• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 3,155 Views, 47 Comments

Mega Mare Dash - Shazam 25

When Rainbow finds a strange armor and a message from her great-great grand father, She becomes Mega Mare Dash is save Equestria!

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Spark Mandrill

Rainbow just finish her time at the Spa when Twilight came running up to her.

"Hey there Twilight, what the rush?" She asks, feeling it was about her armor again.

"Rainbow Dash did you heard that the Spa..." Twilight started to say before Rainbow cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard, and the Blue armor Pony fixes it, It all over Ponyville Twilight," Rainbow said annoy.

"Sorry, It just that every time one of those creatures show up, so does that pony as well. And I think with them." Twilight said.

"You too? Great Rarity said the same thing." Rainbow groan.

"Rarity think that pony is with them too?" Twilight asks.

"Yeah, Look if it was with them would it help destroy Ponyville instead of saving it?" Rainbow asks her.

"Well that a good point but it always disappears before I can show up and it even save Rarity and Fluttershy," Twilight said.

"Twi, just relax, I may not meet the armored pony yet, I can say that it has good deeds toward Ponyville," Rainbow said before walking around her.

"If anything else happens I sure Mega Mare Dash can take care of it." She said and flew into the air.

Once she was out of Ponyville she releases her anger.


After that, she felt a bit better. Still, she couldn't believe that both Rarity and Twilight thought she was one of those creatures. Then she decided to give them a name. She thought long and hard before she can agree on one.

"Chaos Soldiers.", Rainbow said to herself, "until I learn their real names."

"Who real names Rainbow Dash?" said a voice behind her.

Rainbow turns around was shock by who was behind her.

"Princess Celestia?!" She shouted in surprise and bow quickly.

Sure enough, it was Princess Celestia, and she was floated next to Rainbow.

"Arise Rainbow Dash, and who are you talking about?" Celestia said.

Rainbow rise and said, "You heard about the creatures that attack Ponyville, the Spa and Cloudsdale? Well, I have come to call them Chaos Soldiers until I learn their real names."

"Yes, I heard of them and heard they were all saved by a Pony in blue armor," Celestia said thinking about it.

"Her name is Mega Mare Dash and I met her during the attack on Ponyville," Rainbow said hoping Celestia didn't think she was one of them too.

Celestia turns to her and said, "You sound like you afraid that she is seen as one of these creatures."

"Well yeah, I mean she did was save the three places and both Twilight and Rarity think she with them," Rainbow explains.

"I see.", Celestia said, "well I never met her yet but if she appears will you tell her I like to meet her."

"Sure thing Princess Celestia," Rainbow said and bow.

After Celestia left Rainbow look over the area she was in. She then spotted a strange building on the ground.

"Hm, that strange, what is that?" She asks herself.

She flew in for a closer look.

In coming Mission...Discover what the strange build is and look for clues.

Ready? Start!

Rainbow step inside a strange building that she never see before and saw more of the Chaos soldiers and rise her hoof...only to remember that she wasn't in her armor! She quickly rolls away and hides behind a wall nearby.

She face-hoof herself and shouted, "MEGA MARE ARMOR ON!", and her armor appears on her. Then she ran out and started shooting the Soldier. It explodes and Rainbow climbs up a ladder. She moves through the maze-like part and came to a room the blackout as soon as she steps in.

"What the?" Rainbow said as she tries to walk through the black room.

Some creatures lighted the room a bit showing Rainbow the way before the light fade. After a few really close calls she saw the room light back up and climb down two ladders and come to a huge room. A wall closes behind her and she heard something above her. She looks up and saw a huge creature surround in a bubble. She dashes away as it tries to drop on her. She turns and fires at it. It did nothing back move back up to the ceiling. Rainbow uses this time to change her weapon to Storm Tornado and waiting for it to drop again.

She dashes away as it boucle across the floor and on the last it release smaller bubbles. Rainbow hoofs got caught in one of them and fire her weapon. It rises back to the ceiling and Rainbow wall jumps after it after her hooves were freed. Once at she reach it she release another Storm Tornado. It then plugs its arms into the ceiling above it. Rainbow watch as it became surround in electricity. It floated over her and release lightning strikes at her. She dashes away and waited for it to drop again.

It did and the last shot destroys it. Another wall open and Rainbow move on. She walks on and the room blackout again. She groans and walks thought the room destroying Chaos Soldiers. She then reaches a part of the room that light backs up again and saw the door of the bosses, She started to call it after walking through it three times.

She checks her energy and weapons. She had a little of weapon energy left and had half energy of her armor left. She walks thought the other and it fades to black again. She rolled her eyes then saw some small lights in the dark. And some kind of monkey drop as the lights turn back on.

"Oh, oh, what do we have here? A pony? Never seen your kind around here before." It said.

"Who and what are you?" Rainbow asks.

