• Published 30th Oct 2013
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Azure Flame - Silver Page

Azure Flame is kind and quiet. He loves vanilla creme pastries, and helping others in trouble. But Azure Flame has a secret which no one knows. What will happen when everypony finds out?

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Blast from the Past

“What? Nothing to say to me? We were so close! You helped me with planning the reception, and were so happy for me!”

“That happiness was for Cadence, you, you, home wrecker!” Azure spat, momentarily overcoming his fear.

Queen Chrysalis gave a mock gasp, and placed a chitinous hoof over her heart.

“How rude, young one! And I was not a home wrecker! Do you think I’d honestly care to be with that foppish Unicorn if I wasn’t masquerading as your dear cousin?” The insect-like queen gave a snort and walked back to the thrones, stopping before the mummified Earth Pony.

“I already have a King! Why would I betray my beloved for a mere prince?” She asked, giving the living corpse a tender nuzzle. To the trio’s surprise, the corpse did not try and bite the Changeling monarch, instead let out a whine and returned the sign of affection.

“Crys…tal…” the undead moaned.

“Uh, well! It seems we’ve met and exchanged greetings! Now, how about you release me and friends, and we forgot this ever happened?” Azure said, giving a half-hearted chuckle.

“Oh, but why leave so soon? You just arrived!” Chrysalis smirked, turning her attention back to her captives. “Take them to the dungeons!” At once, the Changelings snapped to attention, and began to carry them out of the throne room.

“Wait! What are you going to do to us?!” Azure demanded, struggling in his bonds.

“Well, what else do you do with royalty from an enemy nation? Hold them hostage, of course!” Chrysalis said. An evil glint entered her eyes. “As for your friends, well, they have little use as a bargaining chip, unless one of them is secretly a millionaire. So, they’ll become food for my dear children!”

“No!” Azure cried out, and his friends quickly joined in the wiggling and attempt to escape. The commotion caused the enthroned mummy to start growling and snarling, and the Changeling Queen turned to it with a gasp.

“Dear, please! That is no way to act in front of guests!”

The Unicorn and his comrades were bundled out of the room before they could see what she’d do next, and were taken through a labyrinthine set of corridors and hallways, before being tossed into a surprisingly stately guest room, complete with three massive beds.

“When she said dungeons, I was expecting something else,” Creepy admitted, looking around with an appraising eye. The beds looked dusty, but still intact, while the windows had no glass, instead fitted with thick bars of metal. The only source of light were bulbous blobs of the same green goop, hardened and stuck to the ceilings, and softly glowing with eerie light. Everything was made of solid stone expect the door and beds, which were wood. A single ceramic pitcher stood on a nightstand, full of clear, but warm, water, which caused the three to drool unconsciously.

“You are to stay here until further notice. Attempting to leave without permission will be penalized,” the same Changeling as before stated. Or maybe it was a new one. They all looked the same!

Its orders delivered, it spun around and exited, the door slamming shut behind it.

“…Time to escape?” Slim asked.

“Yup,” Azure and Creepy said simultaneously. The three quickly began looking around, trying to find a way out. By the time the sun began to set beyond the gated windows, nothing had been found. There wasn’t even a bathroom, just a pair of chamber pots that Slim took one look at and began to rant about ‘size discrimination.’

“Feeding time.”

“Gah!” Azure exclaimed, jumping in surprise. A Changeling had opened the door and slipped inside carrying three trays in a sickly green telekinetic field.

“Apologies. Here, eat. You need your strength.” Without ceremony, the Changeling placed the trays down and quickly left, leaving the trio alone once more.

“…Food?” Slim inquired.

“Food,” Azure and Creepy agreed.

The meal was, at best, very unappetizing. They were given a collection of the black roots and tubers they’d seen at the outdoor market, as well large wooden mugs of lukewarm water. Stale, mealy bread was the only accompaniment, but the swallowed it down with only token complaint. They’d eaten nothing for at least a day and a half, and had been close to dehydration. They would take what they could get.

“So, Slim, you seemed to know a lot about Tambelon when we were running about outside,” Creepy said after a while, trying to make conversation.

“Uh, yeah, the War of Undeath and the kingdom itself were something that always interested me,” He admitted, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “I read a lot about them as a kid.”

“Well, tell me about it. As a newcomer, all I know is the textbook history,” Azure said, settling down onto one of the beds.

“Well, Tambelon was founded by a clan of Earth Ponies, though the land had long since been settled by Donkeys and Goats. The three races worked together for a while, and after the Great Winter united as the Kingdom of Tambelon,” Slim began, taking a spot on the middle bed, while Creepy took his own bed to lie on. “Their royal family was the Goodworth lineage, though none of them survived to this age. One day, a princess, some say from Equestria, came to Tambelon for routine trade and political discussions, when the downward spiral began.”

Azure and Creepy leaned forward. Slim was a surprisingly engrossing story-teller, and he had a captivating voice.

