• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 725 Views, 18 Comments

Saga of the frosen heart - PrincePokerJoker

when the young viking Frost comes to equestria to find his true purpose unexpected things happens.

  • ...


this chapter has not been edited so please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors you may find thank you ^^

So here I was. Trapped in a house with eight magical ponies... like anyone was ever gonna believe me back home. But nevertheless there I was. The awkward silence slowly making me more and more nervous. I sad on the the floor while the couch and some stools had been tuned to face me. Just like the ponies sitting on them. Luckily the silence was broken by Luna.

“So as I understand you have a lot of questions and we...”

“a lot of questions? Heck I don’t even know where to start. Or maybe we should start with the part where YOU SEND ME HOME BEFORE I BREAK YOUR WINGS OF AND EAT THEM!” I jumped up and practically spat the last word into her face. The smaller ponies jumped off their seats to hide behind the couch, but the princesses sitting in it was unaffected.

“we cant” Celestia replied in a flat tone that only made me angrier.

“Why.... not?”

“Because the spell that transfers a body to other worlds is one of the most advanced spells known to ponykind”

“so you tell me that the old bastard Grimnir is a better at magic than the royalty of a country full of magical ponies?”

“Not by far” Luna said “Grimnir only got power in his magic, even a unicorn filly have more control than him. But the spell that transported you here only takes power from the casters side. The control comes from the one being transported”

“so you can use magic?” said Rainbow whose head popped up from behind the couch.

Celestia and Luna both let out a little laugh.”no he has no magic power whatsoever. But this have” she pointed a hoof at my chest.

“its just a burn mark. Old scars. They have no power” I said

“you are mistaken human... Mr. Thundermoon” Luna said “You see this mark is a symbol of an Æsir blessing. The residents of Asgard is very found of the residents of Midgard and somtime...”

“so you tell me that this isn’t just an old scar?” I had never really believed in the whole blessed by Thor thing... but I didn’t believe ponies could talk either.

“no it is a type of amplifier. It consumes the magic around you and enhances you body’s natural strength and speed”

“is that why the wounds healed so quick?” asked an orange pony with a strange hat. Her name was Applejack, they had all introduced themselves to me earlier.

“and that’s why my medical spell seemed so hard to maintain. You wore absorbing the magic!” said an eager Twilight.

“But I have never healed so fast before. I am just a normal human!”

“Maybe in Midgard but here in Equestria you are absorbing the magic in the air. You see magic here is much more powerful than where you come from”
“And that is why the mark is so important” said Celestia with a serious look “without that mark you body wouldn’t be able to comprehend the magical flow around it. And in a matter of seconds... explode” silence filled the room at that comment. Wow suddenly I was quite happy to have that scar.

“but you wore talking about the transport... spell... thing” I said to change the subject. My own death wasn’t relay my favorite subject.

“Ohh yer.” said Luna. She seemed as stunned as I from her sisters last statement. “the power comes from the caster, but control must come from the subject. And to gain the necessary control you must be in sync with the world around you”

silence filled the room again. What in the nine worlds was she talking about?

“so he have to become a pony?” the one called pinkie pie or something asked.

“no but lets make this easy” Celestia said with a more welcoming voice than she had used on me “what was it like at the time you wore transported. What was happening around you?”

I took a moment to think “well it was could... and dark. I could hear fighting. And I was about to get killed by a big ugly guy... the usual” better tell the truth about that one, at least if I had any wish of getting home.

“and how wore you feeling?”

“well I was hurt. Angry... and scared “ the last thing had been hard to get out but the sooner I could get an explanation the sooner I could go home.

“see, all those feelings are negative. They are dark and isolated... just like your world” the last statement was a little harsh, but what could I say? She was right.

“and because you are not in emotional sync with this world... we cannot send you home” Luna finished her sister.

“sooo... I have to walk on four leegs and eat carrots all day?” this was at least funny for one of us as Celestia let out a soft giggle and said

“no. you have to find harmony” she said it like it was obvious.

I sad there stunned for a moment. All eyes in the room pointed at me, waiting for my response with eager eyes. I honestly didn’t know what to say. Harmony was a big word for people like me. It is like one of those stories that my mother used to tell me. The ones about great warriors that slay the trolls lurking under the bridge to bring peace to the village. But something told me that this didn’t really involved that many trolls. But then how was I supposed to get home?. I let out a sight, defeated by the riddle and looked up at the now smiling ponies. (smiling ponies? Now I have seen everything).

“and how am I supposed to find that?” I asked

“you will have to find it inside yourself. But you will not be alone in this task” The white mare rose to her feet... hoofs... whatever and looked at the smaller ponies behind her. “and who would be better to help you than the elements of harmony?”

“the what, of what?” I said

Celestia turned to me again and with a smile (a fiendish on of the kind) and said “i will let your new mentors explain that to you in time. In the meantime, we will remain In Canterlot and wait for your reports”. She send a look over her shoulder to the six ponies.

“Of cause Princess, we will do everything in our might” twilight said as she shoot her chest forward with a determent look in her eye. The others stayed silent but had the same look of determination. It reminded me of the look Eric Twistbeard had wen he said he could best a bear in hand to hand combat... but for some reason I hoped this wouldn’t go the same way as him (the cleaning alone was a nightmare).


