• Published 21st Sep 2013
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The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab - Fuzzyfurvert

Student and Teacher, Servant and Mistress, Citizen and Ruler, Friend and...Lover?

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474. Lotus by Knight of Lycaeus


A small purple foal sat as patiently as she could while her mother carefully placed flowers among her mane before weaving the mane around it to hold it in place. Twilight was not normally an impatient foal, but today was special. Today marked the first time she would be permitted to visit the twin grand Temples where the chief religious leaders sent prayers and offerings to the revered deities. While it was common to see the Deities that led their lands and occasionally speak to them, this one day in a Pony’s life was held as special and sacred.

Once a year every foal who had celebrated their tenth birthday over the past year were presented before the Temples to receive blessings from the Deities of the Sun and the Moon. While no official name accompanied the sacred tradition, many called it the Day of Blessings. Although few were even luckier and they would be selected to serve the Temples, a rare honour and a great source of pride for any who were chosen.

“Twilight, hold still please. The sooner I can finish; the sooner we can leave,” muttered Velvet as she placed the last flowers in her daughter’s mane.

Soon enough Twilight found herself with her parents before the grand Temples, a large open square had been constructed between the two Temples and often served as the main area for events. She stood with her parents although her brother would again not be attending with them as a few years ago on his own Day of Blessings he was selected by the Goddess of the Sun to serve as a protector of her Temple. While the lands of Equestria were often peaceful, it did help to remain prepared in the chance that a neighbouring country decided on the path of war.

The ceremony passed as it always did, until at last Twilight heard her name being called. She walked slowly trying to get her excitement in check. As she approached the dais the deities stood, she looked carefully between the two. The Deity of the Moon was a mystery to her, she had heard the tales as any foal had yet she knew little of the Shepard of the Night and Sword of Equestria which in times of peace was ceremonial yet in times of war, she led the united forces of Equestria into battle. The Deity of the Sun was more familiar to her, she had seen the goddess before. Many times, likely more times than she suspected was the norm. The Herald of the Day and Shield of Equestria was as resplendent as ever, her coat seemed to gleam even more than the last time she had seen her.

It was the Deity of the Sun that led to her unusual request for her Day of Blessings. While it was traditional for fillies to braid flowers in their mane for the occasion, many went for sunflowers and moon flowers choosing what was said to be the favoured flowers of the Deities. She requested for lotuses instead of the traditional sunflowers. It took some convincing before her family would agree, although they had asked her before of why she wanted to switch the traditional flowers.

The reason for the switch was something she never shared with them, it felt to her that she would be betraying the secrets of the Deity of the Sun. Many of the times she had seen the Deity of the Sun, she had seen her near lotuses in full bloom. It was only once when she saw the Deity of the Sun under the light of the moon and seen the lotuses closed. It was this one time that she spoke to the Deity of the Sun, something few Ponies dared to do except when asking in prayers or giving in thanks and even then it was indirect.

It was a wondrous night, one memory she truly treasured when the goddess spoke to her and her alone. She explained the meaning of the lotus and why she treasured it, she called it the flower of purity and she had chosen it to remind herself of the past. That the flower was also a symbol of rebirth and she held it to be associated with the peace the world had since achieved since the days of old. That night she spoke her name to Twilight, another rare honour as few ever called the Deities by name.

Her mind came back to the present as she heard the Deities bless her and even though she knew what was to come, almost couldn’t help bouncing around when she heard the Dei-, no Celestia, announce to the gathered crowd that she had been chosen to serve as a Priestess in her Temple. It was a day she swore to remember for as long as she lived.

A soft nuzzle broke Twilight’s thoughts of the past before a large feathery wing returned her to the present. It had been many years since her Day of Blessings. She had spent many long and joyous years in the service of Celestia and even now as High Priestess of the Temple of the Sun, she still thought back to those early years.

“I see your mind is still thinking of those early years my dear,” said Celestia as she seated herself next to Twilight.

Twilight smiled, it was another aspect of their relationship that differed from those early years. Over the many years, she became Celestia’s friend and confidant and just under a decade ago she became her lover. “Just reminiscing, I thought about writing some of my life down as a memoir for others who enter your service. Maybe hand the original manuscript to whoever succeeds me as High Priestess when my time here has ended.”

She felt a soft kiss around the base of her horn, “I am aware as you are, that your mortal life here is coming to an end” said Celesita.

Celestia raised herself off the floor, before offering her hoof to Twilight. Twilight took the offered hoof and stood. As she did, Celestia turned and led the way down hallways even Twilight rarely ventured and down a few she had never ventured.

While she wished to ask her love where they were headed, she knew she would not get an answer so easily. They walked, continuing deeper into the Temple until they reached a pair of heavy oak doors engraved with numerous symbols although the one she recognized was the lotus.

Celestia took a deep breath before she spoke, “I wish to offer you a choice, you are at the end of your mortal life here. This is inevitable and something we both know, yet I will offer you a choice so few are ever offered. The lotus does indeed remind me of the rebirth of our nation from the chaos of own history. Yet it is also a symbol of my rebirth, I was led here just as you were many long centuries ago and given the choice.”

Twilight froze as she realized the implications of what Celestia said, but allowed her to continue.

“The choice is this, will you choose to leave and return to your friends and family who have passed before you or will you choose to stay and remain here and by my side until the end of days when all our work here has finished.”

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