• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 594 Views, 11 Comments

Should be Something... - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Could Be series, parts 58-59. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Not just a tomboy

The town's streets are not really as crowded as the young mare expected for such a nice and bright day. However, there are a few younger colts and fillies happily running around just enjoying the free spring day.

Violet's eyes stay pinned to the few younger ponies as she continues to near her destination. The young mare's eyes however don't stay pinned to the group of ponies little game of tag though as the circular white stoned building comes to hoof's reach.

As the light purple mare trots a little bell chimes through the white stone floored building. The smell of fabric and dyes fills the mare's nostrils, but it's the sound of her name that holds to her mind.


The almost shocked young stallions voice turns the mare's head as she looks over a familiar blue coated unicorn sitting on the little waiting bench off to the side of the room.

Violet gives a little smile as she squints to the fact of her friend being in a predominantly mare oriented shop.

As Violet turns her trot towards the stallion a professional sounding feminine voice comes up as the red curtains that hides the main workshop are parted by a light blue magic, "...Like I said if you wear that dress with blue shoes make sure to wear a light blue ribbon on the right side of your head."

Violet turns to the familiar white coated and indigo maned unicorn, but her attention quickly switches to the pink coated earth mare that holds her head up high and her eyes half shut. The slightly high pitched voice comes up from the mare as she nods, "Okay." The dress bag that's draped across her back quickly comes from her as she smiles to Bell, "Ready to go new colt friend?"

Bell stands as he floats the bag next to himself, "Yes..."

"Good, because once my friends see your good taste in clothes we have to come back." Pearl holds her head up as she starts to trot past Violet towards the door, however her trot shifts Rarity's eyes as the white mare now drops her smile to the light purple mare in the room.

"Oh V-violet? Ha ha...What are you doing here??" The white mare holds a casual smile as she side steps over towards one of the many pony mannequins that have dresses on them. A pink tarp quickly comes over a dress before Violet can get a good look at it.

Before Violet can bring her hooves up the pink mare that has stopped her trot beside her cocks an eye to her, "Hello Violet, nice mane."

The light purple mare holds a slight smile as she just flips the tomboyish mane from her eyes.

Pearl brings up her own little smile as she turns back to the stallion stil in the room, "Come on Bell." As the mare trots out of the room Bell lowers his head as he trots after her with the dress bag floating behind him. As he passes by his friend he mouths out a few words, kill me.

Violet gives a little smile to the comment as the two ponies trot out of the building.

From the absent ponies her attention comes back to Rarity as she sparks her hooves up in a few slow motions.

The white mare continues to hold her smile as she just leans to the dress she covered up, "What was that dear? I have to be honest...Those books Twilight gave everypony were not the um, easiest to follow."

Violet gives an understanding nod as a silent sigh rolls from her, but she turns her eyes around the room as she locates a blank piece of light yellow paper and a fine charcoal piece that was pulled from one of the nearby easel’s.

As Violet's magic starts to write something out on the paper Rarity takes the opportunity to trot away from the covered mannequin as she comes a little closer to the mare.

It only takes a moment for the question to be spelled out on the paper as Violet hoovers it towards the white mare with a little smile.

Rarity's horn sparks up as the paper pauses in front of her, "You want a dress?" A little laugh comes up from Rarity as she wiggles her hoof, "A dress? W-what makes you think I could make a dress for you?"

Violet blinks to the comment as her eyes slightly shift to the other already made dresses that sit to the uncovered mannequin ponies.

"I-I mean...W-what makes you think I could make one so fast?" A little laugh comes from the white mare as she tries a smile.

The light blue of Violet's horn comes over the paper as it's floated back to her, the charcoal makes quick work of the paper as her expertly crafted words come to the paper.

Like before the paper is floated back to Rarity as she reads it, "A date?" The white mare nods her head as she taps her hoof to her mouth, "Why of course I understand a pony should look her best..." She continues to tap her hoof to her mouth as she looks over the tomboyish maned mare in front of her, Violet's coat is not dirty by any means...But at the same time the young mare doesn't really look like she cares for any special kind of soaps, or even cares for combing out her eye lashes for that matter.

Rarity gives a little laugh as she wiggles her hoof, "Um, maybe you should wait hmm? I-I mean after all, sometime waiting can get the um...Best things right?" Rarity gives a little smile as her eyes slightly nod to the tarp covered mannequin.

Violet blinks to the motion as she gets a little smile.

"Good." Rarity lets out another little laugh as she floats the paper aside, "Um please do not tell your mother about you coming her. It was supposed to be a surprise from your parents."

Again the young mare nods as she taps to her mouth.

"Anything else dear?" Rarity holds a little smile as she waits for a reply.

Violet shakes her head to the comments as she gives a little smile.

Rarity nods as she watches the light purple mare turning back towards the door of the boutique. Within the moment the wasted trip has come to it's end as the young mare steps back out into the spring day.

A silent sigh rolls from the mare as she turns her attention to the train station that sits only about a block away.

- - -

Violet's trot down the side streets of Ponyville’s little town have quickly come to an end as the young mare sets her sights on the waiting train. A few ponies around her continue their trots toward their destination, but Violet moves off to the side as she turns her head down the street.

"Hey Violet."

The slightly stuffy nosed voice turns the mare's head as she gives a little smile to the light orange pegasus that now trots next to her.

"Where's your parents?" As the stallion's words end you, Twilight, Aerolight and Spike start to round the last building towards the train station. The little colt happily hop trot’s between you and Twilight's watchful eyes as you two begin to near the two young ponies.

However, the dark yellow colt sparks his hooves up in a full gallop as he dashes towards the two ponies down the road. You and Twilight bring your speed up a little more as you watch the colt's coat starting to glow a little.

Luckily though Violet's horn sparks up and brings the now happily giggling colt's gallop to an end as he's pulled from the ground diaper first by Violet's magic.

Aerolight wiggles his hooves towards his sister as her magic brings him a little closer.

"Aerolight, you shouldn't gallop away from us." Twilight's voice has little effect on the colt's giggle as he's brought back down to the ground.

The lavender mare brings a hoof to the colt as she scoops him up into her hold, "Could you get the ticket?"

You nod to the comment as you float open the pouch on one of the two satchels you have around you, it only takes a moment for the light crystal blue piece of paper to come up from the bag.

As the ticket floats next to you, you start the groups trot towards the older chocolate colored stallion that stands near the train's extended stairs with his eyes fixed on the pocket watch in his hoof.

The stallion slowly moves his head from the watch as he speaks up, "All aboard!" The few ponies that were waiting a little closer begin to file into the train as they all flash their tickets.

It only takes a few seconds for your little group to come near the stallion as you casually hold the ticket out to the earth pony stallion. However, the sight of your magic on the ticket does bring a strange look to his face as he blinks to you, "...Everything seems to be in order."

You float the ticket in the bag as you start your trot into the train, as Twilight comes in behind you. She struggles a little with holding the wiggling colt in her hold but she's able to hold on to him long enough to sit down in the near by seats.

Violet and Sparky come in behind you as they end up taking the seats across the aisle form where you sit. For a moment you hold your eyes to the two young ponies, but your attention is brought to an end as Twilight's voice comes up, "Ow, Aerolight you can't run around the train."

You turn your head as you give a little smile to the colt trying to free himself from the mare's hold, the smile you hold was most likely not the smartest thing you could have done as Twilight's eyes turn to you, "Here, go play with daddy."

The smile slightly drops for a moment as Twilight extends the colt to you; the colt's little hooves kick towards you as his little voice comes up, "Dah!"

End of chapter 3