• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 7,392 Views, 72 Comments

The Light Of The Moon - FLUTTERxxDASH

What will happen when the Princess of the night reveals what really happened to make her become nightmare moon and how will it affect a certain lavender mare?

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The aches and pains

The sun glares through the window down onto the mare that sleeps in the room, "Spike! I thought I told you to stop opening the windows so early, Spike? *uhh*," pulling herself up with eyes closed, "OWW," pain spread through Twilights side as she stretched, did I fall or something and can't remember. Finally the mare opens her eyes but to a pitch black room, "what happened to the sun, huh, what, my mane, aahh, why is my mane so long....and..aa..a.and these hooves they arn't mine they are too long, what is happening?" suddenly it hits her, yesterdays events spill back through to her, moving her bangs out of her face she looks around the room.

The room was blue and had stars painted on the cealing, a map of equestria hung on the far left wall and had books shelves full of magic tomes on either side, on the right of the room was a door that opened out onto a balcony that had a telescope stood tall between the doors, finally their was the two big wooden doors with the moon emblem on them that had a guard in black armour against it, "Princess its good to see your finally awake, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are already in the dining hall waiting so if you would wish to do you want to join them?"

"WHAT! what did you just say..P..P.PP...Princess, ME!?" jumping from the bed Twilight stumbles over to the closest mirror only to let out a scream so loud im sure even the noise could be heard at the top of the crystal mountains, "I..I.I.I have wings and my horn, my horn, its longer not to mention my mane, where has my pink streak gone...............blue...........its blue with white twinkles in the stripe, what the FUCK!!!" At this the guard jumps.

Walking over to the guard Twilight realizes just how big she really was now, she dwarfed the guard, for the first time she was the one looking down at another pony apart from the CMC or other little fillys and colts, this is so wierd, "so they are at the dining hall, I think its time I got some answers to why I now look like this!"
The guard shoots a quick salute, "Yes, right away, follow me," bolting around in a hurry to keep ahead of the tall mare nearly having to jog at this pace.

The doors burst open as the Lavender alicorn came rushing straight up to Celestia who was just drinking some tea, "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!" twilight bellowed at her new aunt, her chest moving in and out with clear anger on her face.

To say Celestia was suprised that Twilight had not only shouted but directed it at her was an understatement, the cup that was in her magic shook and small drops landed on the table infront of her, "Well then my dear niece its so good of you to wake up because I certainly am now aswell haha," looking over to twilight after placing the cup down, she laughed awkwardly at the sight of Twilight who at the moment was quite overwhelming.

"Princess Celestia, a few minutes ago I woke up and had grew a meter taller, gained wings and have pain all over my body, I think I deserve an explanation, please," Twilights tone calmed down when she realized that she was talking to her mentor like she would a misbehaving filly, "erm I..I.I am sorry for raising my voice".

"Its quite alright Twilight, even I in your shoes would do the same if I woke up and all of a sudden my world was turned upside down," a noise came from the doors down the hall as a waiter came through them pushing a cart with food on it, "Ah heres the pancakes and syrup, now how about we sit and have some breakfast whilst we await Lunas arival, I'm sure she wont be long now".

"I wondered why she wasn't here, the guard said that you two would be here tegether already, Oh wait, what will I say to the girls now that I look like this, I'm goin to have to move away from ponyville arn't I?" a sad expression befell upon Twilights face as she slumped into a chair slapping her face on the table *uhhhh!*, "what next im related to Blueblood or something?"

"well actually.."

"Don't say it!" Twilight lifted to let the plate of food go infront of her, "faust this smells deliscious, why though I always have this in the mornings and what is this feeling thats tugging on me *unn*, its heavy and I can feel it at the tip of my horn"

Behind where Twilight is sat the doors open, "All in time my little star, we shall eat and then you can decide where you stand just know you life as you know it has changed but I will not make you do something you wish not too," Luna came walking into the room with a grey mare in tail, the mare was a pegasi who wore white glass' and had a yellow mane, quite the contrast between the two but still fitting, "for now eat then we shall explain what has happened to you both physically and mentally as I'm sure you've already found out how tempermental it is to be an alicorn".

At the throne room after breakfast

"Now my little star what happened last night was that you had fainted after we had our talk with you," Luna had a look of happiness but her smile would faulter ever so slightly now and then, "after this I had a discussion with you're aunt Celestia about your physical form and how you wouldn't have long left before it became dangerous to stay that way"

Celestia moves forwards closer to Twilight, "when you were born you had your wings and horn at the same as you do now, when you awoke I placed a sealing spell upon you so that you could grow without having trouble being raised at the castle," Celestia moved over to where there was seats as the two followed, "I also noticed at this time that your essance as an alicorn had a much more stronger affinity than either myself or Luna had and that your body was storing up more and more power, I had to keep visiting you to stop your magic from overflowing but I had not expected so much magic to be there when you were young, I had to make you my student with haste and put you in the twelve year old test, it was a mistake though to do this as your power went out of control showing your true power," picking up on Twilight's look of horror it seems her student caught onto being told it was a mistake that she became her student at all, "Let me rephrase that you were going to pass and I new it for a fact but I didn't think your power was at the level it was at the time, it shouldn't have been like that even alicorns when young only have a power equal to an early adult unicorn but you showed more than what I had at the time"

At this Twilight starts to ventalate slightly, "but thats.. can't be right"

"When that happened it was good that the people in the room who could see was only a few ponies close to myself because your desguise fell instantly, knowing I had to do something I used a stronger spell but this spell came with problems it would stay intact as long as it got the amount of magic from the user and its host to maintain it, I used our letters to send magic to your body to feed the spell and keep it in check but over time you're inate abilities as an alicorn grew and you fed the spell more and more, eventually I knew this spell wouldn't have been able to hold due to the amount of magic your body gave out," finishing her piece she turned to Luna to explain further.

