• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 5,249 Views, 337 Comments

Ponyville DxD - Naughty_Ranko

Celestia has made a bet with the current Demon Lord and now the Elements and Spike, led by Princess Luna must face Rias Gremory and her servants in a Rating Game to determine the Strongest Little Sister. High School DxD Crossover.

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New Life - Part 1

New Life

Part 1

The last thing I saw was that frightening claw coming for me. I think Buchou was screaming my name. Then everything went black, and I woke up in a medical facility with pony doctors looking over me.

It was then that I realized I had lost. Remembering the last few moments, I immediately tried to summon my Boosted Gear and couldn't. But I could still feel Ddraig's presence, even though there were no words like normal, only a reassuring murmur that my Sacred Gear would restore itself in time and a sense of incredible tiredness.

Then I remembered my fight against Vali, how I'd cracked one of the jewels from his Sacred Gear, forcing him to exit Balance Breaker momentarily. It had only taken him seconds to recover, yet another reminder that I was nowhere near his level of power, or even Spike's for that matter.

Shortly afterward, I heard that we'd lost the Rating Game, and we all were transported back to Golden Oaks Library, the very place we'd arrived at a week ago, along with Team Luna.

Team Gremory is gathered on one side of the central room, and it feels like we're all in various stages of feeling sorry for ourselves. After Asia brought me up to speed on what had happened during the final battle, we were all fairly quiet.

But it looks like Buchou is taking it the hardest. She's been sitting on a bench, looking out the nearest window pensively, and she hasn't said a word since.

I wanna go over to her, but I can't think of anything to say. I just wanna be there for her. I wanna give her a hug and squeeze her breasts … no, wait! I don't wanna squeeze her breasts. I mean, I do, but this isn't the right time for that.

Suddenly I can feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to see Kiba give me a sad look as he walks past me and up to Buchou.

“Rias-buchou,” he says quietly, and then he bows deeply. “I'm sorry.”

For the first time since we got here, I can see her react as she looks at him with a puzzled expression. “Yuuto? You have nothing to apologize for.”

But he doesn't raise himself up. “Yes, I do. I acted impulsively, after the attack on our base. Instead of awaiting your orders, I gave chase immediately. This mistake resulted in my defeat and put us at a disadvantage early on.”

Akeno-san then stands next to him. “I also share the blame.” Her eyes wander over to the other side of the room, where Team Luna has gathered, and linger on Twilight in particular. “I underestimated my opponent, having beaten her before. This lapse in judgment was my undoing.”

Asia, Gasper and Koneko-chan are also bowing down, even though they made no mistakes as far as I'm concerned. “If I wasn't so helpless in combat, maybe my ability could have benefited the team when they needed it.” Asia …

Following their lead, I can't think of anything else other than to bow myself. “I'm sorry, Buchou. I wasn't strong enough.”

That leaves only Xenovia who isn't bowing down. “I think I did pretty well for myself.”

Everyone turns to look at her. True, she did save me from that rainbow-colored explosion of doom. But Kiba gives her a glare. “Didn't you charge headlong into the enemy base, even though you'd been discovered?”

She nods. “And it was the right thing to do at the time. Turning to run would have made things worse.” Then she looks away for a second. “That's not to say I couldn't have done more. If I'd had full control of Durandal from the start, maybe things would have turned out differently.”

“Xenovia,” I whisper towards her urgently. “Buchou is …”

But the former member of the church goes on. “What I'm trying to say is, your strategy was sound, Buchou. Everyone here agrees with that, that's why they're trying to take the blame, to put your mind at ease.” Xenovia might be smarter than we give her credit for.

“Xenovia!” Kiba objects.

“No, she's right, Yuuto.” When Rias finally speaks, we all turn our attention towards her. “You all did well, beyond expectations even. Despite the fact that I could barely keep up with Luna in terms of strategy, it was thanks to all of you that we came as far as we did. That is why, as your master, I am so very proud of all of you.”

Buchou …

“This defeat is entirely my responsibility. I lost my nerve. That is all there is to it in the end. I am weak. There was no way I could have beaten her, I know that. This is my failure as a [King].”

