• Published 21st Sep 2013
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The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab - Fuzzyfurvert

Student and Teacher, Servant and Mistress, Citizen and Ruler, Friend and...Lover?

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309. Second Chances: Serious by ArguingPizza


The previous chapter can be found here.

Before Nightmare Moon’s return to Equestria, Ponyville was barely a speck on the map of Equestria. The village was renowned for nothing more than being the final stop on the Royal Equestrian Railways line leading to Canterlot. Even hosting the Summer Sun Ceremony had done little to help their notoriety, as nearly every settlement in Equestria had done so before them.

To the surprise of all, little more than a decade later, Ponyville was among only two cities in Equestria that could claim a Princess as one of their own. True, while Princess Twilight had been born and raised in Canterlot, it was Ponyville she called her hometown, and it was Ponyville that hosted the Castle of Harmony. And, with their Princess having returned to them after several years in the Crystal Empire, not counting visits of course, Ponyville was celebrating wildly.

Every lamp post from Sweet Apple Acres to Whitetail Woods held a purple banner loftily, each embroidered with Twilight’s starburst Cutie Mark. Fillies and colts ran underhoof, many of them wearing fake horns or wings, and sometimes both. Grown mares and stallions paraded past Twilight, seated at one of Sugarcube Corner’s booths surrounded by her friends, each eager to welcome her home themselves. There was no doubting Twilight was a celebrity in the small village.

And yet, as Princess Celestia watched the festivities, she could not help but note all the differences between the Ponyville party and those she was familiar with. True, she had had many such celebrations held in her honor for a variety of occasions, but there was something much more…personal about this one. It seemed so much more sincere than what she was used to.

Each pony that passed Twilight would offer her kind words and their brightest smile, but there was something unmistakably different. They greeted her not out of desire to be seen around her, or to become closer to a Princess for their own ends, but seemingly out of simple desire to welcome a friend.

It was refreshing, and quite honestly a little strange to witness. Still, it was wonderful to see Twilight unwind after her long ordeal. To see her laughing, smiling, and seeming so carefree after Cadence’s betrayal brought a smile to Celestia’s face.

“She seems to be having a wonderful time, doesn’t she?”

Had Celestia been almost anypony else, she would have jumped from the suddenness with which Rarity had seemed to appear beside her. She hadn’t even noticed Rarity get up from Twilight’s table, much less make her way across the crowded room. Without quite taking her eyes off Twilight, she glanced at the shorter mare from the corner of her eye and nodded, donning the motherly smile so familiar across Equestria.

“Yes, she does, and I’m thankful for it. She certainly deserves it after all she’s been through.” As Celestia spoke, Twilight accidentally grabbed a cupcake Pinkie Pie had prepared for herself. A jet of fire erupted from Twilight’s mouth a heartbeat later, only to be quickly snuffed out by Rainbow Dash dousing her with lemonade and soaking her mane.

Rarity and Celestia both covered their mouths with their hooves to hide their giggles. The rest of the party-goers were somewhat less subtle, and Twilight flushed at the good-natured laughter. She glared playfully, or at least mostly playfully, at Rainbow Dash before emptying an entire pitcher of fruit punch over her head. Twilight stuck out her tongue at her friend, and Celestia couldn’t help but admire how adorable she looked.

“You know, while I do feel terrible about what happened between Twilight and Cadence, I can’t help but feel a bit happy with how it turned out,” Rarity said lightly, not looking at anything in particular. Celestia’s suspicions began to rise, and she allowed her maternal smile to fall away.

“How do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, well, I just meant it will be nice to have her back,” Rarity replied innocently. “After all, aside from her occasional visits, it’s been years since I was able to spend any real time with Twilight. While I can’t say I’m happy with how it came about, this will certainly be quite the opportunity to become…reacquainted with her.”

Celestia’s breath caught in her chest, and her eyes narrowed as she turned her full attention to the unicorn at her side.

“I don’t play games when it comes to Twilight, Rarity.” Celestia expected Rarity to wither under her gaze, but to her credit the (much)younger mare stood her ground remarkably well.

“Oh, I assure you Your Highness, I take matters such as these quite seriously when they concern those I hold dear, Twilight being one such pony.” The two mares stared each other down until both were prompted to simultaneously break eye contact and offer polite smiles to a passing mare and avoid raising attention to themselves. Nothing draws a crowd’s attention quite like an argument involving a Princess.

Once the mare passed, Rarity continued, “I may not have your breadth of experience, Your Highness, but rest assured the way you look at her has not escaped my notice.”

Celestia recoiled as if struck. After a moment of what could almost be called a glare, Rarity’s eyes softened. “I am sure you would never intentionally do anything to harm her, Princess, but love makes fools of us all. I merely wish to—and I do realize how this makes me sound—what your intentions are with her.”

It was with newfound respect for Rarity that Celestia stopped to consider her words. Not many ponies would go to the mat against her for their friend, and it was heartening to be reminded that Twilight was in good company.

“I have lived a long life, Rarity,” Celestia began once she was sure of how she wished to phrase her response, “I have seen nations rise to glory and fall to dust in what now seems like the blink of an eye. I have met, befriended, fought, loved, hated, and lost more ponies than I could recount to you in a hundred years. I have seen the greatest feats of bravery, and the most pathetic acts of cowardice. I, perhaps more than any being that has ever lived, can truly say that I have seen as much of ponykind as it has to offer.”

With eyes half-lidded from the fatigue of memories, yet buoyed by what she saw, Celestia turned back towards Twilight, who at that moment was fighting beside Pinkie Pie against Rainbow Dash and Applejack in a food fight. Cupcakes, muffins, apple fritters, éclairs, and every other type of baked good filled the air between them.

“And in that time, I can honestly say I have never met a better pony than Twilight Sparkle.” As Pinkie Pie somehow managed to devour an entire two-layer cake hurled at her by Applejack, Celestia looked at Rarity.

“To answer your question, Rarity, I shall be whatever Twilight wants me to be. Whether that is a friend, a lover, or even nothing at all, I will honor her wishes. She deserves nothing less.”

Rarity smiled and held a hoof over her chest. “My, that is quite possibly the most beautiful confession I have ever heard. Although,” she began, quickly cutting her eyes back towards Twilight’s table. Celestia allowed herself a quick peek, and caught Twilight staring at them both while confections flew past her head. Twilight flushed and waved before a cinnamon roll caught her in the ear and redirected her back to the battle.

With a knowing grin, Rarity continued, “I would certainly never put money on ‘nothing at all.’”

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