• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 7,392 Views, 72 Comments

The Light Of The Moon - FLUTTERxxDASH

What will happen when the Princess of the night reveals what really happened to make her become nightmare moon and how will it affect a certain lavender mare?

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Secrets that lay on the dark side of the moon

In the bedroom of the Princess of the Night

"Cele, it has been many years since she awoke from her slumber but im scared, what if she isn't ready for the truth that i have to tell her?"

A tall white alicorn put her wing around the navy blue alicorn to give comfort, "Sister, since the day sho woke up I have personally looked over her growth and I can say that she is mature enough i am sure of this, surely it will take time for her to adjust to the truth but im sure she will accept it," looking down to the light blue mane that clung to her chest like a lost filly, she put both her arms around her sister.

At the sudden embrace the smaller alicorn looked up at her elder sister, "I hope you are right sister because when she arrives I have no turning back, Imust tell her the truth and when I have finished I will not be able to stop her if she leaves i will have no right for the sins that i have commited".

Releasing her grip slightly, "Luna, I am sure that it will be hard but it is for the best that you tell her the truth now than have her more hurt later, it was never your fault for becoming nightmare moon and it was my choice to have her grow as a 'normal' unicorn amonst some of my dear friends so in the next few hours get some rest and then I shall send for her to come to the castle," releasing Luna and moving of the bed she moves to the door her horn aglow in a golden aura that is also on the handle, "I shall also see to it that day court be held tommorow so that I am there to help you explain to her the truth, so do not fret sister, I shall see you later in the day, goodnight Luna".

Laying her head down with a sigh escaping her lips, "yes, goodnight Cele," closing her eyes as the Princess of the sun leaves the room she uses her magic to close the curtains to block the sunlight from entering her room.

Later that day in ponyville

A sweet aroma drifts through the air as delectable sweets could be seen through a glass counter, a pink mane bounced back and forth picking up the different appetizers as she did to make a leaning tower of cake that swung to and fro nearly falling but just before she would change direction, "surely darling, you dont think we can all finish that stack of *urp* calories," a purple saphire maned mare with marble white fur spoke with a regal tone over to the bouncing piece of candy floss.

Sticking her head above the counter still balancing the plate of delight on her mane, "no silly, this is my pile im getting you guys your next, okey dokie maybe some of these next," sticking her head back down.

"y'know sugar it aint really healthy to be avin that many cakes now is it?" walking over to were the rest of her friends sat an orange mare strode the the bright pink wooden door into the shop, "you be gettin lots of cavities with that much cake, just last week I had to take Applebloom to get one of her teeth removed due to having a cavity".

"Oh, applejack dont worry so much, I mean its Pinkie, you have more of a chance of the egghead here getting bored of books than her getting a cavity," a cyan mare with a rainbow mane stated with arms crossed.

"Well I guess shes right, Rainbow Dash does have a point it is Pinkie but that remark of me being an egghead is getting old so stop calling me that,"

Turning to her left Rainbow giggles slighty at the reaction she got from her friend, "hehe, sorry twi but you do like your books though"

Giving Rainbow a nudge in the arm, "Whatever, I'l get you back someday for these remarks Rainbow," turning to where her little brother sat next to Rarity," Spike I'l say this once dont eat too many cakes and you have to behave when your at Raritys alright.

A small baby dragon that had green spikes and purple scales moaned, "Im not some little child Twilight I can look after myself and I wouldn't trouble rarity even if you asked me too," huffing and his cheeks becoming chubby.

"Aww, spikey wikey you're just too cute," putting a babyish tone on Rarity grabs Spikes cheeks and rubs them earning a blush from spike.

Twilight puts a hoof up to her mouth and coughs fakely to get their attension again before starting again, "well you are still young and I know I should only be gone for tonight but its the first time in many years since I have been summoned by myself to canterlot so I don't know whats happened but never the less I'l see you guys tommorow coz I really gotta go my train will arrive any minute now," getting out of the seat she uses her magic to levitate saddle bags with a star colored purple on it up and onto her back. "well guys I will see you later".

"b..be carful twilight, I will look after Owliscious for you til you get back," a mare who was quiet all this time spoke before Twilight got out the door.

"Thanks Fluttershy, see ya guys later," closing the door behind her she sets on her way to the train station, Still I really dont know what this lesson could be if its that important for me to be rushed to canterlot castle all of a sudden, Oh well guess I'l soon find out.

At Canterlot Castle

A guard at the front gates walked up to Twilight placing a hoof at his head, "her majesty, Princess Celestia has asked me to escort you to her quarter, she and Princess Luna are waiting so I must ask we make haste," placing his arm back down and turning around the guard makes a pace of walking that is fast but not to taxing to the guest of the Princess.

Princess Luna is waiting too, but why I mean, arn't I not getting a lesson, with the thought of being in a room with both Princess' Twilight has a feeling that something isn't right and that what would come next wasn't a lesson but something else, she was right what was coming was something no one would have ever expected.

Two white doors with a sun emblem was at the end of the corridor and had two more guards at either side holding spears, "Your Majesty, Miss Twilight Sparkle has arrived," the doors swung open to reveal both Princess Celestia and Luna stood waiting in the middle of the room.

