• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 5,249 Views, 337 Comments

Ponyville DxD - Naughty_Ranko

Celestia has made a bet with the current Demon Lord and now the Elements and Spike, led by Princess Luna must face Rias Gremory and her servants in a Rating Game to determine the Strongest Little Sister. High School DxD Crossover.

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Life 3: The Battle to Determine the Strongest Little Sister Begins - Part 2

Part 2

After Michael-sama has finished with his announcements, Buchou calls us of the Gremory Group together for our battle briefing.

“Ise,” she begins, addressing me personally. “How much stronger have you gotten during your training in the woods?”

“Not much,” I admit with a sinking feeling in my stomach. “I still can't get into Balance Breaker, though I managed to increase my magical abilities a little. It's nothing compared to the growth Spike managed to attain.”

She thinks about that for a moment, then shakes her head. “I suppose he'll be a little more dangerous than anticipated then. But we're gonna stick to the plan.”

“Aren't we at a disadvantage?” I ask. “Our opponents know the battlefield inside and out.”

Akeno-san speaks up. “True, but remember our first Rating Game. We had the home field advantage then and we still lost.”

Right. Raiser Phoenix. We all swore to do better for the next time. That time is now.

“Besides,” Buchou adds. “We've spent an entire week here. It's not like we're totally unfamiliar with the ground.” That's easy for you to say. I've spent most of that time in the Everfree Forest.

Buchou unrolls the map Akeno-san and I picked up during our date. “We're here,” she says, pointing. “Getting to the enemy base will be difficult, since they have the more defensible location. Akeno, I want you to set up some traps in these woods around the school building. We don't want to be taken by surprise from multiple sides. Take Xenovia with you just in case.”

“Yes, Buchou,” Akeno-san answers immediately. Those two can be scary when they fight, but Akeno-san would never question Buchou's ability to lead.

“Asia will stay here with me. We don't want her too close to the fighting. If you're injured, come back to base to get healed. Yuuto, I'll have you stay with us as well for the time being. Due to your speed, you're best suited to react to unexpected events from a central position. You can move in for support or exploit a weakness as needed.”

Kiba and Asia both nod. This is good. If Kiba is with them, I don't have to worry about Asia and Buchou and can concentrate on attacking instead.

“Gasper, I want you to change into your bat form as soon as the Rating Game begins. You'll be our eyes and ears. Alert us to any move the enemy makes.”

Gasper nods and clutches the vial of my blood that is hanging around his neck with a determined expression. Oh, those are some good eyes. Looks like you're ready to do your part.

“Finally Koneko and Ise will move out together and advance down the center. You'll be our vanguard. Koneko's trait as a [Rook] and Ise's Sacred Gear should be able to hold out long enough against anything they can come up with to either wait for support or retreat.”

I raise my fist. “Yes, I'm ready.” I look over at Koneko-chan who is wearing her fighting gloves, meaning she's serious.

“Mmh,” she confirms with a nod. She doesn't say much, but her eyes tell the whole story. Koneko-chan is pumped.

With the briefing over, we all go about our own routines to get ourselves in the right mindset for the Rating Game. Kiba is doing some sword stances. Gasper and Koneko-chan are having a last-minute snack.

Asia, who is wearing her sister robes, and Xenovia, who is wearing her skintight combat outfit, are praying. It was really nice of Michael-sama to allow our former church members to pray without getting hurt.

Not far from them Akeno-san is sitting cross-legged in her miko robes with her eyes closed. Must be some sort of meditation exercise. Although I'm wondering why she's blushing. I can hear her mumble something. “Ufufu, Ise-kun, not here. Although it would be fun to have an affair in Rias' own bedroom.” On second thought, I don't need to know what's going through her head right now.

I walk up behind Buchou. I don't know why. I've got nothing to say, really. I suppose I just want to be close to her, to smell the shampoo from her crimson hair. That's my way of getting ready, I guess.

“This base seems very fitting for us,” she says, looking at the school building in front of which we're standing fondly.

I smile. I can remember the first time I laid eyes on her. She was standing at the window of the old school building, her crimson hair flying in the wind. The second time I saw it, my life changed forever. “Yeah, it's somehow right for the Occult Research Club to be located at a school.”

“Ise,” she says very quietly. “I want you to be careful today. I want to win this match, but losing is not a shame.”

I blink a little in confusion. “What brought this on?” She's usually so competitive.

“During our match against Raiser, you kept standing up despite being wounded so badly. I don't want to see you like that again.”

I remember. There were tears standing in your eyes. Hoping that this won't come off as weird, I take a step forward and embrace her from behind. “I made you cry that day. Not just you, Asia as well. I promise to make you smile today by working hard for your victory.”

“Ise ...”

[The Rating Game between Rias Gremory and Princess Luna of Equestria begins … now!]

I feel a tug at my shirt. When I turn around, I can see Koneko-chan glaring at me. “If you're done flirting with Buchou, let's move out, senpai.”

Eh? As I turn around fully, I can see everybody's eyes on me. You guys, were you all watching? Ah! Please don't cry, Asia!

“Ara ara,” Akeno-san is smiling, but it's that chilling kind of smile. “Looks like the tense atmosphere is making Ise-kun a little bolder than usual. Shame on you for exploiting that, Rias. Ufufu.”

Buchou clears her throat, getting back into the proper mindset. “Alright, everyone. You've got your tasks,” she declares with the confidence of a born leader, crossing her arms in front of her. “You're all my lovely servants. Today we win our first Rating Game!”

“Yeah!” We all respond cheerfully, raising our fists.

