• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 3,155 Views, 47 Comments

Mega Mare Dash - Shazam 25

When Rainbow finds a strange armor and a message from her great-great grand father, She becomes Mega Mare Dash is save Equestria!

  • ...

Launch Octopus

Three days pass and Rainbow and her friend went to the beach to relax. Rainbow looks over her cloud to see what fun her friends were doing. Applejack and Twilight play in the water, splashing each other. Pinkie and Fluttershy help the CMC make a sandcastle and Rarity just sunbathe on a towel she brought. Rainbow lay back on her cloud and close her eyes thinking about the fights she had before coming here to hang out for a bit.

Her first battle was with Chill Penguin, He was quick but only when Rainbow didn't know what he can do. Then with Storm Eagle, a friend she never met or knew, was forced to fight her and to this day she still feels sorry for him. Then with Flame Mammoth, boy he was big and can crush her if she didn't think about using the weapons she got. Then with Spark Mandrill, he was big but smaller than Flame Mammoth. She still laughs at how fast the fight went when she discovers his weakness, with the Shotgun Ice he big was pushover. Then finally with Armored Armadillo, he was a tough one with his armor, he not only block her shots but also uses her charge shots back at her. When his armor was gone the fight went on smoothly.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" said a voice, bring her out of her thoughts.

Rainbow looks down and saw Scootaloo sitting on the sand. She knew Scootaloo will do anything to hang out with her.

"What up Scoots?" Rainbow asks.

"Beside you, I was hoping to play in the water with you." Scootaloo answer. Rainbow smile, sure the two agree to become sisters so she wasn't going to disappoint her.

"Alright then, We all be relaxing, so I could use some excitement," Rainbow said as she flew down from her cloud.

"Cool!", Scootaloo shouted, "Race ya slowpoke!"

If there was one thing Rainbow hate been called, it was slow. But she knew Scootaloo was teasing her, so she teases back.

"Oh, I show you slow," Rainbow said in a playful manner.

She charges after Scootaloo and pushes her into the water. Scootaloo pops back up and laugh, Rainbow laugh with her and they started to splash each other. Applejack and Apple Bloom join in as well. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight watch them before talking about the day they are having.

Sweetie Belle walks up to her sister and asks, "Rarity? Would you like to splash in the water with me?"

Rarity stood up and said, "I don't know, I don't like getting my fur coat all wet that much and I don't want sand in my hoofs and..."

She stops to see Sweetie walk away. She sign, ever since she knew she couldn't do a lot without her, she promises herself to spend more time with her, so ignoring all the thoughts of not wanting some bad to happen with her mane or fur coat she walk up to her and said, "Let's go play in the water." Sweetie jump for joy and ran to the water with Rarity following.

They all had fun, soon all of them were splashing water on each other, but they never notice that something was heading their way. Sweetie Belle just splashes Rarity again when something then jumps out of the water. She screams as it "ate" her.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity shouted as she saw the strange fish swam off. But didn't stop there, Then Apple Bloom was caught, Then Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight and finally Scootaloo. Rainbow quickly look around, waiting for more of the fish to show up. One did and she jumps up and started flying around dodging the strange fish that jump at her. She reaches to shore and calls for her armor.

"MEGA MARE ARMOR ON!" She yells and her armor appears on her.

Using her buster she blasts the fish and looks for her friends.

Blast they must have retreated to the sea, I got to follow them, I never leave my friends hanging! Rainbow thought and ran into the sea.

Incoming Mission...Rescue your friends from the sea.

Ready? Start!

As soon she went under, she was surprised that she can breathe.

Whoa! I can breathe underwater with this on? That so cool She thought in surprise.

Rainbow started to walk underwater looking for her friends. The day that was supposed to be fun and relaxing for Rainbow Dash has turned into a rescue mission. She walks some more under she saw some sand bust-up and some kind of underwater creature show when the sand fades away. Rainbow then felt herself be pulled toward it. She fires her buster hoping to stop it but kept getting closer. Then she turns and started dashing away from it. After a few dashes, she felt it stop trying to shuck her in and turn to face it. Then four smaller holes open and release four small eel-like creatures at her. Rainbow jump over them and was surprised. Underwater she jump higher than on land. She lands back down and fires her buster. She soon found a pattern, shuck, blow if she got to close, release the small eel-like creatures, and repeat. After she destroys it, she moves on.

