• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 5,249 Views, 337 Comments

Ponyville DxD - Naughty_Ranko

Celestia has made a bet with the current Demon Lord and now the Elements and Spike, led by Princess Luna must face Rias Gremory and her servants in a Rating Game to determine the Strongest Little Sister. High School DxD Crossover.

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Life 1: Welcome to Ponyville - Part 3

Part 3

I, Spike the Dragon, am frozen in shock right now. This can only mean trouble. Everypony else is just as shocked. The humans on the other hoof don't seem to realize what's going on. Well, they're not really humans, I suppose. According to Celestia most of them are devils.

At times like these it's my natural reflex to look toward Twilight for direction. She is my oldest friend after all, actually she's more like a big sister to me. But more importantly right now she's usually the one with all the answers and, despite the occasional paranoia, she can keep a cool head in a crisis.

As I thought she's already on top of things, opening the glass case in the library with her magic and levitating the five magical necklaces to her friends while putting on what she calls 'the big crown thingy' herself. “Elements at the ready girls, just in case. Spike, get the door.”

“There's really no need for that, you know.” Of course Fluttershy would say that. In a total role reversal from the usual norm, she's the only one of us who isn't the slightest bit apprehensive about our perceived visitor.

“She's right. After all I invited him here,” Celestia asserts calmly.

“With all due respect, Princess,” Twilight responds. It's a rare day, when she disagrees with her mentor. “We've all seen him reform. But it's best to have some insurance, where he's concerned.” She nods towards me.

I gulp and turn the doorknob, mentally preparing to dive out of the line of fire in case the Elements of Harmony need to be used. But when I open the door, nopony is there.

“Celestia! Good to see you!”

I turn around in response to the new voice. Yep, just as we thought. There's a creature with a goat leg, a lion paw, a snake tail and a deer antler standing there, draping one arm around the Princess of the Sun as if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

“Hello, Discord,” Celestia says, as unflappable as ever. “I'm glad you made it.”

“Are you kidding? You never call, you never write. Then all of a sudden you invite me to little Lulu's school play. I'm touched.”

“In the head maybe,” I grumble, having returned to Twilight's side.

“Why is he here, sister?” Luna asks with a dead-pan look.

With a snap of his talon, Discord teleports next to her and pinches her cheeks. He's wearing that garish costume with the dotted cap again. “Why, I'm here to help you, of course. Leave it to Nanny Discord.”

“So you did bring in an eight servant,” Sirzechs says with crossed arms. “I knew you'd fold, Celly.”

“On the contrary,” Celestia explains. “He won't be part of the Rating Game itself. He's only here as an advisor to my sister.” She smiles, casting a look at Azazel. “After all, you dug deep to get a trainer for Rias. I'm only doing the same.”

Discord teleports immediately to the side of the Fallen Angel Governor and wraps him in a hug. “Azazel, my boy! How have you been? Still rebelling against God?”

“Wouldn't be much point in that now. He's dead.” So Azazel and Discord knew each other? First I've heard of it.

“Is he?” Discord seems genuinely surprised by that news. Of course you never know with him. “That's a bummer. I always promised myself to get the old man to smile at least once. You know how he used to be in the olden days. Fire this, brimstone that.”

Azazel grins. “Well, I don't think you would have managed. He never forgave you for that burning bush fiasco, you know. He actually made a commandment about not making an image of him, just so he wouldn't be depicted as an arboreal deity.”

“Always the vain one. Oh, how are those Indian fellows who worshiped me doing?”

“The Mayans, you mean? Not so hot, I'm afraid.”

Discord sighs and slumps his shoulders. “Too bad. I would have loved to see the looks on their faces, when that calendar I gave them ran out and the world didn't end.” He glares at Celestia. “Ah, the things you miss, when you're encased in stone for a thousand years.”

“Discord.” Surprisingly it's not Celestia who answers, it's Fluttershy. “Do you remember the talk we had about holding grudges?” Although she is smiling, there is a hint of steel in her sweet voice.

“Oh, I'm perfectly willing to let bygones be bygones.” With another snap he teleports in front of us. Now he's wearing sunglasses and a sports cap. “That's why I agreed to coach all of you.” To emphasize his point, he blows the whistle around his neck. Only the sound it makes is that of a bell tower.

Rainbow Dash flies up in his face. “And what do you know about coaching, Dipcord?” I can't argue with that. When it comes to competition, Rainbow probably knows a lot more than he does.

