• Published 27th Nov 2013
  • 1,547 Views, 22 Comments

Dead Anon - Bastinator

Following the events of Hero Anon, a long-dead hero finds himself amongst the living once more. Anon will do what he must to fulfill an old promise.

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Chapter 5: Random Title

You rise from your bed ready for the day, though sleep brings about as much nourishment as eating does. You squeeze into the shower and try your best to clean yourself off. You’ll have to talk to… damn, you still don’t even know his name. Well, you’ll bring this up when he comes over today.

First things first, get to know the employees, after getting clothed of course. Can’t go strutting around naked all day like some type of animal. Now that you think about don’t ponies- Don’t think about it. Bad brain! You pick your clothes out of the wash and slip them on after drying yourself off. A quick brush of the teeth and a shave is all it takes to bring you back to 100%. What’s the time? 6:30? Damn you slept in. Heading out the door you walk downstairs to the first floor.

The bar doesn’t seem to have opened yet thankfully, this gets you to round up your employees. The barman’s already up and about stocking up while he can. He sees you walking over and stops working. “So you’re the new inn keeper eh? Name’s Shimmer Sham, but just call me Shim.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Shim. I reckon you already know who I am.”

”You’d be correct uh, Anon right? Your name’s flown down the grape vine.”


He lifts a glass with his magic and begins to wash it out with a rag, “So what can I do ya for?”

“Never on a first date.”

”Excuse me?”

“Nevermind. Who else is working today?”

”Well we got two more in for the day. Claire’s our waitress and Stuffed Crust is our chef.”

“Claire’s a unique name for a pony.”

“Her parents wanted her name to be different from what I hear.” She wouldn’t be the first, but one of few.

“So where can I find Claire and Crust?”

”They should be upstairs, rooms three and six.”

“That’s convenient.”

”Cuts down on travel time.” Yeah it does that.

You head back upstairs and to room three.You knock lightly on the door as not to wake up the other residents. No response, typical. If you recall the layout of these rooms from yesterday then you should… You plant your hand on the door and calm your mind. Stuffed Crust lives here, you can sense it. Boy is he in for a rude awakening. Searching the room mentally allows you to locate a sizeable object to hurl at him. Up and at ‘im! A thud is followed by a brief spastic rumbling within much to your pleasure. “Time to wake up Mr. Crust.”

He groans noisily, “Go away. No work yet.”

“You work when I say you do,” you reply lobbing another object at him.

”Shi- Fine I’m up!” You stand by the door while he gets ready, the door slowly creaking open. He walks out, bags under his eyes and legs wobbly, the unmistakable scent of liquor on his breathe. “You planning on going to work drunk?”

“I plan on drinking while I work.”

“Try not to trip down the stairs, now go get to the bar with Shim.” You kick him lightly in the flank to get him moving before moving onto room six. You can hear some chattering going on about in the other rooms, likely angered by Crust’s noisy awakening. It’s not like he gave you a choice.

You knock on her door, softer than you did Crust’s, “Yes?” You expected her to still be asleep.

“Hey it’s Anon. We’re waiting for you downstairs.” She opens the door, stepping out in her waitress uniform, just a simple white overlay with side pockets. “How do you ponies manage to wear clothes like that?”

“We get used to it,” she says stretching out her wings through the small slits on the back.

“I certainly hope so. Let’s go, the others are waiting downstairs.”

She gets to the bottom before you, Crust already nursing a bottle of jack. You get ready to scold him but Claire stays your action, “It’s just how he works.”

This place has been marginally successful thus far. We’ll see if he’s the one holding it back or keeping it afloat. “Alright you three. I take it you’ve heard about this little change in management.” They nod, a sense of dread hanging amongst them. “I just want to get place into tip top shape. Your employer, who’s name escapes me-“

”Well with a name like his-“

Shim bops Stuffed over the head and looks to you, “We call him Mr. Light. He’s a bit touchy on his first name.”

“It can’t be that bad.”

“Sure, if you don’t mind being called a muffin.”

This time Claire smacks him, almost knocking the beverage out of his hand. “His name’s Muffin Light? Damn, that sucks.” At least it’s not Buttstallion. “Back to the my point, Mr. Light did me a solid and got me this job in good faith. I intend to make it worth his while. I wanted to just introduce myself so we’re all on the same page.”

