• Published 27th Nov 2013
  • 1,547 Views, 22 Comments

Dead Anon - Bastinator

Following the events of Hero Anon, a long-dead hero finds himself amongst the living once more. Anon will do what he must to fulfill an old promise.

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Chapter 8: Confrontation

He told you to find out and now you have. The bastard must’ve figured no one would know, or at least would be smart enough to keep their mouth shut. “Where is he?”

”Anon don’t overreact here. Wait for your moment.”

“Thank you Octavia, now if you’ll excuse me. I have to go murder the most powerful being in Equestria.”

”Anon please calm down.”

“Calm! I’ve been calm for too fucking long! I should’ve let that fucker die and now I get the chance to make amends!”

You shove the cell door open, guards on either side of you. ”We overheard that little conversation. You’re under arrest.”

“Shoot, I left my sword at home.”

You punch clean through the closest guard’s armor, his flesh not faring any better. Gripping his neck you use him like a bat and slam the next guard through the steel bars. The unicorn tries to tether you down with magic but you won’t have any of that. You drop your ‘bat’ and grab his horn, snapping it off with ease and plunging it into his partner’s throat. He falls back and you hover over him grabbing either side of head and twisting until your hear the famous snap. The rest of his body hits the floor and then, you finally exhale. “I haven’t had a good kill in a looong time. It feels so right.”

”Think about this Anon. You said yourself you’re not stupid enough to fight him.”

“That was before I knew just how much I hated him.” He took her from you and had the gall to lie to your face. “And now I do. Do me a favor and tell me where he is. I’d rather not waste anymore time frolicking about without a care in the world. And to think you would’ve buried this within…

“He’s attending another party tonight.”

“Get Octavia cleaned up and out of here. I have a party to attend.”

”What about your sword?”

“A warrior doesn’t need such toys.”

You move out of the basement, the other guards clueless. They salute you, but you don’t return the favor. You’ve got your sights set on Anonymous’s head and you don’t have time to deal with them.


You swing the door open, ponies crowded all over the place. ”Champagne?” You take it down in one draft, knocking back the next four. ”Enjoy the party sir,” he moves away with a smirk. Where is that backstabbing fuck?

You push through the masses, absorbing every sound and sentence. Not here, not there. ”And now, for her remarkable comeback. The Great and Powerful Trixie!” the announcer booms Fireworks shoot off to your right atop the stage and you can make out her walk out on stage. She waves at you and you nod back before returning to your search.

”I’ll be damned! She has some guts to make a fool out of herself again.”

You grip the pony by the back of the neck. “I hear you speak again and you’re dead.” You squeeze a tad harder and he falls unconscious. “Get him out of here.”

”Anon! Over here!”

You spy the vocal Pegasus by the buffet table. “Not now Spitfire.”

She flashes over to you as you continue your search. ”In a hurry much?”

“Have a date with death.”

”Good one,” she attempts to laugh but is put off by your stern look.

“Where’s Anonymous?”

”He hasn’t shown up yet. Why?”

“You’ll find out.”

You part ways and keep looking, Trixie’s performance underway. The crowd cheers at her display, though you can only tell by sound. Where are you!? Up and down you search to no avail. Trixie finishes her final trick in a dazzling spectacle of flame, the crowd hollering in appreciation.

She bows gracefully, “Well that was some show if I do say so myself, especially for Trixie,” a man says as he walks out on stage. ”You can go now,” he says shooing her away. His very visage is enraging. ”I’m so very glad you all could join me tonight. It’s a special occasion you know.” You head to the center of the crowd, “Tomorrow, it’ll be my anniversary. Five years since I came to Equestria, a frightened child in the Everfree Forest. If only my family could see me now. Oh would they be proud of the progress I’ve made. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.” You’ve hear enough.


The crowd parts in fear of your cry, all eyes turning to you. ”Anon? It’s nice to see you again.”

“Don’t give me that! You lied to me. You said you didn’t know who she was, but I know the truth. Deep down behind all the lies...”

”I really don’t have any idea what you-“

“No more games! You knew! You always knew!”

He laughs with a smirk, “You got me. I know what happened to your precious girlfriend, get over it.”

“I want her back.”

He tilts his head and cups his ear, “I’m sorry what was that?”

“I want her back!”

Murmuring sets through the crowd as their ignorant minds try to comprehend what’s going on. ”That I simply cannot do. You’re shit out of luck.”

“She’s trapped in this damned soulstone and you will free her.”

”And release every other damned traitor and freak? I think not.”

“It wasn’t a request.”