Twilight aproached the princess' after a few seconds and bowed waiting to be let up by her teacher.
"rise my dear Twilight we have much to discuss over the next few hours," placing one hoof on her shoulder and one pointed at a cushion.

Twilight rose up and began to walk over, "erm Princess', thats different, could I ask why I was summoned because this is the first time I have been asked to come alone in many years and to have both of you here is a little more than intimidating, it worries me," taking a seat on one of the yellow cushions she watches as the two alicorns sit down on their own seats.

"Guards you may leave us now everything is okay," gesturing with a hoof Celestia sends them away leaving only the three of them in the room, "finally," after saying that both her and Lunas hair stop flowing in the non existant wind turning their natural color of bright pink and Lunas light blue, "now Twilight I know that this all seems a bit, well, scary to you but what we tell you now you have to promise to listen to Luna and then make your discision only then," with a sigh Celestia get more comfortable on the seat.

"My descision, to what?" Twilight was sat on the seat upright on the seat with a look of confusion on her face.

It was Luna who was the first to begin, "Now Twilight, how many years have you know my sister Celestia now would you say"

"Well since my parents were told it would be a good idea to enrol me in the gifted unicorn school it was since then so about fourteen years now since I was eight at the time"

Moving her hooves around and fidgiting Luna carried on, "were you ever told who suggested that you enrol, if not I can tell you now it was my sister Celestia herself that did that," looking at celestia.

Twilights confused face turned to shock with a mouth agape, "now Twilight, I was the one who asked that you be enrolled and it was all for good reason, you were told when you was old enough to understand that you were adopted into the sparkles just like your elder brother when you were seven correct"

"yes I was told that when I was a filly my mother had died in an accident," I dont like where this is headed.
With a look of sadness Celestia sighed slightly.

"I'm affraid that was just a story that myself and velvet sparkle had made to keep the nobles of canterlot from delving too much to were you came from when I made you my protoge," looking to see what expression Twilight had made she saw that her students bangs had fell over her eyes, "now Twilight it might seem strange to you why we did that but you will understand soon, we had to do this, your birth mother well, something happened that took a long time to fix and you yourself hadn't have woken up from your slumber till twenty two years ago"

Many thought ran through Twilights head at what was being explained to her but when the word slumber came out, it felt like being hit by a train, "w..w.what do you mean....slumber?"

A pained expression came accross Lunas face that Twilight noticed, "Twilight, I..I.."

"Its alright sister I can tell her if you want, it shouldn't have to weigh on your shoulders after so many nights of sorrow," eyes with tears Celestia tried to start telling Twilight the truth but was stopped by Luna.

"No Cele, it is my duty to her that I tell her what happened," Twilight turned to the moon goddess as the navy mare had a look that she was going to break down there and then, "now about the s.s..slumber, Twilight it wont be easy but I will tell you what really happened a thousand years ago, it was to be the greatest thing that happended to equestria since many thousands of years it was the birth of an heir to the throne, a beautiful little filly but there was something wrong after she was born, she would not move or awake from her sleep, it slowly rotted at the mother thinking that it was her fault making a darkness haunt their country," Luna had to stop due to not being able to breathe from the crying.

Twilight saw how distressed both her princess' were but didn't know why, "B..b.but what does that have to do with me?"

Breathing in and out slowly Luna looks back a Twilight, "the reason why we said the word slumber my dear Twilight was that you litterally slept near a thousand years, Twilight I..I.I'm you're birth mother, when you wouldn't wake up I went crazy, the guilt I had for not being able to wake you was too much to bare and I ended up doing something foolish, I turned to the darkside of the moon and gave way to the nightmares, if it wasn't for Celestia the equestria you know now probably wouldn't be here".

"Y..Y......your my mom?" Twilights eyes started to glaze over as she felt the world around her twist.

Quickly rushing over Luna caught her daughter mere milimeters from the ground, "she, she fainted, I knew this was too soon I knew that if we told her now it would be too much sister!"

Looking at Luna from accross Twilight where she tried to get to her to catch her student, "she may have fainted but atleast now she can rest and in the morning when she has mulled through her thaughts she can make her descision as to either, ascend and become a princess to the royal family or carry on her fake mortal life in ponyville like this hasnt happened until she has to leave them, everything will be seen to tommorow"

"Still my sister, I am scared as to what she wil say," Luna picks her daughter up in a blue mist and moves her onto the bed, "Truely I am scared, what will my little star say tommorow?"

Author's Note:

now i think it will need a bit of a re work but still if any one likes the initial idea feel free to make your own twist of the story and give us a post of it.

This will be the second story I have started, the idea came to me after reading lots and lots of celestia/twilight mother fics so i just really wanted to try doing one.
if you find any problems with the story or anything with the grammer dont worry about hurting my feeling just slash into me because its the only way we get better at making stories.
I will try to read all comments and reply to most, i accept both good and bad comments and i dont mind if someone has a different opinion than me, it is there right to have their own say for the story.
I also got told on my first story that my OC was too perfect and was a mary sue of sorts so if anyone can tell that with my Luna or Twilight or any other characters tell me and i will try to fix it.
All the love, SERA.