• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 925 Views, 62 Comments

Thy Flesh Consumed - tankmanbrony

The Second Demon War starts, and a new faction arises from to pit, Hell has returned

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Chapter Two: Awakening

Gorrog and the newly dubbed Little Horn walked back to where the demons had made their encampment. Little Horn’s coat had changed color from the dark grey with spots of grey to dark black, with splotches of red near his hooves and face, resembling the pattern on Gorrog or his Black Hell Knights.
He had to walk fast to keep up with Gorrog’s long strides. The temperature was falling as night approached and Gorrog saw the pony shiver as they made their way into the mountains, Gorrog climbed the steep ledges easily using his massive hands to crawl up them like an Imp. Little horn on the other hand had difficulty and on some of the steeper slopes Gorrog hand to carry him.
As the last rays of the setting sun hit the horizon, they finally saw the camp. The other Hell Knights and the Baron had been busy, moving boulders and setting up a small fire pit using their fireballs. They paused and Gorrog put an arm in his way.
“My guards will not attack you unless I order them too, the Baron on the other hand, unless he sees the Pentagram, he will gut you.”
Little Horn visible gulped and a slight glint of fear appeared in his eyes. Gorrog walked forward into the light of the fire, his eyes scanning the area, then to his relief Abkesh and the rest of his guard walked out of the cave, followed by the Baron, his size causing him to stoop. Abkesh placed his fist over his heart and bowed as did the other Black Hell Knights, but the Baron simply nodded that he had returned.
“I have found a creature of great interest, as you should know my investigation of the pony bore fruit. I have created a new kind of demon similar to the commando’s that fought on Mars but of more intelligence, I name it Little Horn.”
“Gorrog, how can you be certain of his loyalty, we are taking an awful risk by permitting him here.”
“Baron, he is ours, I have absolute confidence that he is totally loyal, Hell itself now runs through his veins as it does through ours, even as we speak it is altering his physical form into a form worthy of the Pentagram.”
“I hope for all of our sakes that you are right.”
The Baron turned and walked back to the fire, and sat, his bulk casting a large shadow, across the hill top. Gorrog gestured and Little Horn walked into the fire light and in the short time that Gorrog had been away from him, he had changed. One of his cheeks was in tatters with a few strings of flesh going across it, and his body had grown a more muscled physic. His eyes had turned from blue to pure black, as if the pupil had swallowed them.
The other Hell Knights stared at him, and Gorrog noticed the flicker of curiosity across Abkesh’s face, but it quickly submerged itself under a mask of indifference. Ignoring it Gorrog now started an examination of his creation, as he merely provided the conduit of power, Little Horn had been born out of the pony’s body and the Hellish power that Gorrog had injected into him.
“Gorrog when are we resuming our journey to your fortress, in order for your armies to return to us we’ll need you to reopen the portal to Hell, and unleash its might upon this world again.”
“Baron, Gorrog wouldn’t the fortress be guarded by a large pony garrison, numbering in the hundreds and you only brought five Hell Knights as back up. “
“You underestimate us, we are not regular grey Hell Knights, we are the strongest of our kind, the veterans of The Great Hellish Civil War, and the First Demon-Pony War, and nothing will stop us.”
Thunder crackled overhead and they all looked up, storms were gathering across the valley and moving towards them. The Hell Knights closed the plasma balls that formed in their hands and Gorrog’s eyes narrowed as he gazed out across the fields.
Something about this storm wasn’t normal, but it wasn’t threatening, but still concerned him. Something was amiss, but the sound of the storms rains advancing towards them drove them inside the cave. The Baron lite one of his red fire balls and leaned up against the wall.
The other Hell Knights stood in a formation at the back of the cave, a space open in their line, in respect of their fallen comrade. Gorrog stared out at the plains; something was in the clouds flying at immense speed
“Little Horn, Abkesh, Baron we have a problem, look at those clouds something is moving around them, very fast.”
All the Hell Knights and the Baron moved to the mouth of the cave. The sheets of rain obscured the clouds but they could all see the movement of something. Than they saw it, a funnel descending into the plains. It swirled furious and wild, picking up debris as it touched the ground tearing into the grasslands with tremendous force.
“Stay inside the cave, we need to stay clear of that thing.”
A roar erupted above them, and Gorrog looked up. A massive cloud of smoke was rising from the mountain top, in two distinct clouds.
“What in the name of Hell has been released upon us?”
“Gorrog, that is a full grown dragon, they are rare this close to Equestria but I promise you if that thing finds us we’ll be smoking corpses.”
“Correction Little Horn, only you will be a smoking corpse, Hell Knights and Barons are exceptionally resistant to fire, of all kinds. You on the other hand, will be a smoking corpse, or a pile of ashes.”
Gorrog was about to say more when he stumbled as something massive impacted the ground behind them.
“Everyone out of the cave, its coming through this part of mountain!”
They raced out of the cave as a massive chunk of rock was pushed out of the mountain. Looking up Gorrog saw a red claw reach out of the mountain side; it was attached to a massive arm, easily twenty feet long. Conjuring a plasma ball, he stood as it reared its face. Its long snout, scared poked out of the mountain.
The wind was losing its speed and the debris while most were still in the air the largest ones had stopped. Staring into the mouth of the massive hole in the mountain, everyone them had their plasma balls or fireballs at the ready. Gorrog started to relax, until a loud roar shook the ground.
The dragon was showing itself, it head followed by a moderately long neck and a large body, red in color and a row of spikes stretching down it back. One of its eyes had a massive scar running across it and a pair of large horns crowned its head.
“Impressive, now let’s get a taste of that fire.”
“What strange minotaurs are at my gate”
Gorrog looked around, he had heard of minotaurs but none were around. He was confused until it struck him, the dragon didn’t know what they were.
“You shall make tasty snacks.”
The dragon reached for Gorrog, its claws outstretched as if to grab him. Than it abruptly dropped its arm, on Gorrog, its claws pointed downward to trap him.
As it was falling Gorrog, did the only thing he had time to do, he raised his arms.