• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 7,395 Views, 72 Comments

The Light Of The Moon - FLUTTERxxDASH

What will happen when the Princess of the night reveals what really happened to make her become nightmare moon and how will it affect a certain lavender mare?

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Rats in the shadows

Rats in the shadows

Midnights came through the doors to Twilights room, "Twilight, everything is as you have asked, we have found the culprit but haven't initiated capture, by your order we shall apprehend them," Said with a salute.

Both Twilight and Spike turn to him as she leans back in her chair, "that was fast, well done...... captain, now lets have some fun with this, I want a decoy, have her go to the gardens with you and talk about a meeting that will happen here at ten thirty, of course this is completely fake, with the runes we should be able to freeze them in face, take pictures and have our little bit of fun with them, yes?"

"At your order then, your majesty"

"Haha, do it," Twilight turned back to her studies.

In Midnight Flash's Office

The leaders of the Sunset guard were having a meeting in the captains quarters about what Twilight had planned, fairly large room, a desk with its chair that faced three brown leather chairs, Midnight addressed the group, "With this plan set in motion we shall capture those who threaten our princess, this is our first task that was given we can't fail," he then turned to Crystal, "We need two decoys, one of Princess Twilight and one of myself, Twilight has asked that the decoys converse about a private meeting tonight in her study quarters involving just the five of us, knowing how they move they will have someone go in for information but knowing that noble he will do it himself"

"Our real problem lies with the nobles assistant, although he may be a sniveling worm he is quite adept with magica traps and wards, this is where we will need your ground troops Iron and several of your elite mages Crystal, Find him and replace him with another decoy so that our rat doesn't suspect a thing, after which I want your guards Iron to be stationed at the east and west alligned corridors to the room in waiting for the noble, that
is when we will use Crystals runes to lock the bastard in place for the Princess to see"

"What about me, sir?" Stealth asked.

"I want you on look out for any help that bigot would ask to help him, keep a distance and if any do show, silence them with non lethal force, were looking to catch a peeping tom, not kill off enemies"

"got it," He saluted and then the rest followed suit.

Midnight saluted back, "Dismissed"

Near Twilights Quarters

A shadow loomed closer to Twilights room, voices escaped from there telling it that he was right, his assistant said that Princess Twilight was going to have an important meeting and he quickly took the bait, "Just wait Twilight Sparkle, I will get you where I want you, you will be mine"

Inside the room, all acted through a studied script knowing that the shadow came closer, Stealth was talking to then through magic telepathy that Twilight was channeling, "Princess, he has nearly arrived at the spot, it wont be long and we will have him," Twilight mentally nodded as she carried on her charade.

As soon as a boon of magical light radiated from the corridor, a horde of ponies sprang into action as numerous spears and swords were placed upon the offenders neck as Twilight came out from her room dropping the disguise to be Crystal, Twilight then walked dow from the west corridor with midnight as fear rattled in the blue orbs of the intruder, "SO....... Blueblood, what is it that you seek in my bedroom that is so important that you had to come to see it yourself," as they drew closer Midnight also unsheathed his blade and placed it under Bluebloods chin.

"Its alright, everypony step back, I want to see him so that I may belittle him more, I was expecting this of you, you never liked me much had you, since I was little you would pick on me but this Blueblood I didn't think possible, moving on my privacy in my quarters and spying upon me and my guard, that was a bad move upon your part," Twilight sighed as she moved closer, "For this I will make one threat," Twilights horn glowed as a puff of smoke covered Bluebloods clothes and a camera appeared in Twilights magical grasp, "This should teach you a lesson not to mess with me"

Blueblood if he wasn't already paralyzed from movement most surely would be now, his white tuxedo was gone, now what had been there was a frilly black tutu, white tights and a frilly cap with a duster, a french maid outfit now adorned Blueblood, "You wouldn't, you would dare I will tell aunt Cellestia upon you"

"Apparently I am her niece, so we both share the same aunt, If you tell I will too, now so that you don't do this again," *Click*, "This should stop you for a while, if you try this again I will release these to the press, 'Prince is really Princess who dreams of frilly stockings', sound good to you?"

