• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 594 Views, 11 Comments

Should be Something... - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Could Be series, parts 58-59. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – Somedays move faster than Rainbow Dash.

The brightly colored bakery has come into view and now glows a little as the late afternoon sun peeks out from behind it. Truthfully you don't even know how some days can just slip away so fast...Must be train lag or something.

A faint smile comes to your face at the dumb comment as you just shake your head a little, today had to be a Celestia half day or Luna full night or something. Your thoughts are stirred for the moment as you catch a glimpse of something galloping out of the corner of your eye.

"Aerolight, don't run to far okay?"

Twilight's voice does little to the colt who took an almost all day nap when you got home. It's not that you and Twilight mind it when the colt takes long naps, in fact it does allow you two to get more things done. But at the same time it makes him a little more wired than he usually is, and it's always a pain to get him to fall asleep at his normal bedtime.

As you reach the front door of the bakery you open the door for the two mares that trot beside you, Aerolight also quickly follows in behind Twilight as his little hop gallop runs past you.

You wait a few seconds just to make sure the colt doesn't try to make a mad dash into a closing door before you trot in. But as you do a thought runs to your head, hopefully Pinkie's party will tire out the little colt.

"Oh hello dear." The slightly heavy light blue mare with swirled up pink and cream mane holds a smile to you and Twilight as her cheerful voice rings out from behind the counter of sweets, "Here for the party right?"

Twilight gives a friendly nod as she speaks up, "Yes."

"Oh well go on up, Pinkie's been expecting everypony." The older mare holds the smile as she watches you all move towards the staircase near the back of the house.

The stairs are not as steep as the ones at home, but you still hold your eyes to the colt as he slowly brings himself to each one.

It only takes a few seconds for the low party music and sweet smell of the room to come to you as you all come up to Pinkie's domain above the bakery.

"There you are!"

You scan your eyes around the party decorated room for a moment as you nod to the other two ponies in the room who must have helped Pinkie out with getting set up.

Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity come over to where the new group of ponies as they all give their own little hello’s.

However, the attention is quickly snatched up by the pink mare as she pulls Violet forward for a little tour, "Come here Violet you have to see your cake!"

Violet is tugged behind the mare for a moment towards one of the main food sprawled out tables, "Look at this masterpiece."

The young mare's friendly smile turns more into a awestruck and confused stare as she looks over the pink and cream frosted five layer cake that almost scraps against the ceiling.

"Do you like it?"

Pinkie's words mindlessly nod the young mare's head as she continues to just stare to the cake trying to figure out how any pony or ponies could eat something this big.

You hold your own smile to the mare's face, but your gaze of her is brought to an end as a low shy voice comes up in front of you. "Oh, look at how cute you've gotten in just a few days."

The light yellow pegasus brings her head down to the little colt as she looks over his wide almost clueless smile.

Despite the fact you know the comment wasn't directed to you, you still bring your voice up as you touch your hoof to your mane, "Ya I did something new with my mane today."

"Ha-ha, what did you brush it for a change?" The tomboyish voice that rings up from behind you instantly rolls your eyes as you turn to face the mare coming up behind you, "No Rainbow I-..."

You stop your voice as you look over the slightly green maned mare, "...Nice mane."

The comment instantly wrinkles the mare's nose as she pokes a hoof to you, "Hey, don't look at me Rarity was the pony who hogged all the poison joke remedy stuff."

Twilight lifts her hoof to her mouth as she tries to hide a little giggle.

Before Rainbow can turn an eye to the lavender mare though Rarity has cleared her throat as she looks a little away from the cyan coated pony, "Really Dash it's not...It's not that noticeable."

Rainbow just flips her mane as she proudly pokes her chest out, "Exactly."

You still hold you smile as you look over the mare, "It looks like seaweed."

Rainbow's defense is quickly brought up as she gives you a dirty look. However, the look only holds your smile as you think over her stare, ya ya ya act tough Rainbow we all know you still care just like every other mare.

The death gaze is quickly cut off as the little colt hops in front of you with a loud command direct to the cyan pegasus, "Up!"

Rainbow's eyes turn soft as she shifts to the little colt's excited smile fueled by nothing other than child like glee, "Up huh?" Rainbow's wings already flair out as she quickly darts her hooves to the colt as she brings him and herself quickly up into the air of the room.

Twilight holds a keen eye to her friend's flight but she slowly turns it back to the white mare in front of her as Rarity speaks up, "So where is Spike? Did he not come?"

The lavender mare shakes her head as she wiggles her hoof, "No, he said he would come by a little later." She gives a little smile as she continues, "He kind of has a stomachache."

Rarity nods as she straightens her posture, "Ah."

"Oh poor Spike...We should bring him some soup." Fluttershy's low voice brings a slight smile to your face as you just enjoy the sweet sound.

Rarity turns her head back to the light purple mare who's still being distracted by Pinkie as she brings her head a little closer to Twilight as she whispers, "I finished the dress last night Twilight I have it in Pinkie's closet for when you want to surprise her with it."

Twilight nods as she speaks up, "Good, I would hate for her to already see it out."

Rarity gives a little laugh as she holds an almost forced smile, "Yes of course, she hasn't seen it...ha ha." The mare quickly changes the conversation as she speaks up, "Um now who is this stallion she's dating?"

Before Twilight can bring her voice up Rainbow's flight path has stopped a little above you as she speaks up, "Sparky Wave. He's like one of those good horse shoes." A slight laugh comes from Rainbow as she adjust her hold to the happy colt in her hold, "He doesn't complain about cloud duty either so I like."

"Hmm, Sparky huh?" Rarity sways a little as she proudly rest her hoof to her chest, "Well I know that any stallion with good taste will like the dress you two had in mind."