”Yeah yeah,” Stuffed Crust yawns with his mouth hanging open, “Can I go back to bed?”

“With manners like that I think you just earned yourself cleaning detail. Find a mop and get to it.”

”This is bullcrap, how the hell do you expect me to do that? It’s not like I have magic like Shim over here.”

“If you can make food, you can mop, might as well sweep while you’re at it.”

”But you just said I was moping.”

“I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it further.” You’ve always wanted to say that.

Stuffed Crust curses and escapes into a closet, retrieving his equipment and getting to work. ”One less thing I have to do,” Claire jokes.

“Just finish your preliminary work, stocking and the like, I’ll be in the basement.” Inventory time.


You take the top box off the shelf, checking and double-checking the contents before recording the data. This is about as grueling as you remember it back on Earth, and back then there wasn’t much to take inventory on. At least it’s nice and quiet down here, except for the occasional curse from upstairs. You and Crust really didn’t start off on the best of terms. You should probably fix that. It’s about 8:45 now and you have one last thing you want to do. You finish the last of your work and post the results on the wall.

Claire meets you as you reach the top of the stairs, “We’re all set and ready to roll.”

“Good to hear. I’m going to head out for a little bit, in the mean time, you’re in charge.”

”Me sir?”

“Yeah,” you open the door, “You remind me of a mare I used to know. Let’s hope you’re close.”

”I’ll try my best sir.”

“Just call me Anon.”


You head down the damp streets, the sun hidden behind the mass of clouds. Ponies seem to still be asleep, but the local shopkeepers can be seen making their rounds. You scan the shops for a particular one, though you’re not exactly sure which. Pizzeria? No. Fin’s Furnishing? Nope. Royal Fitness? Noted, but no. How hard is it to find a god damn chemist in this fucking city? You spy a rundown establishment, the windows boarded up and rotten, the sign hanging on by a thread. “Zecora’s Hut?” Your mind tells you no, but your instincts tell you yes.

You push the door open and step inside towards the glowing cauldron. ”Is that a customer I see, or is that that my mind deceives?” Oh dammit, she’s going to make you talk like that.

The zebra trots back to the cauldron, mixing the contents within. “Do you deal with ingredients of an arcane nature?”

”I have supplies of large and small, each from places I must haul.”

“Does that mean yes?” She nods. This is going to be a fun conversation. “Do you have anything that grows from Tartarus?”

”Interesting you would say, a long lost resident of its stay.”

“Once again, does that mean yes?”

”Yes I do Anon of the dead, it all lies in what I said.” You place your hand on your stomach, “The hunger’s thirst is hard to contain, you seek a remedy to do the same.” She knows much about you and your condition. More than any pony should.

“How do you know so much about me?”

”Of you I know little, Tartarus though is no such riddle.” She grabs a few items from the back room, dumping them one by one into the boiling brew. ”The sap of the ash tree shall help you see; with the flesh of your peer itself is key. The brew shifts to a luminescent gold, “A fern of rot may ruin the taste, but to help your ailment we must make haste.” A black streak runs around the twirling liquid, not quite melding with the others. You’d do it justice to call it pungent, as it may very well burn every hair in your nostrils. ”The final ingredient is most unique, for it is yourself you seek.” You understand her meaning and hold out your hand, the cut almost healed. Still, it’s worth it.

The second your thick blood hits the liquid, the bowl shimmers a bright silver. Zecora dips a flask into the brew and pops a cork in the top. ”Drip it light upon your meal, and only then will your hunger yield.” You reach into your pockets, “Payment is not of trivial bits, when the time comes your actions will permit.” Her cryptic messages and strange demeanor is enough to put you off base. You grab the flask with eager thanks and wave goodbye as you leave. ”Two drops is all it takes, this powerful elixir you should not waste.” At least she was clear in that regard. Stowing the bottle in your bag you head on back to the inn.


You nod to two burly stallions by the door before heading inside, another pony at the bar talking with Claire and Shim. “You two know that we don’t open until later right?”

”They know, but they make an exception for me,” the pony says taking a drink.

