• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 726 Views, 18 Comments

Saga of the frosen heart - PrincePokerJoker

when the young viking Frost comes to equestria to find his true purpose unexpected things happens.

  • ...

The Awakening

Fluttershy was standing in the kitchen, humming in a low tune. She was just about done making angels food; the stubborn bunny had made her make a big bowl of salad, full of carrots and apples that was enough to feed an entire family but that didn’t seem to mind her when she heard her door being slammed open.

Out of pure shock she dropped the salad and hid under the table.

Who could it be? Who would be so angry that they would simply slam the door open? And even without knocking first! Would they hurt her? Would they hurt her animals? What if she couldn't protect them what if-

“Fluttershy come help me, quick!” a familiar voice said while gasping for air.

“Oh… Rainbow Dash, it's just you” she said crawling out of her hiding place. “I thought you I´m sorry but we don´t need the eagle food anyway. I found some more and-” she stooped in the doorway to her living room.

In the middle of the door hang her friend with something strange in her hoofs. It was tall, about a little higher than princess Celestia, and partly hairless. It had a round face with small closed eyes. It's blond mane sticking to its face, blood slowly dripping from its chin.
It seemed to have fur on its body, but only on the torso. It had a gray coat with white edges, but it seemed like it was not attached to its skin (That on the other hand didn’t seem to matter to the blood clinging to it) like a vest. Underneath the fur was a white lair, the middle was ripen apart, shoving light skin underneath. Its legs were covered in a baggy brown coat. Is that a stick stuck in its leg? Thought the yellow pegasus. Its forelegs were not like the ones of a pony. It reminded her of a bear, but not as big. And it had claws. Or did it? The tip of its hoofs had the same features like spikes claws, but didn’t seem sharp.

“It´s hurt Fluttershy! It needs our help” said Rainbow Dash still panting from the long flight.

The timid pegasus was speechless. Not alone she had never seen a creature like this before, but she had never even imagined that much blood in one place before. She was stunned. What could she do? She was not a doctor! But it had lost so much blood, and it might be too late to go to the hospital? She was powerless she was just...


The animal carer took a deep breath. “Put it on the table and let me get the first aid kit”


Spike ran through Ponyville. His legs hurt but he ignored the nagging pain. Many ponies looked after him as he ran but he didn’t care. This was just too weird. He slammed the door behind him as he entered the library.

“Spike... haven’t I told you that you shouldn’t slam the door? You know it will break some da-” the lavender unicorn was laying on the floor reading yet another book.

“No time Twilight, we need to get to Fluttershy´s cottage NOW,” the baby dragon interrupted

“What are you talking about spike? What happened?”

“You see this big... I mean there was a hole and... this "thing" fell and...” the dragon rambled without knowing where to start.

“Just go to Fluttershy's cottage and you will see for yourself”

The lavender unicorn stood looking at her assistant. He was panting heavily, so he must have been running for quite a while.

“Ok Spike but if it's just another one of you and Pinkies pranks you're gonna sleep on the floor tonight” she said giving him a sharp look. “Just let me put this back in place” the book she was reading was surrounded by a purple aura, and flew back to its place on the shelf.

“Oh, bring some books too. Got anyone about hairless apes? And bring some about healing magic too”

The unicorn looked at spike for a second. “Sure this is not a prank?”


“That should do it... for now” Fluttershy stepped away from the table. The fur on the torso had been removable, and so had the -not so white- shirt underneath. It had hidden two long, open wounds across the back of the creature. They were now covered bandages, slowly turning red. They had slid a pillow underneath the head to support it, and prevent more damage. It must have taken a blow to the back of the head with something heavy.

“What the heck is this thing Fluttershy?” asked the rainbow maned pony while looking at the strange creature.

“I really have no idea. It could be some kind of monkey or hairless bear”

“If it is a bear, then "that" is one ugly bear”

The pink maned pegasus was about to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. She walked over and opened, finding her purple unicorn friend and her assistant on the other side.

“Hello Fluttershy Spike told me that you had an inters-WHAT IN CELESTIA'S MANE HAPPENED?” Twilight’s mouth dropped and pointed at the pegasus' blood soaked hooves.
Fluttershy looked down on her hoofs. It was like she returned to reality at that moment. The memory of the all the blood she had been in contact with the last few moments, had been blurred by adrenalin. But now that her pulse had fallen and her heart had stopped racing, it all came back and hit her like a hammer. She fell to the floor with a slight bump.

The gifted unicorn stepped over her friend and saw "Ponyvilles coolest pony" standing next to the bloody table with the creature lying on top.


“How should I know? It just appeared out of the sky and landed on my head”

“Bu-but... It doesn’t even have wings! How is it supposed to do that? AND WHAT THE HAY IS THAT STICKING OUT OF ITS LEG?” The lavender unicorns volume rising with every question.