After the game starts, Koneko-chan and I advance slowly towards the town proper. We've been told not to go too far without confirmation of the enemy movement.

“Buchou,” I can hear Gasper's voice over our magical ear pieces. “I've spotted their [Queen] and [Bishop] near the clock tower. Most of the others seem to be holding in or around their base for now.”

“What about their [Pawn]?” Buchou responds.

“I can't find him. Their [Knight] also seems to have disappeared.”

“Buchou,” I cut in. “Koneko and I are almost at the town square. If they're coming towards our base, we can head them off there.”

I look at Koneko while we wait for confirmation. “Alright, there shouldn't be any chance of an ambush in such an open space. But keep an eye out for their remaining pieces. I'll send Xenovia up a little further to support you, if necessary.”

“I don't like it,” Koneko-chan mutters darkly.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Smells like a trap.”

True. They're pretty brazenly advancing straight down the middle. It's obvious even to me that they're up to something. But I don't see a way for Spike and Rainbow Dash to get close to our base without being caught by Akeno-san, even if their advance in the center is just a distraction.

We arrive at the town square, but there is nobody here. All we can see is the fountain. “Gasper, are they still on route?” I ask.

“Yes, senpai, they should arrive ...”

Just as Gasper is about to finish his report on their location, my eyes are blinded by a bright light and I cover my face.

“Juhuu!” I recognize that voice. It's Rarity!

“There you are! Now it's time to … Ara?” I look around in dumbfounded confusion. Where the hell am I? This isn't the town square.

I'm at some kind of beach. I can feel the sun warming my skin. Wait. Skin? Checking myself over, I realize that I'm only wearing swim trunks. But the most astonishing thing is the beauty lying on a towel in the sand right in front of me.

“Ahem. Would you be so kind as to apply some sunscreen on my back, darling?”

She sounds exactly like Rarity. Even the hairstyle is a match, but it's without a doubt a buxom babe in a bikini, not a pony. Though her skin is unusually white.

Without a hint of embarrassment, she takes off her bikini top, giving me a sideways view of her boobs as she's laying there on her stomach. “I'm waaaiiitiiing.”

I clap one hand in front of my face to stop the oncoming nosebleed and turn around. This can't be real. I've got to find a way out of here.

“Hang on, pardner. Let's go for a swim.” Someone sounding a lot like Applejack hugs me from behind. That fleshy sensation on my back. Is she topless as well?

“So exhausting,” a girl reminding me of Twilight Sparkle says. “I prefer to relax on the beach with a good book.” My eyes widen. The girl with slightly purple skin is sitting in a beach chair totally naked! The only thing covering her is the book in her lap.

Soon I'm cornered by more half-naked girls. “Isn't this what you wanted?” Rainbow Dash says, clinging to my left arm. Oh, that's a nice, toned body.

I watch in amazement as Pinkie bounces up and down on the other side. “Yeah! Let's make a harem. Sounds like fun.” Everything is bouncing.

Then I notice the shy girl with pink hair in front of me. Woah! She's stacked! And she's wearing a school swimsuit. “Uhm, ...” She's wiggling and blushing furiously.

“What is it?” I ask.

She takes a deep breath. “I want you to flip me over, tear off my swimsuit with your teeth and make hot, passionate love to me … if you wouldn't mind that is.”

I grin like an idiot as she throws herself against my chest, rubbing her glorious curves against me. If this is a dream, please don't wake me up!

… Wait a minute. Something feels strange. Her breasts are huge, but it doesn't feel like it. They feel way smaller. I know this feeling. This is the unmistakable sensation of loli boobs!

As I watch on, human Fluttershy's seductive face changes to that of Koneko-chan. But she looks like she's in pain.

“Ise … senpai … baka,” she grates between clenched teeth. Her hand is grabbing on to the jewel Rarity sewed into my uniform a few days ago.

She rips the stone off as her legs give out under her.

“Koneko-chan!” I shout in alarm as I catch her in my arms. Only then do I realize the smoking hole in the back of her uniform.

I look across the town square and there are Twilight and Rarity, both with glowing horns. “Sorry, Rarity. She got in the way of my shot.”

“The illusion spell is broken. She must have realized that I used the gem to enhance it.”

I don't understand what's going on. All I know is that my comrade has been hit. “Hang in there, Koneko-chan. I'll get you back to Asia.”

“Nngh.” No. I can see the magical field envelop her. That means the hit she endured was critical and she'll be transported from the field. “I'm sorry, Ise-senpai.”

I can't believe my eyes as she vanishes into thin air, my arms holding onto nothingness. It should have been me. She shielded me with her tiny body while I was caught in the illusion.

[Rias Gremory's Rook retires.]

I know Michael-sama is just announcing the facts. But right now it just sounds way too cruel. But it's nothing compared to the shock I get, when I hear Buchou's alarmed voice over our communication system.

“Everyone! We've got intruders at the base!”

Team Luna (members still active): 8
Princess Luna [King]
Twilight Sparkle [Queen]
Rainbow Dash [Knight]
Fluttershy [Bishop]
Rarity [Bishop]
Applejack [Rook]
Pinkie Pie [Rook]
Spike [Pawn]

Team Gremory (members still active): 7
Rias Gremory [King]
Himejima Akeno [Queen]
Kiba Yuuto [Knight]
Xenovia [Knight]
Asia Argento [Bishop]
Gasper Vladi [Bishop]
Toujou Koneko [Rook]
Hyoudou Issei [Pawn]

Author's Note:

Team Luna draws first blood in a two-pronged assault and a daring raid behind enemy lines. How will Team Gremory react to losing one of their own this early in the Game?

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