• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 925 Views, 62 Comments

Thy Flesh Consumed - tankmanbrony

The Second Demon War starts, and a new faction arises from to pit, Hell has returned

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Chapter Ten: Germaney

Gorrog sat in the cargo bay of a troop train, carrying one hundred soldiers himself and the two Paladins. The very nature of this mission was to prove Gorrog’s goodwill to the Equestrian people Luna had claimed, his past sins to be atoned for.

Gorrog looked at the equipment of the train, swords, spears and other assorted weapons. The reason he was in the cargo bay was that the passenger car were too small for him, his eleven foot height well past their seven foot high ceiling. He laid back and rested, the Equestrians would no longer trouble him, as Luna herself had given him a writ of passage, granting him access and safety to any Equestrian settlement.

A horn sounded, this was the final leg of the journey, and they were nearing their mustering point.

Due to the nature of their expedition Gorrog thought they would end up fighting ponies.

“Gorrog, we are ready to move, remember Germanes wear grey armor, and have an iron cross as their standard, do not confuse them with us.”

“Yes, Paladin, I will not confuse you ponies, though I think that giant armored lizards are pretty hard to confuse with ponies.”

The Paladin grunted and left the cargo bay. He had refused to tell Gorrog his name, saying that it was not important especially to him, considering that in his eyes, he served the very opposite of Gorrog.

Gorrog had been ordered not to speak to the ponies, except in combat and despite Luna’s assurances that he could be trusted, many still did not.

He took a deep breath in with his nostrils, tasting and smelling the air and he reflected on how much had changed since two years ago.

Two years ago, Gorrog had led one of the most formidable armies in his section of Hell, he had defeated all of his enemies and was on the eve of an invasion that would bring ever more demons into his fold as they were attracted to his glorious slaughter. Now he was working for the very creatures he had set out to crush. A Baron of Hell had appeared and while he claimed to serve Gorrog, he doubted it.

“Gorrog, we have arrived,” a jet black pegasi shouted him.

Gorrog nodded and opened the side door of the train. Standing he observed the area around him, and took a breath of the air. Than the screaming started.

“A Hell Knight!”


“Cease this at once, he is now a loyal soldier of the Empress herself, need I remind you the penalty of questioning her?” Asked one of the Paladins.

The ponies running from Gorrog and the hysteria suddenly halted, and silence reigned, the citizens of Trottingham stunned that one of the Paladins was in their city, along with the very scourge of Equestria.

Gorrog stared at the ponies and saw the obvious signs that something was wrong.

“Paladin, look at them, something is very wrong here.”

“Gorrog what do you mean?”

A noise caught Gorrog’s ears, the sound of tramping feet on stone.

“Paladin, listen.”

A line of grey shields advanced down one of the streets, each one interlocked with the one to the right of it.

“Company, halt!”

Gorrog, the two Paladins and their Royal Guardsmen stared down a Germaney shield wall.

“What in the name of the Kaiser is that monster?”

The soldiers looked at Gorrog, as he advanced, his steps shaking the ground. His eyes burned as he gazed at them, finally a target he could absolutely crush.

“Gorrog, you have the warrant of the Empress, crush them!”

“With pleasure.”

Closing the space between them Gorrog slammed into the front ranks, using his fist to send the unfortunate pony flying.

“Surround them and prevent their escape, leave them to the wrath of the Hell Knight.”

The ponies of the Royal Guard rushed to execute the order.

Gorrog meanwhile was a juggernaut, his sheer strength and lack of any experience against demons working in his favor as Gorrog smashed through their ranks. Biting into one of the ponies he crunched through his neck and shoulders, sinking his teeth into his body.

Jerking his neck Gorrog tore the pony’s head off his shoulders, crunching down on his skull and swallowing.

“Fall back, FALL BACK!!”

The Germanens, fled in his wake, a few being trampled as their fellows ran over them.

“Stand your ground, deserters will be executed on the spot!”

Gorrog looked at the source of the voice, an officer by appearance with a crossbow and curved sword on his side.

In between them stood about twenty soldiers, each one resolute that killing him was their only hope of survival, easy.

Gorrog conjured a fireball and hurled it into their ranks the shockwave sending several flying.

“Your, mine!”

Gorrog surged forward feeling bones break as he trampled them under his feet. Reaching out he grabbed the officer with the crossbow and fancy armor. Gorrog brought him up to his face and stared into his eyes.

“I am Gorrog, rightful Lord of Hell, War Tyrant of Hell’s Fists and bearer of the Heart. Tell those who command you, I come in fire!”

Releasing the officer Gorrog let him drop. Examining the carnage behind him he smiled, and looked at the corpses, trying to figure out which would taste the best. Selecting one of the bodies he used one of his claws like a can opener, slicing some of the flesh underneath it as he went, not caring as small bits of blood squirted into his face.