Luna cleared her throat, "As sister says you have a larger amount of magic than either of us could ever dream of attaining, no other alicorn has existed with this amount of magic, the tugging you mentioned earlier can you still feel it?"

Twilights faced twisted and turned as she searched how she felt, "Ah, yeah I can feel a heavy feeling at the end of my horn"

"Now my little star I want you to concentrate upon that heavyness search for what is pulling at your magic and what you are connected to such as I and my sister are conected to ours"

Twilight sat there trying to do as she was instructed, I have no clue how to do this, how do I search for something I can't see............ WHAT.........WHAT.........."What am I seeing?"

Luna moves over to where Twilight is sat and places her horn upon her daughters, "My little star this is your connection such as mine is to the moon and celestias is to the sun in our solar system, yours however is much more stronger, you have all the stars under your grasp, now define star for me"

Twilight mumbles out, "balls of gases millions of miles away that give light to the night sky"

"Good but as you should know the sun itself is a star, now Twilight you have not one but a galaxy of these stars at different sizes at the tip of your horn that you can control, such as it is our duty to govern the sun and moon it will now be your turn to create the night sky as I do my moon, you may not wish too but you will have to do this to use your excess magic that will build throughout the day," moving back to her position as Twilight comes out of the trance she was in.

Speechless at the realization she was litterally the strongest being alive, "how can I just accept that I, but, I just can't be, what will happen to my life in ponyville and my adoptive family, do I have to move here now?"

Luna sighs at this question, "I..I.I would love it if you were to stay here and learn under my teaching to craft the night sky for a couple of weeks but after that you may descide what to do after that whether you wish to have yourself here or build your own kingdom it is your choice but let me say this, you can go back to ponyville if you may wish but know many will not look at you the same ever again, not to mention once we announce you to the population later this afternoon there will be many who flock to where you live in a chance to see the new heir to the throne"

"so your saying it would be a problem to stay in ponyville, that no matter what its in the best interest of everyone that I come here or, wait did you say build a kingdom, okay I might be the heir to the throne but in all honesty I don't think I could run a kingdom," shaking her head, overwhelmed and exhausted Twilight lay down.

"Well Twilight I myself believe that you my student would do wonders for modern civilization and in the first place don't you remember all the days spent with me in the throne room learning the ways of politics and studying the economy, truly myself and you're mother believe you are ready to have your own kingdom, you've shown so much progress and leadership, nightmare moon, Crysalis, Discord, Sombra, all these could not have been resolved without you Twilight, you know so much now, without question you are ready have the confidence to believe that you are," with a nod to Twilight and Luna she starts to turn around, "now I think we have let them wait long enough, Twilight as you can see there are three seats now next to my throne, the purple seat is now yours, cadences is the pink one and your mothers is the blue one," after ascending the stairs Celestia sat down on a golden throne, "and this is mine as you already know, have a seat and we can adress the nobles," waving a hoof to let the guard open the door as Twilight and her mother sat down.

As expected the ordeal with the nobles wasn't smooth as many were shocked to learn of Twilights royal leanage only pushing their heirs further away from the throne, most spat their proverbial dummies out and ranted for a couple of hours before inevitably having to give up knowing they had no choice in the matter. All that was left was to be revealed to the populace and see what their reaction would be but before that there were a few ponies she had to talk to.

After all the nobles left the room Twilight turned to the floor and let out a big sigh, "Erm Princes....... no, no, I mean Aunt Celestia, not gunna get use to that any time soon, before we anounce, well me, could I talk to the girls and spike," Looking past her mothers throne.

"It isn't for me to say anymore, well Luna can she do that?"

Luna turned to meet Twilights eyes, "well, if I give you the rest of today to go back to ponyville and sort out things can you promise to come back tommorow to be announced to the public?"

Twilight gulped at the thought of how her friends will react or even how she could move around town without being noticed since her new form is so FRIGGIN TALL!! could she do it in a day, "what if they came here then we could tell them then have the announcement, two birds one stone, right?"

After thinking for a while both Luna and Celestia nodded in agreement "we think that would be for the best I will have a letter sent now Twilight," Celestias horn began to glow and a quill and paper popped out of nowhere *scritch, scritch..............scritch scritch*, "there it is done they shouldn't be long now why don't you both go take a bath whilst we wait for them to arrive and I shall start the day court, then till later, sister.............niece," releasing her magic the note dissapears in a puff of smoke.

Author's Note:

now some people might be like "what" at the moment completely confused as to where we are in the original MLPverse, I'l say its exactly the same and is just after season 3 but in future chapters some things might be changed to fit the story better.
As I always say dont worry about hurting my feelings tear into the chapter and tell me whats wrong.
I will see you this fine night, SERA