"Thats just evil"

"No, its tactfully getting rid of a rat, and I am really sick of the smell of the rat that has been following me lately so I got rid of it, Midnight," Midnight stood at attention, "see to it that he is removed from this section of the castle and then report back immediately, everypony else thank you for the demonstration, that is all, Crystal, Iron and Stealth, I want to see you back here at noon tomorrow, don't be late"

Ten Minutes Later

Midnight moved quickly back to Twilights room to report on getting rid of the nuisance, when he arrived Twilight was removing her regalia one by one and placing them on her desk, "Your Majesty, I have removed Blueblood from the quarter, what would you have me do now?"

Twilight took off the last piece of her jewelry and then took a seat next to her dresser, "what did I say yesterday, no robot around me, you aren't my slaves and you aren't on trial so loosen up will you, tonight I have to attend one of moms outdoor parties where some ponies and gryphons must be greeted, there will also be some night pegasi who run behind the scene things for my mother, what really chives me though is I cant attend without a partner and I as said, you will have to attend it as my partner for now, I'm sorry to trouble you," Twilight apologized.

"Its perfectly fine with me Princess," Twilight glared at him, "I mean, Twilight, I don't really have nothing to do, and I moved here from manehattan so I wouldn't be heading home, I would most likely just go back to my bunker and began my nightly training regiment," Much to Twilights pleasure Midnight sounded more calm rather than his cold robotic voice he usually put up, "Plus, I would feel better if I stayed closer to you when at these events, you don't know what or who could be planning there"

"Thank you Midnight, it helps me greatly for you to agree but I think that no pony or otherwise would dare to try something unless it was Discord but he is reformed and happily living with Fluttershy in their odd but cute homely way, I want you to go and get dressed into the proper attire as this isn't a formal but it is classy, I can't have a partner who is clunking and clanging everywhere he goes can I?" She stated with an eyebrow raised, "Be back here at seven thirty, that gives you two hours, quite a lot of time, plus I need to go meet my new Seneschal, I will meet you back here then, don't be late"

"Yes, Princess Twilight," He bowed and then retreated out of the room.

"Well then, off to meet the one who will be helping me as my assistant and head maid, cant keep Celestia waiting then," Twilight packed some things into a case and then had them put into her mane, her mane had slowly began to look more and more ephemeral and began to change to look like Luna's and Celestias, this meaning that it became like a pocket of reality, strangely enough barely anypony knew what the hair really was, it was like a zip for anything you need but made no weight, if you threw a sofa into the mane it would disapear but then all of a sudden at another place you could pull it back out as if it wasn't touched. Twilight moving to the door, "Oh! nearly forgot that, she sprang back to the dresser and moved a tiara back to her head, "Okay all set"

Celestias Dining hall

Princess Celestia sat at the dining table waiting for Twilight to arrive, Her Senechal was sat to her left with a very angry face, the reason for this face was that her daughter had not arrived at the time they asked. This daughter was the soon to be Senechal of Princess Twilina Bella Sparkle the first, so to say its the biggest event of her daughters life was an understatement and if she so much as annoyed the new princess she was likely to be fired before even getting the job.

Celestia placed her cup down and began reading through the Canterlot times like she usually would when she got some time to herself, she knew things would eventually fall in to place when it came to her student so she wasn't really that bothered how the morning went so far. Mrs Quill stood up again for the fourth time this past thirty minutes and began to trot up and down once again, "THAT! damn that child, she is probably muzzle deep in her games, forgetting this and then falling asleep, dammit!!"

Celestia turned to her, picking her cup up and taking a sip, "you know, even if Twilight gets here and your daughter hasn't, Twilight won't forsake Serra," Celestia stated, putting the cup down, "best thing to do is just take a seat and wait fo-" Suddenly the door's broke open as a white coated unicorn flopped through them breathing raggedly, A black and red mane popped up and the hem line of the table as a hoof swung and clattered onto it.

Then the other hoof did the same as the mare dragged her muzzle onto the table, between breathes she squeaked out, "Am I late?"

