• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 24,243 Views, 3,315 Comments

Wandering Moon - ed2481

Luna and Nightmare Moon are transported to the Capital Wasteland during the final battle against her sister. Join them in their attempt to return home and reclaim her birthright with the help of a girl named Sarah, fresh out of Vault 101.

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Comments ( 220 )


I'm calling fakeout.

Why? Why would you do that?!:raritycry::raritydespair::fluttercry::applecry:

Well that was an abrupt ending...

Sequel!!!! Also Luna why you know come back for Sarah? Also does Sarah have Luna's sword? Also did Fawkes activate the purifyer?

If there was no sequel I would send a plasma volley through the Internet at you.

I think it went okay for the most part. I do believe, however, that these few chapters seemed a rush to try and get this story to end. I understand why, I'd be excited to finish a long winded story as well. However, you did still have moments where it kind of lost the sensation of "real." I understand it's magic and ponies and stuff, but like I told you before: you need to draw the line on how strong a character is magically. Although there was a build up to Luna's regaining of magic, she still overcame a lot more than seemed possible. But, I may be biased. I don't like bringing in unicorns or alicorns into the Fallout universe for this reason.

I'd like to hope that some things change in the next one you plan to write. Perhaps a more realistic approach if Sarah goes to Equestria. Ridding her of her weapons or certain skills (EG: she turns pony or something), among other things.

Also, something that I never bothered pointing out, but, why did the name "Nim" have to be made? I get that nicknames for Celestia may be Tia and Luna is Lulu, but Nim just makes it look like you were being a tad lazy and wanting to just stop typing "Nightmare Moon" all the time. It's also a weird name in general. But, that's a personal grievance, rather than criticism.

Anyways, happy writing.

Damnit, why sadness and no happiness ending!

Well... I can see why...

Looks like Broken Steel will happen. I thought Project Purity's radiation would send Sara back for sure. Though, what happend to Fawkes?


He carried Spencer back to the Citadel after he got shot

So very sad but lovely....

Very good story. Wandering Moon, the story of Luna being sent away and returning, I'm assuming the next will be the story of what comes after her return. Though I wonder how long it'll take to bring Sarah with them... after all, there is a crapload of time dilation.

The sequel

We'll spare you our wrath... for now.

/begins to wrap my fingers around your neck...
THAT'S HOW IT ENDED?! HOW DARE YOUoouuhh... sequel you say? Well alright then!
/removes my hands from around your neck

you better have sarah get to equestria and be happy with luna and still in love or i will find and kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: (i am not going to do that to you but please let luna and sarah be still in love please?????????????????????????????:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

A bittersweet ending is not a bad ending.

All that work for a sad ending:fluttercry:
I hope the sequel has a better ending

Holy crap.

I can't even say how long this story has been a fixture of my fanfic-reading. It seems like every few days, without fail or interruption, we get another fantastic update. At first, I was a little frightened when I got to the bottom of this one. There was so much left to say, so much left unresolved! Then your author's notes, promising the beginning of the sequel oh-so-soon. What a relief that was. Thank goodness for the knowledge that this great story doesn't have to end quite yet.

You did a fantastic job, writing the characters in an authentic manner while not re-treading exactly what happened in the game. The story was well-paced, almost entirely free of grammatical and spelling mistakes, and varied enough from the plot of the show to keep things interesting.

I look forward with great anticipation for the sequel.

*Wipes a tear away* Beautiful. It hurts but it is a good pain. :pinkiesad2:

As Mr. New Vegas said. Sometimes the Journey beats the destination. :pinkiesmile:

Also im crossing my fingers that the sequel is the Equestrian Army coming to save the wasteland and bring life back to it, perhaps with the help of an old fluttershy..:facehoof: ..erm I mean an old Tree friend. :raritywink:

The sequel (yes of course there’s going to be one) should be up by Sunday, enjoy.

It better. (Sharpens pitchfork)

Nah, Luna will summon Sarah through Daybreaker anyway. Knowing how fast time flows in both worlds...I just hope Luna will summon Sarah before ghoulification.

4541729 I think you've got the time dilation backwards, there. A thousand years passed in Equestria but only months in the Wasteland.

It's a darned good thing you said there's a sequel incoming, otherwise you might have a revolt on your hands for leaving them separated like this :twilightangry2:

*picks up phone* Yeah, he's doing a sequel, call off the sniper. *hangs up* Don't be late.

The Pros and cons

Likable characters
Great action sequences
Generally funny humor
Some how made Blue Blood a likable character
Small changes to the plot of fallout 3 and the pilot of mlp made the story of both better then the original.

I thought the romance in the story... um odd to say the least.

The story over all was great.
You have given me a great location in my pursuit of happiness

Have a wonderful day and keep it up with great story's like this.

4541591 cause its fallout?

4541923 Story pacing I mean

Interesting, how did Nim come to know about the time differential? Very heavy inference from the last partial visit may have helped, but there's no solid evidence they had otherwise...
So BOTH Sarah and Lyon were in a coma for his weeks? Wonder what happened there...
Still, it is interesting how much time has passed without word from the other side.
Here's to the sequel!
Keep going ;)

The sequel (yes of course there’s going to be one) should be up by Sunday, enjoy.

Oh, it better be.

That must have been very intense for Sarah in the last few moments of the purifier. Losing Luna and then faced with sacrificing herself to start the project. Heck it was one of the most emotional endings I've seen in a game and I was just playing it.

