• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 3,309 Views, 199 Comments

Azure Flame - Silver Page

Azure Flame is kind and quiet. He loves vanilla creme pastries, and helping others in trouble. But Azure Flame has a secret which no one knows. What will happen when everypony finds out?

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Lets get this Party Started!

“So, is everything ready for tonight?” Azure Flame asked, looking over the edge of some files he had been reviewing. Beyond his gaze, Twilight Sparkle stood in front of the desk Blueblood would normal sit behind. Nopony questioned why he was sitting at the desk, as ponies believed Azure Flame did most of the work. And besides, the chair was extremely comfy.

“Yes, it looks like it is all done. Except for some last minute additions Pinkie wants to add, everything is prepared for tonight’s event.” Twilight shifted from hoof to hoof, eyes darting around the room. Azure raised an eyebrow at Twilight’s actions.

“Is there something else?”

“Actually, we, that is, myself and the rest of the girls, were wondering if Blueblood would be showing up for the event. Since he’s hosting the event and all…”

Azure looked back down at the papers on his desk, not looking at the Unicorn. He sighed, and then looked up.

“Yes. He will be there to open the doors and greet the patients. He might even stay longer, if some ponies don’t mind.” This last comment was directed at Twilight and the other Elements, and she knew it. She wanted to look away in shame, but just nodded and walked out to wrap up any loose ends.

Once she was gone, Azure groaned and rubbed his temples with his hooves. It had been a pain dealing with them the past few days, and it hadn’t helped that he was trying to restrain his emotions in both personas.

He didn’t know what to do. It hurt him deeply that Rarity and the others, while ignorant, had driven him to nearly striking the pony he cared for. And it hadn’t helped when, after waking up the next morning in his parent’s memorial, he had learned that Celestia had told them an abridged version of the Gala that had happened fifteen years ago.

And for the past couple of days, his mind had been swirling with thoughts and emotions, not all of them rational or good. It took all of his will power not to act on most, and even more to appear normal. Luna had been by, and his newly returned aunt had helped, using some sort of spell to ease his mind and soothe him. Today was the first day he felt better.

Still, he had a duty to perform. He would go to the Hospital Event, and be the best darn host they’d ever see! Even if it killed him!

He shook his head. No, never think about killing or death. Especially not on the anniversary of his parent’s tragedy.

Azure looked over his paperwork and sighed. Might as well get to it…

“Well, Twilight? Is Blueblood going to be there?” Fluttershy asked, walking up to her friend as the Unicorn walked into the lounge. It was a large room full of couches and soft cushions, and was where guests could relax without having to go to their rooms. The rest of the Elements and Spike were here, waiting for Twilight to return from Blueblood’s office.

She nodded, and the others relaxed, releasing tension they hadn’t realized they were holding in. After the startling reveal of Blueblood’s tragic past, Fluttershy had cried almost the entire night while Pinkie had been uncharacteristically depressed till the next morning. The rest had felt awful for the way they had treated Blueblood, though Twilight and Rarity had taken it harder than the rest.

Twilight had been mad because she hadn’t known. Sure, it was personal and private, but wouldn’t Princess Celestia have told her? Or even her brother or Cadence, for Pony’s sake! Then again, she reflected that she had been more socially introverted back then compared to now, and might not have cared or listened if it had been brought up.

As for Rarity, there had been sick feeling in her stomach ever since Princess Celestia had revealed Blueblood’s sorrowful past. She felt awful. Never in her life had she experienced guilt on this level, and it was tearing her up inside. She had no idea how to fix this mess.

Hopefully, though, they could all apologize profusely at the party this evening.

The time of reckoning had come. Would he fail, or would he succeed? Blueblood nervously fidgeted with his bowtie, trying to make it look perfect. Then, he moved on to his suit. A tug here, a pull there, and he decided it looked perfect as well. He slicked back his hair with a gel laced comb, neatly letting his mane fall into his usual style. With a practiced flick of magic, he drew over a handheld mirror, and gave himself a critical look-over. Satisfied, he then prepared the final touches.

In a small vase next to his dresser, there were two magically preserved flowers; a rose, gotten on his 16th birthday, and a bluebell, a gift from his mother on his 9th birthday. Today was a special occasion, and so he gently and with loving care, lifted the bluebell out of the vase and into his suit’s lapel. For a brief moment, he remembered the last time he had worn it. His mother’s funeral. He shook his head.

No! This was going to be a wonderful evening! After that mental pep-talk, Blueblood left his room and headed down to the foyer, where the Elements of Harmony would be waiting for him. He gulped down his fears as he descended the staircases, and made his way to the mares. And what he saw would have knocked his socks off, if he wore them.

The girls were all wearing lovely dresses, each of them similar to the ones they’d worn at last year’s Gala. The main difference was that they were not too over the top, and looked just right for a semi-formal occasion. It also looked like they’d all been to the Spa earlier, and they almost shone with light, they way they looked and held themselves.

Blueblood could tell that some of the guards weren’t able to completely hide their appreciation behind a stoic face, and he was sure that he had a similar stunned expression. But, years of Princely and Diplomatic training kicked in, and he covered his wonderment and longing with a more appropriate kind smile.

“You all look amazing,” Blueblood stated, as he walked in. They turned to face him, and he thought for a moment that they might take offense to his comment. They didn’t, though Rarity blushed from the compliment. That was a start, at least.