Mrs' Quills glass' slid down her muzzle as one bit of her mane sprung out of the tight bun it was held in, "Late, no your not late, YOUR GODDAMN FRIGGIN EXTRE-"

"Quill! please calm down, at least Serra got here before Twilight did," that was when another Alicorn strode into the room, "by a hairs breathe no less"

Twilight looked around at the surrounding and found her eyes lay upon a unicorn lying on the floor panting, a small grin and a blush was on the mares face, "Well? Whats happnin' everypony"

Celestia rose from her seat and moved over to hug Twilight, "Nothing at all Twilight, this is Serra," she pointed a hoof at the mare who no was stumbling to her hooves brushing off, "she will be your new Senechal, she is the daughter of Mrs Quill here," Mrs Quill stood next to Serra with a smile, but Twilight noticed her eyebrow twitch very now and again.

Twilight moved forward and grabbed Serra's hoof, shaking it, "It is very nice to meet you, just a quick tip, you don't have to rush if your running slightly late for me, I saw you bolt straight past me five minutes ago in a rush"

Serra blushed as she was putting her hoof back down, "I am sorry Twilight"

Mrs Quill wacked her on the head, "Princess Twilight young lady, say it correctly"

Twilight spoke up before Serra could though, "Nope, she got it right the first time," Serra smiled and Mrs Quill looked like an arrow had just smashed through her, "I don't want to be rude but I really need to research something before tonight garden party and I only have around an hour to do so, to make things easier will you come with me, Serra?"

Serra nodded as she picked her board back up from the floor in her red magic, "You got it, so I am guessing its to the library?"

"Yes, I am sorry to drag you into a menial task just before meeting but it is a matter of state, I need to learn about the ambassadors as soon as possible so that I won't get shoved into a corner tonight. With that in mind," Twilight turned and began to bow at Princess Celestia.

Celestia stopped her mid bow, "you are a Princess and my niece my dear, no more bowing in front of me, I will see you at the party tonight. Oh and Serra, make sure she doesn't stay there too long, she will forget about the party if she begins studying," With a nod from Serra, Twilight turned around and headed for the Canterlot archives.

Midnights bunker

Midnight lived in one of the many magical crafted bunkers that Princess Twilight had created, he lived in here with three other stallions as it was four to a bunker. When he arrived back he found a box with a tag saying Garden party attire, as he was told he groomed himself and got ready for the party, though it wasn't easy because of where he lived.

The suit he had was an overcoat that was black, golden buckles held it all together and a white clothe dangled from his right coat pocket, Midnight was also permitted to wear his sword at all times and placed its sheath around his stomach in case anything happened.

It was nearing the time to meet the Princess so he hurriedly collected the last few bits for the outfit and moved to leave the bunker, before he could leave though he heard a whistle coming from his right, as he turned he saw two of his three bunk mates. "Fancy threads there Cap', going on a date are we?"

"Afraid not, work"

Both stallions laughed which made Midnight confused, "What?"

"Oh nothin' Cap', just a joke, guessing the Princess has reigned you in to do her bidding, no worries we will leave it to yah'"

Midnight just shrugged it off as one of his bunk mates ever growing weirdness encounters yet again, He then made his way back to the castle, back to Twilights room.

In the Library

Twilight and Serra ad made there way to the Archives in a short amount of time, Twilight had gotten there and immediately started making a tower of books on all the conglomerates and Ambassadors of other nations that she was most likely to see tonight, lucky for her Serra was trained in such detail and threw the ones that would be unrelated to the subject of the garden party back on the shelves. After Twilight had munched through two thirds of the books she began to grow tired of reading, it actually confused her as she never got tired of reading, deciding it was just a one off she turned to Serra who had earplugs in and a handheld devise in her hoofs.

"Whats that, some new doohicky that somepony created," Intrigued by what the contraption was, Twilight made her way to behind Serra, who never actually had heard or seen Twilight move, "Hey, hey, can you here me?" Twilight placed a hoof on Serra's shoulder, Serra then let out a wailing scream and jumped dropping the devise to the floor with a clatter.

Serra regained her posture as her breathing and heart rate went back to normal, "Don't do that, especially when I am playing "Day P' TM", Sorry what is it that you wanted Princess?"