Even now I can see the fear in her eyes. I've never seen Buchou be afraid of anything, not even during our fight against Kokabiel or when the peace conference was attacked. That alone speaks to the fact how ridiculously powerful Luna is.

She takes a deep breath and stands up. “I can only own my mistakes and try to walk forward. That is what it means to be truly free. Right now I can only thank all of you, and promise that I'll do better next time.”

Everyone visibly relaxes as we see the hint of a smile return to her face. Even in defeat, the Crimson-haired Ruin Princess is an amazing person.

Good. This doom and gloom atmosphere was starting to get heavy. Kiba then looks at me. “Issei, say something motivating.”

“Huh? Me?” I point a finger at myself like an idiot.

“Ara ara, go ahead. You're good at that sort of thing, ufufu.” Geez, thanks for putting me on the spot like this, Akeno-san. Even Buchou gives me a nod. I cross my arms in front of my chest, trying to think of something to say.

“Uhm, we may have gotten our asses handed to us by candy-colored, talking ponies today.” Okay, maybe not the best start. “But I do know this: One defeat isn't gonna stop us from getting stronger. If anything, we'll learn from it, so we can really take it to our opponents in the real Rating Games.”

“Hear, hear!” Xenovia shouts, slapping me on the back with slightly more force than was probably necessary.

“Alright, then. Let's go over there and congratulate our opponents on their victory.” At Buchou's words, we all nod and begin making our way over to the other side of the room, where Team Luna has gathered.

To our surprise, they're not in much of a celebratory mood either. All the ponies have gathered around a door that leads to an adjoining room with worried expressions.

Twilight is knocking on the door with one hoof. “Spike, please. We're all worried about you.”

“No!” I can hear the dragon's muffled voice from inside the room. “I'm never coming out again! I don't wanna hurt anypony.”

Rarity is also standing in front of the door. “Spike, listen to me. I'm right here, and I'm fine.” She then shoots a glare that is filled with daggers in my direction. “I know it wasn't your fault. You were deceived by the lies of a fabric-abusing pervert-devil.”

I swallow hard. I guess the two of us will never see eye to eye on certain things. I did try telling him that it wasn't his fault during the fight already.

“That's not it,” he admits weakly. “It happened to me again during the battle. I lost control, just like back then. I don't even remember what I did.”

Everybody goes silent. “Has something like this happened before?” Buchou inquires.

“Once,” Twilight replies. “He was overwhelmed by his dragon greed and went on a rampage throughout Ponyville.”

Yeah, he actually told me about that during our time in the Everfree Forest.

“Spike, listen to me,” Luna says in a very calm and measured manner. “Rarity and I know exactly what you're going through. It was the same for us while we were under the Nightmare's control. We know that feeling of our bodies acting against our will. So trust me when I say, hiding from it isn't the answer.”

“It's not the same,” he moans. “You were taken over against your will and then freed. This … thing, it's part of me. And I can't be sure, when it's gonna come out again.”

“Oh, but that's where you're wrong Spike,” Rarity objects. “We all have the same darkness inside of us. It was our doubt and weakness that allowed the Nightmare to take Princess Luna and myself, and it hasn't gone away.”

Rarity gives the Princess a look, who urges her to go on with a nod.

“That part of us is still there. We both had to learn to live with what we did. Ignoring it won't help. Believe me, I've tried. All I got to show for it was nightmares for weeks. But once you acknowledge it's there, you can control it.”

“It can also be a strength, rather than a weakness,” Luna explains. “I hated the fact that ponies still saw me as Nightmare Moon after my return. But I learned that it could also be used for good. The power within you is not evil. It's what you make of it, what you use it for. Think about it. You unleashed that power, because of your strong feelings for Rarity, to protect your friends. Once you accept this part of you, you can choose to use it only to help your friends, and you'll control it rather than it controlling you.”

“Won't you come out now, Spikey-Wikey?” Rarity asks.

“… No!”

Luna grimaces. “Drat, I thought this was gonna work.”

“It was a good speech,” Twilight reassures her.

“Hm, apparently not good enough. Now what?”

“How 'bout we just break down the door?” Applejack suggests.