”You’re not thinking clearly, I can see that. Go home and take a load off. Try not to die on the way there.”

“Don’t you know? You can’t kill the dead.” That the crowd did understand, and their whispers grow in ferocity. “Whoops, I let that slip didn’t I? I’m sorry you’re incompetent.”

”No matter, my power is absolute and you’re nothing more than a child crying before his father.”

“It didn’t seem that way back when I saved your sorry ass.” You turn back to the now attentive crowd, “Your RULER, almost died by his brother’s hand. I didn’t just aid him, I saved his life!”

”You know not of what you speak.”

“I know that if I hadn’t been there Equestria would’ve been free of tyranny and oppression. He’d be dead, if you’re too stupid to get it.”

”He’s drunk, ladies and gentlecolts. One too many glasses of champagne.”

“He couldn’t save himself, he couldn’t save me, he couldn’t even save his precious Rainbow Dash.” His eyes widen and he clenches his fist. “I’m going to finish what your brother started. I’m going to rid the world of chaos. I will be a hero once more.”

”Anon,” a voice calls to you, Trixie walking out beside you. “Where do you get your strength?”

“From-“ She holds your hand caringly as your thoughts clear.

”You want to go? Fine! You’ve earned it!”

”Where do you get your strength?” She places her hoof on your chest, “In here.”

“Let’s make a date, tomorrow, throne room. You bring the soulstone, I’ll bring me.”

”Done. I’m going to make you pay for your defiance.”

“It’ll be my pleasure to put you in your place boy.”

”Guards! Show Anon the way out.”

A contingent surrounds you, pointing their spears towards inwards. ”I can show him the way,” Trixie offers, forcing their spears away from you.

”Get out of my sight.”

“Until tomorrow. May the righteous win.”

”Come on Anon,” she leads you away. The guards close the ballroom doors behind you, “What were you thinking?”

“Guess I wasn’t,” you attempt to joke.

”Anonymous is going to destroy you. Do you understand that?”

“Have faith. This old coot’s got some tricks up his sleeve.”

”Anon!” Luna says as she gallops towards you, “Trixie.”

”Nightmare Moon,” she replies.

”What happened? Did you…”

“Tomorrow. It all ends then.”

”I was scared silly when you stormed out of there.”

“Yeah well…” you look to Trixie, “I had some help.”

”I told Light about what happened. He wasn’t very happy.”

“I assumed he wouldn’t be. Let’s meet up at the inn, get a plan formulated.”

Luna observes Trixie, “What about her?”

“She comes too. I trust her.”

”And what about me?” Spitfire comes out from behind you, making her presence known. “I’m not going to be left out of this am I?”

“You want to talk, get in line. You want to act, you’re in.”

Luna seems distraught, “Things shouldn’t be moving this fast. This isn’t the time.”

“We can talk about this at the inn. Let’s get a move on.” The four of you take off towards the inn, every second brings you closer to the battle.


The inn’s rooms sit in eerie silence. “Light? You sure he’s here?”

”I came right back from here.” Like clockwork, Light descends down the stairs and looks at the four of you. ”I see you brought some friends.”

“Thought you could use a bigger beginning.”

”For months, we’d been planning this out, trying to find the best way to strike back and then… you appear and ruin it all.”

“I’ve lost my sense of patience. Years of prison will do that to you.”

”We could’ve had this all planned out and calculated. If we ran it by the numbers we would’ve had him down.”

“You’re focusing on the past. What’s done is done. Let’s move on to what we CAN do.”

”No objections here,” Trixie and Spitfire say.

”Have the others been informed?” Luna asks him, reverting back to her standard form.

”They’ve got their task. Now we just have to plan ours.”

“And who exactly are they and what’s their task?”

”Claire and the others, you don’t think I hired her just because of her good looks and personality did you?”

“She’s a damn good waitress.”

”She learned, they all did. I’ve using my contacts to find sympathizers across Equestria, and when the sun rises tomorrow they’ll spread the word.” He sighs, “If there’s one thing you did right, it was putting this into motion. When the battle strikes, another revolution will spring up across Equestria.”

“I aim to misbehave.”

Spitfire’s getting antsy, “So what’re we going to do? I’m ready for some action.”

“Soarin’s not going anywhere, let’s talk this out. Luna, you know Anonymous best, what do you think our best bet is?”

”The elements of harmony. If we can get those…”

”I told you,” Light cuts in, “Without their wielders they’re useless.”

”Not so. The elements choose their wielders, not the other way around. They’ve saved us before, they’ll do it again.”