“You both know Hearts and Hooves day, right? Well, its origins started in Tambelon, due to the princess and the heir to the throne, Prince Goodworth, being given a love poison.”
Azure knew this, as he’d read the history for a school project long ago. Still, he felt something else was coming.

“Truth of the matter was, they’d been poisoned by Grogar, who at that point was the Court Magician, and trusted advisor to the throne of Tambelon. It’s unknown how long Grogar had been planning this, or how long he’d even been a Necromancer, but he quickly took control of the kingdom. For a whole month he ruled, before the bewitched Prince and Princess had a wedding. During the ceremony, Grogar cast a foul spell that killed not only them, but every citizen and made them into his undead army. Long story short, Grogar then began the War of Undeath. After his defeat, Tambelon would not recover, so tainted the land had become, and so was sealed off behind the Thorn Wall, a massive forest of spikey plants that rips apart most anything that enters it, and the Cloud Fence, a continuously raging storm that knocks back fliers. They were created by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as well as the survivors of Gaeum to keep the remaining undead away from the rest of the world.”

“Huh. And so the Changelings took over because no one was stupid enough to go poking around in Undead infested ruins,” Creepy concluded, and Slim shrugged.

“Seems likely.”

“You’re wrong about that. We never left in the first place.”

“Ah!” Azure squealed, jolting in surprise, and tumbling off the bed in his shock. Blinking, he looked up and saw a Changeling standing in the corner, watching them with an unwavering gaze.

“How long were you in here?!” Creepy demanded, pointing an accusing hoof at the bug-pony.

“Since the beginning. I was to watch you and make sure you didn’t try to leave,” the Changeling said. Azure noticed something then. This one had pupils!

“You’re different from the other Changelings, aren’t you?” the Unicorn guessed, moving back into an upright position.

“Indeed. I am one of the Rememberers.”

“What does that mean?” Slim inquired, eager to learn about Tambelon and its new rulers. There was a pause, before the Changeling shook its head.

“You want to know the truth? So be it.” It began to pace, before facing the trio.

“Most of what you said is correct. And yes, the Princess was indeed from Equestria. Princess Crystal Clear. An Alicorn, much like your cousin Cadence,” the Changeling said, directing it at Azure. In response, the Unicorn only narrowed his eyes. However, in his mind many emotions began to roil, as yet another fact, hidden from him by his aunts, came to light.

“And yes, you were right about Grogar,” at that, the Changeling’s voice turned dark, “But, you’re wrong about the ritual. Or at least, what came after. The dark magic spilled forth, and consumed all the life in the land. The Princess held on longer, thanks to her incredible innate power. Do you know, she was standing at the altar, having just exchanged vows when the curse swept over us?”

Azure blinked in surprise. That was indeed news to him.

“She held on just long enough to see her husband decay and perish in front of her eyes.” The Changeling’s eyes clouded over, as it seemed to relive memories. But that was impossible, wasn’t it?

“And then… she Screamed.” Azure blinked in confusion. Scream? That was it?

“Her heartbreak, combined with the crippling dark magic, unleashed a Mana Burst of cataclysmic proportions. Her magic went wild, and tore through the city, stopping Grogars dark ritual from turning many of the citizens into Undead monsters. It instead turned us into something else.”

“Impossible…” Slim murmured, staring wide-eyed at the Changeling before him. It then clicked for Azure and Creepy. “You were one of the people of Tambelon!”

The Changeling gave a sad smile. “Indeed, we were once normal beings, slain by Grogar’s Necromancy and revived by Princess Crystal as what you see before you.”

“Crystal…” Azure muttered to himself. The name seemed familiar. Hadn’t the mummy said something like that, back at the throne room?

“Wait! Does that mean Queen Chrysalis is Princess Crystal?!” Creepy exclaimed, beating Azure to the punch.

“Yes, that is correct. She didn’t die, but wasn’t allowed to be restored to full life, either. She changed, physically, mentally, and magically, into the one you saw earlier today. Most of us are unthinking drone and soldiers. Only a few were allowed to remember who we were and what we lost.”

“Then, that mummy…”

“Was Prince Goodworth, her betrothed. He was not one of the few who became a Changeling, for whatever reason,” Their watcher explained.

“Why are you able to remember any of this?” Azure inquired, giving the Changeling a hard look.

“Because I, like all the others who retain their intelligence, was in the chapel during the wedding ceremony. I was one of her highnesses personal servants,” the twisted creature said sadly.

“Why weren’t you, I don’t know, helped or exterminated when my Aunts and the Heroic Trinity fought Grogar?” Azure pushed on.

“I don’t know. They likely didn’t even know what had actually happened, and pieced it together afterwards. We hid in the vaults and catacombs beneath the city and the various mine shafts scattered around the country. Grogar wanted to capture us to examine and experiment upon. And the Unified Armies thought us more of Grogar’s twisted mockeries of life. Not all that far off, unfortunately,” the Changeling muttered angrily. “We who could recall and comprehend what had happened to us were afraid either way, and tried to simply survive. Princess Crystal, I mean Queen Chrysalis, was catatonic for most of the war, her very essence exhausted and all but dried up from creating us. Even after she awoke, she wasn’t the same. You saw how she acted around the king.”

