• Published 27th Nov 2013
  • 1,551 Views, 22 Comments

Dead Anon - Bastinator

Following the events of Hero Anon, a long-dead hero finds himself amongst the living once more. Anon will do what he must to fulfill an old promise.

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Chapter 2: Among the Living

You shield your eyes as you awaken from your slumber. It’s been so long since you’ve seen the blinding rays of the sun. Yet instead of anger, you only find relief in the warmth it brings. Swinging your hips off the side you place your bare feet on the tiled floor. Yes, this was your home. Was…

The nostalgia passes just as quickly as it came, your mind revisiting yesterday’s events. How could you have been so weak? To betray your very morals for personal gain… But in truth you’d do it over again in a heart beat. You made her a promise, and you never break your promises.

You pick up the garbs next to your bed, the same clothes you’d worn for the past hundreds of years. Maybe it’s time for something new? Tossing them aside you open your closet, your old clothes still hanging neatly inside. Besides the obvious buildup of dust, it’s almost as if you never left. One particular set catches your eye and you take out the old denim pants and silk shirt. It’s been over six centuries since you first found yourself on Canterlot’s doorstep, give or take twenty or fifty years. The looks on the guard’s faces were hilarious, but you can reckon the one on yours was priceless. You remember sitting there on the dirt road staring back at the armor-clad ponies, completely dumbfounded by the sight. Most of the dirt has been washed off since, but you still find the same streak that has plagued the jeans since your arrival.

These clothes had served you faithfully in your life. You’re tempted to don your old pals, but you’ve outgrown them quite a bit. Perhaps you can find somepony to tailor them for you, but alas, that’s for another time. Your eyes fall back to your discarded pair of clothes, seemingly the only pair that’ll fit. You sigh and slip back into your previous outfit with disdain. You were hoping for something a little… fresh. Hooves knock against your door, “Heya Anon? You in there?”

“What is it?”

”Anonymous has requested your presence. Hurry up will ya?”

“Hold your horses. Damn, ponies these days. No patience.” You finish up and open the door, the orange pony you saw yesterday waiting for you. “Back in my day ponies had respect for another’s time and being.”

”Don’t you get all other timey on me, we got places to be.”

“Fine, after you.” She leads you out and through the castle halls. “What did you say your name was again?”

”I didn’t.” You didn’t know harpies flew this far south.

“Apple-something or other, right? Forgive me, but I’m terrible with names.”

”I’m sure.”

“A little short with the words huh? Applejack! Your name’s Applejack.”

”What made you remember?”

“You were being a jackass, so the shoe kind of fit.” She scoffs at your attempt at humor and gives you the cold shoulder.

”So what’s your story? Another drop-in I presume.”

“I don’t exactly follow.”

”Why’d he bring ya here?”

“How should I know? The guy snuck into my cell and broke me out so I could fight for him. I didn’t ask why.”

”So you were a prisoner? I don’t know many prisons in Equestria.”

“Well Tartarus ain’t quite as nice.”

She stops and stares at you, “Wait, you’re…”

“Dead Anon, at your service,” you say with a grin.

”Why- How- But-“

“Ask that douche you call a leader. I’m just here for the reward.”

”B-but what would you want? You’re dead!”

“The only thing a dead man would want. Life.”

”You’re crazy.”

“Just enough to follow this freak, and what does that say about you?”

”I got my own reasons to follow ‘im.”

“I’m sure you do.”

You get ahead of her, “I do! I do, ya hear?!”

“Whatever you say AJ. Throne room? Throne room.” She angrily follows behind you, likely frustrated about how you called her out on the rug.

“To answer your question, I was a hero. Before I died of course. I took the title of those who came before me and did my job. Have you ever lost, but won at the same time AJ?

”Can’t say that I have.”

“Well, it changed my life. It didn’t seem that way at first, but after I got used to her…”

”You lost to a mare?” Her questioning words were meant to sting, but they fail to dampen your spirit.

