• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 594 Views, 11 Comments

Should be Something... - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Could Be series, parts 58-59. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – It's beneath her

The plain light blur of the room holds its own unique lighting to the room. It's been about an hour and a half since dinner but the outside world has already started to come into the night's hold. Most likely because of how north the crystal city lays from the rest of Equestria.

However, the rest of the world is meaningless to the two young ponies as Sparky's voice comes up, "Not bad Violet..." He turns his head around the room's crystal walls as he continues, "First time trying the spell and you got the room pretty good."

The light purple mare that sits on the bed just gives a simple nod. The young mare has been a little quieter than she usually is, and for good reason with the life almost life changing decision that lays only about four months away.

Sparky brings his voice back up as he looks over the mare's distant stare, "...Crystal Empire is pretty nice huh?"

Violet snaps from her long gaze as she shrugs to the comment, the tomboyish voice holds to a low tone as she answer the comment, "It's not bad..."

The light orange stallion gives a little laugh to her voice as he nods, "It would be pretty nice to have everypony, you know, talk with you." He gives an unshy laugh to his comment as he shrugs.

However, Violet pays it no mind as she takes a deep breath, "Yes it would, and-..."

The mare's sentence is cut off as an echoey voice bounces from somewhere in the room. Despite the fact neither one of them can really understand the words being spoken, it doesn't take the stallion long to place its tone as he straightens his posture.

Violet gives a little sigh as her horn starts to spark up, "Well that's the third time so far."

The room's colors start to blur as Violet's spell comes to an end.

As it does the two young ponies who sit in the middle of the bed take their heads from each other as they hold their eyes to the older stallion in the doorway.

You look over the two ponies as you speak up to the stallion, "You two do know it's been an hour since I came in here last right?"

Violet blinks to the comment as she turns her head towards the darker outside world.

"Just making sure you both know that I know." You nod your head to the comment as your magic takes hold of the door, ya that made sense. With that thought you close the door behind you as the stallion on the bed starts to shift a little.

To the closed door Violet turns her attention to one of the cupcakes Twilight had brought as a snack; her magic comes around it as the little paper to it comes undone. The paper floats off to the bed stand next to her spot as she nods her head to the cup cake.

Sparky gives a little smile to the gesture as he shakes his head, "No thanks, I'm way too full right now."

The light purple mare shrugs to the comment as she takes a little bite from the small vanilla cupcake.

She's quick to swallow the little bit as she floats the rest of it to the paper she set down, as she does she turns back to the stallion as her horn sparks back up for the spell.

Despite Sparky's slight attempt to leave the bed that Violet didn't notice he doesn't complain as he feels the mare's magic come over him.

Within the blink of an eye the room around them has turned into the simpler dreamscape. The chime of magic does slightly ring around the room as Sparky sways from its affects, a faint laugh rings up from the stallion as he speak up, "Actually Violet I was getting ready to leave... I don't want to make your dad mad."

A faint true to life giggle rolls from Violet as she holds a smile, "Well that was his third time checking on us, you could stay a little if you want."

Sparky holds the smile to the comment as the two ponies just stare to each other. It's still kinda funny to the two young ponies how drastically they've changed towards one another in the past few months. Sure it's still the same routine the two ponies have maintained, seeing as how they've yet to have a real first date without school or other ponies involved...But that fact does make the few moments the two ponies are alone a lot more special, and the feelings they've had to one another for so long really show to the other even with the shyish of gesture the two ponies are able to successfully go through.

Sparky clears his throat as he shakes his head, "I would kiss you goodnight but I don't want something so sweet."

The stallion's bold and cute comment rolls Violet's eyes as the tomboyish mare just blows to it, "Oh ya? I've seen you eat plenty of cup cakes and cookies before you've gone home." She pokes her hoof towards him as she lets her mane drop to one side, "And don't tell me you've brushed your teeth after words, Futty has told me different."

A light laugh rolls from the slightly blushing stallion as he shrugs, "I still think the line was good...And if I did kiss you right now your spell would just end and you would get a headache."

Violet straightens her back as she shakes her head, "I bet it wont."