Twilight blushed slightly at startling Serra, "Well, I was just wondering what the devise was, or should I say were, sorry about that," the devise was laid on the floor with a broken screen, "just give me a minute and I will repair it"

"No need, I got loads back home, its a handheld gaming devise, Mom doesn't really like me playing on them but its half my personality so Meh!" Serra said, earning a giggle from the Princess.

Twilight sat at a bench that was next to her friend and sighed, "You have a brilliant sense of humor but I am afraid we have ran out of time, I will not make you attend tonight's party but from now on after this party I would like for you to join me," Twilight said as she placed her head on the desk, blowing her fringe from her face, "But I guess I can't shy away from this one either, the only parties so far have been formals and I know how to do a formal but having to talk naturally to somepony so important is rather intimidating"

"That's called, calling the kettle black, you're a Princess, if it could get any harder to talk to you, you would be a Queen. I have seen you before you know, I know you can do it Twilight, I some times went to the garden parties with Mother and saw you talking with the grown up like it was a natural occurrence so I am sure you can do it," Serra encouraged.

Twilight got up from the seat and stared down at Serra with a smile, "I really hope so, Any ways my time is up and I must be going, I might even be a little late"

Serra giggled, "I am sure a party can wait for their Princess, Don't you?" she questioned.

"I guess that is true, well it was nice to meet you Serra, I will see you early tomorrow at ten," Elliciting a groan from the mare she shouted 'Don't remind me' as Twilight walked out of the Library.

Twilights bedroom

Midnight slowly walked down the hallway to Twilights room, it was around fifteen minutes until the meeting time so he had ample time to lightly stroll to the room. On the way he passed a few maids who stole glances at him every now and then, Stallions bowed to him in respect of his rank and he nodded back. The room was coming up and he saw the door swing open as a maid scurried out and ran past him with a look of worry, that was when he ran up to the now closed door. He placed an ear on the door and heard clattering and banging of small items, he raised a hoof and lightly rapped his hoof on the door, "Princess? are you okay in there, whats happening, are you hurt?"

Suddenly the banging stopped and the door swang inwards making him clatter to the floor, Purple magic rose him back on to his hooves as he saw Twilight, his mouth went agape.

"Slight problem, aparently I didn't stop growing, a little influx of my magic made me grow a little taller and now my dress doesn't fit me, I am getting some alterations done now, would you wait a minute"

Midnight might as well have been saying it, in his head the word 'homuna' was being repeated as he couldn't think straight, after a minute or so he shook his head and walked back to the doors to stand watch, every so often he would hear a scream or a giggle, something would smash, and finally thirty minutes later the door's opened letting Twilight through with her dress.

A long Lavender gown, black and red rose's adorned her hips and had a magical boon that made them shine. A rose choker was also attached to her neck and her mane was curled up with pearl pin's, Midnight once again stood with a mouth agape, this time for a different reason.

Garden Party

The garden party had started at six, many would come early so that they were not late for the Princess' arrival, Celestia was already there with a glass of wine already in her magic, also eyeing the cake that was on the table. Luna had also come early and started talking to the griffin's about their relations with the nations, after which she proceeded to telling her sister to slow down with the wine. Everything was going brilliantly, now there was just one last guest to arrive.

A horn was blown by the trumpeter as another Pony with a pink and purple stripy suit bellowed, "Hear Yee' Hear Yee', Her Majesty, Princess Twilina and her partner for tonight Master Midnight come to the party," Lights shone at the top of the stairs as they walked out, murmurs and gasp's from the crowd came as they slowly made their way down the steps.

Celestia made her way over to Luna who was stood smiling and watching Twilight coming down the stairs, "Y'know little sis, she looks like she has grown a bit again, she could be taller than you," this earned a playful shove from Luna.

Luna turned to Celestia, "Thank you sister, really I mean it, you trained her well and I have no words of gratitude that could really say how I feel, now let us go see her up close and see if she even dwarfs you big sister," they both walked over as the crowd parted, Luna walked up to Twilight and rapped a hoof around her in a hug, then whispered in her ear, "you look beautiful tonight Twilight, you have made me so proud.

