• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 3,155 Views, 47 Comments

Mega Mare Dash - Shazam 25

When Rainbow finds a strange armor and a message from her great-great grand father, She becomes Mega Mare Dash is save Equestria!

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Boomerang Kuwanger

Rainbow flew through the air doing her tricks again. She was enjoying her day. All but Twilight now saw her armor form as a hero. Speaking of Twilight, she keeps ask her where she been after she saves her as Mega Mare Dash. Rainbow has told her that she was flying over the sea to find them and saw nine colors appear and land on the beach, by the time she got there she saw the blue color fly off. Twilight didn't believe it and kept asking until Spike got her to stop. After that, she never asks Rainbow again unless they were really alone. Rainbow repeats the same story every time and got to a point until Twilight drops it she not telling anything else about the day.

Rainbow flew across the sky looking out for anything strange. When It comes to the Chaos Soldiers she has been fighting, she always looks out for signs about them. So far almost a week has passed since the last attack. Celestia almost had guards place at their home until she just told them to be aware of anything strange. Rainbow took that one really well. After all Six of them and had a feeling there was more coming.

She flew back to the ground and look at the area she was at. Hm, this is a strange place. Rainbow thought. She looks around some more.

"Hey there, Rainbow Dash." Said a voice behind her. She turns and saw Zerofire there.

"Hey you're one of the armor ponies that help save Ponyville," Rainbow said making sure she didn't give away she knew you it was.

Zerofire smile and said, "My name is Zerofire and I heard you met Mega Mare Dash during the attack on Ponyville."

"Yeah, I did, how did you know?" Rainbow said and ask.

"I was watching her fight and saw you with her.", Zerofire answers, "But I need you to send a message for Mega Mare Dash."

"What? You want me to give her a message?! But I don't know where she is." Rainbow lie.

Of course, she was right in front of Zerofire but she not going to tell it that.

"I'm sure you'll find her, anyway, tell her that a strange building has appeared and something very odd is going on," Zerofire said.

"How odd?" Rainbow asks.

"Don't know that I'll check myself but I have somewhere else to be. Since I saw you I thought I pass the message about the building." Zerofire answers once more.

"Well, I'll pass the message when I see her," Rainbow said.

"Good, I have to get going, I see you some other time." She said and teleport away.

Guess I got my next mission and I better find that place. Rainbow thought and flew into the air once more.

Incoming Mission...Search the strange tower for anything about the Chaos Soldiers.

Ready? Start!

Rainbow fond the tall building and walk up to it now in her armor. She was about to walk inside when she heard something behind her. She turns and raises her buster only to see Twilight standing there with her horn ready.

"Twilight Sparkle, You shouldn't have sneak up on me, I might have blasted you," Rainbow said masking her voice again.

"I saw you appear here and I like to know why you're here?" Twilight said not lower her horn.

Rainbow sign and lower her buster.

"I got a message for Zerofire, the other armor pony that saves Ponyville, about the strange building here, So I came to check it out." She said. Twilight still didn't raise her horn.

"How do I know you're not up to something?" She asks.

Rainbow sign again.

"Does it look like I know what going on here?" She asks her.

Twilight looked at her and finally raise her horn.

"No, I guess not." Twilight answer. Rainbow turn and started to walk away.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Twilight shouted.

Rainbow stops and said, "To check out his tower, something tells me that there a Chaos Soldier here."

Twilight still didn't trust her and said, Well I'm going with you."

Rainbow was shocked at this news but calm down and said, "While the idea is good I'm afraid I have to tell you no."

"What you think I can't handle a few Chaos Soldiers?" Twilight asks walking past her.

Rainbow knew Twilight wouldn't last long against them and try again to stop her.

"The Chaos Soldiers are nothing you even face before, I been fighting them so I at least know what they can't do." She said.

"And you're saying I can't?" Twilight asks.

"Look trust me or not Twilight, fighting these things isn't something you are used to. Did you even fight known how to fight a Chaos Soldier?" Rainbow said, not wanting her to get hurt.

"I'm still going," Twilight said not listening to her. Rainbow sign and walk up to her.

"Fine. But try to stay close, I don't know how your friends will react to what happens to you." She said, surprising her.

"You leave them out of this," Twilight said.

"If you didn't want them in, then why did you follow me?" Rainbow asks cheesy.

Twilight said nothing and the two enter.

One inside they started climbing up. Twilight kept a close eye on Mega Mare Dash as the climb. She watches as Dash destroys the creatures left and right. She follows along and soon reaches the next floor. Rainbow look ahead and had a bad feeling about the hallway they went in.

"Twilight I know you don't trust me, but listen I don't like the of this hallway so we need to be careful," Rainbow said, only to see Twilight walk ahead.

"Please I can handle myself," Twilight said before walking past a red line.

Then one of the Chaos Soldiers drop for the hole and started to aim for Twilight. She did not see it coming until it was over her. Her eyes widen as it got closer, then a blue energy shot hit it, destroy it as well. Rainbow walk up to her and ask, "Still think you can handle yourselves against the Chaos Soldiers?

Twilight just stood up and walk away. Rainbow shook her head and said to herself, "She needs to learn not everything can be done with magic."

And follow after her. They reach another room that looks like a dead end.

"Guess the only way we can go is up," Rainbow said looking up.

"What are you going to do, fly us up there?" Twilight asks.

Rainbow shook her head. Twilight was trying to make her mad but she knew she had to be calm so the armor wouldn't shut down on her. Before she can give an answer, the floor started moving up. They both watch as it moves and Rainbow took out some of the Chaos Soldiers and at the same time dodging spikes that appear. Up it reaches the top they walk out and saw how high they were.

"We have to continue climbing up," Rainbow said pointing at a ladder nearby.