Caught up on the word bet the stallion quickly speaks up as he raises an eyebrow to his friend, "Oh ya? What's the bet?"

The light purple mare casually sits up a little more on the bed as she brings a hoof to her chest, "I don't have to bet you anything...You're not the best kisser you know."

A slightly louder laugh comes up from the stallion as he's taken back by the comment, "I didn't know you kissed other stallions." Feeling a little more bold he continues his little tease as he looks around the dream world, "What else have you been trying with this spell?"

His comment flicks the mare's ear as she quickly speaks up, "Magic practice."

Sparky holds a wide smile as he flexes his wings out a little, "Really?"

Violet gives a little smirk to the stallion's flared out wings as she inches herself a little closer to the stallion, "So...No kiss goodnight?"

The mare's comment and her closer proximity breaks down the stallion's persona of confidence as he blinks to the mare's own slightly shifty smile.

For a moment the two ponies just stare to each other, but they slowly start to close the gap as they bring their heads a little closer.

Their embrace comes quick as the two ponies close their eyes to their lip's touch. However, the rushing sound of magic quickly comes to Sparky's ears as the world around him melts back into reality from the mare's popped spell.

Sparky opens his eyes to where the mare sits as he speaks up with a little laugh, "I won...-Violet?" His smile slightly fades to the mare's wide eyed stare as he watches her jump from the bed.

"You alright?" Sparky now stands to the other side of the bed as he cocks his head to the mare...But, it's at this point he notices something strange. The mare's snout has started to take on a slightly different feature and her eyelashes have almost completely disappeared from her eyes. Sparky drifts his eyes further down the mare as his stare widens to something sticking out between the...mare's...lower body.

Violet quickly hikes her head back up as her stance shifts, but her right front hoof quickly points to the vanilla cup cake as a few hoof motions run from her.

Sparky nods to the comment as he straightens his stance, "S-should I tell your parents?"

The embarrassment coming over the mare-stallion pauses her as the quickly acting poison joke's magic still swirls in her body. But she quickly nods her head as she stands unmoved in her spot.

"Alright..." Sparky moves towards the door as he darts a little into the hallway and towards where you and Twilight's room is.

As he stops in front of the room he knocks his hoof to the closed door. Within the moment the lavender mare has come to the door as she blinks to the stallion, "Yes Sparky?"

The name shifts your stance as you peek a little towards the door from where you stand next to the crib.

Sparky gives a nervous laugh not really sure how to tell you two what's happened as he stutters, "Um well Violet took a bite of one of the cup cakes and-..."

"Hey Twilight!"

The young boyish voice quickly takes over the conversation as Spike slides in front of the open door waving a letter towards the lavender mare's face, "Rarity sent me a letter, don't eat the cupcakes Pinkie put poison joke in some as a joke on Rainbow!"

You blink to the comment as a few questions run through your mind, Why would she do that! How does Rarity send a letter to Spike? Did I eat a cupcake!!??

Sparky points his hoof down the hall as he speaks up, "Violet ate one and...Well..."

Twilight quickly moves from the door with a more annoyed look on her face rather than scared, "Why would Pinkie bake them? She knows it's stronger when extracted." She gives a little groan as she nears the open door, "Did Violet's horn get spots or something? -oh..."

You come up beside the stopped mare as you just blink to the full blown stallion that stands shivering in confusion, embarrassment and...other things.

Violet's face and body hasn't really changed to much, but her lower body has...Definitely taken a hit.

Twilight brings her voice up as she trots into the room, "Don't worry Violet, I'm sure Cadence has some remedy...After all the cure is a very commonly used bath soap...Well common now." A faint giggle comes to the mare as she holds her hoof to the bed, "Um, just take a seat for a moment."

Violet nods to the words as she takes a seat, hooves still over her lap.

Twilight quickly trots out of the room and down the hall as you and Sparky just stand in the doorway. However, knowing that poison joke isn't all that bad you can't help but make a comment as you nudge the stallion next to you, "You're welcome to stay in the room a little longer."

Your comment immediately annoys the light purple mare. However you just smile back to her as you trot a little from the door, I have no regrets Violet.

End of chapter 9