• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,630 Views, 35 Comments

Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order - Zodiacspear

The World of Equestria is a world of balance and harmony, when the balance is tipped in one direction the opposing element swells.

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Chapter Fourteen

In a small clearing surrounded by tall trees, a bright flash of light sent the woodland animals skittering into the trees. From the light, the ponies appeared and fell unceremoniously into the tall grass. While the winged ponies were able to save themselves, the others landed with undignified grunts. After picking themselves off of the ground, they looked around with bleary eyes.

“What the hay happened? How’d we get out here?” Applejack asked, looking around the darkened clearing.

Twilight’s gaze turned to the lights of Canterlot in the distance before her gaze fell to the ground. “Discord sent us away before Tyranny could come after us.”

Rainbow Dash also looked towards Canterlot Castle. “What do ya think happened in there? To Discord?”

“Tyranny used the same magic he used on Princess Celestia’s guards,” Twilight said, images of the guard’s panicked expressions still vivid in her mind. “Before they turned completely black and shattered like glass.”

“He killed them?” Rarity exclaimed. “How could anyone be so cruel?”

“No,” Celestia said as she lightly touched down upon the grass. “The spell Tyranny used sent them to the Realm of Shadow. The effects are… mostly painless, but they are alive. As is Discord, who is now imprisoned as well.”

Fluttershy gasped and lowered her head in quiet sobbing, Rarity and Cadence offering their supporting hooves.

Twilight’s frown deepened as the sobs tore at her heart. ’She has seen a lot of Tyranny’s cruelty. And knowing that Discord is gone now too, I can’t blame her wanting to cry.’

“With Discord gone, how are we supposed to beat Tyranny now?” Rainbow Dash asked again, her forelegs folded in front of her.

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity admonished, keeping a supporting foreleg around Fluttershy.

“Oh… sorry, Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, rubbing at the back of her head. Fluttershy nodded, her eyes still rimmed with tears.

Luna looked towards Celestia, who sat staring at their castle. “What should we do now, sister?”

Celestia closed her eyes, and Twilight saw the faintest of tears rimming her eyes. “I truly don’t know, Luna. With Discord gone and the Elements no longer powerful enough to stop Tyranny, we do not have many options left. He will not fall for the same deception we used before.”

“Perhaps we should rouse the ponies against him and remove him by force?” Shining Armor said. “If we can wear him down enough for the Elements to work, that might defeat him.”

Celestia shook her head. “It would take time to rally the Equestrian Guard to assault his holdings. He would only solidify his power the longer we wait.”

“That would also lead to a massive battle, and many ponies could get hurt,” Princess Cadence said, standing next to her husband. “We can’t let that happen.”

“We may not have much choice, Cadence,” he said as he looked at his wife, regret making its way into his tone. “As we are now, we won’t be strong enough to bring him down. We have to fight if we are going to stop him.”

Her chin dipped, a soft hum escaping her. “But we should still avoid an all-out war if we can.”

Queen Chrysalis scoffed and began walking in the direction of Canterlot.

“Where do you think you are going?” Celestia demanded, turning to glare at the changeling.

Chrysalis shot a glare back. “I’m going to do something worthwhile, instead of standing around like a lost herd of sheep.”

Luna narrowed her eyes at the changeling, an angry scowl spreading across her muzzle. “You intend to face Tyranny by yourself then? Because that worked so well for you the last time you tried.”

Chrysalis whirled, her fangs bared as she snarled. “If I have to. He is going to pay for what he did to me and my hive.”

“By your own words, you faced him before with the support of your entire hive and you were defeated. What, exactly, do you plan for it to be any different this time?” Luna asked, not backing down from that snarl.

Chrysalis appeared thoughtful a moment before turning a sly look at Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. “Perhaps if the love birds would let me absorb most of their love. I would have the power to defeat him. The same way I so easily beat your sister, Luna.”

Even as Luna bristled, Shining stepped in front of his wife, glaring at the changeling. “Never again.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “How else do you think to get rid of him then? Without endangering your precious pony folk?”

As a heated debate started between the royal couple and the changeling queen, Twilight turned to regard Tourmaline and Tormod as they stepped towards Princess Celestia—who watched the exchange with a frown of disapproval.

Tourmaline watched the argument for a moment before speaking. “Princess Celestia.”

