• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 726 Views, 18 Comments

Saga of the frosen heart - PrincePokerJoker

when the young viking Frost comes to equestria to find his true purpose unexpected things happens.

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The Sun And The Moon

Silence filled the room. I had been moved to the couch, and was now sitting face to face with the hor... I mean ponies. “So let me get this straight. You are both talking ponies?” I pointed at the Twilight and Rainbow Dash. They send me a nod in return. “And you are a baby dragon?” I turned to look at the scaly creature known as Spike. Another nod “And I am in some magical land known as Equestria?” all three nodded. I had now been talking with them for about half an hour. I had picked up that I was not in Scandinavia anymore... surprise. That this land was inhabited by ponies, and that they got quite pissed if you called them horses, and that there was more than one type of them. It made no sense at all! The ones called unicorns all possessed magic, the ones called pegasi could fly, and then what I first assumed would be their slaves were called earth ponies possessed no power at all. But apparently they all lived together in harmony... it made NO sense! My head was spinning and I leaned back, quickly regretting as a jolt of pain shoot thru my back. “OUCH” After the arrow had been removed they insisted I needed to rest. But how could I? I was in some kind of magical land inhabited by ponies. I had deserted a fight. Left my friends to die.

“Uh… I think you should take it easy... at least for a while” said the lavender unicorn.

Easy for her to say; she wasn’t the one talking to magical ponies.

“No I have to get back.”

“Not in your condition. I am surprised that you are even conscious”

“SHUT UP! I am not taking orders from a DAMN HORSE!” I yelled out and the room went silent.

I closed my eyes. I was exhausted, hurt and utterly lost. Where was I? How was I supposed to get home? I felt heavy. Tiered, but I had to get answers. I opened my eyes and let out a sight. My head was spinning from all this weird information. There were simply too many things that didn’t make sense. But as my father used to say “if you run out of water, you simply can't just piss on the iron” he was such a wise man.

“Well I guess a little sleep wouldn’t hurt”

I didn’t wait for them to respond, I just laid town on the couch and closed my eyes. Normally I would never even consider this in a stranger's presence, but they wore ponies... what could they possibly do to harm me?

They all looked at the sleeping creature. It looked a lot more peaceful now even with the fact it was still a bit scary.

“Where the hay did y'all find this thing” said Applejack lifting her brows to unnatural heights.

“It came from the sky.” The cyan pegasus explained to Applejack.

After the strange conversation Rainbow Dash flew out to get the rest of their friends. What else was there to do? They had no idea what it was. Just that it talked Equestrian and was quite short tempered.

“It is so hairless. And why is it only wearing cloth on its hind legs?” asked Rarity.

“Forget the cloth look at the cutie mark” pinkie pointed a hoof at the mark on the chest of the creature.

“ I don’t think it's a cutie mark pinkie. It looks like an old wound of some sort” Twilight was now looking thru her fifth book, but still no catch on hairless, talking monkeys. “You got any books about midget bears Fluttershy?”

The yellow pegasus had washed her hoofs and after a little rest she was now standing at the creatures side holding its... claw... thing.

“I don’t think so Twilight, but don’t you think the princess knows something? We should send her a letter and ask” she said not letting her eyes leave the sleeping giant.

Twilight ripped her eyes from the book, and then slammed a hoof in her face. “Fluttershy you are a genius. Spike ready to write?”

She explained that her friends had found a strange creature, and it was badly hurt. That she needed help to identify and heal the creature, and that it was somehow intelligent. This took a few minutes but it only took a few seconds before the response came.

Once again I was ripped out of my sleep. A high noise made woke me and I sat up. The only thing I managed to see was the ceiling, before a white light blinded me. It felt like I was falling for a second. Then I hit the ground, instinctively rolling over to stand. I grabbed the knife from my boot in the progress. My vision was still a little blurry, but as it started to clear I realized I was surrounded. A dozen ponies formed a circle around me, all with horns pointed towards me. Seriously what kind of grudge dose the worlds have against me sleeping? I looked around. I was outside, standing near some kind of... house. The unicorns surrounding me were dressed in golden armor and a soft glow came from the tips of their horns. Then I saw two other ponies, if you could call them that standing behind the circle. A white pony that was at the same size of a normal horse, but with both horn and wings. Her long... mane I think it was, was like a rainbow slowly blowing in the wing. The other one was smaller, yet bigger than those surrounding me. She had a dark blue coat and a slightly brighter mane. They both wore some kind of crown.

“Creature of Mudguard!” the white one said with a firm yet kind voice. “Lay down your weapon and surrender!”

The unicorns took a step closer, the glow in their horns glowing a little brighter. A voice cut through the tension of the circle.