“She was special, and I would do anything to be with her again.”

”Are you sure she’s still alive?”

“Love is one thing that surpasses time. Yes, she’s alive.” You push open the throne room doors, ending the conversation there.


”Anon, glad you could make it,” Anonymous booms upon your entry. “Applejack, you can take your leave now.”

”Yes sir.”

She breaks away from your side, “Come Anon, let’s relax a while.” He darts towards you and sits, a couch appearing at the snap of his fingers. ”Éclair?” he asks brandishing a plate.

“No thanks, two’s enough for me.”

He shakes his finger at you with a smile, “Oh you… Gustav told me someone snatched one last night. You sneaky sneak you.” A gleam catches his eye, “A toast then, to the beginning of great things.” Another snap and a chalice falls in your hands, “Bottoms up.” You figure “why not?” and gulp at the contents.

You spit out the crimson liquid, spewing it over the floor. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” The taste of blood is extra potent, unlike the treated stuff you got back in Frostbite.

”Drink up now, you need your strength.” Even with the little you ingested you can feel the tingle as its corruption spreads through you. But you prepared for this, just in case. You grab hold of the liquid within, focusing your mind and gradually clearing the infection from you. With a final push you spew the last of your contents from your gullet, the floor layered with your conquest. ”How wasteful, blood doesn’t grow on trees you know… actually…” That… simpleton. The nerve! He’s lucky you acted as quick as you did.

You grab him by the collar, the fucker just grinning happily. “Do you think this is a motherfucking game? Have you any idea what you almost did?”

”Yes,” He answers plainly, “Do you?” You pull back your fist to hit him. “I don’t think so,” a voice whispers in your head.

“No, you don’t win that easily.”

”I think I just did,” he replies, lips unwavering. Even with all your strength your arm refuses to budge, your body seemingly locked into place. He carefully removes your hold on him and speaks, “I had hoped you’d be more understanding, seems I was wrong.”

“Can say that again.”

His eyes flare with anger, the first time you’ve seen him like this. ”I gave you a second chance, you damn well show me respect.”

“Fuck you.”

A flash of pain washes over your face as he rubs his fist, “You may have been some great man where you came from, but here-“ He comes in with his left, “You’re just another dog you little bitch.” Your hand meets his own as he comes in again, “Wha-“

Freeing yourself from his paralysis you throw his fist back. “This dog has teeth.” He’s even stronger than you originally thought, a shame such power was wasted on his feeble soul. You know you can’t beat him in one-on-one combat, not without leaving either your body or mind open to his assault. “Show me the right place to use them.”

He blinks in confusion, “You’re not angry?”

“I know better than to let my emotions get the better of me.” You wipe the blood off your chin, the smell tantalizingly sweet, a façade to its devastating nature. “So why’d you ask me here? Business or pleasure?”

”I can’t just hang out with another person?” He looks to the floor, “Let’s take a walk so this place can be tidied up.” You follow his lead, walking out into the courtyard. A row of surly midgets in robes walk about in the courtyard along with all manners of foreign beings.

“I’ve never seen creatures like these before. I’ve been gone a long time it would seem.”

”They aren’t native to this land. Anyone with a gaming console would recognize at least half of these guys.”

“Consoles… Far too long.”

”Did they have consoles in your time?”

“Of course, but you guys must have flying cars and virtual reality shit by now.”

He chuckles, “Don’t get your hopes up. I’ve brought them here in hopes of replacing the, less than formidable pony brigades at my disposal.”

“They’re certainly nothing extraordinary.”

“And under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have to resort to such measures.”

“Is the threat you’re facing that great?”

”Nothing I couldn’t handle myself, but I am a lazy man. Besides, I have something extra special up my sleeve.”

“Speaking of the opposition, you haven’t told me who I’ll be fighting.”

”Minotaurs, griffons, the works.” At last, enemies worthy of fighting. Prison inmates don’t make very good game. ”You won’t be fighting any of them of course.”