The princess turned to regard them. “Ah, Tourmaline and Tormod. I hadn’t realized you were brought here with us, I am glad to see you’re safe. What did you wish to say?”

“Maybe we could try talking to him,” Tourmaline said, determination clear in her voice.

A confused frown tugged at Celestia’s lips. “I do not understand your suggestion, Tourmaline. Talk and negotiation will not work with Tyranny. He will not yield to demands other than his own, and anything he will demand will not benefit any of us.”

Tormod gave his sister a disapproving glance. “What my sister meant was that we could try reaching out to Wanderer.”

Celestia’s eyes widened as she blinked. “What do you mean?”

“I know he is still in there, Princess Celestia,” Tourmaline explained, her ear flicking. “Wanderer would never give up without a fight. Not even someone like Tyranny could keep him down for long. Maybe if we could appeal to Wanderer, it could help.”

A soft smile pulled at Celestia’s as she regarded the pegasus. “You believe in him so firmly?”

“Yes!” she half-shouted. All eyes turned towards her, and she blushed, lowering her head in embarrassment. “I mean, yes I do, Princess,” she said a bit softer. Tormod snickered at her, which earned him a jab in the ribs.

Celestia’s smile faded as she spoke. “As noble as that is, Tourmaline, I am afraid Wanderer is truly suppressed within his own mind. Nothing we say can reach him.”

Tourmaline stamped her hoof, the dry grass crunching under her stomp. “I don’t believe that! He’s still in there! I know he is!”

Luna stood beside her and laid a comforting hoof on Tourmaline’s withers. “Your friend is beyond our reach, brave Tourmaline,” she said to her firmly but not harshly. “I know from the time we spent on the road, you never once forgot your friend. However, it might be that Wanderer is—

“No!” Tourmaline shouted. She turned and galloped off—too proud to let them see the tears forming in her eyes.

“Tourmaline!” Tormod called after her. “Excuse me, Princess.” He turned and ran after his sister.

Applejack watched the two run off towards the edge of the clearing. “Now hold on. We shouldn’t be givin’ up hope. There’s got to be another way.”

Rainbow Dash gave her an annoyed look. “Do you have any bright ideas, Applejack?”

“I ain’t hearin’ anything from you, Rainbow,” she said with a glare. “Why don’t ya help figure out what we can do instead a complainin’.”

Rarity pushed them apart as the two hot-headed mares butted heads. “Girls, this is no time to be arguing with one another. We need to be putting our heads together to formulate a plan, not butting them together in frustration. All of our friends and family are depending upon us.”

Rainbow and Applejack turned to look at her. “Do you have any ideas, Rarity?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, I… no, I don’t,” the fashionista admitted before she looked towards Twilight. “Twilight? What about you?”

She shook her head slowly. “No, but I’m trying to think.” She frowned softly at a nagging thought as it remained out of reach in the back of her mind.

“Oh, oh, I got an idea!” Pinkie Pie waved a hoof around wildly.

Applejack gave her a flat stare. “Does it involve a party?”

“Or a song?” Rainbow Dash added.

Pinkie’s smiled faded a bit, but held her hoof up again.

“Does it involve monkeys too?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie lowered her hoof and sat down, crossing her forelegs in a pout. “It was a good plan too.”

As arguments and discussions began all over again, Twilight finally let the nagging thought go. She quietly watched as heated words were exchanged and tempers flared. As she watched, she felt her frown deepen. Her trusted friends, her mentor, and everyone else was upset over what had happened in Canterlot—she couldn’t honestly blame them. Considering everything she went through herself, she couldn’t understand how she wasn’t also emotional.

Blowing a sigh through her nose, she looked up at the night sky. ’Perhaps it’s because I feel so drained that I’ve nothing more to give.’

She considered that maybe the arguing and division were also part of Tyranny’s plan. The more she thought on it, the more she realized he seemed to have every step thoroughly planned out. Even contingencies for those plans, and likely contingencies for the contingency plans. How were they going to defeat him when he had nearly everything anticipated for?

Turning to look at her feuding friends, the unlikely ally Chrysalis, and the siblings who had known the pony before Tyranny possessed him, her frown deepened. ’I wonder if there’s anything that can save Equestria from Tyranny’s domination?’