After destroying some more strange sea creatures she came across another underwater creature. This time the battlefield was different. It had two spike pits and four platforms, but the battle was the same. She destroys and came to a strange place in the area. A tall building like stood in the water and Rainbow came to a large pit spike. Rainbow look at it to see how far the end was.

I'm going to have to be careful. It doesn't look like I can make it...Whoa! Rainbow was cut off her thoughts as she was suddenly pushed to the surface.

When a strange thing was floated and shooting something into the water. Rainbow quickly jump on it and look at it. It seems to look back at her before it shot at her.

"Hey!", Rainbow shouted as she dodges its attack, "You know I wasn't going to hurt you, but now I will."

She switches to her Storm Tornado and fired. One-shot was all it took and it sunk in the sea and land on the spike pit and made a bridge for her.

Well, how about that? Rainbow thought and cross it.

She soon reaches the other end and moves on. She walks across the sand still looking for the fish that took her friends. She was so busy look around, she fails to notice that the sand was started to rise. But she heard a noise and jump back as a head appear, followed by a long body and a tail at the end. Rainbow rises her buster and fire. That when she realizes she still had Storm Tornado on! She quickly dashes away and change back to her normal weapon and charge it up. It was heading right for her and Rainbow fire. The head steam to react in pain as the shot hit it. It then buried itself back under the sand. Rainbow thought it was over until it bursts out in front of her. Rainbow did not time to move as it rams her. She slams off the pillar nearby and slid down. She stood up and fire back at it. She watches as her shot boucle off its body and tries to hit the tail.

So the head and tail is it weak spots huh? Rainbow thought and charge her buster again.

She waited until it charges at her again and fires her third level charge shot. It buried under sand again and Rainbow dash across the area trying to make it guess why she was at. It soon pops up and misses Rainbow completely, but Rainbow didn't. Finally, its tail, then it body drop and exploded and its head was the last to go. After that Rainbow moves on and saw the fish that took her friends. Switching back to Storm Tornado she took them out one by one.

But they were all empty! No sign of Rainbow friends was anywhere!

What?! but they have to be here somewhere! Rainbow thought as she looks around.

She spotted the boss's door and got worried. If your friends are with the Chaos Soldiers then who knows what happens to now. Not bother to check her energy or her weapons, she rushes into the room and saw her friends inside some tanks.

"Girls!" Rainbow shouted running up to them, but jump back as something came out her.

"So you are the one that is here to free them?" A voice asks.

Rainbow looks up and sees a different sea creature float down in front of her.

"Yeah! You better let them go or I show you why I'm called Mega Mare Dash!" Rainbow said readying her buster.

"Well aren't you full of yourself, well I hope you put up a good fight because the name Launch Octopus will be the last thing you hear!" It shouted and Rainbow mind screams 'WARNING! WARNING!' once more.

Before the fight started the rest of Mane Six and the CMC woke up to see the two ready to fight.

"What in Equestria is going on here?" Applejack asks.

"I don't know but looks like Mega Mare Dash is here to save us!" Scootaloo said.

Everypony turn to look at the fight that was about to start.

Rainbow jumps up to dodge the things Launch Octopus fire at her. She land and fire a charged shot. Then Launch Octopus jump up and started to spin around try to shuck her in. She quickly started to dash away and avoid getting shuck in the whirlpool vortex he made. After a while, he stops and floated back to the ground and Rainbow fired another shot. Launch Octopus return fire and Rainbow had some trouble dodging this time.

"Wow, look at her go!" Scootaloo said in excitement.

"Well, never knew she can fight like that." Applejack said in awe.

"But it still doesn't explain how she can fight with just her hoof.", Twilight said, "I don't feel any magic coming from either of them."

"Now Twilight you don't need to worry yourself, I'm sure she answers your questions once we get out of here." Rarity said trying to calm her down.

Rainbow dash away from the whirlpool vortex again and began to think.

He only has two attacks and my buster having some trouble hitting him, so I guess it time to try out my new weapon. Rainbow thought and switch to her new Rolling Shield weapon. The other watch as the blue on her turn light pink.

"Wow! She just changes color, just like that!" Pinkie said surprise.

"Whoa, nelly! Never thought she can do that." Applejack agrees.

Rainbow rise her buster and fire her weapon. A rolling ball came from her buster and roll across to Launch Octopus and hit him.

"What? How did you get that power?" Launch Octopus asks in surprise.

The others were just as shock as him.

"Wow! She full of surprises like me!" Pinkie said. The other nods in agreement.