“Don’t fuck with me.”

”I have a special assignment for you, a precautionary measure in case things go south.”

“I’m listening.”

”You will be my bodyguard.”


”I can handle myself against any threat thrown at me, but recent events have led me to reevaluate that claim.”

Interesting. He may not say it, but there’s an underlying fear in his voice. “Who leads this band against you?”

His grin is fatigued, a sliver of his humanity shining through, “My brother.”

“A family feud is it?”

”He’s grown stronger than I estimated and has only continued to accumulate power.”

“So you want me to shadow you, and in the case that he gets the upper hand…”

”I want you to drive your sword through his heart.” The light fades, the blackness of his soul complete.

“You can’t make me do what you ask. You aren’t thinking clearly.”

”When the cards are down you have to make a choice. Life? Or Death? You don’t have to make your decision now. Sleep on it. Roll around with it.”

“Where will you be?”

He points to a tower back at the castle, “Where an old tyrant falls, another will rise.”

“You could’ve just said there.”

”But that’s just sooo boring.”

You can’t help but crack a smile. “I’ll be there.”

”Don’t disappoint me.” You nod your head respectfully and walk back into the castle. ”Today is the eve of a golden age Mr. Anon!” he shouts after you. ”And tomorrow all eyes will fall to Canterlot, watching the birth of this new age.”

You nod and walk back into the castle, leaving him to his idiotic ramblings. The day is young, but even still you find yourself overcome by an unnatural drowsiness. A grumbling rolls from your stomach. Time for bed.

You clench your side as you make your way back through the halls of Canterlot. The guards give you a few glances but stay at their post. You’ve felt the craving before, but never like this. Every pony you pass is a feast, their very being a buffet for you to feast upon. It wouldn’t take much. You can almost feel your teeth sinking into-

No! You’re not a monster. You will overcome this. You’ve come too far to fall now. Unsheathing your blade slightly you shove the palm of your hand along the blade. It stings, but there are things much worse than a little cut. This time you’ve earned a few long stares from those around you. “Got something to say?” They look forward in response. “That’s what I thought.” You press the cut to your lips, your own flesh safe for consumption.


”Ghastly!” You stop at your door and glare down the hallway at the white unicorn on approach. ”What do you think you’re doing walking around like that? A filly dresses better!”

“Piss off.” The unicorn follows as you walk inside, shutting the door behind her. “Are you deaf? I said go away.”

”And just what are you, blind? I cannot allow such a disaster be walking around.” Calm yourself Anon, retain control. You suckle at your palm, kicking off your shoes. ”My word, what did you do to your hand!?” She rushes to your side and tears your bleeding hand away. Your blood seeps slowly from your wound, the blackish ooze a frightening sight. Her mouth widens to speak but only to remain silent. She releases you from her grip and allows you to bandage the cut.

“I think it would be best for you to leave now.”

She shakes her head, “I had heard you were… different, but not like this.”

“Look, miss-


“Rarity. I’m tired, I just want to go to sleep. I’m sure that’s something you can appreciate.”

”Fashion waits for no one. Not even the- the umm- people like you.”

“You want to make yourself useful? My closet’s right over there.” You strip off your clothing and put them on the nightstand. ‘You look like a mare who can work a set of clothes. Tailoring my old clothing should be no problem.”

”It’s not that easy, there are so many measurements to take into account…”

“These should work,” you reply pointing to the nightstand.

”I didn’t catch your name,” she says as you slip into bed.

“Anon. Goodnight Rarity.”


You find yourself standing in the entrance of a tunnel, darkness looming before you. “Hello?” you shout, your voice echoing through the passageway. No response. You look around at the nearby tundra, broken sediment beneath your feet. You’ve been here before, the stiffness of the air, the ever-present silence. It’s all too familiar. Most people would be intimidated by the black void before them. Likely a fear of the unknown. But you know what lurks beneath the shadows of the mountain. You know of the evil that waits behind every corner. It is not the unknown, it is the misunderstood. They lurk because they cannot shine in the sun. Their only evil doing is that they wish to survive. You step out into the darkness, back home.


