• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 594 Views, 11 Comments

Should be Something... - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to the Could Be series, parts 58-59. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Rose glow

"Spike you've barely even touched those crystals?"

Twilight's voice echos in the empty castle's dining room as you bring your head up from your emptied salad bowl and towards the little purple dragon.

"Crystals are good and everything..." Spike taps his claw to one of the light blue stones that pokes up from his bowl, "...But crystals don't have the same taste as mountain gems."

A faint smirk runs across your face as you look over the bowl in front of him, for something that eats shining and expensive rocks he sure likes to complain.

Just as your thoughts come to an end the bright goldish metal double doors to the castle's dining hall come open as two familiar ponies trot in.

Twilight brings a smile to her face as she moves from her seat and trots towards the white stallion dressed in a formal cloak and top, "Shinning!"

"Twily!" The two ponies end their little remarks in happy embrace. Their hug only last a little bit though as the tall alicorn mare beside Shining speaks up, "I hope we didn't keep you waiting to long." She darts her eyes up towards the thin net of bright crystal shards that lay in her mane, "We were trying to figure out how the city would hold this years Equestrian games."

You squint to the name but before you can speak up Twilight has started her voice up, "Equestrian games? That sounds wonderful."

Cadence nods to the comment as she holds her smile, "Celestia did suggest us to ask you if we needed planning help."

Twilight nods to the comment but before she can speak up you ring your voice out, "OH, Celestia wants her to do something. That's new." The lavender mare just rolls her eyes to your voice as she turns a little back towards you.

However the slight change in conversation has prompted the white stallion to trot towards where you sit as Shining flashes a warm smile as he rings your name out.

You nod to the hello as he continues, "So I hear you two brought an extra pony along?"

Before you or Twilight can speak up Spike mumbles a few words out from his stuffed mouth, "Ya-...Sparky, *crunch* you meet him a few months ago when Sombra and Discord had it out in front of the castle."

Shining straightens his posture a little as he nods, "Oh...Yes."

"Ya-*crunch* they're like dating now." Spike’s voice turns Cadence's head as a wide smile comes up to her face, "Oh really?" Her smile comes direct to Twilight as she continues, "How long have they been dating?"

A slight giggle comes from Twilight as she speaks up, "Well...They started dating this school year."

"He's a young unicorn?" Shining cocks his head as he tries to remember the stallion from before.

You raise an eye to the way he said it as you shake your head, "Nope, he's a pegasus."

"They've been friends since Violet was a filly." Twilight's comment quickly brings up a response from Cadence as she lets out a sound, "Awww really? That's so nice to see ponies who actually know each other before they date."

Shining shells out a little laugh as he nudges you, "So where are they?"

You turn your head to him as you speak up, "They went out to eat lunch."

The mare a little in front of you finished the rest of your comment as she chimes in, "Aerolight went with them, he slept most of the way over so hopefully he'll get tired out before tonight."

Cadence holds her smile as she wiggles her hoof towards Twilight, "Oh I assumed he would be taking his afternoon nap now." She slightly lowers her head as she continues, "That crib is big enough for him correct? After all he's only about four months old correct?"

"It's fine." A little giggle comes up from Twilight as she looks between Cadence and her brother, "I’m surprised you would have that crib in there, after all it looks like it's from Celestia wouldn't you want to keep the low sleep spell on it still full?"

Your ear flicks to the comment but you let it pass as you look over Cadence and Shining’s slight shift in stance. The two ponies look to each other for a moment as the pink mare brings her voice up a little, "Actually...We can’t have foals."

Twilight blinks to the words as she shifts her head between the mare and her brother, "A-are you sure?"

Cadence gives a faint smile as she nods, the white stallion next to you quickly brings his voice up as he takes over, "That's actually why we wanted to see Violet today..."

- - -
(A little away from the castle)

The afternoon's sun pours in through the light blue stained crystal windows of the little diner as the three ponies continue to just enjoy the quick lunch. A few ponies sit around the building but for the most part the area maintains a low chatter.

However for the better part of the lunch the two young pony’s attentions have been kept to the dark cream colored colt that continues to try and suck down the small milkshake in front of him.

Aerolight's eyes are clenched shut and his tiny hooves have clamped down hard around the cup as he continues to try and free the thick frozen ice cream up his straw. The light purple mare holds a hoof behind the colt's back just to make sure he doesn't slip from the booth seats they sit in.