He heard a thump and felt a bolt impact his back. Ignoring the pain he continued to tear open the armor of his intended meal, taking great pains to avoid turning around and tearing the officer to pieces.

“By the Empress.”

Gorrog turned at the mention of Luna, and recognizing the voice. One of the Paladins was staring at his grisly work, and turned his gaze to Gorrog saw the body he was working on. Gorrog dropped the body and stared at him.

“This is what Fillydelphia was like wasn’t it?”

“No, it was much worse.”

The Paladin’s jaw dropped, and Gorrog could see him pondering this at the scale of an entire city.

“My Lord, the Germaney officer escaped and we followed him back to the field lines they have constructed.”

“Excellent, let the word of this slaughter spread throughout their ranks, soon we shall attack.”

“Gorrog that is not your decision to make, it is mine.”

“WHAT, did you say lizard.”

“Gorrog even with you, we have not the strength to attack them, they still have a 4 to 1 advantage of number on us. While I know you have fought worse odds, but most of our number are not the equal of Hell Knights, even you would be overwhelmed by their numbers.”

“Watch, Paladin soon fear shall spread throughout their ranks and they will have the problem of desertion. Which will crush their morale as they execute deserters.”

“Remember Gorrog, we are trying to recapture the rest of Trottingham, we can’t burn it to the ground.”

Gorrog just smiled and looked across the river watching as the Germanens milled around in confusion as his assault had caught their attention. Soon, he though, they will be vulnerable enough to strike and with sufficient blood shed he could open a small temporary portal to his army and call a few hundred through, and cast off the shackles of the Empress.

Gorrog caught up in his thoughts of slaughter , failed to notice the Germanens preparing a counter assault.

“Gorrog, they are crossing the main bridge, get here quickly!”

Gorrog saw a wave of soldiers quickly moving across the bridge, they had set up very large crossbows mounted on tripods, aiming for crucial targets and launching small bags with burning wicks protruding from the top. They exploded shortly after striking what they were aimed at.

Gorrog sprinted down the streets, his stride toppling a few objects along the way, and the few ponies in front of him dived out of the way. Gorrog saw the column of soldiers advance, their orderly formations advancing towards him at full stride, several bearing large spears and they focused on him.

Each spear had a long sharp edge running its length and a curved spike on the other side.

The ponies holding them, hade on helmets with visors similar to Equestrian Shock Troops but lacking the same bulk but their solid ranks and their movements as a formation, seamless and as one spoke of incredible discipline. Gorrog looked up and saw one of the bags being launched at him, and it exploded in his face, covering it in soot.

Swatting at his face, Gorrog felt several spears slam into his chest, one hitting his massive ribs and stopping the other missing his vitals and stopped as it got too hard to push them through his muscle. Flailing Gorrog struck several of the shafts, breaking them and smashing his fist into the side of a building trapping it

Roaring Gorrog conjured a fireball and threw it at where he though the soldiers were. A splatter of blood told him that he was at least partially correct. Rushing forward Gorrog tore his fist free from the building, and tripped over one the soldiers, sending him sprawling over the railing and into the river.

Gorrog shook his head, the water around him was rising and he sunk his claws into the stone walls of the river walls, and opened his eyes. The soot was gone, washed away into the river and he clawed his way upwards, the current battering him as he strained to get his head above water. He saw the underside of the bridge above him, and started crawling on it, this tactic while easy for an Imp was nearly impossible for a Hell Knight. Gorrog however had mastered it during a set of battles above a vast lava ocean with demonic bastions positioned on spires rising from it, connected to each other by massive stone bridges.

Maneuvering himself into position Gorrog crawled along the bottom of the bridge sinking his claws deep into it and curling them to prevent them from slipping. He crossed the underside quickly moving as fast as he could, the tramp of boots above him, signaling a large group of soldiers were moving above his head.

Gorrog felt something wrong and scrambled up the side of the bridge as three of the heavy crossbow crews spotted him and opened fire. Missing Gorrog they sailed into the water and Gorrog launched himself Imp style into the ranks of soldiers on top of the bridge.

Gorrog’s body slammed several of the ponies into the side of the bridge, smashing their skeletons and sending chunks of meat into the air.

“Fall back and surround the monster, we shall kill it now and send a message to the tyrant he serves!”

Gorrog was feeling the loss of blood greatly now, his various wounds, all were bleeding profusely.

“Pull back we can’t hold them, abandon the Hell Knight, he did his task.”

Gorrog dropped to his knees, the various spears in his body making movement excruciating as his crawl along the bottom of it had made his muscles dash themselves against the blades imbedded in his chest.

“Take the Hell Knight alive, I want to know exactly what this new weapon is. Considering the damage it caused we could use it.” Gorrog was barely coherent and he fell on his side as the soldier surged around him, several laid hands on him, and started to pull him away.