"Did you just figure that out by yourself?" Twilight asks.

Finally Rainbow had enough. She grabs Twilight's tail and held her upside down.

"Listen here and listen good Twilight, I'm trying to save your home and make sure you stay alive. If you have a problem with me then why didn't you blast me before we enter?" Rainbow said looking in her face. Twilight felt fear rise inside her as Mega Mare Dash spoke to her.

"Now If you want to see what can I do then follow me and make sure you don't let yourself get hit by anything other than a wall," Rainbow said and let her tail go.

Twilight looks up at her and watch as she climbs the ladder. After taking a few seconds to recover she follow Dash up the tower. They both climb up the tower the rest of the way and Rainbow took down all the creatures that they came across. They soon reach the boss door and Twilight saw Dash look at her buster.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asks.

"Just checking on my energy and my weapons, I need to make sure I ready before the fight we may have." She answer.

Twilight watch as lower and turn to her and added, "Sorry for what I did earlier."

"No, I sorry, I'm just wasn't sure what to think of when I first hear and then saw you.", Twilight said, "I thought you're on of the Chaos Soldiers that attack our home and found it strange that you only show up when there do and you leave after you stop them."

"In shorter words, you are afraid of me." Rainbow said knowing that was the truth.

Twilight looks down and nods. Rainbow smile and walk up to her and hug her.

"I always saw you as a friend." She said then let go. Twilight just look at her, then smile.

"We have a Chaos Soldier to stop." Rainbow said afterward.

Twilight nods, she not sure about what to do but knows she has to try and after this, she'll send a letter to Princess Celestia about this adventure. They walk through next door and Rainbow felt her mind scream, WARNING! WARNING!

"Twilight be on guard." She warns her friend. Twilight nods as something sudden appear above then, then next to them and finally across them.

"Well, well. The Blue armor Pony and she bought an friend how nice." It said.

"What did you Chaos Soldiers want with her and her friends?" Rainbow asks remembering the last fight she had.

"Our Master learns about six powerful gems in this world, but couldn't find them, so Master went with the next best thing." It said and Twilight caught on what it was saying.

"Your Master wants the Elements of Harmony?!" She shouted surprising Rainbow as well.

"What!?", Rainbow shouted, "So that why your master try to kidnap Twilight and her friends."

"True, but now one of them is already here and I, Boomerang Kuwanger, will destroy you, Mega Mare Dash and take your friend." It said then teleport away. They both look around before Rainbow was grab from behind and throw up to the ceiling.

Twilight quickly turn and fire some of her Magic, but Boomerang Kuwanger teleport away before the attack hit. Twilight look around looking for signs of him showing when Rainbow shouted, "Twilight! Behind you!" Twilight turn and dodge what look to be flying horns, then it turns back and hit Twilight on her side making a small cut.

Rainbow fire a charge shot, when Boomerang Kuwanger put his horns back on his head. After he was hit, he teleports away again. Rainbow ran up to Twilight and look at her cut. Twilight then fire a small beam behind her hitting Boomerang Kuwanger. He teleports again as Rainbow help Twilight up.

"There got to be a way we can hit him no matter where he at." Twilight said.

Rainbow looked at her buster and saw her new weapon Homing Torpedo on her list.

Don't know what Homing means but better give it a try. Rainbow thought and switch to it. All the blue left turn dark green and Rainbow look around for Boomerang Kuwanger who appears on side of the room. Rainbow fire and watch as he disappears. Rainbow was about to curse her luck when she saw her attack turn and head right for her. She ducks and saw it hit Boomerang Kuwanger that was behind her.

Rainbow stood and smile. That what Homing means. It locks on to him and follows him no matter what. Rainbow fire again and watch the attack move trying to find Boomerang Kuwanger and turn to Twilight.

"Twilight don't move unless the attack is coming for you or if Boomerang Kuwanger is next or attacking you." She said and Twilight nods without an argument. That when she spot a glade of her Cutie mark. She thought she saw a rainbow shape thunderbolt but didn't give time to think about as she ducks as another Mega Mare Dash attacks pass over her.

"How did you beat my Teleportation?" Boomerang Kuwanger ask as his body stop moving.

"You may be able to dodge on attacks, but you can't outrun homing attacks." Rainbow said crossing her hoofs.

"Our Master will have the gems and this world, Mega Mare Dash! And once she does, you will all bow before her." He said then exploded.

"She? Their master is a she?" Twilight asks.

Rainbow shrug and look at her buster. 'Weapon Get! Boomerang Cutter!' appear and look back at Twilight.

"Want a lift back to Ponyville? She ask. Twilight thinks about it and nods. She didn't want to climb all the way down.

"OK, hold on tight," Rainbow said and grab her and they both teleport out of the tower.

They both appear in Ponyville and Rainbow let Twilight go. Twilight turn back and said, "Thank you for everything Mega Mare Dash, You really are a hero."

"I've been a hero for a long time now Twilight.", Rainbow said smiling, "now you better warn your princess about what the Chaos Soldiers are up to."

"What about you?" Twilight asks.

"I'm going to look for more clues and see why their master is after this place," Rainbow said and walk away.

"Good luck! Mega Mare Dash!" Twilight called out as Rainbow teleport.

Twilight smile and walk home. Then the cutie mark she saw appear in her mind again.

I can't be sure, but her cutie mark looks almost like Rainbow Dash. But there now way, right? Twilight thought before shaking it off.

She had other imported things to do, like warn Celestia that the elements of Harmony were in trouble. And the lesson she learns.

Author's Note:

Here the chapter with Twilight joining Rainbow as Mega Mare Dash. Twilight did see the signs but she ignores them for now. The next chapter will have the last boss and the last upgrade. After that, we get to the last three stages and my own made-up boss. I think some of you might be surprised by who I made.