "How come mommy has nine tails?"

"Same thing I told Nick--she's simply old. And I mean THOUSANDS of years old." Lance answered, expecting a backlash from his mother. She instead laughed it off.

"By the time I reach a million years old," Katie declared, "I'll be sure to have at least five hundred thousand descendants that all stem from either Lance or the twins!"

Lance blushed profusely. "Mom, you're embarrassing me."

"One of my many jobs. The twins have yet to experience this." Katie smiled, shaking her head with a grin, "And besides, your foster mom probably did much the same anyway."

"Point taken." Lance answered with a sigh.

"EVERYONE!" Anna and Natalie called in unison, "DINNER! NOW!"

Everyone got up and scrambled to the table like a stampede. Discord and Gilda, being the cheaters they were, flew toward the table and got the best seats. There on the table was the biggest Crystal Turkey everyone had laid eyes upon--the thing must have weighed in at around a whopping 80 pounds before going into the oven with stuffing in tow. There were croissants and mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese with tuna in it and a wide assortment of vegetables cooked to perfection. There was even a regular, 50 pound turkey for those who didn't like the Crystal Turkey.

Everyone's jaws dropped open in pure shock and happiness; stomachs growling loudly and waiting to be fed. Even Mog, NoLegs, Benji, and Chewy had this response.

"Merry Christmas, everybody!" Everyone shouted as they dove right into the food and proceeded to feast!

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