Twilight released the embrace with reluctance, steadying her hooves she spoke with a regal tone, "It is so nice to be here Mother, Aunt Celestia hello again," Celestia nodded and smiled.

After this the time began to fly by, it was easier than Twilight thought it would be, Zebrican nation, the griffins, buffalo, Minotaur's and the Crystal empire delegates, were all in attendance. Spike was also at the party but he was more in to the Blue crystal muffins that was laid out for him, A pony early on in the night was curious how it tasted and nearly choked, luckily the guards came and made him cough the gem back up. What surprised Twilight the most was Zecora was there as a delegate from Zebrica.

Twilight made her way over to Zecora through the crowd who nodded and smiled as she did, when she arrived Zecora bowed deeply and then raised up, "It is so nice to see you again Princess but I must digress who is this hunk you carry around whom toddles after your dress," Zecora said in her ryming accent.

"Who, Midnight? He is one of my royal guards," Twilight replied.

Zecora eyed him up and down, "You my friend will have a dark future, when the choice is given, make the correct one," Zecora said ominously, Midnight backed up as his magic gripped his hilt of the sword slightly.

Twilight looked confused, "What was that about, some choice? really Zecora whats gunna happen to Equestria that will make anyponies lives harder?" Twilight asked.

Zecora simply smile and said, "All in due time but alas I must get back, it has been good to see you again Twilight, and to you too goodnight Midnight," she said as she walked away.

Twilight watched as she left, shrugging she started to wlk to the food table where a certain dragon was sprawled out on his back letting out green belches, "Spike! that is revolting, stop that"

"Sorry Mom, just got gas from too many muffins but they were delicious," Spike said.

"Fair enough, I want you inside in the next half hour," Spike went to complain but his mothers stare stopped him, "I don't want you to stay up too late, so I will see you tomorow at breakfast," She lent down and nuzzled Spike, Spike also lent in to the embrace as some of the mares around cooed in the distance at how cute it was.

The rest of the party was quite a blur as Twilight had decided a few Wine glass' needed to be emptied, she tried to get Midnight to have a glass but he was like a brill wall, no taste buds what so ever. Slowly the party died down as it was just Twilight the Two Princess' and some of their separate guards, the three Princess' were sat around a large round table which was their size. Celestia slammed her glass down as her head fell to the table with a thump, "Isht soo niice to finally have allsh the family back, you, yoou," trying to point at Twilight, "look'd brill..... brilli......... awesome tonight, I really love you guys,".

Luna sighed, Face hoof commencing in, three, two, one, touchdown, "Sister I told you to not drink so much, I warned you earlier today, Twilight also we forgot to tell you that Alicorns are more susceptible to alcohol, Damn it!"

Twilight was gripping a 'rouge Brunello Branco 85%' in her hooves on the table, she hiccuped every now and then, "I'm okaysh I am not," HICCUP, "dRunk, Am' FIIINE~"Twilight said as she slurred her words.

"For crying out loud, now I have both a sister who likes to get drunk and a daughter too, both are always in denial of the matter as well, you two, assist my sister back to her quarters, I will assist my daughter," Luna said, then she looked at Midnight as the guards attempted to pry the wine bottle away from Celestia, an audible scream was heard when one of said guards got flung backwards away from Celestia, "Midnight, help me get Twilight back to her room," He nodded in response hoofing one of Twilights big arms over his shoulder.

Luna now realized that her sister was correct, Twilight was bigger than her now and looked even more refined, "It should take too long and then you can call it a night Midnight"

"Yes your majesty"

It took a while for them to get back to Twilight room and they laid her down to rest her weary eyes, Midnight bowed and left as Luna stayed and brushed Twilights mane out of her eye's, she got up to leave but found a hoof held her back, "you're not leaving are you? please stay for awhile," Twilight said as she looked up from her bed, "Please"

Luna decided to lay down with her daughter, she climbed up to the bed where Twilight laid her head on her barrel as she hugged her, "Don't worry Twilight, I will never leave again, I will make sure of that," Twilight smiled as she fell asleep in her mothers embrace.