“I know that in order to win, you sometimes need to think outside the box.” He jabs a thumb at the cardboard box Koneko is holding. “As you are right now, even the vampire boy could defeat you, even if he stayed in that box of his. Besides, I've got experience in these sort of games. I once created a battlefield and made space monkeys with muskets fight self-righteous humans in pajamas. Or was it the other way around?”

“ENOUGH!” Whoa. Haven't heard Princess Luna use her Royal Canterlot Voice since Nightmare Night. “I will not have him on my team, Tia. We will fight and win without him.”

Discord shakes his head. “So headstrong. You know she gets it from you, Celestia.”

Celestia silences Discord with a glance and then turns towards Luna. “I'm not doubting you, little sister. I'm just trying to give you some help. He will be an asset to your team.”

“We don't need him.”

I can see a sly smile form on Discord's lips. “Then prove it.”

“I beg your pardon?”

He walks up and down the line between the two teams. I think it might be the first time I've actually seen the draconequus be serious, except when he accepted Fluttershy's friendship. “As it stands, both teams are at a disadvantage, not knowing how the other side fights. So I propose an exhibition match. Each team will select one member, excluding the [King], for a one-on-one battle.” He points a finger at Luna. “If whoever you send proves capable, I'll acknowledge that you can do this by yourself. But if you lose, we'll do things my way.”

Azazel is stroking his goatee. “Sounds interesting. I'd like to see that happen as well.” I'm getting the feeling that their facial hair and their twisted sense of humor aren't the only things Azazel and Discord share.

Luna closes her eyes for a moment and then looks over at the other team. “What do you say to this, Rias Gremory? It seems to me like you're being dragged in to settle our dispute.”

Rias crosses her arms in front of her. “Well, I can only offer my sympathies. Looks like I'm not the only one who regularly gets overruled by an overbearing sibling.”

“Oi, Rias,” Sirzechs says with a bitter smile.

“But this Discord of yours has a point. It would be good for both of us to see what the other is capable of, otherwise the real match would be a boring affair. If nothing else, I won't deny you the chance to try and rid yourself of a shady advisor like him. I wish I had that opportunity.”

“Now that's a bit harsh,” Discord starts.

“Isn't it?” Azazel finishes the phrase. What's going on? Are these two psychic?

But this Rias Gremory seems like an amazing person the more I see of her. She's so calm and confident. But there's also a spark in her eye, like she wants to be the best, no matter who her opponent is. Come to think of it, with those clear blue eyes and the air of nobility she carries, she's a lot like Rarity. “Make no mistake, though. I'm gonna send in my best.” She nods to the person standing next to her.

“Yes, Buchou.” Akeno steps forward. “Looks like I get to draw first blood. Ufufu.” Then she licks her fingers almost sensually. She's speaking figuratively, right?

“Akeno is not only my [Queen] and my oldest friend, she's one of the strongest magic users I know.”

Luna nods. “In that case I should send my own second-in-command and magic expert. Twilight Sparkle is not only the Element of Magic, she also created new magic, thus earning her princesshood.”

If it was any other pony, such praise might go to their head. But this is Twilight we're talking about. She steps forward confidently. “I'll give it all I've got, so we can get some good data for the match.” That's Twilight for you. Always thinking one step ahead.

“Ah, it's nice to be young,” Sirzechs comments.

“Hm, indeed.” Celestia seems to be in agreement with him. “How about you, Michael? Do you approve? You will be the judge for the actual match, after all.”

The Archangel smiles serenely. “I suppose it's fine. Sometimes the young ones need to let off some steam, before things really get out of hand. At least this way I can stop the fight, before anyone gets seriously hurt.” He raises one arm. “But let's go outside to give ourselves some room. I'd feel bad, if we destroyed this place of learning.”

“Excellent,” Discord claps his hands, releasing a puff of pink smoke from in between them in the process. “Remember, Lulu. If Twilight loses, you'll have to do what I say.”

The Princess looks him straight in the eye. “She won't. I have as much faith in her as my sister does. Let the match between Himejima Akeno and Twilight Sparkle begin!”

Author's Note:

So now all the players have finally revealed themselves. If you were to put it in sports terms, Luna and Rias are the team captains, Azazel and Discord are the coaches, Celestia and Sirzechs are the sponsors and Michael will be the referee for this game.

Next time we're finally gonna see some action from both sides, as the two Queens face off for the first time!

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