“PRINCESS CELESTIA!” Twilight, Rainbow, Spike and some other ponies came running out of the house. “IT IS NOT DANGEROUS”

The white one -Celestia I assume- didn’t call the guards back, but she did sent them a slight nod and the glow in their horn faded away.

“So now I´m an 'it'” I said sending a smirk in their direction.

“No matter what it have told you Twilight, do not trust it! Humans are a deceiving bunch of brutes” she said not taking her eyes from me. “We felt its presence as soon as it entered our realm, but to think it would be cloaked so well from our detection spell, it is not to be taken lightly”

Twilight and the others now stood beside the two big ones. The dark one narrowed its eyes and said with a low but powerful voice “I thought thou said it was hurt?” her voice giving her away as a female

Now that she mentioned it, the pain was gone. I tried feeling my head where the club had hit me, but there was no pain. My body was covered in bandages but there was no pain. Well finally some good news.

“You know I have a name right?” I said.

“And we will be more than willing to hear it once you drop your weapon” Celestia said.

“Well it would be a much more fair fight... sad thing I´m not into that”

“Please” the yellow pony that had came out of the house said with a sweet voice on the edge of crying.

I don’t know why, but somehow her voice calmed me. It reminded me of something. I took another glance at the guards before putting my dagger back in my boot. I should remember to keep a distance to that one.

“Now how about you all put your fancy face pears away, and we talk like reasonable people... pony’s... whatever”.

I exchanged evil glares with the princess for a few seconds, before she gave another nod and in a series of flashes like the one that had woke me up, the guards were gone.

“We are not here to hurt you human. We are here to help you” Celestia continued.

“Yes and the guards were just the disguised guests for my welcoming party”

I heard a little shriek from a pink pony in the back “NOOO! How could you do this Celestia! Already holding the welcoming party, and I wasn’t even invited” seemed like most of us ignored her tough.

The dark one moved forward. “Sir I promise that we wish you no harm. We are just trying to make things right. So if you would let me, I need to see if you are the human we seek” she said in a low tempting voice still approaching me.

I had no idea what she was talking about, but before I could think she was close enough to do what she had planned. A quick slash with her horn ripped the bandages on my chest, leaving it bare...except for. She gasped. She stared at the pale scars on my chest forming my mark of the Thunder moon. Celestia shook her head slowly “That explains why we couldn’t detect him”

I had no idea what she was talking about but before I could ask the one in front of me said something that blew my mind away "did Grimnir send you?” how the heck did she know him!

“Now where do you know that old bastard from?”

“He visited Equestria once. He hath helped us with a few problems. He told us that he would send another human to this world... but we thought...”

“So what? Old Grimnir never told you how handsome I was?” I said with a smirk. Some of the smaller pony laughed. Good, the tension was getting a little too serious for my taste.

“No... we just never thought that it would take nearly two thousand years”

My jaw dropped to the ground. TWO THOUSAND YEARS... that old... I mean weary old bastard.

“The spell used to send you here is quite complicated. It gives a destination but not a given time... Grimnir must have been in a hurry”

“That would explain a little...” it didn’t but I might as well speed up the conversation. “But why did he send me here?”

“He gave you no instructions?” she looked puzzled

“He said...” the memories seemed so far away. But his words had been hard to misunderstand and it is often a good idea to listen to the mad man who eats his own fingers “He said that I was to find my "true purpose" elsewhere... and something about looking for a setting moon”. I said after a short pause.

Now something happened that I think no one could have seen coming. Celestia burst out laughing. Long and cheerful. I was surprised that she wasn’t rolling around on the ground. But I was clearly not the only one noticing this as "strange". Everyone was looking at her, especially the dark one. Her gaze was full of rage, but at the same time she looked kind of embarrassed. She started to calm down and said still gasping for air “Well it's always a good thing that he hasn't forgotten you Luna”. So her name was Luna that was at leas- wait.... what? I looked at the dark pony and saw that her flank had a mark... shaped like a moon. How the heck could a horse help me finding my true purpose! Grimnir... may your beard be tangled in your teeth.

“This is not time for your amusement Celestia... I am sure this human have a lot questions that needs answering”

“You know that human isn’t my name... right?”

“Than what can we call you?” this time Twilight was the one to talk. That was right; I never told them my name. The short conversation I had with her and Rainbow had mostly been me asking the question "Why can't I wake up?" and "What mushrooms did you feed me?" I still wasn’t sure if it was safe yet, and the nab I had taken was a big mistake. I shouldn’t give them my real name... What? You thought Frost was my real name? Well it's not. But it is the name I am mostly used to. So why not use it? And to be honest, it sounded better than my real name.

“I am Frost... Frost Thundermoon”