• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 926 Views, 62 Comments

Thy Flesh Consumed - tankmanbrony

The Second Demon War starts, and a new faction arises from to pit, Hell has returned

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Chapter Eleven: The Demonic Arts.

Gorrog’s eyes slowly opened, the dark preventing him seeing much. He couldn’t feel his hands or feet, and turned his head to the side, trying to look at them. His eyes looked at them and saw the hooks in his hands and feet. They were positioned so that if he tore free he would break most of the bones in his hand.
Odd he thought that this crude prison was the most effective. His captors lurked behind a steel door set into the wall and it opened.
In stormed several fully armored soldiers and behind them walked calmly a high ranking officer, clade in his uniform with several medals on his chest. His face had a scar running along his light blue fur and his left eye was covered by an eye patch.
“So this is the monster that the Equestrians unleashed upon us. It is most impressive, however from what I’ve heard terrifying on the battlefield. Is that so sergeants?”
“Yes General, he slaughtered an entire company of soldiers singlehandedly, charging straight through a shield wall thick enough to stop a minotaur, and look at the size of him, he must be an entirely new species. We think that he is from the lost continent or the Scorched Lands.”
Gorrog turned his head towards the Sergeant who was speaking and opened his jaws and snapped them together.
The General looked at him, pondering Gorrog, and turned his attention to Gorrog’s head, and his looked changed to one of shock.
“I know what this creature is, and I don’t think we have enough soldiers to contain it, send word to the Over Command of the Army, the scourge of Equestria has been captured alive and requisition additional soldiers, the Griffons will pay a high price for him as a pet to their king and we need the capital.”
“Yes General.”
They left the room leaving Gorrog in silence…
Several days passed and Gorrog was alone, the hunger in his stomach intensified till it filled everything in his mind, slowly gnawing away at him, eating away at his strength.
The door creaked open, agonizingly slowly for Gorrog who desperately want to tear free from his restraints and eat whatever was opening the door.
“So I hear we have creature from the scorched lands sergeant, well let’s see what this creature is.”
Two soldiers walked in, one in a grey overcoat, the other dressed in casual dress for a pony which is to say no clothing. Gorrog stared at the large box the pony in the overcoat had brought with him. He set it down beside Gorrog and opened it, and pulled out a pen and paper.
“Bring me a table.”
The soldier rushed to fulfill this demand.
“You know, I’ve seen a creature like you before, of course it was from afar, I was observing the border with Equestria as medic in the army, and I saw a group of creatures like you just a different color and had couple of smaller guys with him.”
He hit Gorrog’s hand with a hammer, and Gorrog winced from the pain.
“Can feel pain.”
The doctor removed various other instruments and started working on Gorrog, taking a few breaks here and there but carried on for hours, though Gorrog had no idea why he was doing this.
Gorrog watched the doctor, pull out a small knife, and Gorrog’s eye’s widened, this small pony was going to attack him with this weapon.
“It will be a small cut, don’t worry it will all be over quickly.”
Gorrog stared at him and his compliance with being examined and for the first time in over a year, started to use his corrupting influence, driving the terror of Hell into the doctor.
It would not be instantaneous but slowly he would drive the doctor insane. Reaching out with his Heart he set him a visions of blood and death, and watched gloating as the pony froze his eyes twitching. It was short but it had an obvious effect on him. Gorrog projected the voice of a female pony, similar to one who had called him a monster before the Battle of Canterlot whom he had promptly executed in front of her foal, down the hall saying
“Over here… help me!”
The pony whirled around, and Gorrog saw his legs start to shake.
“Who’s there?”
He started backing up and tripped over Gorrog’s leg, landing just shy of one of the hooks that held Gorrog’s hands to the ground. Gorrog smiled and snapped at the doctor.
The pony started backing away from Gorrog and then he pulled on a cable. Gorrog could not turn his head far enough to actually look at him but he knew that given a few more hours he could break him.
Gorrog watched as the doctor’s call went unanswered; the cord was on the other side of the room.
Several minutes passed by and the pony gradually stood up walked over and collected his things, retaining a semblance of calm collectedness. Gorrog watched him as he walked out and the moment he thought that Gorrog could not hear him, he broke into a full gallop down the hallway.
They left him alone for a long time after that, Gorrog assumed it had been a few days but had no way of being sure, continued to play mind games, though this time it was with the other prisoners down the hallway, though he pointedly avoided tormenting the Equestrian ponies, focusing on the Griffon prisoners. He sent them twisted versions of their block, showing it in the aftermath of what it would look like if the demons ransacked it, blood on the walls, entrails and body parts scattered along the walls, and a few glowing pentagrams on the floor where demons had been summoned.
Than Gorrog realized that with the Hell Gate open he could in fact summon some of the lesser demons to him. Cursing himself for not seeing this before, he concentrated on a stone in the floor and begun to call an Imp to him, when it hit him, if he summoned a demon and was found, he would be most likely killed on the spot and if he did break free, the wounds he would suffer would be grievous enough to end any chance of fighting he had.
Frustrated by these problems he went back to toying with the other prisoners, attempting to drive them to insanity.
Over the next few days he started to focus on those whom he judged weak enough for this to work. Generally erring on the side of caution with his choices, as he was greatly inexperienced at this and he was investing a lot of his energy into this as well so even if he wanted to summon a demon, he couldn’t even summon a Lost Soul.
This was a problem and he had to feed, flesh or souls it was no matter to him, but it was unlikely that anyone would sacrifice their soul to him here or anywhere else. However possession was a different story.