• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 3,306 Views, 199 Comments

Azure Flame - Silver Page

Azure Flame is kind and quiet. He loves vanilla creme pastries, and helping others in trouble. But Azure Flame has a secret which no one knows. What will happen when everypony finds out?

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Cracks in the Foundation

“Is there a reason you’ve been following me, Twilight?” Blueblood turned his head to face Celestia’s personal student, who had been trying to trail the prince silently and unseen. It had not worked.

Smiling awkwardly, Twilight stepped out from behind a pillar and rubbed the back of her head.

“Just checking up on you. You released a large burst of raw, uncontrolled magic last night, and I wanted to check on your status.” Twilight gave a strained grin she hoped would be believable. Blueblood rolled his eyes.

“We have doctors for that, you know. Also, why not just ask me, instead of sneaking around?”

“… I wanted to know what your plans are for tonight. I know you want to protect us, Rarity most of all, but how will it all play out? Will you become Azure Flame for the night, and trick Rarity again? Or will you be yourself and try not to go into ‘Snob Mode’ like you claim to do,” Twilight said, putting just enough emphasis on Snob Mode to make it sound like she doubted its authenticity. The prince sighed wearily.

“I don’t know. I really don’t. On one hoof, Azure Flame helps me hide my weakness. The downside to that is I will have to mingle with ponies, like my aunts, who know enough about the social circles to be curious as to ‘his’ existence.”

“Wait, Princess Celestia doesn’t know about your alter ego?” Twilight interrupted, and Blueblood nodded with a frown at being side tracked.

“Neither Aunt Celestia nor Luna, or Cadence, or Shining Armor, or anypony in the castle, knows about me being Azure Flame. I’ve taken great lengths to hide ‘him’ from my family, as I have no doubt they’d see through my feeble disguise. Anyways, as I was saying, on the other hoof, going as Blueblood would allow me to make it all up to Rarity and your friends, and create some possible chance to confess to her. On the downside, going as myself would stress me the buck out, as I do not like dealing with too many nobles at the same time. I could last a few minutes alone, more if I had somepony with me to distract me and keep me on target…” Blueblood drifted off, becoming lost in his own thoughts, and Twilight was more than happy to be quiet and think as well.

“Then go as yourself.” Twilight said, and Blueblood looked at her, but she continued on, explaining her idea.

“You said you need somepony by your side to control yourself? Then take Rarity as an escort! She loves the social game as much as I love books, and I think even she wouldn’t say no to it, as she could meet potential clients and customers.”

“But, last Gala…” Blueblood began, but Twilight shushed him with a hoof.

“You screwed up, I know. But now you can make it up to her. Show her your real side. I’ll even stay close and follow you two from a distance, and make sure you don’t go bonkers.” Blueblood tapped a hoof to his chin, contemplating her idea. It wasn’t bad.

“Would she accept?”

“From a purely social and business point of view, Rarity would not hesitate to accept. She could hob-nob with the inner circles of both fashion and Nobility. From a more personal side, Rarity, and all of us, in fact, want to apologize to you for causing such pain and heartache with bringing up your past. We didn’t know, and we were not acting as adults should. She will want to patch things up regardless of how she really feels. It’s just the way she is.”

“I think you have a good plan there, Twilight.” The prince nodded in thought, then trotted over and gave a surprised and unsuspecting Twilight a hug. “Thank you.”

Twilight blushed and mumbled something, and Blueblood released her soon after.

“Let’s discuss some more in-depth planning in my office,” Blueblood offered, leading her towards the Canterlot General Affairs Office.

“So… Princess Celestia really doesn’t know?” the walk over was silent, and only once they were in the deserted office space did Twilight bring up the question that really bugged her. Blueblood sighed and massaged his temples.

“Yes, none of them know.”

“Wouldn’t she know who you hire?”

“Not necessarily. She knows the names of a lot of the serving staff and the Guards, mostly because she sees them a lot, but she does not, and cannot, know the names of everypony under her employment. It’s a popular, and false, rumor that she knows everypony in Equestria by name. That would be impossible, even for her.”

“…Does anypony else know?” the purple and lavender Unicorn asked eventually, as Blueblood seated himself behind his desk.

“You’re the second. You found out by accident, but the first pony to know was my old foalsitter, Fleur de Lys. I still go to her for advice every now and then.” It felt weird for Blueblood to reveal this to somepony, especially one he didn’t know that well, but he felt… calm and relaxed after telling her, as if a burden was being lifted from him.

“Fleur de Lys? Isn’t she a supermodel?” Twilight asked, thinking about the new information.