Rainbow dash away from the whirlpool vortex again and fire another rolling shield as Launch Octopus land again. Rainbow smile, he only had two attacks and the fight was going pretty quickly. Rainbow had a feeling that this fight will be quick as well like with Spark Mandrill.

Launch Octopus was really getting mad. He was one of the best and was being beaten by a blue armor pony! He didn't get it though, he caught all them, right? Rainbow smile as she fired one last shot. Launch Octopus body stops moving and looks at her.

"How did you defeat me so easily?" He asks.

"When something takes your friends what would you do?" Rainbow asks back.

"You...you...you can't stop us!" Launch Octopus said as he exploded.

Rainbow check her buster to see the words, 'Weapon Get! Homing Torpedo!' appear. Then turn to her friends.

"Are you all ok?" She asks.

"Other than being stuck in the same position for your whole fight, we're fine," Twilight said sarcastically.

Rainbow shook her head and walk up to the tanks.

"Hm, I can blast you all out but I know you can't breathe underwater." She said thinking about how to get them out.

"Wait?! We are underwater?!" Twilight shouted.

"But how are you talking underwater?" Rarity asks.

"My armor allows me to breath, just found out myself." Rainbow explain and began to think.

Finally, she got one.

"I don't know if this is going to work but I have no other plans, so it will have to do." She said seeing the confused look on her friend's faces.

A few seconds later nine color beams shot out of the water and land on the shore. Rainbow watch as her friends tries to shake off the dizziness they had.

"Sorry about that, I know it not the same as how Twilight teleports," Rainbow said.

"How do you know that?" Twilight asks.

"I look upon the land I was protecting and learn about your ponies and your kind," Rainbow explain.

Then Scootaloo ran up and hug her saying, "You were AWESOME! Just awesome as Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow laugh and said, "Thank Scoots, I'm glad you think so."

"You know my name? You know my NAME?!" She shouted.

"I know everypony names," Rainbow said before a yawn came from her.

"All that walking around the seafloor made me tired, so I'm going to get some rest." She said.

"Oh no, you don't!", Twilight said as she grabs her with her magic, "You're not going anywhere until you answer my questions."

Rainbow look up at her and kept her cool.

"First how did you get that type of armor?" Twilight asks.

"It was given to me and I was asked to save this place." Rainbow answer.

"Second, How did you change colors and fire some kind of new weapon?" She asks again.

"Every time I destroy one of the Chaos Soldiers I get one of their weapons and the color change is to tell me what weapon I'm using." Rainbow answer again.

"Third, Why did you save us? How do we know that you're not one of those Chaos Soldiers?" Twilight asks again.

"One that two questions, two I don't like seeing others get hurt and I put my life on the line to save them and three If I was a Chaos Soldier would I have just saved you just now?!" Rainbow yell.

Twilight back off and let her go, thinking about her answers.

"I still don't trust you, but I won't stop you from saving Equestria, just don't try to destroy it after you save it." She said.

"Don't plan on destroying it, just save it and live as normal as I can," Rainbow said and teleport away from the beach.

"Twi I don't think she lyin’ and I am an honest pony." Applejack said.

"But what if..." Twilight started to say.

"Twilight, Mega Mare Dash just save us, I know she has no bad actions toward us," Fluttershy spoke up.

"I change my mind about her, she is a hero Darling." Rarity said.

"But, but," Twilight try to say, but Sweetie Belle cut her off, "This made be our first time meeting her, but we all agree on that she a hero, not one of the Chaos Soldiers."

Twilight sign, she still didn't trust Mega Mare Dash because she shows up at the same time as the creatures did, but knew her friends had a point.

"Fine, Let go find Rainbow Dash," Twilight said finally.

"No need sugar cube because here she comes." Applejack said pointing to where Rainbow was flying in.

"Hey is everypony ok?" She asks as she lands next to them.

Scootaloo started to tell Rainbow Dash the whole story about what happened as Twilight thought on how strange it was when Rainbow Dash appears just as Mega Mare Dash disappears. But she decided to think about that later. For now, she had friends to be with.

Author's Note:

Now here something that some of you might be confuse about, because most of the enemies is from Mega Man X, they have no clue of what to make of them. And for Launch Octopus stage, while I have play and beat Mega Man X many times, it was hard to put in the details of his stage and when I thought on it, it just feels short. Plus now you can see that Twilight doesn't trust Mega Mare Dash but that will change in the next chapter.