• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 725 Views, 18 Comments

Saga of the frosen heart - PrincePokerJoker

when the young viking Frost comes to equestria to find his true purpose unexpected things happens.

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From the snow it came

It was cold. So weary cold lying in the snow, blood running down my face. At first, I thought it was my sweat, but all the red filling my vision and burning my eyes gave away reality. I could still hear them fighting in the distance. The sound of steel ramming against steel was loud and clear in my head. It was actually the only thing clear to me now.
I lied down in the snow trying to think of something, anything at all, that I could focus on to clear my head. My name... what was my name. Frost, My name was Frost Haraldson. I was from the village of Redhill. I was -or at least would have become- a man of the north, I just needed to show my worth in battle now, but as you could guess I didn’t exactly go as planned.

I tried to stand, my legs feeling heavy. I used almost every bit of strength left in me just to pull that stunt. My sword felt like a barn strapped to my hip and the axe in my hand made a soft scraping sound as I pulled it through the snow. My body had stopped moving. Feeling the pain in my leg, I looked down, my right leg was covered in blood, and the arrow was still stuck in my upper leg. I had taken 2 blows to my back from one of those sneaky Swedes, and a blow to the head with a club before I fell to the ground. I looked around realizing I wasn’t alone. A big man came out the shadows, a big sword pointed towards me.

“So, you must be Harald's son... what was it Frost right?” he said in Swedish, with a powerful voice that would have made little kids cry for a week. It was Gunnar the leader of the village my people had invaded.

“No I am Astrid your long lost sister” I mocked him on purpose speaking in bad Swedish.

His eyes narrowed making him look even scarier. As if I wasn’t enough that he was about as tall and broad as a bear. But his chain mail was covered in a blood soaked sheep pelt, didn’t exactly made him look friendly.

He stepped closer raising his sword, ready to strike at any moment. I closed my eyes ready to face the gates of Valhalla any moment.

“Fool, just like your father you never know when to shut your mouth” he said letting the sword drop towards my head.

A sound interrupted my wait. A hollow sound, like when you try to chop down a tree with an ax.
I opened my eyes and saw a man just a few inches taller than me (And for that matter I am not nearly as tall as I should have been.), standing In front of me was a shield that he had used to block Gunnar's last attack in his left hand, and a big handful of... flour in the other. It was Grimnir my village shaman; he had personally taken the responsibility to see that I came back alive. It was quite normal to get a mentor with you on your first raid, but the shaman was a real mystery. He almost never came out of his house just outside the village, but that he wanted to be my mentor on my first raid was just weird.

“Válla dúr fèlla” Grimnir whispered and blew the flour in Gunnar's face. As soon as the flour left his palm it ignited with a furious roar. Gunnar stumbled back a few steps pressing his free hand to his face to dull the pain.

Grimnir turned away from the screaming giant and looked at me. “No you are not ready yet,” he said looking at my wounds. I was dressed in my favorite -not so white - shirt and a big vest made from reindeer pelt. He ripped my shirt open leaving my chest bare. He looked at my mark of the thunder moon that was burned into my skin. Every child in my clan born under a stormy full moon gets that mark; I believe some of my ancestors had the mark before I did. Their names were… Well let's just say that I am the only who's ever had the mark. It is said that Thor the god of thunder blesses those children born under his glorious storms during a full moon. The symbol was pretty simple. A circle symbolizing the moon with a thunderbolt down the middle was simply burned into my chest at the age of 4.

Grimnir put his thumb in his mouth and actually bit of a joint (Great now I'm about to die from either the wounds or when the crazy Swede) the Swede came to his senses, but at least we have time to grab a snack. The blood splashed in both our faces but the shaman was as could as the snow falling around us. He took his now bloody thumb and started painting on my chest. I was so shocked that I didn’t protest.

“You must find your true purpose elsewhere. Find the one that bares the mark of the setting moon, she will know what to do. And by Odin’s hairy balls kid if you screw this up, you will not even be safe behind the walls of Valhalla,” He said with fire in his eyes.

“Now GO!” Grimnir trusted his palm into my chest, knocking out what little air I had left. “Nìdfel Dú vélla Gúren” he screamed, I felt numb in my whole body. It was like I was sucked into my own body, it was like I was torn apart and thrown on the floor for the hounds to take. The pain was like nothing else I have ever tried. The sound of the battle died and replaced with a sound I have never heard before. It was like a hundred snarling wolves, ready to rip out my guts was standing inside my ear.

Then, everything went dark.


Spike sighted, breaking the silence of the surroundings. He was sitting on a rock, near the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. There was nopony in sight. That was good. Spike had been coming an awful lot to this rock lately. Not because it was made of ruby or anything (although he wouldn’t mind that either). He had been coming here to think.

He let out another sight. A little jet of green fire erupted from his mouth, disappearing in a slightly darker cloud of green smoke.