“Was. She was a big fashion model for a long time, right next to Photo Finish in the rankings. Comes from a minor noble family in Prance, and moved to Equestria to pursue her career. She used to foalsit for me and Cadence when she was starting out, after my mother met her at a Charity Fundraiser. They became close friends.” Blueblood smiled on memories of his past, and happier times flashed before his mind.

Blueblood looked up from his reminiscing to see that Twilight was now looking at the carpet, a worried look on her face.

“Is something the matter, Twilight?” Blueblood asked, worried.

“Do you think he was right?” She said after a while, and when Blueblood looked at her blankly, she expanded.

“Was Vandal right? About the Princesses lying about raising and setting the Sun and Moon?”
Blueblood’s expression turned dark, then stern, than finally carefully composed neutrality.

“What do you think? And don’t feel the need to hold back any doubts,” he said, seeing the pensive expression Twilight wore.

“… while there is lots to back up the theory of the Princesses abilities, most of it is either hear-say or from old, ancient scraps of history that might as well be fiction because of how old they are. However, there are instances where their powers become apparent, such as Nightmare Moon darkening the skies for several hours longer than possible during her return. And Discord could change the time of day on a whim, so he could have had similar gifts. But then again, Discord was a prankster, and that could have been a series of elaborate illusions.” Twilight began to pace, he mind racing while Blueblood sat back and enjoyed the show.

“Then there is the magical theory. As Alicorns, they possess more magic than any other living creature, asides from perhaps Discord and the Dragons. Yet Cadence is an Alicorn, and her magical powers are significantly lower than Princess Celestia and Luna’s, but are still greater than that of an average Unicorn.” Blueblood nodded his head, keeping pace with her despite her sudden increase in speed, both talking and walking.

“Why that is, I have no idea, but I do have a few hypothesis’. But in the end, could it be possible for Princess Celestia and Luna raise the Sun and Moon? Normal magical theory says ‘No,’ but maybe they know something we don’t.” Twilight stopped pacing and slumped to the floor, like a puppet with cut strings.

“…I want to believe in the Princesses. I want to believe they say the truth. But I think, somewhere inside of me, I know they might be lying. And I’m afraid to find out.” Twilight looked up at Blueblood with a weary expression on her face, but he just sat there, and nodded to himself.

“I agree with you, Twilight. On all accounts.” She blinked, and looked at him, unsure if she had heard the prince correctly.

“I too have always wondered if they really raise the Sun and Moon. Is it really their own doing? Have they lied to us all these years? I want to say ‘No,’ but after hearing that monster speak to us, I have had my doubts rekindled. Not to say that I trust him, but he raises interesting and valid points. He clearly knows them, and personally, it seems. And Aunty Celestia knew him, and was afraid. Why, I do not know. I think some part of history is being hidden from us. And I want to know what it is and why.”
Blueblood got out from behind his desk, trotted over to Twilight, and sat beside the distraught young mare.

“Do you know what my Cutie Mark stands for?” She blinked again, and shook her head.

“My mark is a compass. My family has a motto that relates to it. ‘The Duty of a Prince is to be a Beacon for those who have lost their way, and to be a Moral Compass to prevent others from going astray.’” He smiled as he recited the Oath his family had passed on for generations.

“Basically, it means I am supposed to be an example for others, and if somepony loses there way, I am to guide them back on track. But it also means I am to find the truth of things, and I am very good at that. I might not be exploring deep jungles and ancient ruins, but I can navigate the webs of intrigue of the Royal Court, and find the solutions to all kinds of questions and problems. I want to know the answer to the question, Twilight. I feel that knowing will be vital in understanding the intentions of this new threat. This Dark Phoenix, whoever they may be, know something, and I will not let it be used against Equestria.”

Blueblood turned to Twilight, and placed a hoof under her chin, raising her eyes to his, and he stared into them. Twilight became extremely flustered at the gesture, and began to blush wildly.

“Will you help me, Twilight Sparkle? Will you help me uncover the truth of this matter, even if it means we have to go behind the backs of my Aunts?” Twilight frowned and averted her eyes, and started to think hard.

Could she betray her mentor’s trust? Could she possible commit high treason, even if it was for the good of Equestria? Could she hurt the one pony who had been like a second mother to her?

After a long time, Twilight brought her gaze back to Blueblood’s. Whatever her answer, it would change everything. She looked straight into Blueblood’s firm stare.

“Yes. I will help you.” Blueblood smiled slightly. It was not a victorious smirk, or an evil grin. It was a sad, yet thankful expression.

In that moment, everything started to change.

Author's Note:

And here we go.
Political Intrigue, possible splits between family and students, and a Twilight Character tag for the story. What more could you ask for?
...Don't answer that, I probably can't deliver.

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