• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 7,381 Views, 72 Comments

The Light Of The Moon - FLUTTERxxDASH

What will happen when the Princess of the night reveals what really happened to make her become nightmare moon and how will it affect a certain lavender mare?

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Wind hurls past the golden carriage as it pass' through a tunnel, the sounds of friends talking inside, "Ah wonder what woulda happen to twilight for us to be needed at the castle, this all feels a bit rushed don't you think girls?" Applejack had herself lent against a window seat.

Saphire eyes turn to the cowpony, "well I'm sure it wont be much, I mean she it at canterlot with the Princess, I'm sure she is just caught up with spending some time there is all plus it means we can go to the castle to visit her highness herself so I'm not one to complain," Rarity had placed her hooves together squelling like a little filly at the thought of the castle and the guards, espescially that one with the maroon eyes she had encountered the last time she went there, "maybe if I am lucky I shall be fortunate enough to meet him again"

"Y'know sugarcube I do agree but I'm still worried"

A young drake hopped off his seat and moved to the left of the train the group was on, "were here guys, well we'll see what really happened soon so I don't think you will have to be worried for too long Applejack but if one thing its that I'm hungry and I hope were gunna eat with Twilight when we get to the castle," Spikes stumoche let out grumbles as the rest of the group let off giggles.

Arriving at the castle gates

A guard had came to meet the group as they arrived, after checking their letter from her highness Princess Celestia he issued an order to the guard behind him, "well steel solid, I want you to take these fine mares to dining hall C with haste we don't want our three highness' waiting now do we," a guard moved out of line and 'stumbled' his way to them, not the usually buff sort of guard you would see but not smaller than a mare, "he is new to the royal guard and needs training but he knows the castle well, I am very sorry I cannot lead you there myself but I have been given a note by the Princess that there was an accident? explosion at the eastern garden earlier today and I am to be the one leading the clean up so if I may ladies I would bid you G'day," the guard bowwed slightly before trotting off.

Rainbow dash flew down next to the rest of the group, "was I the only one who heard the number three in that sentance?"

"erm H..he might have just made a mistake when speaking I mean there is only two rulers and one of them isn't normally awake in the day so it can't be right, erm....... sorry," fluttershy suddenly quivered away under her mane as all the ponies around her looked in her direction, "I didn't mean to say the obvious"

A white hoof laid atop her wing, "well it must have been just that right now I think we should go see whats really happened to Twilight, shall we Fluttershy?" with the nod of their friend the group turned to the guard making him go stiff and rigid like a robot with a hoof shaking above his head in a salute.

"Y'know sitting there all this time with a hoof to your head must be tiring sugar, you can put it down you know," walking closer with the rest behind her Applejack gestures for the Guard to follow, "we already know the way to the place so you don't have to woryy about that but its easy to see your a tad bit jittery"

"Sorry its just I've been at the palace grounds just over a week now and you are the first non guard ponies I have been put in charge of.... I mean been asked to help, I thought I was just going to be a guard for a door or something easy but when I got here for traing I was sent to another barracks and was told I'd be trained under the captain," stuttering here and there the pony clearly wasn't comfortable.

"So your good at your job and your going to be a future captain, well arn't you just a catch?"

"Rarity!?" Appledash looked back at Rarity with a glare, rainbow and......fluttershy? were giggling behind her, "I'm sorry about her she'za, well, just ignore it." with a cough, "so sport were nearly there I'd suggest you get ready to say we have arrived, right?"

"AH!, I nearly forgot," rushing to the front, Steels dark black coat had a shade of pink under his helmet while he passed applejack, "Erm, ah, right, Princess Twilights Sparkles friends have arrived"

The group behind him stopped suddenly and in a chorus of confusion, "WHAT!!!!!," Raity fainted, so did spike whilst the rest of the group stood looking through two large doors at there friends latest 'change'.