“Damn, it's so boring in Ponyville” he said, lying down on the rock the look at the sky. “Some days it just feels like I´m the only man in this boring town”

That of course wasn’t exactly right. But it was true that the majority of ponies in Ponyville were mares. The little dragon just didn’t have that many male friends. Of cause there were Snips and snails, but those two were not relay the brightest company. Spike was not alone or anything. He was constantly surrounded by twilight and the others, and he enjoyed there company, but it just wasn’t the same.

“HEY SPIKE” spike jumped of the stone, landing on his butt. He looked up and saw a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane hanging a few meters above him.

“Damn it Rainbow. Can't a dragon get some peace around here anymore” he said rubbing his sore butt.

“Aww come on spike that was just too tempting” said Rainbow Dash still laughing.

Spike sent her an evil glare. Realizing she was too busy laughing to notice it, he stood up.

“Aren’t you supposed to be helping Fluttershy feeding the eagles in the east side?” the purple dragon asked.

“Nah it was way too boring so I told her that I would go get some more food for them” she said with a little smirk.

“Well if you wore looking for excitement you came to the wrong place. Nothing ever happens around these parts of
Ponyvi...” Spike was cut off in the middle of his sentence.

A great roar came from behind Rainbow Dash. She turned around just in time to see the dark scar in the air. It looked a little like princess Luna´s mane, but instead of beautiful like the night sky. It was like looking into a nightmare.


I felt like I was being thrown out of a dream. Peace was replaced with shock and uncertainty of where I was. In the beginning it was like flying through the night at high speed. But a light broke the steady darkness and it was like it pulled me right into its mouth and swallowed me.

The light burned in my eyes. I managed to get a short look at the scenery. The snow was gone, and the dark colors of the gray trees and white snow, was replaced with bright and warm green, brown and blue. And of cause the rainbow with the big rosy eyes... wait a minute?

That was about what I managed to think before colliding with the rainbow. I hit its face first and it felt like the time when my father gave me a head butt after letting the goats run wild. I felt my body hit the ground hard. My eyes shut as I hit the grass. The pain suddenly returned. I felt my back burning and my leg hurting from the now broken arrow still stuck in there. I quickly decided that the grass was quite comfortable.

NO. I have to see if Grimnir is all right. Opening my eyes felt like lifting a whole cow, but in the end I got them opened.

A blurry mass of lavender and green stood by my side. And on the other a cyan mass with a rainbow on top appeared.

“Wow” said the lavender blur with the voice of a young boy. “What... what is this? “

“I don’t know, but thanks for asking. I'm okay by the way. I only just got a... a... whatever this is in the face” said the rainbow in the voice of a girl.

My eyes started to focus. I let out a little moan as my muscles started cramping. I closed my eyes and opened them again, this time in full focus. The purple blur looked like a salamander at the size of a small dog.

The cyan.... rainbow... thing, had turned into a horse. No it was far much too small to be a horse... not to forget the color that is.

“Grimnir you BASTARD” I said. The salamander and the rainbow horse took a step back.

“OH MY CELESTIA IT CAN TALK!” said the rainbow horse.

It talks? That should be my line! But my mouth refused to form the words.

“Forget the talking! Look at all the blood!” said the salamander pointing a claw at the ground around me. I hadn’t felt it before not but my back was soaked in blood and I could feel now that it had reached my hand and was slowly spreading into the grass.

By Odin's hairy balls I was about to die beside a talking rainbow maned horse and her purple salamander friend. This was just my luck.


The strange creature, that had fallen from the sky, laid on the ground. Its blood was slowly spreading on the ground. Neither Spike nor Rainbow dash had ever seen that much blood in their lives. They stood stunned for a while. Mostly from the sight of the blood, but also from the outburst it had made before it closed its eyes.

They had to do something and FAST. “Uh …Spike, you get Twilight. She might know what this is. I'll go and bring it to Fluttershy's cottage. She should be able to treat its wounds” said Rainbow Dash in a shaking voice.

Spike looked at her for a few seconds trying to gain control of his body again.

“NOW SPIKE” she yelled.

Spike woke up sprinting towards Ponyville as fast as his feet allowed him.

The cyan pegasus tried grabbing the creature from its front legs. She flapped her wings, quickly realizing how heavy it actually was. She struggled for a while until it finally was having a few phases of air beneath its hind legs, then she flew as fast as she could towards Fluttershy's cottage.
In the name of Celestia, this is like carrying a cow across all of Equestria she thought.

Authors note: hey everybody this is my first fan fic so please go easy on me:)

just so you know I am danish. And so is Frost. And since English is only my second language I apologize for all the spelling mistakes and bad grama. And the fact that I am writing in open office
doesn’t exactly make it easier.

Ps: I have no copyright bla bla bla it belongs to Hasbro bla bla bla chill out have a muffin.

PSS. Thanks to JustAnotherGirl for editing this chapter she is such a sweetheart.