“Not so sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t take exceptions.”

”Oh I would think twice about that. The previous manager didn’t do so either.”

“Are you attempting to intimidate me?”

”No Anon, I am intimidating you.” He turns to you, his mane slicked back and permed. ”My employer had a deal with the little colt who ran this place, and, for obvious reasons, that deal is now passed onto you.” So he’s some kind of mob guy pressing for protection money or something? He’s in for a rude awakening. ”Every store on this side of the city gives us a little taste of their profits, and you just happen to have the tastiest one around.” Called it.

”So here’s the deal, 20%. You can take it, or we can break your legs and make you.”

“Do you have any idea who I am? I mean, really?”

”Oh yes, we know. Anon, the ancient washed up hero of time’s past. You’re nothing more than a has-been, an old fool to today’s bright youth.” He taps his hoof, the two ponies from outside moving to either side of you. “So how about you make this easier on yourself.”

You open the palm of your hand, waves of energy rippling through your veins. “No.”

The enforcer grins, “I hoped you’d say that. I always wanted to watch your kind get taken down a notch.” He signals his minions, only met by their silence. He tries again with the same result. ”What did you do to my men?!”

“This “has-been” is not kind to those who would threaten me or those around me.” You grab him by the throat, keeping his two friends paralyzed with your free hand. “So this is why Mr. Light was so adamant on having me huh? He wanted someone to take you and your kind down a notch.” He gasps and grabs at your hand in a desperate attempt to flee. “You fellows are free to go,” you say releasing them.

They don’t ask questions and bolt for the door, unable to stand your presence. “And for you- *whop*” you use your free hand and punch him in the ribs. He heaves and pants, a captive to your whims. “I want you to go back to your boss whenever you stop pissing yourself when a pin drops. Tell him this.” You knee him in his stallionhood, exemplifying just how powerful he is compared to you. “I’ve broken countless creatures deadlier than you could possibly imagine. A pony does not compare to what they or I are capable of.” You grip tighter and look in his pleading eyes. “So if I see you or your goons again, I’ll take great pleasure in turning him into my personal bitch.”

You walk over to the door and kick it open, throwing the shivering pony back into the streets. “Now get the fuck out of my sight.” You slam the door shut and look back to your shocked employees. “And scene.”

You pour yourself a glass of cider from behind the bar, Shim patting you on the back. ”Bravo sir, bravo.”

“It was nothing.”

”Nothing?” Claire exclaims, “You kicked him right on his flank, for good probably!”

“In most cases I would’ve let him go with a warning.”

”That wasn’t a warning?”

“He insulted not only me, but all those who came before me. I do not stand for that.”

Stuffed Crust comes out from the basement, “What’d I miss?” He looks to the floor, a puddle leading to the door, “For the love of- I just cleaned this floor!” You finish off your mug and take the mop from his hooves, intent on repaying him in some small way.

”Crust can do that himself you know,” Claire says.

“We’re all in this together, so we all have to pitch in.”

She smiles and continues to wipe down the tables. The four of you make sure to clean and stock the inn, the residents coming down and mingling with each other. They look to be honest ponies just trying to make their way in the world. You can’t judge them for that.


Around 3:00 the customers started rolling in and you took to your posts. Claire was the courteous waitress who took and delivered the orders as well as making sure everyone was happy. Shim mixed the drinks and worked the bar, listening to the idle gossip and acting as a lively host. You and Crust worked in the back kitchen filling out orders and the like. You were there partly to help him and check out his skills, but also to make sure he didn’t get drunk enough to piss in their Hay Stew. “Order up!”

You ring the bell and move back over to the assorted greens you were sautéing on the stove. Crust comes over and adds his secret ingredient, an alcoholic suicide composed of more liquor than you could count, but damn if it didn’t add that kick that made his food top notch. ”Order up!” he hollers drunkenly, setting down the next plate.

It was definitely a high stress environment and the three of them had been doing it for who knows how long. At least Stuffed had found the holy grail of cures for it, more alcohol. He took another swig and stumbled over to the oven, pulling out his vegetarian casserole. This is exactly the type of work you loved to do, getting orders through as quick as possible, making sure they enjoy it and come back for more. You’d brought this up with her before…

You plate your dish and ring the bell, your movements sapped of their previous energy. The orders come in slower and slower as it reaches the end of the night. “You got this?”