"hehe, hi girls"

Thrity minutes of grueling explanations later

"So let me get this straight you," pointing a hoof at twilight, "and Princess Luna are mother and daughter and you are actually about a thousand and twelve years old?" a baffling look strook Raritys face while the rest stood there waiting in silance at this revalation.

"erm, yes"

"wow egghead you got tall"


"sorry, sorry, its just Y'know look at you, your tall," if it wasn't for the face that rainbow was making Twilight would have probably retaliated for the 'egghead' comment.

With a sigh Twilight looked down at her friends faces all with their own set of confusion, "trust me I know its weird, I mean I woke up to this just today after yesterdays, Oh you're a princess all of a sudden, to say I'm annoyed is a fucking understatement but what can I do?"

"TWILIGHT! darling that is not like you," Raritys harsh tone only came out when she knew something wasn't the correct way to act.

"Sorry its just apparently its not just my form thats changed but my mind aswell, I was told that not only do you grow and change and my magic itself grow stronger but along with all that my emotions would change too, so if I feel anything its heightened by my being an alicorn what I'm still getting use to," Twilights face showed sadness, not even trying to hide it she began to cry making dark patches on either side of her face, "I'm sorry girls if my change is too much for you I wont hold it against you if you want to leave"

"HEY IDIOT!!! no matter what changes as long as you're you then it doesn't matter to us if you're ten hoof tall or a shit monster for all we care!"

"erm what I think dashie is trying to say, erm is that we all care for you Twilight and that this doesn't change that," fluttershy walked over to the hunched over alicorn and placer her hoof over hers, "really it did shock us at first but we would never leave you Twilight," a voice so tender and caring.

Twilight looked up at her friends, no more faces of confusion, just faces of joy that beamed at her, wiping her tears, "okay but just know I don't want anyone changing moods on me after knowing who my biological parent is, it doesn't change the fact that I was brought up as a sparkle and don't want any such thing as bowing or anything, got it," with a stern look she asked the group.

The cyan mare flew over next to Twilight and huffed "you do know I wouldn't bow even if you asked, egghead, hehe, maybe if you were a faster flyer than me then I would but maybe that'l happen in another thousand years hahahaha!"

Shaking her head with a smile she knew that everyone was okay with this but one face still stood out with his little eyes gleaming up at her, "B...b but Twilight does this mean we have to move again?" before Twilight got the chance to answer the question the door the group came through opened to reveal both of the Royal sisters.

"thou does not have to worry, my little star can choose to have her residence in ponyville if she so wish's but if she wants to she may move back here before creating her own kingdom such as Cadence has her Crystal empire," taking seat at the table the group sat, "non-the-less I would be happy if I was to have a few years to learn how my little filly has fared these years and meet her mortal family, I must thank Velvet Sparkle for raising Twilight to be as brilliant as she is now"

Once again the room had a unison of looks, first to speak this time was Applejack, "erm Princess I am sorry to ask you to repeat that again but did'ya say her 'own' kingdom or am I starting to go senile like my grammy?"

"yes child her own kingdom, sorry if I stuttered or said something wrong I due...... I am sorry I am still learning to speak 'modern'", A maid pushed a cart around the table with numerous bevourages as Luna grabbed a cup in her magic taking a sip, "it is Twilights choice where she inhabits but I have said my opinion of ponyville and what would no doubt happen if she stayed there, nevertheless it is her choice"

"thats so AWSOME!!, well Twi what you gunna be doing then?" Rainbows outburst snapped the rest out of their trances, "are you gunna stay with us in ponyville or what?"

"I really don't know but Lun.....mom explained to me what would happen if I were to stay in ponyville, I don't want to and I know Spike won't want to aswell but I think it best if we moved back here," looking down to the young drake who had just grabbed her leg.

"but Twilight we've lived in ponyvill for so long now and...... and all of our friends are there can't we just stay there with everyone?" if the look in Spikes eyes didn't hurt her so much the rest of her friends did the job.