Spitfire chimes in, “Anonymous has the elements under guard. He won’t let anyone get in there.”

Trixie speaks up, “Then we break in while Anon’s keeping Anonymous occupied.”

“If he kept any of his summoned minions then that’s where they’ll be. You’ll need to be careful, they’re tough.”

”You want to team up and kick some flank?” Trixie asks Spitfire.

”Oh yeah! You want to get in on this action Luna?”

”No, I need to make sure Anonymous doesn’t pull anything in his fight. Light, join those two.”

”I’m not a fighter Luna.”

”An extra pair of hooves is always helpful.”

You nod, the plan looking better every minute, “Good. When you get the elements come straight back to Luna, from there it’s your turf.”

”I’ll need to inspect them for damage, but we should be able to use them again.”

“I don’t know how long I can keep him occupied, so do your best.”

”Don’t worry Anon,” Trixie says, “You’ll do great.”

“I’m not so convinced.” You take a deep breath as they wait for your explanation. “That amulet is more than a simple gem, it protects the wielder from mental attacks, a matter which Anonymous is extra dangerous in.”

”Then take it back,” she starts to take it off, but you stop her.

“No. I gave it you for a reason. I have to do this by myself. No cheap tricks.”

”He’s not going to fight honorably, so why should you?” Mr. Light questions.

“Because I’m different. I’m not like him, but even with the amulet he’s more than a challenge.”

”With the way you dispatched those guards it doesn’t seem like it,” Luna states.

“He thrives on his anger, it makes him strong. I need to focus my mind to perform magic, and I haven’t exactly been in control lately.” If he manages to piss you off then you’re in trouble. ”There is one area where I’ll excel at. An area in which he can’t possibly rival me in.”

”Care to elaborate?” they poke.

“I can’t die twice. No matter how he punishes me I’ll just pop right back up. Not so hot on the pain though.”

”You’re going to have to bear with it,” they tell you. It’s not like you don’t know that. Your mission here is just to keep him busy, but there’s always that lovely optional objective. You’re going to break all 206 of his bones and love every minute of it. If he happens to die in the process, then hey, kudos to you.

”So do we all know our tasks?” Luna makes sure that we’re informed and ready. The others nod, each willing to commit treason for the good of their home. ”Let’s get some rest then. Can you help us out with that Light?”

”Our last occupants are already moving to fulfill their mission so their rooms should be available.”

“Take a load off. We’re going to need it.” You show them their way to where they’ll be sleeping. Each of them wishes you good night, but you won’t be sleeping. How can you sleep when the fate of Equestria rests on your head?

”I’ve got a room set up so you can keep your old one for now.”

“You take it, I’m going to be down in the basement. More room down there.”

”You need to rest. There’s too much stuff running around in your noggin to stay up.”

“Ain’t no rest for the wicked, Light.” You smile, “But thanks for offering.” You give him a wave and find the basement. You take a deep breath and tense your body, your mind clearing. Save for one thought, and just one. “Anonymous will die.”


A pounding at the door distracts you and you miss your mark, cleaving the shelf in two. “Yes?”

Trixie pokes her head in, “I brought breakfast.”

“I’m good, but thanks for the thought.”

She comes in anyways as you continue your training. She watches as your fists slice through the air, each attack enhanced for that extra kick. You kick the air and funnel it towards the target, the barrel shredding like paper. ”You sure you don’t want some? They said how much you liked bacon.”

“No meat. If I had my special liquid then I would be all over it. Damn Zecora cut me off.”

”Shame, at least have some milk.”

“Why don’t you drink it? I’m not the only one who’s got a big day.”

”I already ate, thank you, and yes, I do have a big day. But I’m not fighting Anonymous now am I?”

“If I lose, you will.” This hits her a bit harder than you thought it would. “Cheer up kid. If all goes well I’ll kick his ass six ways from Sunday.”

”What do you think our chances are?”

“Better than I originally thought.”

”Give it to me straight Anon. What are the odds that we’ll succeed.” She called your bluff, “Truthfully.”

“I have no doubt you’ll succeed. Me on the other hand.. Let’s just say I’m not as confident now that I took a step back.” You unsheathe your blade and practice against an imaginary foe. “In a physical bout, I’d have him without a doubt, but we’re not fighting with only our bodies. Magic is the key to victory here.”

”You’re great at using magic though.”

“I mastered a certain field of magic, he excels even that in all areas. I’m no match against him if he goes all out. The best I’d be able to do is dodge until he exhausts himself.”

”You’ll get the job done Anon.”