You hold a smile as you cock an eyebrow to the comment, "Don't you think a stallion with good taste already liked the dress?"

Twilight rolls her eyes to the comment, but before she can speak up the pink mare has poped back into the conversation as she tugs the young mare behind her, "Why is everypony standing around, come on we only got this for an hour!" Her hooves dart up to Violet's cheeks as she playfully squeezes them together, which catches the young mare off guard.

You hold a little smile to the face as the tight nit group around you starts to disperse a little.

- - -
(About an hour later)

Twilight's friends may not be the first pick Violet would probably want to hang out with, but your guess would be it's definitely not the last. Most of the time has been spent just sharing stories and enjoying the food Pinkie set out.

All in all not a bad time, but being the only stallion in a room of mares does kind of make the conversations one sided. Luckily though, some of the conversations have been a little interesting at least to see everyponies’s reactions to them.

Aerolight has still yet to calm down, and as you all start to gather around the large cake in the room you strongly start to doubt yours or Twilight's ability in getting him to go to sleep on time tonight.

Pinkie's voice quickly brings down the chatter in the room as she speaks up, "Alright everypony." Her voice stops for a moment as she quickly sticks six unlit candles into one of the lower lays of the cake. The action brings a slight laugh to you as you watch Violet's chair being pushed closer to the cake by Rainbow and Fluttershy.

However, your time as a watcher is brought to an end as Twilight nudges you and nods to the candles. You spark up your magic as it warps to the wicks of the candles in a light green glow that quickly burst into little flames as you drop your magic.

"Nice job you didn't blow up the cake." The tomboyish comment that rings from behind Violet brings another laugh from you as you nod your head.

"Alright everypony, on three."




Pinkie's voice leads the room full of voices as everypony sings out, "Happy birthday too you, happy birthday to you..." The birthday chime rings out as you happily play along all the while just staring to the positively glowing young mare's smile.

As the sound comes to an end Pinkie's voice gets a little more hyper, "Make a wish, make a wish!!"

Violet's horn sparks up as the wicks of the candles quickly turn into a puff of smoke.

A happy cheer rings around the room followed by Rainbow's voice as she speaks up, "Alright no spit on the cake, lets dig in!"

Pinkie quickly wiggles her hoof to the comment as she speaks up, "Wait. Violet needs to get going first, and she can't leave until she has a piece of cake and opens one present."

Within the blink of an eye Pinkie brings a knife up from the table as she hooves it to Rainbow, her voice takes on a low calm and faked regal sound as she closes her eyes, "A little off the top would you Dashy?"

The green maned mare cocks a smile to the comment as she floats up to the top of the cake, plate and knife in hoof.

The plate is quickly brought down in front of Violet as she just blinks to the large piece of cake in front of her.

"Here you go Wheezy."

A faint wheezing laugh comes up from the purple mare as the name hits her ear. As a fork starts to poke into the chocolate and vanilla blended cake Twilight moves from her chair as she passes the little colt in her hold to your lap.

You wrap your hooves around the wiggling colt as you just hold a smile to the light purple mare in front of you who is still deciding whether or not to spoil her little dinner date or not.


The light purple mare swallows another bite of cake as she turns to Twilight's voice.

A faint chime of magic rings next to Twilight as she hoovers the neatly pressed dress next to her, "Me and your dad had got something for you. We hope you like it."
Everypony gives a low, oooohhhh sound as Violet sparks a bright smile to her face. Despite the fact of already knowing she had a dress coming the sight of the dark blue and light blue dress that sparkles a little from the gem studded outfit still holds a true to life smile to the mare.

Rarity's voice comes up as she wiggles her hoof out, "I made it to bring out your eyes dear, I think your colt friend will really be dazzled by it."

Another faint laugh comes up from the young mare as she looks over the dress that floats over to her. Twilight's voice rings out as the purple glow of magic changes to Violet's blue hold, "You can get going now if you want."

Violet holds her wide smile as her body becomes wrapped in her magic as she nods and looks around to everypony in the room. But the spell she brought to herself comes to an end as she pops from the room with her teleportation spell.

The flashier exit brings a slight smile to your face as you just stare to where the mare once sat.

But your gaze is cut off as a southern voice rings up from the staircase, "Sorry i'm late ya. IS the party still going on?"

You and Twilight turn your head to the orange mare that's stopped at the stairs.

The lavender mare gives a little smile as she speaks up, "Well Violet just left."

"Rats..." Applejack gives a little sigh as she speaks up, "Well I saw Spike outside and thought I wasn't late. Oh well at least I didn't miss the second party."

Twilight cocks her head to the comment as she speaks up, "Second?"

Pinkie's voice now rings out a she pokes a hoof to you, "Well we figured Violet would leave pretty quick and no reason to waste a good party night, so we figured we could celebrate your birthday today." A slight snorting laugh rings up from her as she continues to poke at you, "Seeing as how your birthday is when ever you say you want to make it tonight?"

A light chuckle comes up from you as you shrug, "I guess...But I don't really use my birthday for cake."

"Don't use it for cake?!" Pinkie takes her head back a little surprised as she speaks up, "W-what else could a stallion use their birthday for besides cake?!"

Twilight quickly speaks up with a little giggle as she notices your smile, "Ha ha, so a real birthday party for a change huh? Sounds fun."

You nod to the comment as you let out another little chuckle to the colt in your hold, "Looks like you're not going to sleep on time tonight."

The comment quickly brings a happy yell form the colt as he wiggles his hooves, "Yay!"

"Now can anypony help me get that barrel of cider up this here stairs? I don't think Spike and I can do it." Applejack's comment quickly brings Rainbow forward as she dashed towards her friend, "Alright first taste of the season!"

End of chapter 11