• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 1,102 Views, 153 Comments

Schoolhouse Shenanigans! - Dragonborne Fox

Humans and ponies--as well as everything else--are living together in utmost, perfect harmony. Many even share the same schoolhouse. And this is where five children of odd pairings start their tale...

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Chapter VIII- Lunar Ascent

Luna flew across the dusky sky, bringing with her a glorious full moon. The moon rose behind a moor between Canterlot Castle and the faraway Crystalis Fantasia (code for the Crystal Kingdom). It was rapid at first but slowed down with the flying pace of the Lunar Princess. Eventually it slowed just enough to keep its pace with the tick-tock of a grandfather clock.

Lance was outside on the doorsteps, wrapped only in a blanket and a bunch of ice (note: he is wearing shorts like the kind used to go swimming in). He had been having severe hot flashes when he tried sleeping, and he had no idea what to do about it. The moon's glow caught his attention and kept his eyes fixed on the reflection of the sunlight. The Mare in the Moon seemed to be gazing at him in turn. Rising alongside the Equestrian moon was the moon belonging to his old planet, much smaller and also full.

Grunting in pain because a burning heat shot throughout his right hand, Lance scrunched his eyes shut briefly before deciding to trek into the Everfree Forest....alone. Without the ice or blanket for that matter. No need for them, given nobody or nopony was out in the open to see him.

With only the light of the dual moons to guide him to who-knows-where, the Nazi pushed onward as he defied the pain that wrecked havoc on his sinews. Twigs snapped under his bare feet as another new hot flash nearly blinded him. The walk was reduced to a mere shamble typical of the famous zombie.

Lance nearly tripped, and when he caught himself, he sighed in relief. In front of him was a moonlit pond.

He gasped in shock--his eyes became red. Vermillion red, not his normal mahogany. What's more, it looked like he grew a beard.

"Wh-What is....th-this...?!" The Nazi screamed, pain shooting in his throat as each word flew out of his mouth.

Glancing at the moons once more, the burning heat coursed throughout his entire body as he felt his teeth growing sharper. Returning his sight to the pond, he was in utter panic now.

The beard...no, the fur covered his chest now.

"N-Noooooo!" Lance cried in agony as his face grew more hair and seemed to stretch both wider and longer.

The pain doubled and breathing became painful.


Alexis had secretly followed Lance to the pond, watching in horror as he changed into...something else. He kept screaming and thrashing in pain as the moons seemed to mock him. Her jaw physically dropped and she wanted to scream. Nothing came out of her dry throat except for gasps of fear.


Lance's hands were becoming more animal-like, wicked claws growing and curving around the former fingertips. His nose became more triangular as from his backside a slender, bony tail was growing in length and fuzz. His ears became pointier and eventually jutted out from the top of his head.

His lower body soon completed the gruesome metamorphosis into beast while the upper half retained some human features, like elongated fingers and a mane of scarlet-brown hair. His whole furry body was black, but he had a white underbelly starting from the muzzle and ending at the tip of the medium-length tail. His hands and paw-feet were also white.

The creature that was once Lance a few moments earlier opened its eyes and looked up at the dual moons. Its maw opened up a tiny bit before a man-like wolf's howl shot through the night and tore the very fabric of sleep to invisible shreds.


Alexis cringed, wondering how the shorts didn't get affected by the transformation. Upon hearing the roar of the beast, she had no choice but to turn back and run as fast as her legs could carry her. She screamed left and right, twigs snapping under her feet as she heard more howls sound in the distance like sirens in the ocean sea.


Upon hearing the screams, the beast turned its head to the direction they originated from and instinctively followed the scent of a terrified young girl. It seemed to find the intended target, paws moving swiftly, silently.

It saw that young girl already being circled by wolves made of twigs. The beast growled before throwing the adversaries to the Gryphon Kingdom. It sighted the little girl huddled with her back to a tree.

It took a cautious step forward. The girl winced.

Another step. She whimpered like a sad puppy, tears filled with the essence of fear flowing from her eyes.

Yet another step. The girl found herself looking into those crimson eyes, as if expecting something to happen. He reached a paw up to her terrified face and wiped the tears away. Picking her up and placing her upon his back, he ran back to the mansion as another howl flew from his maw.

The beast was greeted by a green-haired woman.

"A...nna?" The beast asked, his voice having a hint of a snarl to it.

"Lance....?" Anna asked in shock before hugging the beast. "Get back inside, you had us worried."


"I swear, unless I was sleepwalking, I didn't bite him!" Fenrir exclaimed for the sixteenth time.

"We know that. Just shut up." Katie snorted, eyes scrunched in half-sleep.

Lance the were-fox-wolf-thing sat in the middle of the room on all fours, his unkempt mane extending to his shoulder-blades.

"Big brother is now as fuzzy as we are!" Wing called.

"Yeah! All he has to do is control it!" Fang chimed with a grin.

Lance looked at his siblings funny.

"I blame Legion and his cage hax." Matt sighed, pointing a finger at Lance.

"Okay, everyone, chill." Anna bellowed, carrying an entire deer as she strode in through the front door. And yes, this one had antlers.

The Nazi-wolf began sniffing at his wife's catch before he took it off her shoulders and ran into an empty basement with it. (You know what werewolves do at this point.)


Luna walked in with a few bat-pony night guards in tow. She sat on her haunches and conversed with Lance, who had a deer skull with antlers on his head like it was a helmet.

"So, its one thing to have a first transformation--which is currently your case and is entirely understandable." Luna sighed with a faint grin. Lance nodded.

"You must learn to will the transformation. It won't be easy, but doable nonetheless." Said one bat-pony. He himself turned into a were-bat-pony in two seconds, no pain added.

The Nazi's jaw dropped.

"Just train yourself in taming your new beast and all should be well. For now, just go back to sleep. It's needed, trust me." Luna ordered.

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