“I hope you’re right,” you reply sheathing your sword. “If things go south- Just make sure it wasn’t in vain.”

”Like you said Anon: You can’t die twice.”

Even with all his power you can still hold that over him. You begin to laugh. “I guess you’re right. How’s everyone else doing?”

”They’re already up. Nightmare Moon, or Luna, left to the castle already. She has appearances to keep up there.”

“Were you surprised as much as I was?”

”It took a while to register the change, but yeah, I was.”

“How about Spitfire and Light?”

”Light left with Luna and is waiting at the castle for you. Spitfire’s upstairs ‘waiting on his lazy flank.’”

“Sounds like she’s impatient.”

”You think?”

“Say, do you want to talk about Magical Theory?”

”Shut up and get upstairs,” she jokingly pushes you.

“Let me get ready at least.” You walk upstairs past Spitfire who was tapping her hoof with great tenacity. “Sorry that some people were thinking more about how they’re going to survive then how they smelled.”

”Don’t make me slap your shit.”

“Is that a promise?”

You catch the look of disgust on her face before you turn the corner. You take a quick shower to wash up, though every second feels like an eternity. This could be the last time you take a warm shower. The ones in Tartarus were always icy and smelled of sulfur. This is truly relaxing, but you’ve got shit to do. You take care of your hygiene, even managing to stop and take a much needed leak.

”You going to take all day or what?”

“If this is the one time in my life a girl waits on me then you can hold it.” You sure told her Anon. “High-five brain.” You can’t high-five your brain. Stop being silly. “Well stop talking to yourself then.” Look who’s talking. “Don’t make me hit you.”

”Is everything alright in there?”

“Fine, just going crazy is all.”

”Crazy yourself dressed and get out here.”

“I haven’t even done my hair yet.” You’ll live. “I’m stopping by an ice cream parlor and you’re going to get it.” Shutting up now.

You slip back into your jeans and button your shirt. You look back into the mirror and see yourself. It’s been a long time since you came to Equestria and boy how much you’ve changed since. It changed you, and you changed it. Now it’s time to change it once more. ”Anon!”

“I’m coming,” you shout back as you head out.


The streets are filled to the brim with ponies, each wanting to catch a glimpse of you. You got the whole city riled up with your little scene yesterday. Some holler insults while others whisper encouragement, each vocal about their opinion. You’ve left the city divided between the supporters and the rebel sympathizers. Even if you fail he’ll have another revolt on his hands. They’ll destroy this city and beyond, leaving a wasteland behind.

Anonymous would reign supreme, but only of a dead land. The guards push away the crowd with their spears and give you a clear way to the gates. ”Anonymous awaits you,” the guard says.

“Not going to rough me up before I get there are you?”

”We wouldn’t make a scratch.”

“Someone’s smart.”

You find your way to the throne room doors, Light waiting just outside. ”Good you’ve arrived.”

“Can’t start the party without me.”

”Are you ready? Once you go in there only one of you is coming out.”

“I was trained for this.”

”We’ll get the elements and find Luna as fast as we can. Good luck.”

“You as well, it was nice knowing you.”

”You make it sound like you won’t be coming back,” Spitfire points out.

“My pessimism always peeks out a bit.”

You smile and give her a hug, “Come back okay?”

“Of course.”

Trixie joins in, “You’re watching my next performance so you better be.”

“I’ll try.” You feel your eyes begin to dampen but shake away the feeling. “Today, we make history. Again.” They group up and move down the adjacent hall, disappearing behind a corner.

You push the door open, a thin circle of ponies lining the walls, each of them watching you in silence. ”So you didn’t puss out huh? Would’ve saved me the trouble.”

“Glad to disappoint.” You shove your sheathed sword into the hooves of a random passerby. Luna keeps calm, but her eyes prove just how distraught she is over your move.

”You’re giving up your key weapon?”

“A token of good faith. Where’s the stone?” He snaps his fingers, the crystal mass hovering beside him. You can almost hear their screams of mercy, and with another snap it moves back to the throne, guards surrounding it.

”You know, I always liked you Anon. You were everything my brother wasn’t, kind of like me in a way.”

“Forgive me if I don’t take that as a compliment.”

”I offered him a place by my side, so it’s only fair to offer you the same.”

“I’m no one’s lapdog.”

”Why do you reject me? I offer you anything you could want and you spit it back in my face.”

“Because I already made a deal with the devil, and I’m still working to pay it off.”

He cracks his knuckles punching the air for show. You crack your neck, not moving an inch. ”You want to fight me so much? Then come on,” he drops into a stance, “Bring it.”