That is when it began

She was back in the void, the eyes that haunted her nightmares were staring at her, questioning the new Alicorn. When Twilight moved she noticed something, she was the size of a filly, no bigger than the cutie mark crusaders, that's when the eyes moved forward, Silver armor all over her coat, red eyes, sharpened canines. She looked like Twilights fully grown self except with all the other stuff.

The dark image came closer to Twilight as the air began to simmer, "Do not be afraid child, soon you will be in my embrace and will sleep forever, I wish not to harm you," it said with a hollow voice, "It is time, soon I will merge the sun and moon and begin my reign as Queen of the eternal Twilight, when day is night and night is day, that is when we shall come out to play," it said playfully.

Twilight shrunk down as Eclipse smiled a toothy wicked grin, "Why do you want this?"

"Power of course, Mother and Auntie control the last two orbital star's in the galaxy and they hold the most magic, sure we control many stars but now can be moved here, That is why we shall take control of the Sun and the moon and make our kingdom kneel to us"

"I will stop you!!" the little Alicorn filly growled as Eclipse backed up a bit and put a confused face on.

"Really? but isn't this all of your plan? I mean really think about it," The filly did for a second and then realized she was looking at the small stature of a little purple alicorn filly, she looked at her body and saw the chest armor and that she was tall again.

She was now seeing through Eclipses eyes, that. that is when she awoke.

Comments ( 35 )

3961260 yes but its a little mix and match, I will be posting chapters of this every so often so I have put it on hiatus due to the fact my other stories are dominating my time currently.

How are you going to run your own kingdom if you work for Twilight, my little Princess?
And you have seen my wolf form in my profile pic but I wanted to show you my new pic. It is my pony form. In this form I am known as 'Prince Blazing Darkness'.

3961626 Your almighty form is awesome and your new pony form is soooooo cool~ I am trying my best my lord, it is just that I have been very Ill for a few months and it has slowed m progression quite a bit but do not worry, I shalt make haste in the new chapters and have them posted very soon. :pinkiehappy::heart:

3961626 As for working for Twilight, I am training to be an even better Princess by carefully watching her, apparently she is a really good Princess. :raritywink:

3961654 Take your time my Princess. You know how much I like you and I wouldn't want you trying to work while you are sick.
In fact, if you would like me to, I can send a clone of you with the same knowledge and personality to work for Twilina so that you aren't so stressed and overworked.:heart::twilightsmile:

3961682 Iwould very much like that if you could, I would be ever so grateful my lord :heart::fluttershysad::heart:

3961694 Then I shall do so at once! And you don't have to call me by a fancy title. You are my little Princess. You may call me Darkness if you wish.
And even though I am older than you could possibly imagine in pony years, in Cosmosian years(that is the name of my race, of which I am the last.) I am only the equivalent of one of your ponies in their late eighteenth year. In fact, next month I will become the Cosmosian equivalent of a nineteen year old pony. I am just slightly more mature sometimes.

3961747 That is soo cool~ I am going to be twenty in three more moons, I just wish I had more time to enjoy writing for the great darkness but my doctors have told me I need a lot of rest but I snuck on here secretly for a while

3961763 Then rest you should. And you don't have to add 'great' to my name. As I said you are my new princess, and I hope I can say without offending you that you are my friend(at least here). And don't worry about hurrying your stories along. They say that the wait makes the prize that much better. So I don't want you making yourself more ill by trying to work while you are sick. If I can lay completely still for thousand of years until I could transform without destroying Equestria, then I can wait for your stories to update.

3961822 alright then, thank you, darkness :twilightblush::heart:

3961833 Your welcome. Now you rest and get better. I shall talk to you later Princess Serra.:twilightsmile::heart::heart::heart:

3961852 Good night, Darkness, my friend :heart::raritystarry::heart::heart:

3961856 Good night, Serra my friend.:heart::yay::pinkiehappy::heart::heart::heart:

3964176 I am planning to edit the whole story soon so it wont be so, underachieved

So any idea of when the next chapter, will be plz be it soon :fluttershysad:? Dont feel like im rushing you, take your time so it comes out as awesome as the other chapters:rainbowdetermined2:.