A faint chuckle rings up from the orange coated stallion across from the mare as he pops a hay fry into his mouth, "You think the milkshake was the best idea for him?"

Violet sparks her right hoof up as she compensates for the lack of her left hoof with a few flicks of her ears.

Sparky thinks over the motions as he shrugs, "I don't really know if a milkshake really counts as milk."

Aerolight’s eyes finally unclenches as the thick mass of chocolate ice cream begins to run up the straw.

Another faint laugh rolls up from the stallion as he just looks over the colt's victory smile. To the colt's smile Violet finally turns her head back to the large two strawed milkshake in front of her as a light rim of blue magic comes around the sweaty looking cup.

The mare's magic quickly cools the cup as she pokes her head to the straw. Her stare that's forced to stay to the stallion across from her breaks Sparky's shy shell as he takes a bold lean forward as the two ponies enjoy the shake in between them. The two ponies both crack a smile to the other as they continue to just hold their heads only inches from the other.

But the moment the two young ponies share is quickly brought to an end as a slight whimper comes up from Violet's left.

The light purple mare turns her head to the colt as she looks him over. Aerolight's hooves have darted up to his head and his eyes now close shut from the freezing pain that bangs to his head.

Violet cocks a little smile to the colt as she shifts her eyes to the milkshake he has almost completely guzzled down...But her little smirk doesn't last long as a faint rim of yellowy-green magic begins to form around the colt's hooves.

To the magic Violet quickly darts her hoof to the colt's side but just as her hoof makes contact with his coat, a faint pop of magic rings out. Aerolight opens his pink eyes wide and immediately darts his hooves back to the cup.

His pink eyed gaze shifts to the mare beside him as he continues to suck down the rest of his shake.

Violet just blinks to the colts drastic change in behavior as the stallion across from her shells out a little laugh, "Brain freeze Aerolight?"

The colt's eyes turn to the stallion as the loud sound of air being sucked through the straw rings up from the cup. His noisy action holds for a few seconds before he lowers his hooves and brings his mouth from the straw with a loudish belch.

Aerolight happily bangs his front hooves to the milkshake cup as his belch echos a little to the booth he sits in.

Squints a little annoyed to the noise as her horn sparks up to float the cup a little further from his reach.

"More!" Aerolight's slightly hyper voice rings out as the young colt bounces a little to his seat.

Violet rolls her eyes to the comment as she stares to a chocolate mass that must have spilled on his coat when she looked away. Again her horn sparks up as she floats a little napkin to him.

Just as she does this a shrill voice comes up from in front of the table as a dull colored and older crystal mare bobs her head a little, "Aw...It's so nice to see a young couple."

The mare's comment halts Violet's magic and turns Sparky's head with a faint chuckle as the older mare slightly lifts her shaky hoof, "Back in my day we were told to wait to have a foal." She again bobs her head as she puts her shaking hoof to the floor, "Nice to see two ponies go against the idea." As her comment ends she begins to shuffle along towards the door of the diner.

From the absent mare Violet and Sparky both turn to each other with their own respectful laugh.

- - -
(A little later)

The wired up diapered colt happily hop gallops a little in front of Violet and Sparky's trots as the three ponies begin to near the crystal castle's stairs.

It only takes a few moments to reach the staircase, and as they do Sparky brings his wings up as he reaches for the hopping colt, "Alright, don't squirm huh?"

Aerolight continues to kick his hooves a little, but for the most part going up the stairs doesn't really pose any problem.

Violet quickly trots up the stairs and into the castle's entrance along with the stallion who hoovers a little above the ground. A few ponies that trot from hall to hall in side turn an eye to the three ponies, but they don't stop the familiar ponies trots as they start to turn towards the staircase that leads to their rooms.

However, just as they near the next stairs a little purple dragon stumbles in from one of the side halls, "Ahh..." He pats at his stomach a little as he turns his eyes to the ponies, "That second bowl had an after taste..."

Violet gives a little smirk to the comment as Spike continues to talk through his groans, "Hey tell Twilight i'm not going to come to dinner tonight, a few hours is definitely not enough time."

The comment flicks the mare's ear, but it doesn't come as any surprise to her seeing as how they planned on eating a light lunch anyways.

As the little dragon continues past them Violet and Sparky follow after him.

End of chapter 7