”Buck yeah I do,” he almost trips over his own hooves but stays afloat long enough to get out the next order. You take off your apron and place it in the laundry bin, quickly grabbing a bite to eat.

The inn is still very much crowded so you walk outside and sit on a bench. You whip out your flask and place two drops atop your sandwich, taking a bite. You fight back the urge to spit it out. Zecora wasn’t lying about it ruining the taste, but as you finish the last of it, a mysterious things happens. You lose your hunger.

It’s as if you’d been cured of an eternal headache, finally sensing the world free of pain. You’d grown so accustomed to it that you had forgotten how it felt to live normally again. Ha, live. If only she could be here too.

”I see your first day has gone well,” Mr. Light says sitting next to you.

“Yeah, I had a run in with a certain stallion and his two friends today.”

”You did? I’d hoped they’d wait a few days.”

“I don’t appreciate being taken advantage of.”

He nods, “I know, trust me I know.”

“If you had asked me-“

”To make the rich richer? How could I ask you to help without making me look like the bad guy?”

“So that’s not what you wanted?”

”No, not at all.” He gets up and looks down the street. ”This city has gone to Tartarus, no offence.”

“None taken.”

He continues, “After Anonymous took over… everypony started to change. Not physically mind you, but in their behavior. Harmony is gone from this land.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

”You are familiar with the elements of harmony yes?”

“I’ve heard a tale of two.”

“And a tale is all they’ll ever be as long as Anonymous reigns.”

You hush him down as a group of guards pass down the street. “He’ll have you killed if he heard you say something like that.”

”Am I wrong?” No, he’s not. “You know more than most what he’s capable of. You know how to fight him.”

“You can stop right there. I don’t know who you think I am, but times have changed. This isn’t my problem anymore.”

”He threatens all of Equestria and beyond. He’s exactly the type of threat that you were brought here to stop.”

“My task is done. I just want to live in peace.”

”How can you say that? We can beat him together, starting from the ground up.”

“Anonymous gave me a second chance. I can’t do as you ask.”

The frustration within him begins to die down, “There’s no convincing you is there?”

“I’m afraid not Mr. Light.”

“May Celestia watch over us then, for dark days lie ahead.”

You’ve buried your guilt; it’s time for him to bury his. “I will work in your inn, but that’s it. No more fighting, no more conflict. I’m done with it.”

“Then Anonymous has truly won…”

You pat him on the back reassuringly. “Come on, if we’re doomed to his madness then let’s at least get wasted.”

”I thought you couldn’t get drunk?” Whoops, that was a slip-up on your part.

“I can damn well try,” you joke and walk inside.


Four months later…


“G’night Crust, get some rest.”

”Will do sir.”

“You too Shim, you’ve hard a long night. Claire and I can finish this stuff up.”

”Appreciate it.”

”No problem, we’ve got it.” Shim and Stuffed Crust leave to get to bed. Damn it’s been a rough night.

You wait a few minutes so they can get settled before looking to Claire. “You go on too, I can finish it up myself.”

”Nice try, but you can’t get rid of me that easy.”

You inspect the stools, a couple customers complaining that they were wobbly. “Everything seems to be fine here, damn ponies can be so picky.”

”Excuse me?” she says sarcastically.

“Oh yeah, it’s just you.”


“I try my best,” you laugh and finish sweeping the floor. Light’s been visiting less and less lately, depression starting to set in. You tried to counsel him, but you’re not exactly the best in that type of field. He keeps calm around others, but when he’s alone? It’s like watching a train wreck. “Fun night though right?”

”It’s always busy on the weekends, you know that.”

“Yeah I do.” You plop down at the bar and crack open a cold one, Claire joining you. Whisking out your flask you drop another few dollops inside, the alcohol almost able to balance out the taste.

”So what’s in that anyways? You always keep it private.”

“Just a little something to keep me in check.”

”Or what? You’ll gain super strength and storm the castle.”

“Not far off actually.”

”Just be sure to warn me first so I can smack some sense into you.” You don’t doubt it, she doesn’t seem like someone who would take much of your shit.