“I second that!” Rainbow Dash immediately follows up.

Buchou, having listened intently thus far, gives me an odd look, then waves Luna over. “What is it, Rias Gremory?” She quickly whispers something into her ear, to which the Princess raises an eyebrow. “You think that's gonna work?”

Buchou shrugs. “Can't hurt to try. He is a dragon.”

The Princess of the Night walks up to the door again and clears her throat. “Very well, Spike. I won't force you to come out. But if you don't, then you're not gonna get your victory kiss from Rarity.”

The white unicorn looks at her with wide eyes and begins to blush. Luna gives her a wink.

“Really?” Spike asks hesitantly.

Rarity's expression softens. “Yes, Spike. Considering all that you've done, I'd say it's the least you deserve.”

“As a matter of fact,” the Princess continues, “while the Evil Pieces haven't been removed, I am still your [King]. And as [King], I am ordering every member of Team Luna to give Spike a kiss.”

There is a moment of tense silence, before we hear the metallic click of a lock, and the door opens ever so slightly while Spike's head begins to peek out.

“Gottcha!” Rainbow Dash shouts, wrapping her front hooves around his neck and pulling him forward. Then, to everybody's shock, she gives him a peck on the cheek. “First!”

“Aw, no fair!” Pinkie yells. Before he even knows what's happening, she's kissed his other cheek. “But you still promised me a date, right?”

“Hang on!” Applejack charges in and also gives him a smooch. “Before that, he still owes me a dinner.”


While Philomena, the phoenix, distracts everyone, Fluttershy slips in unnoticed, almost like a ninja, for her kiss. “Uhm, I think Philomena's really gotten to like you. So you should come over to play sometime, if that's alright with you.”

Guh! I'm so jealous right now. He's so stunned that he's not even realizing how lucky he is right now. “Man, I wish I already had a harem like this.”

Buchou gives me an exasperated look.


She simply sighs and shakes her head at my question. “Never mind, it's nothing.”

“EXCUSE ME!” Twilight suddenly yells, pushing past her friends to stand next to Spike. “This is my number one assistant you're all fawning over, and he's gonna be busy all week next week, helping me reorganize the library.”

“Oh, come on,” he protests.

But she silences him with a wink. “There'll be ice cream,” she promises, and then gives him a smooch as well.

Spike begins to chuckle nervously. “Well, at least I can reach the top shelves without a ladder now.”

“AHEM!” Everypony takes an involuntary step backwards at Rarity's intensity as she glares at them. “Why is it that everypony got to kiss my Spikey-Wikey before me?”

Spike gulps and stands in front of her. “Sorry. I know you only said it to get me out of there. So, … you don't have to, if …”

“Well, I won't,” she tells him flatly, and I can see his face fall. Poor guy. This is the one mare he actually wanted a kiss from. “Now that all my so-called friends preempted me, I have to step up my game.”

“What do you mean?”

Before he can ask any further, Rarity closes in and kisses him squarely on the lips. For a moment Spike just seems frozen in shock. Then he closes his eyes, draping a claw across her shoulders and kisses her back.

“Woo-hoo! Go, Rarity!” Applejack cheers on her friend, and I can see the hint of a smile form on Rarity's lips as she continues to kiss the dragon.

They keep it up for a long time, actually, seemingly oblivious to everyone around them. Not that I begrduge Spike his moment, mind you, but it's starting to get a little awkward.

Thankfully Princess Luna steps in by tapping Rarity's shoulder lightly. “Excuse me, Rarity. But I will only be a moment. He'll be all yours after that.”

The unicorn looks at her, then blushes. “Oh, of course. Go ahead, Your Highness.”

“P-Princess?” Spike asks in confusion as she stands in front of him.

“I said every team member, didn't I?” she explains with a smile, then leans forward to lightly kiss his forehead. “You've done very well today. We couldn't have won without you.”

Spike returns the smile. “Thank you, Princess. That means a lot.”

She then turns to the rest of us, Team Gremory included, and her grin becomes positively vicious. “Now then, let us return to Canterlot. I believe some people are due to pay off a debt.”

Author's Note:

One more to go!

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