Twilight sighed and looked at Fluttershy, who had been sitting silently during the whole ordeal. She hid behind her mane, and the one eye that Twilight could see shone with muted sadness.

Standing up, Twilight walked to sit beside her friend. “It’s alright, Fluttershy, we’ll find a way to free Discord and everypony else who was captured.”

Fluttershy sniffed and pushed her hair back. “It is not that, well, mostly not that.”

Twilight tilted her head as she looked at her. “What do you mean?”

Fluttershy bit at her lip. “It’s just that…”

“Just?” Twilight prompted.

The pegasus looked towards the others. “I just wish that everypony could get along and not fight with each other.”

The nagging thought from earlier rushed back to her, dancing on the very tip of her tongue. “What did you say, Fluttershy?”

Now it was Fluttershy’s turn to give her a curious look. “I said I just wish everypony would get along.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, her smile growing just as wide. “That’s it! Fluttershy, you’re a genius!” Twilight lifted her friend up in a hug.

Fluttershy strained to draw in breath as she gave the others a confused look. “Umm… sorry.”

Twilight released her from the bone-crushing hug. “Do you remember what Discord said to us? That’s the answer!” Twilight beamed as her elation grew as a plan began to form in her mind.

Fluttershy’s confused frown only deepened. “About getting along?”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Princess Celestia asked as they gathered around the giddy alicorn.

“Do you remember what Discord said? He said that we should get along and work together. That’s the answer!”

An uncomfortable silence grew as Rainbow Dash finally muttered, “I don’t get it.”

“Don’t you see? Discord knew the answer. If we work together, we can defeat Tyranny.”

“Can somepony please have her explain what she’s sayin’?” Applejack exasperated.

Twilight took in a breath. “We each have tried to defeat him in our own way, and individually, nothing’s worked. But if we were to combine our strength together, not even Tyranny with all of his power could match us. We have to stand together to face a tyrant like him. History has long told of tales of tyrants falling to the combined efforts of those who stood against them, together,” she stressed. “It’s no different with Tyranny. Together, we can beat him.”

After a moment, Rainbow’s grin begin to grow. “Yeah, each of us is pretty awesome, but together, we’re even awesomer.”

“The awesomest!” Pinkie Pie added.

Applejack smiled wide. “That too!”

“When the cloths and materials are put together, that is when a dress comes together perfectly,” Rarity added, wrapping a foreleg around Twilight. “That is how we shall be, a perfectly designed dress!”

“For all our friends,” Fluttershy added, a small smile playing at her lips.

“Twilight, how do you intend to use our powers together?” Celestia asked, her mane billowing to show her eagerness.

Twilight looked at her mentor, and she felt a pang of betrayal for a moment, but it was lost as soon as it came. “If we all gave our power to the Elements of Harmony, all of us together, it would be more than Tyranny could ever hope to match.”

Luna hummed as she rubbed at her chin. “It seems a sound plan, do you think it would work?”

Twilight gave her a determined nod. “I know it will, Princess Luna. I am sure of it.”

“We are with you, Twily,” Shining Armor said as he and Princess Cadence joined them.

“For peace and love to return to Equestria, we will do all we can,” Cadence added, a pleased smile on her muzzle.

All eyes turned to Queen Chrysalis as she stood apart—scowling at them

“Queen Chrysalis,” Twilight said, narrowing her eyes at Chrysalis. “We have never been friends, and likely won’t ever be, but even you cannot argue that Tyranny would be no kinder to you or your changelings. Will you help us in ridding Equestria of him?”

The queen’s scowl deepened and she didn’t answer for a moment. “What’s in it for me?”

Celestia spoke before Twilight could. “We will not imprison you or your hive for your past deeds if you aid us. Of this, you have my word.”

Suspicion practically glowed in Chrysalis’s narrowed eyes but stepped she stepped forward anyway. “This doesn’t make us friends. I’m doing this to save my subjects.”

As they all gathered around, Twilight felt her morale lift at seeing the hopeful expressions. All of her lessons on friendship would once again save Equestria—she was sure of it.

“So how are we going to face Tyranny? Going back to Canterlot would not be a wise decision, so what should we do?” Luna asked.

“I have a plan, Princess.” Twilight said, eagerness dripping from her tone as she began to hammer out the points of her plan. Those around her grew increasingly excited as a flicker of hope sparked where there was nothing but despair before.