“She acted like he was still alive,” Creepy murmured, and Azure nodded, comprehension dawning.

“She’s living in a delusion, isn’t she? That’s why those Changelings were acting like that in the market and around the city. They’re playing out a fantasy for her, either obeying her unconscious whims or direct orders.”

The Changeling only nodded in response, and despite all that the cruel monarch had done to him and his family in the past, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.
Before he could say anything, Azure was interrupted by a thunderous explosion, which shook their room and the entire castle.

“WHAT WAS THAT?!” Slim roared, looking around in worry.

“We’re under attack!” The Changeling shouted, looking around franticly.

“How do you know that?!”

“Very basic telepathy! All Changelings are connected to it!” Their guard explained, before another loud blast shook them again. “We have to leave! Follow me!”
Not wasting another moment, and not wanting to be left behind to face whatever was brave or foolish enough to attack them in the middle of Tambelon, Azure and his friends scrambled out of the room after their Changeling guard turned guide.

Closely following the bug-pony led the trio to what looked like an underground cistern, which was full of sloshing water. The stones were slick with moss and algae, and only a few luminescent goo-blobs dotted the walls and ceiling.

“Wait here,” the Changeling ordered, and its wings unfurled and carried it far across to the other side, beyond their sight. After a tense few minutes of waiting, in which more loud booms thundered loudly above them, the Changeling returned, carrying a worn carrying bag.

“I’ve filled this with some roots and other edibles. They taste like crap, but it’s better than anything else you’ll find here,” it said, passing the sack over to Slim, who took it, albeit with a befuddled expression.

“Follow the cistern’s tunnel all the way to the end. It’ll terminate at the entrance to an underground lake. Do not, under any circumstances, go any further into the underground area! Instead, there is a small path to the left of the cistern’s exit that will lead to the surface, a few miles from the Ridgeborn Pass, which will lead you past the Hook Mountains and to the outskirts of Toro.”

“Why are you helping us? Creepy demanded, suspicion in his words. “You, who captured us and were going to kill us?”

“…Because not all of us like what the Queen has become,” the Changeling said softly, looking down, the odd double voice fading and revealing a soft, feminine tone. “I and a few others were going to help you escape regardless, but this is an opportunity we can’t pass up.” The Changeling began to fly over their heads back the way they came, but the white Unicorn reached out with a hoof to stop it… no, her.

“Why won’t you come with us then?” Azure asked. Looking down, she smiled.

“Because as twisted as she has become, she is still my lady, and my friend.” She shrugged off Azure’s hoof, and began to buzz away, but stopped and turned back.

“By the way, the slime on your horn washes off with water. Don’t forgot to do so!” With a giggle, she flew off, leaving Azure to remember, yes, his horn was still sealed off.

“Let’s go!” He ordered, and he took off down the dark tunnel, followed eagerly by his comrades.

“So, you’re the one who dare to attack me?” Queen Chrysalis demanded, staring down from the balcony overlooking the castle’s gate. Before her, her city lay in various states of ruin, as fires raged in some parts, while others collapsed during the running battle between invaders and defenders.

“Your time has come, Queen of Vermin,” Vandal replied, sneering up at her with a cruel look in his good eye. He stood before her clad in silver colored armor, without ostentatious decorations, only a black phoenix surrounded by equally black flames branded onto the chest plate. Next to him was Shadow Law, the young Alicorn clad in similar armor, with his Cutie Mark bereft of armor, for all the world to see his glorious destiny. A small honor guard of elite soldiers stood around the two, composed of Griffons, Ponies, and Diamond Dogs.

“You invade my kingdom with such brazen attitudes, and expect me to be afraid of a rabble of pitiful, deluded children? You should treat your betters with respect, worm!”

“Words are meaningless at this point. Your death has been a long time coming, abomination, and now I shall carry out your execution personally, even if it is a few centuries late!” With a roar, the crippled Dragon let loose a torrent of blazing golden flames up at the haughty monarch, though she battered it aside with a ray of her own magic. It left her panting, however, and her guards swarmed around her to protect her from another blast.

“You’re weakened, oh Queen of the Damned! Your overconfident and failed attack on Canterlot left you and your kind feeble and drained! You barely have the numbers to hold us off, or the power of magic to do so! I’ve waited for a chance like this for too long!” With an earth shaking roar, Vandal and his forces rushed the gate, while Changelings swooped down from above to counter attack and drive them away.

“Kill them all! Let none escape!” Vandal bellowed, his words echoed from above by Queen Chrysalis. The Sun was almost completely gone, and yet the fighting only grew fiercer. Whoever won here would decide the course of fate for the world…

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