“Twilight, do you think that I even know WHAT THE HAY IT IS?!?" Shouted the cyan pegasus. She looked at it for a bit. "But I think we should try and remove it?”

Twilight stepped closer as Rainbow dash turned to the stick in the creature's leg. She grabbed the stick with her mouth and said with a nervous look in her eyes “here we go”


A sudden pain pulled me out of my dreamless sleep. It was so intense that my body reacted on its own for a few seconds. My eyes flew open. I screamed as a new jolt of pain rushed from my leg to the rest of my body. I sat up and yelled out “SWEET TITS OF FREYJA!” The sudden movement was not such a good idea. I felt the half healed wounds on my back opening again, and the pain was too intense. I lay down again, exhausted and gasping for air my vision started to clear. I was inside a house. The ceiling was made of solid wood instead of hay, but not too high. I turned my head and saw into a big pair of purple eyes. They wore full of fear and curiosity.

“See! I told you it could speak”

“Not now spike! Quick, hand me the book of basic nursing”

My eyes was locked at the purple blur. I couldn’t move my head. I had used what strength I had, and my body was cramping. They stared back at me, afraid to move. I couldn’t make out how long it stayed like that, but a purple light suddenly started shining from somewhere out of my vision. I felt the tension in my body releasing, and the pain stooped. I let out a sigh of relief, and closed my eyes.

“That should at least take the worst pain” The voice was female, and was coming from my right. I opened my eyes slowly. The purple eyes had stepped back and I was now able to see whom they belonged to. Ahh... it was the Rainbow horse and her purple salamander friend. Oh and how nice a purple horse with a horn sticking out of its forehead... wait what? I closed my eyes and opened them again. The image was the same. I let out laugh. This was just too good to be true. Asbjorn had been right those mushrooms really did mess up your brain... but... I didn’t even have any before the battle... then what was this?

“Ehh... hello” said the purple horned horse. “My... My name is Twilight Sparkle...” I started laughing. I couldn’t hold it back. This was a dream I had just figured it out. The colorful horses and salamander was fragments of my imagination. Hah even the pain was a par- wait a minute... my father had told me that you weren't supposed to feel pain in dream´s. I felt another jolt of pain shoot thru my leg. My laugh died. I looked down at the arrow stuck in my leg “Oh Loki why do you hate me so?”

“Ehh... I said my name was Twilight and this is...”

“Look horsy I don’t care who you are, all I care about right now is getting back and beat up Grimnirs hairy ass back under that stone he crawled out from”.

“Whats a Grimnir?” asked the salamander.

“And please don’t talk... any of you. It doesn’t exactly make it easier to convince myself that I ain’t crazy”

The purple one that called itself “Twilight” stepped closer.

“I know you must be scared and all but we are here to help you, and the right term is pony by the way” she said in a comforting voice.

Scared? Me? Well considering everything I couldn’t really say I wasn’t. But I had been told that fear was not something that a warrior should feel. So I hid it. Right now I had to get that arrow out, and I was in no position to pull it out myself.

“All right” I let out a sight “if you want to help me, then pull out that arrow” I leaned my head back on something soft.

“Ok Rainbow Dash here will take care of that, while I prepare a spell to stop the bleeding”.

I opened my eyes again and lifted a brow. Did she just say spell? My thoughts were interrupted by pain. I felt the arrowhead ripping the inside of my leg apart.

“STOP” I yelled. “You have to push it through. PUSH!” the rainbow horse let go of the arrow, and looked at me with lifted brows.

“Are you crazy?” she asked “That will just mess up your leg even more”

“The head of an arrow is made to mess up whatever it hits. Just do what I say” she looked at Twilight that was just as puzzled as her. Then Twilight nodded and Rainbow Dash let out a sight.
I felt the arrow pierce the flesh and eventually break the skin. I groaned as the pain made my body cramp again. I felt the hot blood running down my leg. As soon as the last piece of wood was out, Twilight’s horn started glowing. It felt like my leg was dipped in a lake during summer, warm and wet. But the pain had stopped. I looked up at Twilight and shook my head. Hairy balls of Odin she was a purple, female, pony version of Grimnir. The moment she bites off her hoof I´ll kill her.


Authors note:

Hey everypony I was in homework prison this weekend (yes my school got that) and got a lot of time there to write this chapter.

Once again I apologize for my grama and spelling. I really enjoy writing this story and as I could see in the comment of the previous chapter at least some of you guys liked it.
I admit that i am kinda new to all this stuff but heat least im trying

once again I owe nothing bla bla bla all that stuff. You know the drill

and thanks to JustAnotherGirl for editing