• Published 21st Sep 2013
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The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab - Fuzzyfurvert

Student and Teacher, Servant and Mistress, Citizen and Ruler, Friend and...Lover?

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308. Religion by Knight of Lycaeus


"You know, I thought you would enjoy a relaxing stroll through Canterlot." Celestia said as she watched her wife's nervous twitches and reactions.

"I would," Twilight began, "but it's the bowing that I'm less than comfortable with. It's been over a year but it still feels odd.

Celestia looked to see the streets lined with bowing ponies, "It is there way to honour their rulers. However I do understand how uncomfortable it must be. Although even before your ascension, ponies would have bowed. Your titles warrant it although I guess your reclusiveness meant it did bot happen often."

Twilight gave a brief nod as the two left the main streets and headed towards the castle. "Yes, my reclusive tendencies meant that even as a member of nobility or a Lady of three Courts they would have if I had avoided them less. But most ponies never bowed, it's just uncomfortable."

Celestia gradually changed their bearing for the Royal Gardens. "I do understand. I was uncomfortable with the bowing after I ascended to the throne. As a Dawn Raiser I received a few shallow bows here and there but deep bows, those never happened. Deep bows were reserved for the rulers, the Queen or King, but it was also for the gods."

Twilight's ears perked up at this, "Gods? You mean other alicorns?"

Celestia chuckled lightly as she led them to some quiet shade and sat down, "That's what ponies now believe as being their gods but as I have explained to you years ago, we are not. Alicorns, we are strong but not all-powerful, we are ageless but not immortal."

"So who were the gods?" Twilight asked eagerly, "It's the same problem with religion as it is with early history of the tribes, so almost nothing was or is written down."

"That's a very detailed discussion, every tribe had their deities but some had a few while others had pantheons." Celestia paused for a moment, "Unfortunately it's almost time for Court." Celestia smirked, "Ready to lead your second Court session, my wife?"

Twilight groaned, "Could I please have the Royal Heralds shorten the list this time? Or maybe just call me your wife, that's a title I like."

Celestia smirk grew wider and her tone became teasing, "As Princess in Residence, you can not do so. Although I could add the wife title if you want."

Twilight shook her head, "Let's not, it's already long enough."

Celestia wrapped a wing around her wife, "I might do so, at a later date. As for the gods, I'll settle on a quick overview for now. Most viewed their gods as being like them but more, it's not the easiest to explain but imagine that we ponies are the imperfect reflection of the perfection that are the gods. The Unicorns worshipped the heavens and the stars above however they had only one god, the Creator god. It was both genders and none, the Shaper of Worlds and Weaver of Fate among other titles. However it had servants, mortals virtuous in life and elevated in the afterlife, they had power over one aspect or domain.

The Pegasi worshipped only a few deities but they were important, every clan had their patron deity. In general they worshipped the skies above, the weather, and predators. Their deities were the God of Thunder, the God of the Winds, the Goddess of the Waves, the Goddess of the Skies, the Goddess of the Moon, and the God of the Sun. Every deity was a pair, equal yet opposite much like how they view their two leaders. Thunder and Skies, Wind and Waves, and most importantly Sun and Moon."

"Sun and Moon, I thought that was an Unicorn thing." interjected Twilight.

Celestia shook her head and gave a slight smirk, "Many would have thought that but the Unicorns were mostly monotheistic while the Pegasi and Earth Ponies were polytheistic. It's from the Pegasi deities that I have my title Sol Invictus, the name of their Solar god."

"They gave you a masculine title?" asked Twilight.

"Rather ironic in many ways. Luna is more to that ideal as she is more of the warrior between us, however while I am strong I prefer negotiation, more strategic plans akin to the Moon goddess. Luna prefers more head-on fighting akin to the Solar god. The Solar god was the sword, the Lunar goddess was the shield. One of my old titles is Equestria's Shield just as Luna is Equestria's Sword."

"The Earth Ponies?" Twilight asked aware of the shortening time together.

"Polytheistic, they believed that it was better to live in harmony with the world. They did worship nature and the earth and there were many but some important ones include the Goddess of Nature, God of the Earth, Goddess of Fertility, God of Growth, the Goddess of Death, and the God of Creation."

"That's a lot of gods but this is the short version. I can't and don't want to imagine how long, the long version is. So when ponies first bowed to you, which one was it for? Ruler or goddess?" Twilight asked.

"Both, my dear Twilight. After Discord's defeat, ponies who saw mine and Luna's forms saw us as their goddess and their ruler. I believe they had wished to bestow the titles of God-Queen upon us or something close to that. I refused the crown and for quite sone time I refused it. I was uncomfortable with the idea but eventually I took it to help lead the ponies in a world confused by Discord's magic." Celestia nuzzled Twilight before she stood up. "Ready for Court?"

Twilight shook her head after she had stood up as well, "Not entirely. I'm not enthusiastic about hearing the very long list of titles again or the bowing."

"It takes time but remember that's one way we honour others. Also remember that I will be nearby for help or for support."

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