“You really do remind me of someone I used to know.”

”Who?” she asks taking a sip of her own beverage.

“A nice mare named Gillian. She was one of my closest friends back in the day.”

”Really? I think I’ve heard of her actually.”

“Not surprised, she was close to the Princess back when… she was alive.”

You wonder how Celestia’s doing now, her and the rest of the bunch. She smacks her head, “That’s how I know her. She’s like my grandma’s grandma or something. I grew up hearing tales about her in the war.”

“Oh yeah, that I definitely remember.”

“You were alive around that weren’t you? You were the hero! I heard you were one, but to know that you not only fought beside her but also were her friend is something else.”

“Don’t ask for my autograph or nothing.”

You take another sip, “Wow. You knew her too. What was she like?”

“It’s been so long…” you grin, playing coy.

”Don’t make me smack you now.”

“Fair enough. She was a strong mare, gentle but strong. There was always a sense that she knew something you didn’t. It’s what made her so good as a royal aid.” She leans forward like a child listening to her bedtime story. “She helped me get used to Equestrian society, but that only lasted so long.”

”Then the war came.”

“She read a lot of history and knew more about me than most. She was the reason I became who I was.”

”And then you both rode on to victory right?”

“No, I lost. She looked down at me with her sparkling green eyes and… We continued to fight after that. I had a terrible track record.”

”But… you two won that war.” You can see her face looking down at you, her hoof in your hand, the pain in your heart. You grab your chest, the unnatural stillness still there. ”Are you alright Anon?”

You smile and finish your drink. “I think that’s enough for tonight. I’m going to get some rest.”

”Next time then?”

“We’ll see,” you reply bounding up the stairs. When you reach your room you close the door behind you, your body trembling. “Just let her go Anon. Please just let her go.”

You can’t do that. You won’t let her. No that’s bullshit! You’re better than this. You grip the sides of your aching head and throw yourself onto the bed. Just let her go! Do it! Leave your pain behind! You thrash about atop your sheets, your energy draining. Sleep approaches.


The cavern’s ceiling greets your eyes, the stale air of your home pumping through you. ”I waited for you.” You chase her voice as it echoes throughout the hive. “I helped him for you. Why didn’t you come when I needed you?”

“I tried!” you cry out desperately. A ripping pain tears through your chest causing you to hold onto the wall.

”I was there for you, why weren’t you?”

You force yourself to continue despite the miserable condition you’re in. “Please! I’m-“ you collapse on the floor and begin to crawl towards the surface.

A silhouette covers you as she turns to face you. ”Help me now Anon. Help me escape.” One last strike overcomes your senses and you fall silent within the darkness.


You pour yourself a stiff drink, the hardest you can find. Help her escape. What does that mean? “Anon,” Mr. Light greets you as he sits beside you by the bar. He talks and gossips though you pay little mind to him, mind transfixed on her last words. Was it a product of your own mind or something more? Confound it! Just when things started to get better. He pauses and smiles to you, “You would’ve liked his brother. A hero forged through time much like yourself.” You didn’t need to listen to understand who he meant.

“I am nothing like him,” you reply with barely contained anger. Just the thought of him is enough to enrage you. You just need to calm down and get away from all this bullshit.

”He did take a different direction than you after all. When I first saw his army breach the gate… It was a spectacle.”

“I’m sure it was.”

”To see Equestria’s ancient foes fight for its freedom? Sarcasm doesn’t do it justice.” Sarcasm is the only way- Wait a second. You set down your mug and look to him.

“Which ones?”

”Oh there were so many I never got a clear look. I was ushered inside by the city guard.” How could you be so blind? You were walking with Anonymous when he told you this. Why didn’t you make the connection? ”What’s up with the interest all of a sudden?”

‘I helped him for you.’ That’s what she said. It might just be a figment of your imagination or it could be something more. “I’m going for a walk.” He has the information you need, and you’re intent on getting it.

”What about tonight?”

“You should run your business today. See what it’s like.” You finish your mug and step out the door. You look on towards the castle, its towers ascending to the sky. He might have nothing to do with this, but you’re determined to find out. “Anonymous, you have some questions to answer.”