“We’re ready to go whenever you are, Prince Blueblood,” one of the coach pullers said from the doorway, and the Prince nodded.

“Well then, I think we should be off!” Blueblood smiled as he said this, and led the six radiant mares to the largest coach they’d ever seen. It was massive, and could probably hold a dozen ponies! The frame work was gold and black, with silvery curtains on the windows, and the emblems of both Celestia and Luna were emblazoned upon the door ways. Blueblood stepped up to the coach and opened the door, then stood aside and motioned for the Elements to enter first.

They entered silently, though there was a small, “Thank you,” that was squeaked out by Fluttershy. Once they were all piled in, he stepped within and sat on the edge of the soft cushioned bench that was the seat. There was plenty of room, and they took this opportunity to spread out and get comfortable.

“Don’t get too used to being here. We’ll arrive at the hospital in fifteen minutes or so,” Blueblood mentioned, gazing out the window.

The Pegasi hitched themselves up, and soon they all felt the coach speeding on its way. As they flew, there was silence in the coach. Not an oppressive or tension filled silence, but more of a “What do I do to break the ice” kind of silence. Eventually, Blueblood decided to speak.

“I want to apologize to you, Miss Rarity. I did not want to hit you, it was just…”

“No, it should be us who apologize!” Blueblood looked up at over at the white Unicorn mare who had spoken.

“We, or rather, I, went too far in our assertion that our experiences were far worse than yours. We didn’t know about your…past,” Rarity said, giving him a sad and apologetic look.

“That’s right! I would totally smack a pony who badmouthed me like that! You’re a lot better than that, so I’m glad you didn’t,” Rainbow Dash chimed in. He could tell she was bad at apologizing, but didn’t hold it against her. She was trying, at least.

“Ah’m sorry if I got a bit uppity over it all. Ah spoke to one of tha chefs, and they told me yer allergic ta apples. So, I forgive you for spittin’ mine out, and ah apologize for being rude to ya about it.” This came from Applejack, and he smiled slightly at her wording of it all.

“I’m super-duper sorry we made you cry, Blue! Really, really really! Really Sorry!” Somehow, Pinkie Pie had crossed the distance between the two of them in a flash. One moment she was at the far end, the next she was literally right next to him, her face in his. Blueblood jerked back in surprise, but smacked his head on the window, making him groan in pain.

“Oh dear! Let me see your head!” The next thing he knew, Blueblood found himself being looked over by Fluttershy, who pulled out a small first aid kit from somewhere in her dress. She carefully placed a band-aid on his bump, and then expertly covered it using his mane.

“Thanks,” Blueblood said, resisting the urge to rub the wound.

“Please, don’t mention it. Also, I’m really sorry as well. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” the timid yellow Pegasus mumbled, in a surprisingly cute fashion.

“And I’m sorry as well, Blueblood. I should have known this, but even after living in the castle for all that time, I still didn’t know about your past. And I’m sorry for opening old wounds.” This was from Twilight, who looked miffed at not knowing something that she clearly felt would have been nice to know before, but also a bit sad that she hadn’t and thus couldn’t help.

For a moment, Blueblood felt a tingle in his heart. For a brief moment, he was happy. For the first time in many years, he smiled with genuine joy. This did not go unnoticed by the girls, and something in their eyes changed. The moment was ruined a second later by a thump as the coach came to a halt. Blueblood would have been annoyed, but he was good at hiding things, so he let it go. With a deep breath, he swung open the doors to the coach, and smiled at the red carpet that had been unrolled to greet them. A few of the Royal Guard had been borrowed to work security for the event, and the prince gave them all a thankful smile. He stepped down, and helped the Elements out next, then walked with calm and practiced steps up to the doors of the Grand Heart Hospital.

Just then, a herald from somewhere called out his name, announcing his presence as the doors were hauled open by a pair of Guards. There was a smattering of applause, and Blueblood smiled at the interior.

The lobby had been redesigned, the benches and couches moved around to allow tables and desks to be set up, laden with food and drinks. All of the furniture had baby blue covers on them, and the benches and couches were given fluffy blue throw pillows to act as cushions. In addition, all the patients stood or sat around, wearing festively colored hospital gowns, while the nurses and doctors wore suits and dresses of their own choosing. The family of the patients stood by their loved ones as well, wearing their own outfits.

As he stepped in to the applause, Blueblood nodded to them all, and stood aside to let the Elements in, who got their own fair share of cheers and approval. Walking over to a podium that had been set up, he cleared his throat before speaking.

“Thank you for such a wonderful greeting, everypony! It makes me so glad that I get to be here and see the results of the hard work from these six lovely mares,” Blueblood waving a hoof in the direction of the Elements of Harmony, “but there is one pony I’d like to thank the most for tonight. Without her, this would never have happened.” He paused dramatically, then pointed a hoof into the audience, singling out a filly.

“Please thank little Bouncing Ball for writing to me, and giving me such a wonderful idea! Her parents have raised a good pony!” A round of applause and cheers accompanied this, and the pale green unicorn blushed furiously from the attention and the kisses her parents gave her. “Now, stop listening to my boring speech and have some fun!” With that, the party goers cheered, some with more volume than others, and they broke away into smaller groups to do whatever it was party goers did.

Blueblood smiled, and felt the gazes of the Mane Six on his back. This time, though, there was no hostility, and no mistrust. The prince allowed himself a moment to bask in the feeling of goodwill he so rarely got to experience.

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