• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 925 Views, 62 Comments

Thy Flesh Consumed - tankmanbrony

The Second Demon War starts, and a new faction arises from to pit, Hell has returned

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Chapter Seven: Alliances Forged in Blood.

They entered the town hall, as Gorrog found out and the captain sat down on a chair facing Gorrog, with a table between them.

Flanked by Little Horn, Gorrog, was a curiosity for the ponies of this town, despite his previous visit. The demon sat upon a large bench, with a few barrels beneath it to help support his weight.

“So Gorrog, I will treat with you, but I cannot guarantee that the High Command will honor our agreements. You have stirred up a great many enemies for Equestria since you last walked among us. The diamond dogs we fought today were only one of many. The Minotaur Kingdoms, the Griffon Empire and others all have made moves against us, with only a few nations well beyond our borders remaining friendly. The Griffons have cut off trade with us to prevent corruption of their nation by the same power that besets Equestria, the Minotaurs have sealed their borders, and are building entrenchments along their border with Equestria.”

“I see, but I can promise you this, the Fists of Hell will no longer trouble you, so long as I am in command, however I have come to warn you of the Black Tide, a horde of demons numbering in the hundreds of thousands, they bring with them, some of the weakest and strongest demons in Hell’s service and as it stands we are sworn enemies. So I offer my assistance to Equestria in return for a military alliance.”

“So the Butcher of Fillydelphia, the breaker of harmony, the Black Scourge wishes to aid us, what an odd turn of events, but since the black letter arrived I was surprised to discover you wished a peace talk will us.”

Gorrog and the Captain turned to see none other than Princess Luna in the entrance of the hall. Cloaked in a midnight black robe, only her eyes showing.

“Gorrog, I should kill you right now, yet I shall stay my hand, as recent developments have persuaded me of your usefulness. The Inquisition has informed me of several outlying hamlets and isolated farms going off the grid, their usual shipments of food halting suddenly and upon investigation it was discovered several gruesome scenes of slaughter not seen since the Sacking of Fillydelphia.”

“I have not the forces to do such acts Moon Tyrant, currently I only have my personal body guard, and Little Horn here as soldiers. I am in no position to antagonize your kingdom, especially since I need your assistance. I assure you this is the prelude to a much larger invasion, from the Black Tide.”

“The Black Tide?”

“A demon horde that while it dwarfs mine in quantity lacks the same quality that mine has, making use of the small but numerous Trites and Vulgars as soldiers in place of Imps and Maggots. However it leaders, the Vargary are not to be underestimated, their Queen in particular is powerful, and very cunning, these farms and hamlets you speak of are her simply testing the waters.”

“A second demon army has come forth to do battle, this is grave news. Captain bring me parchment and ink, I have to alert the army, we shall need a response to this otherwise we shall be overwhelmed by these demons.”

“So, Moon Tyrant, shall we agree to join our forces?”

The princess hesitated, staring into his eyes, and extended her hoof, the red of his hands contrasting with the dark blue of her fur.

Gorrog watched as the captain returned baring the parchment and an inkwell.

“So Gorrog” said Luna, spitting his name as if it left a foul taste in her mouth,” I will give you my word as Princess of Equestria that you and your demons are our allies against this threat” and in a low voice she added, ”upon the slightest sign of treachery I will destroy you myself.”

“It is agreed than, we shall assist each other in overcoming this threat, but first I must gather my strength to me, it shall only take a moment.”

With that Gorrog stood up and started for the door.

“I don’t think so, Gorrog considering what you did last time we met, do you really expect me to just let you walk out of here?”


“Soldier, cage this monster!”

Gorrog looked around him and saw soldiers armed with pikes and crossbows emerge from the basement and every entrance to the structure, their bodies covered in plate armor with fur poking out from the joints. He felt the pokes of several sharp points in his back.

Taking a step forward Gorrog felt the temperature drop, his breath and the breath of the ponies steaming in the air.

Grunting and taking a few baiting swings Gorrog weighed his options, and a little voice inside him told him that he had little chance in a fight. He could bust through a wall but he knew that considering the number of ponies surrounding him, he would most likely find many more outside the building.

“Gorrog, come quietly and I’ll find a use for you, perhaps as an execution device or a meat shield against the very demons who have chased you, but should you not take this offer I will freeze you to the spot.”

The dropping temperature and the icy glow radiating from her horn, assured him that it was no idle threat.

Without his bodyguard, Gorrog knew that he little chance. Gorrog took a step towards Luna.

“Drop this petty charade, face me Moon Tyrant, I will crush you just like your sister.”

“Gorrog, a challenge to single combat, really how dumb do you think I am?”

Gorrog shifted his weighted to other leg, noticing how the soldiers on his right side saw this and shied back a little. Their eyes, visible threw the slits in their helmets showed apprehension.

“You know Moon Tyrant…”

A punch from behind sent him sprawling, and he fell flat onto his hands and feet.

“You will mind your tongue monster when you address the Empress monster!”

Rolling onto his back Gorrog saw the drake. He was wearing a suit of armor painted dark blue, with a white moon on the breastplate. His helmet’s visor was lifted and Spike stared down at Gorrog pure contempt and loathing in his eyes.

“Stand up monster.”

Gorrog slowly rose to his full height towering over Spike, his massive body dwarfing the drake’s. His rage barely contained as he repeated closed and opened his fists.

“Well what are you waiting for, do it.”

The drake was startled at first, but it was quickly replaced by a look of pride as he signaled for a massive set of manacles to be brought forward. They had three loops of thick steel all connected to a large ball in the center.

Spike pushed Gorrog’s head down, the Hell Knight complying with the drake as forced his head and arms into the manacles.

“See even the foulest of demons heads the Empress!”

“Praise to her!” The soldiers exclaimed.

Gorrog was lead out and he was placed in a large cage, his restrains chained to a set of massive loops in the bars. He looked as far as he could to the left and saw Luna standing on the stairs, her wings extended and her head in the air.

“Let this day be known as the day that the demon lord Gorrog was brought to the light of the Empress!” A hooded soldier who was taller than the others said.

In the distance Gorrog saw in the distance a set of red and green flames. Cursing himself for being so foolish, he looked around for Little Horn, and saw no sign of him.

“The monster you created fled when her grace arrived demon, you should have followed suit” said Spike and he spat in Gorrog’s face.

“And demon know this, your fellows will be hunted down and put to the sword like the vermin you are. Only the word of her grace keeps you alive.”

Gorrog stared into the drake’s eyes, surprised by how much had changed in the world. The very nature of this race had changed.

A stirring suddenly appeared in Gorrog, one he had not felt in one hundred years. The call of a greater demon, one who could transcend the mortality of their flesh as Hell saw fit, or they failed in their purpose. Gorrog shuddered this was very unexpected, and troubling, as if his invasion or that of the Black Tide had awakened a Greater Demon, than everything here, including himself would be threatened with death the likes of which this world had never seen.

Author's Note:

Any Suggestions by you guys would be welcome and feedback on my plot is also welcome.