A thunderous roar pounds your ears, spiraling you back into the realm of the living. You roll out of bed, hitting the cold floor as your room visibly shakes. Screams cut through the air as you clamor to your feet. How long have you been asleep? Could you have slept for that long? You pick up your sword and rush to the door, naked except for your boxers. A note is pinned inside, ‘I started work on your clothes, but they may not be done by the time you wake up.’

She obviously didn’t expect for you to sleep for that fucking long. ‘My room is on the north side of the castle. It’s not hard to find. With love, Rarity.’ You sigh, slipping your shoes on as another tremor rocks the castle walls. Guards and other creatures rush past the door as you peek it open. As the surge passes you slip out into the hallway, your body exposed to the world. Gotta find Rarity’s room in a jiffy.

You scamper alongside the wall, keeping your eyes peeled for anyone nearby. The sword in your hand stays tight to your chest, always at the ready. You peek around the corner, looks clear. But that’s just looks. One of the metallic pony creatures darts down the hallway beside the shattered windows. With a single shriek the creature disappears from view, a pair of talons sweeping in and dragging him away. Sneaky bastards. Shame that they revealed their position.

You step into the hallway, eyes trained on the windows. “That’s right, hear your prey as it walks into your trap. I’m just another target, nothing more.” You toss your sword into the shattered glass, the crunch signaling the attack. The griffon shrieks as it grasps at air. “Gotcha.”

You grab onto his arm and pull him inside, putting him on the defensive. He squawks in terror at his predicament, yelping for the help of his fellows. “No one’s coming for you.” You paralyze him with a swipe of your hand and bring your foot crashing down upon his neck. He twitches weakly as you pull your foot away, his motions ceasing slowly. You pull your sword back to your hand and go on your way, another shriek piercing the air. Backup.

You spin to your right, sword slicing open the oncoming griffon’s belly. He crumples to the floor as his kin pounces behind him. This is too easy. You throw the corpse straight into him, knocking him unconscious in turn. They’re green, inexperienced. They shouldn’t have neglected their training. Not like that would’ve helped them.

You’re wasting time though. The sooner you put on some clothes the sooner you can reach Anonymous. You sprint along the northern end of the castle, scanning the doors for some kind of hint. Most of the doors are withered, wood chipping away, but one stands out. The door’s coated with a fresh layer of paint and seems to be in better overall condition than the others. The scent of perfume is almost pungent in its intensity, allowing you to piece that this is in fact Rarity’s chambers. Well, that and the giant sign above the door stating, ‘Rarity’s Bedchambers.’ How could anyone miss this?

You look around for anymore intruders. It’s safe enough. Twisting the handle you walk into her room. “Rarity? You here?” Spools of cloth layer the floor, mannequins lining the walls. You look down to the floor, your prison clothes in shambles. Don’t worry Anon, she wouldn’t destroy the only set of clothes you had if she didn’t have another pair ready. At least you hope. You find the entirety of your closet here and there. Some are actually close to completion while others… May they know peace. They’re definitely rough drafts, and they still need some more work before you could actually wear them.

It would only take a couple minutes for Rarity to come spruce them up for you, but she’s not here. You sit down on the bed which is a good deal fluffier than your own. She is a woman after all. All you wanted was a set of clothes that fit…

Looks like you’re out of options here Anon ‘ol pal. You start picking up what you can out of the chaos, classifying what’s wearable and what’s unsalvageable. You look at yourself in the mirror, the clothes looking strange on you. But that’s when you see it, to the left of your reflection sits a small box, a piece you seem to have missed in your search. You move over to it, picking up the letter attached to it. ’Dear Anon, if you’re reading this then slap yourself for going into a lady’s room without permission.’ Clever girl.

