• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 3,309 Views, 199 Comments

Azure Flame - Silver Page

Azure Flame is kind and quiet. He loves vanilla creme pastries, and helping others in trouble. But Azure Flame has a secret which no one knows. What will happen when everypony finds out?

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“Just put the files over there, please,” Blueblood said from behind his desk as a guard brought in a massive stack of letters and paperwork. He motioned to one of the few empty spaces in the office, and the Guard placed the pile carefully down, sighing with relief after it was out of his hooves. The Guard saluted the Prince, and Blueblood gave a distracted wave in return.

Once the white Pegasus was gone and the door shut, Blueblood gave a loud groan. In the three days since he had given the offer to the Hospital, an avalanche of work had suddenly appeared for him to deal with. It seemed that there was a problem with the sewage system in the Lower Districts, and this was causing overflow to trickle down to the nearby settlements. He had to fix it, but each time he solved one problem, a dozen more came up. And he still hadn’t heard from Real Medicine about the mini-Gala he had offered.

Shifting his gaze to the new arrivals, he used his magic to check them. He was surprised to find that indeed, there was a reply from Real Medicine. He floated it over, and read.

“Dear Mr. Azure Flame, I have discussed Prince Blueblood’s offer, and they have agreed to let him plan the event. The only time we could get for it though was the night before the actual Grand Galloping Gala. I hope this doesn’t inconvenience you too much. Thankfully, Real Medicine.”

Blueblood paused after reading. The rest of the envelope contained the signed and stamped paperwork from her side. Blueblood smiled as he signed and stamped them himself, giving it the seal of approval it needed to continue through the bureaucracy. He shifted, and moved them to one of the many pneumonic tubes that lined his office, and connected the various offices of the palace. He shot them through with his magic, satisfied they would make it.

Looking up at the clock, he saw it was lunch time. Blueblood wasn’t in the mood for castle food today. He had craving for one of the new fast foods from Canterlot’s Middle District; Tacos, he believed they were called. They were good, filled with salsa and diced vegetables. He stood, and quickly put on his glasses and cloak, and carefully left his office. He didn’t want any maids or guards to see Azure Flame leave the office and then find it empty of both him and Blueblood. It would raise questions he didn’t want to answer.

Out and about on the town! Azure Flame was at peace being surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the shopping district. It wasn’t being directed at him, and Azure Flame could just watch the world pass by. He liked it that way.
Azure walked up to the Taco Stand, run by an Earth Pony named Red Salsa.

“One Taco Grande with full condiments, please.”

“Sure thing, Flame.” Salsa turned around and began to prepare the order. “Haven’t seen you for a while. Been good?” Azure shrugged.

“I’ve been alright. Way too much paperwork though. I’m practically choking on it.” Salsa laughed at that, and turned back holding Azure’s taco.

“You need to get out more, boy! Live a little! This’ll be three bits by the way,” Salsa said, and Azure levitated him the three coins he owed. “Pleasure feeding you, Flame! Come by again!”

Azure walked around the area, munching on the tasty fast food. Blueblood didn’t eat this stuff, but thankfully Azure did. As he walked by a park full of cavorting colts and fillies, one of the parents looked over and recognized him.

“Azure! Over here!” Azure looked over as his name was called, and saw Cotton Fluff standing in the park with her son, a blue and purple Pegasus named Ripple Cloud. He made his way over the pair, the colt running in circles chasing some other foals.

“Hello Cotton Fluff. You’re not working today?” She gave him an odd look.

“It’s Saturday, Azure.” Azure blinked, and then gave a gasp as he realized she was right.

“Wow, I have been working too hard! I forgot it was the weekend!” Azure facehoofed, and Cotton laughed at him.

“Apparently. Hey, Ripple! Say hello to Azure Flame!” the Pegasus mare said to her son, and he stopped running around, then bounced over excitedly.

“Hey there Azure! Wanna play, wanna play?!” He asked, his cute, hyperactive voice making Azure smile.

“I’d love to, but I can’t. I just realized it’s the weekend, so I need to go home and relax.” Ripple looked confused.

“But playing is relaxing!”

“It is, but if I played with you and your friends, I wouldn’t be very fun. I’m too slow and tired to be much of a playmate.” Ripple giggled at that and shrugged, running off to play with the others. Cotton Fluff chuckled at Azure’s response, but then looked at him with a concerned expression.

“By the way, Azure, there was a little… incident with your package delivery from earlier this week.” Azure looked at her, worried.

“Did it break?! Did it get lost?! Was the mailpony Shang-Hai’ed by pirates?!” Cotton shook her head at the unicorn’s overreactions.

“No, none of that! But the mailmare who was delivering it to Ponyville, a miss Ditzy Doo, may have accidentally let it slip…”

“Let what slip?” Azure asked, still nervous. Cotton sighed.

“She accidentally told her your name, Azure. She knows who’s been sending her all the packages.”
Azure’s face paled. That was bad. That was really bad.

“Little Miss Rarity knows the name of her ‘secret admirer’, Azure. Better make sure you can deal with that.” Cotton gave him a cheeky grin and a slap on the back, and walked away to join some of the other moms. Azure just stood there, stunned and scared. Thing couldn’t get worse, could they? Azure shuddered as he thought that. Of course it was going to get worse. Murphy’s Law dictated as much. With a heavy heart, Azure Flame wandered back to the Castle.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short Chapter, as I'm gearing up for emotions in the next one.

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