Another hour passed in the little room. The two princesses went over some minor details with me regarding how to adapt to this new world (and occasionally assuring me that I wasn’t plain crazy), while the other ponies went outside to discuss something else. But at last the princesses rose and Celestia said “we have to get back to Canterlot now Mr. Thundermoon. You being here is going to give us a lot of extra work so we´d better get going”

“yer I guess the almighty horse goods, better get some sleep before the annoying human reeks havoc upon their pony disciples” I joked.

Luna at least seemed to have a sense of humor as she let out a short giggle. Celestia just shook her head and walked out the door. Outside the the smaller ponies was in the middle of a hot topic. They wore apparently arguing about where I was supposed to live.

“THINK ABOUT ALL THE CAKES!” pinkie yelled out with her front hoofs in the air.

“we discussed this already pinkie. Its just to darn dangerous” Applejack shook her head, like she had already said this four times.

“And we don’t even know if he eats cake” said Rainbow

“that’s a silly thing to say silly willy”

“but what if he doesn’t? Didn’t you hear him, he said he was going to eat princess Luna’s wings!” Fluttershy said voice shaking.

“ohh come on Fluttershy. I’m sure he doesn’t eat pony wings. He was just angry and went a little overboard” twilight laid a comforting hoof on Fluttershy´s shoulder.

“shes right. I would never eat her wings” it was obvious that they hadn’t seen me coming, and as I spoke they all jumped a little and turned to me. Fluttershy blushed heavily as she realized I had heard what she had said (wait can ponies blush?).
“there is almost no meat on the wings. See the flank, that’s a whole other thing” I couldn’t resist the urge to give them a fiendish grin as all their faces went pale.

Celestia gave me a push and shoot me another of her 'I will kill you while you sleep' looks. But then I realized. If I was going to live with ponies... was I allowed to eat meat?. I could feel the blood run from my face, and my heart pounding like crazy. A life without meat... just ain’t worth it.


Luna and Celestia left there disciples and the Human a few minutes after. They had to give newcomer a scolding for the eating jokes, and making him swear not to actually try it. Luna looked to her side, finding her flying a few meters from her with a serious look on her face. Luna could imagine what was going through her sisters head. A creature from another world meant trouble, but a human from Midgard... it was like throwing an angry manticore right into the middle of a foals birthday party.

“Dont worry sister. I am sure your student and the other elements will do just fine” she said in a comforting tone.

Celestia shook her head “i couldn’t sense much evil in the boy... but bears a lot of scars on his soul, and tat is almost as dangerous”

Luna flew in a little closer and said “i sensed it to, but we cannot cage him in the castle. A human who finds himself trapped will surely pound his way out. And with the two of us that close... his mark would go haywire after a few days”

“i know sister, and I never doubted my student and her friends” she gave Luna a light smile that faded just as fast. “But it is the commotion from the other realms that concern me... mostly the Asgardians will be on my neck because of this”

She was right. The Asgardians was a rowdy loot that was more concerned about power than any other celestial realm. Maybe that’s the consequence of having over a hundred gods of war. And the reason the other celestial realms keeps their distance. Luna wanted to be there for her sister, but in this situation there was little she could do.

“How long do you think it will be before they send him?” Luna asked with a voice that barely hold back the concern.

“They will send him soon. Our farther is certainly doing his best to hold them at bay, after what happened last time... I dont think he would plan on coming here again for another thousand years” Celestias eyes became hard and focused at the mentioning of their farther.

It had been so long since Luna had seen her farther. And the last time she had, they parted on bad terms. Last time she had seen him was wen Grimnir had passed through to their realm, and he was ordered to get him back. Ohh Grimnir. Luna remembered the kind smiles he used to give her. The long nights they used drifting through the clouds. She missed his touch ween he held her head in his arms and said he was happy. The first hundred years after he had gone home, had been so terribly lonely.

It was about time for the sun to go down ween they reached Canterlot castle. They flew through one of the great windows leading into the throne room. The air was colder in here. Luna found I odd since they wore in the middle of the summer season. But then it hit her. She looked to both sides and found Celestia staring at the throne with bitter sadness in her eyes. But her face was one of pure anger... witch could only mean one thing. Luna looked in the same direction and found her suspicion to be true. On front of the throne stood an enormous stallion. His black coat darker than anything Luna had ever seen. Hes eyes was like beacons of blue light in contrast to his coat. His eight legs looked both misplaced and majestic at the same time. He looked at them with no particular emotion and said with a deep and powerful voice “greetings Celestia. Luna. I have been waiting for you”.

Celestia took a step forward and tried to speak in a formal tone, but it was completely overthrown by her anger. “Sleipnir!” the name felt alien. Luna was stunned but managed to slip one word though her lips “Farther?”.


Authors Note.

TAHA I finally finished it.

Sorry all of you I got a loot of assignment here the last month before the exam and I tell you I am about to kill something out of pure frustration.
And since I have to take my sailing license (I have no idea what it is called in English) in a few weeks, practicing my “dont run the man overboard doll over” skills. (poor doll)

But here it is and yes I have taken some liberty in the mythology area but dont worry, you haven’t seen the last to that (evil grin) but I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment if there is anything or anyone you want to see in future chapters.

And just for the people who doesn’t know, Sleipnir is Odin’s eight legged horse meant to be able to outrun any other horse. He is also a son of Loki who gave birth to him in the form oh a horse (yes Loki is the mother) to prevent a Jodin from completing the wall around Asgard in time.

And just to be clear... I OWE NOTHING (except my good looks)