‘I only have one pair of clothes ready before I was called away for battle, such a shame. It should fit with a small amount of wiggle room, but I couldn’t seem to get that awful stain from those pants of yours. With love, Rarity.’ You never could get that streak out.

Opening the box you whisk out your old clothes, the texture of silk long forgotten by your hand. You practically jump back into your jeans and throw on your shirt, buttoning the front like days long past. Fits like a glove, you’ll have to thank Rarity for her handiwork, or would it be hoofdiwork? It doesn’t matter, what does, is that you’re back on track. You tie your sheathe onto your jeans and rest your sword within it. The tower should be nearby, once there you can finally put all this behind you. You clench your fist, a tinge of pain remaining in your wound. “I will be whole again.”

You waste no time in running through the halls towards the tower. The battle outside is in full swing, both forces devastating the other. How many cells are going to be filled after this is said and done? The warden’s going to have a lot of work on his hands. ”Memory tells me that the entrance should be just down the hall,” a voice echoes down the hall. You duck to the floor, a small entourage of ponies walking across the hall ahead of you.

“So I’m basically walking in his footsteps aren’t I?” It’s him, Anonymous’s brother. He’s definitely more intimidating than Anonymous is, but that’s just on appearance. You know that he’s far more powerful than he appears.

”In a way, but this time he’s the one we’re after, the purple unicorn replies ahead of him.

“Let’s get this over with. The troops below need a boost.” He doesn’t want this; you can sense it in his voice. He’s not some douche fighting for power. Shame he has to be in your way.

You creep behind the group, concealing your presence. They enter the base of a staircase and being to ascend, the human taking the lead. You sprint silently to the door, listening as they continue to rise. You’ll have to wait for them to get further up before you follow, lest you give away your position. ”Hey Anon!” Shit! Did they hear? No, thank Celestia for that. ”What the hay are you doing? I thought we were meeting up in the throne room?” You turn to meet the mysterious voice, a minotaur walking over to you. ”You ok Ano- Wait a minute…” So his name is Anon too? How interesting. The minotaur readies his flail, “You’re not him!”

“Good job Sherlock.”

The minotaur comes in quick and light on his hooves, his flail swiping where your head used to be. You push him into the wall with your hand, your movements vastly superior to a minotaur, even one as trained as he. ”Who are you?”

You dodge his next swipe and plant your hand around his neck, to which he does in return. He squeezes your windpipe with his iron grip, but loosens when you smile back at him. ”Impossible.”

You head butt his snout and deliver a punch to his mail-protected belly. “Just improbable.” You kick him back into the wall, the minotaur rebounding with impressive speed. You finally unsheathe your sword, focusing on the blade as it begins to glow. Let the heat of the sun grace my blade so that I may strike down my foes.

You open your eyes and cut towards his weapon mid-strike, slicing through the tempered steel like butter. The ball comes crashing to the floor, the minotaur unwilling to surrender. He grabs your arm and kicks at your leg, missing obviously. Such a shame, he’s got skill. You twist your arm around until he’s locked in your armpit, and that’s when you begin. Your jabs strike hard against his armored form, bruising and fatiguing the strained minotaur. The more he struggles the quicker he finds himself cornered. Delivering one last series of jabs you pull back your molten blade and stab just below the chin. The effects are instantaneous. He falls into the corner, his strength failing to keep him on his hooves.

“You have my respect sir. It’s been an age since I was able to confront such an opponent.” His eyes glaze over as you retract the sword from his throat. “I know how it feels to face the end before your time, but don’t fight it. Let go.” He attempts to rise, slumping further to the floor. “There’s no shame in this, dying in battle. Honorable, if you’d call it that.” Your death was far less glamorous, lying on your bed, hand clenched to your chest. “Let the shadows seep forward and take you home. Be free.” His body falls limp, his last breathe taken in this world. “Find peace.”

You swing open the door and start up the tower. Anonymous gave you a choice, a choice that you’ve made. Life.