• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 3,155 Views, 47 Comments

Mega Mare Dash - Shazam 25

When Rainbow finds a strange armor and a message from her great-great grand father, She becomes Mega Mare Dash is save Equestria!

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Armored Armadillo

The fight with Spark Mandrill took a lot out of Rainbow then she thought. Her body aches a bit after the armor comes off, still, she couldn't believe how fast the fight when she fond the weakness of the strange monkey. She also had to admit that her secret was almost reviled to her friends before the pain kicks in. Then out of nowhere, she heard a voice that snaps her back to where she was at.


Rainbow then remember she was at the Wonderbolts Academy for more training.

"Sorry Ma'am, still tired from yesterday, Ma'am," Rainbow said to Spitfire the leader of the Wonderbolts.

"What about yesterday?" Spitfire ask.

Oops! She almost gave her secret away, She quickly recovers and said, "With everything going on these few days I stay up almost all night trying to find out what going on, Ma'am."

Spitfire raises an eyebrow before seeing the sleep in Rainbow eyes. She wasn't lying of course. She did try to find out why the Chaos Soldiers master wants Ponyville so badly and why they were attacking in other places as well. Rainbow didn't fall asleep until 2 in the morning.

"Well I see you're not lying, so I'll let take this training off this time got it?" Spitfire said. Rainbow was surprised.

She was tried, but she never thought Spitfire would let her sleep during training. Noticing she was waiting for an answer, she said, "Yes Ma'am." and walk in the mess house.

After Rainbow got some shut-eye, she was called into Spitfire office.

"You wanted to see me, Ma'am?" Rainbow asks.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash, please take a seat," Spitfire said and look at the two guards. The guards left and Spitfire began to speak again.

"You have heard about the Strange creatures that attack the four place in Equestria right?" She asks.

Why would she ask me that? Rainbow thought before she answers, "Yes and I come to call them Chaos Soldiers, Ma'am."

"You can just call me Spitfire, Rainbow Dash," Spitfire said.

"Oh, ok, Ma'am...I mean Spitfire." Rainbow said using the leader real name.

"I'm surprised that you are looking on to these strange attacks," Spitfire said.

"Well I have heard that their master wants Ponyville and since I live in there I do anything to protect my home," Rainbow explains.

"And what did you find?" Spitfire ask.

"So far nothing. I don't get it. Why take Ponyville? If it was Canterlot I can understand, but Ponyville? That strange." Rainbow answer.

Spitfire thought about it and ask, "What do you think about Mega Mare Dash?"

This caught Rainbow Dash off guard. She wanted to know what she thought about herself in her armor? None less she gave an answer.

"Well Spitfire, I think she has good ways toward us and helps in any way she can and unlike some ponies, I don't think she apart of the Chaos Soldiers." She said not trying to brag about herself.

"Just what I thought, So you say she a hero?" Spitfire said and ask.

"Yes I do and what do you think about her?" Rainbow asks back.

"That she a hero to me as well," Spitfire said before a knock was heard.

"Come in," Spitfire said and Soarin rushes in.

"Spitfire! Something strange is going on under Snowy Mountainside!" He said.

Spitfire jumps up and asks, "Are you sure?"

Soarin nods and sees Rainbow Dash there.

"Hey there Rainbow Dash, I heard you took a snooze during training." He said to her.

"Spitfire let me and I feel better now, but what this about Snowy Mountainside?" She asks.

"Blast! I did it again!" Soarin said face hoofing himself.

"Relax Soarin she be looking into this as well," Spitfire said.

"Really? Well that a surprise. Is she going to...you know? " Soarin said and ask.

"She already plans on joining us as a Wonderbolt you know." Spitfire reminds him and at the same time telling him not to talk about their new team.

Soarin got the hit and said, "Well the others are waiting for your orders, so I'll head back." And left.

"What that all about?" Rainbow asks.

"Sorry Rainbow Dash, but that for Wonderbolts members only, you're still training," Spitfire said and walk her to the door.

"We will finish this talk another time." She said.

Yeah after I find out what going on at Snowy Mountainside caves. Rainbow thought before rose her hoof to her head and walk away.

Spitfire turns back into her office and closes the door.

They must be up to something. She thought before walking back to her desk.

She places her hoof under the desk and hit a switch. The wall beside her open to reveal her Red Armor.

Incoming Mission...Search the caves of Snowy Mountainside for Chaos Soldiers

Ready? Start!

Rainbow appears inside the caves with her armor. She looks around a bit before coming to a mine cart.

Haven't seen one of these since we went to save Rarity. Rainbow thought and hop into it. No soon then she did the cart move forward and Rainbow was riding across the cave at high speeds. She couldn't help but shout in excitement as it moves. She soon saw that her ride was coming to an end when she saw a tall wall coming up ahead. She jumps out a watch as the cart bounce off the wall and disappears into the darkness alone. Rainbow then turn and walk on.