"Spike I really wish we could stay in ponyville but we can't, if we stayed people would come to see me even if I refuse the crown, there will also be people who are against me being related to a celestial being and try to hurt me and my friends, no one in ponyville will have their own peace anymore and that will be because I live there, so please understand Spike, I don't want to move but for the best of everypony I must, if you want you can stay and take over the library but I will miss you," tears once again stream the side of Twilights face again as her voice begins to tremble, "even though I'l miss you if you want to it is your choice I can't just pull you away from there"

"noooo! I don't want to leave you or them I want to stay together," the grip on Twilights leg kept getting tighter the dragon clung to her, "Twilight I would never leave you, you're like a...m.....m..mom to me," Twilight felt water on her leg where Spike had berried his face to.

"Sometimes it hurts to accpet the truth sugar, I think you made the right choice darl'n but I still don't like it M'sel," everyone but the two other alicorns were crying, even Rainbow with her pride couldn't stop them anymore, "still if its you're choice I'l help whatever way possible"

Luna walked over to the right side of Twilight, "I am sorry my little star, I never wanted this but it had to happen someday and it is better now rather than later where the reprecushion would be much worse," with one look at Twilights face Luna's heart had sank, "I..I.I really wanted to do this differently but my child we can't change the fabrics of destiny"

"For many years I was told my destiny was to gain friends and use the elements to help equestria but it seems I was lied to for many years and.............. sorry I..... I can't do this at the moment," Twilight span around moving away from the group but placed Spike on her back, running for where her 'mothers' bed chambers are.

The group of mare started the chase, "TWILIGHT!" but were stopped by Celestia by her shaking her head.

"I'm sorry we put you through this but it be best she left alone with Spike for now and let her calm down, her emotions are out of control, for now I suggest we all take our time to rest, my sister Luna and I must make a few arrangments for this afternoon but we shouldn't take long," the look on Celestias face was calming but even she could not have a mask what didn't crack every now and then as a small tear ran her cheek in thought of her student, Twilight please this was for you're own good that it happen now so please do not forsake you're mother for my actions.

Hours pass as the group rested and waited for Twilight

Twilight lay upon the bed curled around the baby dragon, stains under her eyes but a smile lay on her mouth at having Spike near her, "you know thats the first time you said something like that, I never knew how much words can strike you until I heard that one word"

The purple scales moved as two emerald eyes sprung open, "wha..what do you mean, Twi?"

Opening her eyes to meet Spikes she hugs the baby ever so tighty in her arms, "you know exalctly what I mean, will you please say it again for me, please"

Spike blushed and placed his head closer to Twilight, he could here her heartbeat *thump...thump...thump*, his own raced as he pushed the words out, "erm..........I always wanted to say it but............. it never felt right to, still I have always thought of you as my.......................... mom, ever since I was hatched you were there to my every waking hour, even though it might have been through Celestia's help it was you that raised me Twilight and you always felt like what a mother would be, I...I just wanted to be your son," the last part was quiet but just loud enough for Twilights ears to hear.

Twilights faced became a light shade of pink and her face had a pinkie sized smile sprung accross it, "now I know what it would be like for Princess Lun........... mother to be told her foal wouldn't wake"

"what do you mean Twilight"

"well since I slept all that time my mother never got to see me and interact with me, Spike I felt pain when I said you could stay in ponyville, not physical but I had a pain in my chest that no wound could compare, I probably wouldn't be able to stay myself if you weren't there with me spike, so I just wanted to say with all my heart I love you my 'son'"

Author's Note:

now this chapter I tried to get the speech to work but it still feels a bit 'spat out' to me so if anyone feels like they could go through and nit pick at the chapter give me a PM and we can talk about editing it because I think it could have been better, nevertheless onto chapter four.
As always if you see something you don't like don't be afraid to slap a comment down and tell me whats wrong and if your worried about hurting my feelings don't worry you wont I don't stop people from having their own opinions.
I will see you this fine night, SERA.