4015771 Thanks for the favorite, I am at a crossroads right now since right now I am currently editing and re-posting this story here under a new name http://www.fimfiction.net/story/170100/the-new-moon-truth-behind-nightmare-moon , but I don't know whether to keep both going and see which one is better since they all fall under my multiverse. I think I will keep this one going too so if not this fortnight it shouldn't be too long.

4033739 I am currently switching out this story, it will be revised and re-uploaded soon, here is the link http://www.fimfiction.net/story/170100/the-new-moon-truth-behind-nightmare-moon

thanks for the comment :heart::heart::pinkiehappy:

4362418 well now, it seems someone has found one of my embarressing first stories that is currently under editing. I have been ill this month, just got out of hospital so I will probably be carrying on with the re edits later this month. Its now another story at the moment, its called, "The new moon; The truth behind Nightmare Moon"

4362418 but seriously dude, thank you for reading through all the chapters even with all the obvious flaws this had, thats why I stopped this fic. I will carry on with it soon but it will be in the other story, check that out and tell me what you think. At the moment I have re-edited three chapters, thanks for reading and telling me what you think :twilightsmile:

Well, eclipse certainly threw me through a loop. Though, from her own reaction, she did not expect twilight to retaliate.

when u finshe this being of hitus i can't waite to read the rest of it anyways good work. :twilightsmile:

4388024 It was one of my first stories, its currently under editing with a new name, for now though I am currently ill but shall be editing more soon. the story is called "the new moon", it wont be long before it catches up

4388778 oh yes that is the story that brought me to ur first sory i read the descriptions well the new moon one had an athors noat i read wich suprisignly few do. tho i admit when i get to reading i try to make there voices but it diffcult hehe idk how anypony can imatate the voices so well in the audio books. anyways thnxs for the reply i will probly read ur new moon one hear soon i read ur firststory and if it sticks to it i can see alot of good in it ecspliy this eclips that is menntioned. anyways peace. :twilightsmile:

4390898 no probs, I hope u enjoy it

4390972 i probly will :twilightsmile:

update? and u probably need an editor

more please?!?!

4390972 so is this story dead...or what?

Is this story dead

please update i wish to see how it ends *crys*

I've started a story. It's called a new family. Would appreciate you checking it out.

"Well then, off to meet the one who will be helping me as my assistant and head maid, cant keep Celestia waiting then," Twilight packed some things into a case and then had them put into her mane, her mane had slowly began to look more and more ephemeral and began to change to look like Luna's and Celestias, this meaning that it became like a pocket of reality, strangely enough barely anypony knew what the hair really was, it was like a zip for anything you need but made no weight, if you threw a sofa into the mane it would disapear but then all of a sudden at another place you could pull it back out as if it wasn't touched. Twilight moving to the door, "Oh! nearly forgot that, she sprang back to the dresser and moved a tiara back to her head, "Okay all set"

Well, this awnsers a couple questions about Pinkie Pie.

Luna turned to Celestia, "Thank you sister, really I mean it, you trained her well and I have no words of gratitude that could really say how I feel, now let us go see her up close and see if she even dwarfs you big sister," they both walked over as the crowd parted, Luna walked up to Twilight and rapped a hoof around her in a hug, then whispered in her ear, "you look beautiful tonight Twilight, you have made me so proud.

If she doesn't, she will eventually, in the final episode of the show, Twilight is actually taller than Celestia so it would be the same here, except since Twilight is the Allicorn of the stars and probably magic at the same time, and since she was born an Allicorn instead of ascending than she could be even taller, maybe 1.2x taller than Celestia would be my guess.

Zecora eyed him up and down, "You my friend will have a dark future, when the choice is given, make the correct one," Zecora said ominously, Midnight backed up as his magic gripped his hilt of the sword slightly.

Hmmmmm. This is concerning and interesting, Midnight will have something to do with the fate of Equestria, a nation, or Twilight, maybe someone specific.

I hope to see more chapters in the future.

Already did, I believe I commented on the story.

I'm still waiting for the next chapter though.

It's coming soon

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