She drops down a hole and heard something before here. She turns only to see some kind of machine bust through the wall and started to chase her. Using her boots, she dashes away for the machine and jumps over a few Chaos Soldiers and a large pit of spikes. She turns to see the machine fall into the pit and be destroyed. She took a breath and move on. She spotted a second cart and hop in, hoping for another wild ride. And that just what she got. It lasts longer than first and once the end shows up Rainbow jump out.

I never knew going thought this place would be so fun! Even Pinkie would like to ride those carts. Rainbow thought as she let her body get back to normal. She drops down another hole and land behind another strange machine. This time it starts to move as she near it. She watches it dig a bit before getting bored.

This thing is way to slow, no wonder I outran the first one. Rainbow thought as she looks at her weapons choice.

She has used all but two weapons she got. Spark Mandrill's attack and Flame Mammoth's attack. She decided to go with the fire wave weapon and ran up to the machine. She shot the fire wave and kept it out, without fully charging it. Once it was destroyed she ran past it and jump over a pit of spikes.

She moves on taking care of the Chaos Soldiers before seeing the third cart.

Oh yeah, Third time a charm. She thought and jump in.

This one was the longest ride she has been on, she even had to fire her buster to knock a few Chaos Soldiers that flew in the air. Soon her cart shot out of the cave and into the air. She saw a large cliff ahead and jump out before the cart hit it. She slides down the wall slowly until she saw a hole in the cliff.

She drops into it and saw the boss door. She walks in and rechecks her weapons and energy. The three cart rides she has been on, allowed her to take little to no damage at all. Only her Electric Spark was still full of energy. She smiles as she walks through another door. One in the room she found it was empty. She raised an eyebrow and look around. Then she felt the area shake as her mind scream, “WARNING! WARNING!." She watches as a giant ball appear from the ceiling and turns into an armored creature she never seen before.

"Well I knew sooner or later I'll get some pony in my caves." It said.

"So what are you supposed to be? A Giant armored rat or something?" Rainbow asks.

"A RAT?! How dare you! I am Armored Armadillo, the one in charge here!" He yells.

"An Armadillo? Never heard of that before, Are you sure you not a rat?" Rainbow asks again.

"That it! You are going to eat dirt you useless horse!" Armored Armadillo said angrily.

That made Rainbow mad. She readies her buster as the fight began. First Rainbow fired her buster only to find Armored Armadillo curl into a ball and roll at her, causing her shot to bounce off. Rainbow Wall jumps over him and charges her buster. Once Armored Armadillo uncurls she fire but watch as he absorbs her charge shot and release as his own attack. Rainbow was hit and throwback from the surprise attack.

She shook her head to clear the stars that appear around her and jump just when another attack came at her. She then fires normal shot, but Armored Armadillo blocks them with his arms. After that, he started rolling again.

His Armor project him from my attacks! I need to hit him with one that will hurt him no matter what! Rainbow thought as she quickly searches through her weapons. She decided to give Electric Spark a try. All the blue left-turn yellow and she fire one at Armored Armadillo. He tries to block it, only to be shocked when it touches him. Rainbow watch as he was electrocuted and his armor fell off.

Once Rainbow saw what he look like without his armor she laugh and said, "I was right! You are a rat."

"Grrr! I'll show you...!" He said and started rolling again.

Rainbow dodge and watch as he started to boucle all over the place. She soon found a pattern and dodge the attack with ease. Once he stops, Rainbow fired another Spark. Armored Armadillo grew even angrier and roll at her again. This went on for a few minutes until Rainbow sends the last shot.

"Wh...what?!" He shouted as he stops moving.

"Too bad, I was hoping for more fun, but I guess the rat is all tried out." Rainbow teases him.

"I'm not a rat you stupid pony!" Armored Armadillo shouted as he exploded.

"Yeah, you're a rat all right," Rainbow said as she checks her buster.

'Weapon Get! Rolling Shield!' Appear on it.

"Well my job is done here and I got to say this has been the most fun mission I ever been on." She said before teleporting out.

Little that she knew that she was watching from the shadows.

"So you think she will join us?" A male voice was heard.

"She getting stronger, but still has ways to go before she joins us." A female voice said.

"Are you sure? She might look like she was having fun with it, but took the fight pretty well." The male voice said again.

"Come on Soarin, She only beat five of them, and she still has many ways to go." The female voice said.

"Fine. Whatever you say, Zerofire." The voice said again and click off.

Author's Note:

I'm sure people thought this level was short when they took the carts as well. Plus I try having Rainbow having a little fun with the name-calling. Plus you might have now guessed that Spitfire is Zerofire. Spitfire will tell her but after all the Chaos Soldiers are defeated.