On that note, I can see why you sent Fawks back to the citadel. It'd be to easy to pull the easy way out by going with something like this:

"Goodbye Fawks, my big, friendly, radiation...immune. ..friend. Huh, I wonder if that'd work?

Small error,

No. You are in no state for combat, Nim replied pointedly. I will forcefully hold you here like this until I’m are damned sure you’re ready.

Otherwise, good job. I await the sequel.

*Sees there's going to be a sequel, unloads and cleans sniper rifle* Good... good... don't be late my friend. *pulls back bolt, cha-chink.*

Awesome story man, really this story was one of the most awesome ones I've read so far and I'm glad I stumbled upon it :) I love the characters, the plot and, just everything about this story was just flat out awesome! :D

I am so looking forward to the sequel my friend, really I am I bet it will be fan-friggin-tastic! :D

Keep up the amazing work!

*Sees there's going to be a sequel, unloads and cleans sniper rifle* Good... good... don't be late my friend. *pulls back bolt, cha-chink.*

Awesome story man, really this story was one of the most awesome ones I've read so far and I'm glad I stumbled upon it :) I love the characters, the plot and, just everything about this story was just flat out awesome! :D

I am so looking forward to the sequel my friend, really I am I bet it will be fan-friggin-tastic! :D

Keep up the amazing work!

*Sees there's going to be a sequel, unloads and cleans sniper rifle* Good... good... don't be late my friend. *pulls back bolt, cha-chink.*

Awesome story man, really this story was one of the most awesome ones I've read so far and I'm glad I stumbled upon it :) I love the characters, the plot and, just everything about this story was just flat out awesome! :D

I am so looking forward to the sequel my friend, really I am I bet it will be fan-friggin-tastic! :D

Keep up the amazing work!

The sequel (yes of course there’s going to be one) should be up by Sunday, enjoy.

*Puts down sharp things*

Such loving comments with threats of violence if not placated by a sequel. I fully endorse all of them, but doubt the efficacy of threatening the author. Rather we, the potentially violent fanatics, should direct our attentions to the author's family, loved ones, pets etcetera. It would not do to kill the golden goose but rather to pin its eyes open and gaze upon the consequences of its refusal to lay. I am certain that this shall remain in the realm of the hypothetical. Ta ta now, keep up the good work and remember; we will be watching.

Whats next in the sequel... The DLC's ? I can see that this will most likely go into Broken Steel but what of the others ? Personally i would suggest Point Lookout if only to get the Krivbenih... Perhaps with it's power Nim may be able to gain a physical form in order to better protect Sarah in Luna's Stead.

Geez Ed, I'm looking through the comments here and...well, let's just say I'm glad I'm not you right now, that and you've promised a sequel, that helps too.

Hehe, nothing like having "loving" fans at your beck and call eh? :ajsmug:

And so ends another chapter in the story of the Capital Wasteland.

Comment posted by ed2481 deleted Jun 13th, 2014


Don't worry... Sarah's going to be for... a struggle when she gets back. Also, thanks for being one of maybe five people who left actual comments instead of death threats or that nature

I am just saying if you kill off Sarah it would be really funny.....ALL THAT DELICIOUS RAGE


Also, thanks for being one of maybe five people who left actual comments instead of death threats or that nature

Seeing that made me have a sad. This should be a time of patting you on the back and congratulating you for a finished story well done. :pinkiesad2:

So on behalf of everyone have this. :pinkiehappy:



I was mentally growling at the screen, at the end here... but It was too... unfinished... I feel i know how Luna will get ahold of Sarah... via Nim, part of herself and Sarah now. And as for all those with death-threats... "ARE YOU PONIES CRAZY?!"

So will Luna return to the Wasteland for Mothership Zeta and Broken Steel??? Or will Sarah come to Equestria for the events of Friendship is Magic??? Either way is good for me :twilightsmile: Now I have something to look forward to on Sunday!!!!

Oh a sequel? Excellent, will it be Broken Steel story arc or New Vegas?


No problem.

If you want, since I'm almost done my school year, I can start just looking over your writings for you and give you actual criticism before you post it all. That way you can maybe head into some better directions with your story.


Sure, also, I have a skype now, so send me yours via PM and I can add you :twilightsmile:

*looks at all the death threats and pitchfork comments, as well as the sniper ones*

You know, it says something about your readers when you get these kinds of reactions to an overall GOOD ending.:applejackunsure:

What it says is that you guys are all fu:flutterrage:ing mental. I get that you're angry about the WAY the story ended before the sequel starts, but this is by no means a bad ending. Bittersweet at worst and it will then have an actual resolution of some kind in the sequel.

Remember one of the rules of the site: A Story must contain a minimum amount of MLP to be published, so we won't be getting 'The adventures of a dying wanderer and her imaginary lover' since Nim is not enough of a MLP character to support a story.

To the author: :heart: Well done.:heart: You have delivered a satisfactory ending to a story even without the promise of a continuation.
Five stars and a moustache. :raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::moustache:


Thanks, and yeah... I'm going to take it all as compliments for my writing skills that this many people are worked up over what is in all honesty, a good ending. I mean, I could have killed Sarah and Nim in the Purifier and just left Luna hanging with the false hope of seeing them again.

Anyways, thanks for the hearts, I love you guys too, even if a lot of you are over-dramatic (not you the one I'm replying too)

Comment posted by ed2481 deleted Jun 14th, 2014
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