• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 5,249 Views, 337 Comments

Ponyville DxD - Naughty_Ranko

Celestia has made a bet with the current Demon Lord and now the Elements and Spike, led by Princess Luna must face Rias Gremory and her servants in a Rating Game to determine the Strongest Little Sister. High School DxD Crossover.

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Life 0: Immature Demi-Gods - Part 2

Part 2

“So what you're telling me is that the three powers basically made peace, because your little sister's boyfriend wanted to get laid?” I almost couldn't believe my ears, when my three guests were finished recounting the events of the past months that had led to this outcome.

“Well, there's a little more to it than that, Celly, but yeah. That's what it boils down to,” Sirzechs confirms, taking another sip of tea in the well furnished guest room of the castle.

Azazel is laughing uproariously. “That's the Sekiryuutei, the Red Dragon Emperor, for you. He's got the power of the Boosted Gear, but he's the first wielder not to be consumed by it. All he dreams about is becoming a Harem King.”

I sigh. So they're basically telling me that such a power has fallen into the hands of a horny teenager. Still, Hyoudou Issei, because of him the three powers finally moved on and have started cooperating, huh? “Then what about the White One? Has Albion awakened along with Ddraig?”

Everybody, even Azazel, gets serious at my question. “Vali Lucifer, the current White Dragon Emperor. He's around. Gave us quite some trouble at the peace conference.”

“Lucifer?” I ask with a raised eyebrow, looking at Sirzechs.

He nods. “He's the descendant of old Lucifer and a human woman. He was working together with the old Maou faction and attacked the peace conference, but Issei fought him to a draw. Not everybody is in favour of the alliance. Some people just can't get past the old grudges.”

Ah, old Lucifer, the third Demon Lord then. I sometimes forget Sirzechs only took the title after the war. He's actually from the house of Gremory, so they aren't related.

Azazel explains. “Basically malcontents from each faction have rallied around the descendants of the old Demon Lords. I fought Katerea Leviathan. They're a bunch of terrorists that call themselves the Khaos Brigade.”

“Let's not forget who brought Vali to the conference in the first place,” Archangel Michael says. He's wearing his usual serene smile, but there's a hint of mirth behind it.

Azazel coughs. “I said I was sorry already. I thought I had him covered. Besides everything turned out okay.” Is Michael trying to get even for that Bible joke earlier? These two really have changed.

Sirzechs smiles charmingly and placates them with a gesture. “Now, now, let's not get bogged down in politics here. That's not the reason we came, after all.”

Once more I'm reminded that it was a good thing for Sirzechs to become the leader of the Underworld. I've been told that Hell has changed a lot for the better and that most demons no longer hold views of pure lineage as sacred. “So what exactly did you come here for?”

He fixes me with his eyes. “You're aware of the Rating Game?”

“Yes, it's a type of battle game to keep combat skills sharp. High-class demons, who possess servants with evil pieces, fight each other to determine who is the strongest.”

He nods. “That's basically it. My little sister has recently started competing, albeit in an unofficial match against Raiser Phoenix.”

“You told me as much. What does this have to do with me?”

“Actually it's a request from all of us,” Michael explains. “The Fallen Angels are working on adapting the Evil Pieces technology, so it can be used on beings other than demons. Even Heaven is developing a similar system. We're hoping that competing against each other in a sporting environment will bring the three powers closer together and differences can be settled in forms other than deadly combat.”

“I'm even coaching Rias and her servants in the use of their Sacred Gears,” Azazel says with a hint of pride. Rias Gremory is the name of Sirzechs' younger sister.

“And since your little sister is no longer grounded on the moon, I thought they could compete in a friendly match to test the new system.” That's what Sirzechs says.

I narrow my eyes at him. “I did not GROUND Luna for a thousand years. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.” To this day it pains me to think about it. “But I don't think making her compete in such a barbaric sport would be good for her.”

The current Lucifer simply smiles at that. “And yet you never tire of heaping praise on her whenever we talk via magic circle. Could it be you're afraid of the outcome?”

I frown. It's true that I might have talked a lot about Luna, because I was happy to have her back. Sirzechs and I have kept in contact and occasionally chat via magical means. It's nice to talk to someone who has basically the same rank as myself once in a while. “I'll have you know that Luna only recently led a charge against the Nightmare forces, when they broke free of the moon.”

His eyes are sparkling. “Come on, Celly. Aren't you curious? Don't you wanna know which of our little sisters is the stronger one?”

That's right. This guy has a total sister complex. He completely dotes on Rias. Sixteen years ago, when she was born, he called me up in the middle of the night to show me her baby pictures.

“Here's an idea, you could call in that student of yours, Twilight Sparkle was it? And you could probably get a hold of a dragon to compete with the Sekiryuutei. Let's face it, Luna will need all the help she can get.” He's still smiling while saying that.

Though my own smile remains unbroken, I can feel my magical aura rising from my skin as his words get to me. “Sirzechs, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're implying that Luna couldn't defeat Rias without help.”

Michael and Azazel actually have become silent as they watch the two of us square off. Sirzechs puts a thoughtful finger on his chin. “What if I am?” His own demonic aura begins to envelop him.

“How many servants does Rias have?” I ask between clenched teeth.

“Seven, although it's not a full set. I'll even give you the handicap and say Luna can take eight.”

“That won't be necessary. I have just the six ponies for the job, plus one dragon.”

Sirzechs leans back in his chair. “Shall we make it a little more interesting then?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Grayfia is taking a day off soon. So I'll need a replacement maid for a day. I'll even provide the outfit for you.”

I hesitate. This would be extremely embarrassing. I've worked very hard for the last thousand years to project an image of grace and sincerity.

Sensing my worries, he jumps at the chance and sighs theatrically. “Ah, such a shame for Luna that her big sister has so little faith in her.”

That does it. “Fine, the bet is on, fourth Demon Lord Sirzechs Lucifer. You better be prepared to serve tea in my court for a day, wearing a frilly, pink apron!”

He grins broadly and extends his hand. “Then the match to decide who is the Strongest Little Sister will be held in one week.”

I extend my hoof and we shake on it. Thus I've made a bet with a devil, and not just any devil. But it's fine. Swift Quill told me to have some fun and taking him down a peg will be a lot of fun.

After my guards have escorted them to their rooms for the night, I take out a piece of parchment and a quill. Once I've sent this one off, I'm gonna have to write another letter to my secret weapon. “My dear Twilight, … “

Author's Note:

Sekiryuutei - Red Dragon Emperor
Maou - Demon Lord

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