"Oh, oh, The name Spark Mandrill and I plan on using the energy found here to make me more powerful so I can take that town my master wants so badly." Its answers.

Rainbow knew it was talking about Ponyville and said, "I'm Mega Mare Dash and I from the town your master wants."

"Oh? Then you must be the one destroying my friends.", Spark Mandrill said, "well I show you what happens when you mess with us!"

Spark Mandrill threw his fist to the ground and release his Electric Sparks at her. Rainbow dash jump over them and release her charge shot. Like with Flame Mammoth, he just flinches from the attack and jump up to the ceiling and started to climb over to Rainbow. Rainbow quickly dash away remember the fight is had before as Spark Mandrill to drop on her. Rainbow turns and releases another charged shot. Spark Mandrill then turn and dash punch Rainbow. She didn't feel that type of pain since her fight with the purple creature. She didn't have to time to move as an Electric Spark hit her. She stood up only to find herself hit by the dash punch again.

Blast! He big but fast, I need to stop him in his tracks! But how? Rainbow thought and turn to her buster.

She opens her weapon list and saw her Shotgun Ice was still full.

Well it might freeze him, so let's try it. Rainbow thought and active the weapon. Rainbow change to a mixture of light blue and yellow and rise her buster and fire as Spark Mandrill dash at her again. It froze him solid as Rainbow took a quick breather. Her energy was really low and had to start dodging his hits, but he was too big and fast. She watches as he broke out of the ice and said, "Brrrrr! Don't do that! I hate being frozen up."

Rainbow smile and shot another. He froze again and Rainbow waited for him to break out and frozen him again. This went on until Spark Mandrill's body stops moving.

"GAH! I hate the cool and I hate you!" he said.

"Hey, you are the one that said you're going to attack my home.", Rainbow reminds him, "so I just doing my job and protecting it."

"I guess I should have prepared for a protector.", Spark Mandrill said, "Next time I won't underrate you."

After that, he exploded. and Rainbow check her buster to see the words, "Weapon Get! Electric Spark!" appear.

"Well guess the place is shut down now," Rainbow said as she teleports outside.

Rainbow appear outside when she got the feeling she wasn't alone and turn around to see Princess Celestia right behind her.

"You must be Mega Mare Dash?" She asks.

"Yes, that me," Rainbow said in surprise.

"Good.", Celestia said, "Come with me, we need to talk."

Rainbow nods and follows the Celestia back to Canterlot Castle. Where she has to explain herself to her.

Once there Rainbow look around, she may have been there before but had to act like she never did. After all, she was Mega Mare Dash, A hero that appear out of the blue, not Rainbow Dash one of the Elements of Harmony. She even watches Celestia talk to some of her guards. They all had weird looks on their faces, but she knew that it was because she was walking on two hoofs not all four.

Once they enter the throne room Rainbow saw all her friends and gulp. She and Celestia walk up to them and stop as Celestia spoke, "Mega Mare Dash, You had save Equestria four times now and I like to know why are you doing this? And how do we know you're not working with them?"

Rainbow sign, there it was again, everypony thinking she was one of the creatures.

"To answer your first question, I fight to save Equestria because this land is peaceful and the Ponies here are great, however, I work against the Chaos Soldiers not with them." She said.

"Chaos Soldiers?" Applejack asks.

"That what I call them.", Rainbow said, "They want to take over your land and just now I heard them say about their Master what this Ponyville, but why? I still haven't found out yet."

"So you're a hero right?" Fluttershy asks.

Rainbow nods and Rarity spoke up, "I know that there are upgrades to your armor but why is it mix with white and blue?"

"The upgrades I get are split into parts so I get one at a time after I find all of them." Rainbow answer.

"So it like hide and seek for them?" Pinkie asks happily, "That great, maybe we can help you find them!"

"Sorry but they can be only found by me because some upgrades can be found with other upgrades, plus I have the feeling the last one is going to be the body armor," Rainbow explain.

"One last question." Twilight said, "What happens after all this is over?"

Rainbow thought on it.

"I guess I'll just put up my armor and live a normal as I can." She answers.

Twilight and her friends look at her in surprise. Then Rainbow fell to her knees. Fluttershy was by her side before anypony can blink.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, It just that the last battle I had really made energy really low." Rainbow answer.

She stood back up and turn to Celestia.

"I wish we can talk some more, but I need to rest if any more trouble comes." She said.

Celestia nods and said, "I'll be looking forward to talking to you some more, I hope you can answer more of our questions."

Rainbow nods and teleport out of the castle leave all the ponies in shock.

"How did she do that?" Pinkie asks.

"I don't know." Twilight answer, still in shock like the rest.

Author's Note:

The fight with Spark Mandrill was short, so here where I added extra scenes. I also think this could've been better, but I'm leaving the way it is for right now. Plus in a few more chapters Zerofire makes her return and Rainbow will be joined by Twilight to stop one of the Chaos Soldiers