• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,626 Views, 35 Comments

Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order - Zodiacspear

The World of Equestria is a world of balance and harmony, when the balance is tipped in one direction the opposing element swells.

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Chapter Seven

“It doesn’t look like anyone is here either,” Rarity said as she lifted a blanket to examine. “How can anypony sleep under these rags? Ick!” The unicorn stuck her tongue as she dropped the blanket back on one of the many bunks. “When this is all done, I’m going to donate some quality blankets for the Royal Guards.”

Twilight looked over her shoulder at her friend and smiled lightly. “I’m sure the royal guards would appreciate it, Rarity,” she said as she looked around the abandoned barracks.“ I just hope we can stop Tyranny before he hurts anypony else.” Trying to see with what little sun made its way into the building, she sighed. “I don’t think we’re going to find anything here.”

“I agree.” Rarity’s horn glowed and the shutters of a nearby window opened, allowing more light inside. The sudden breeze sent the collected dust to flutter around. “Gah, all this dust is making it hard to breath. Let’s get outside into fresh air.”

As Twilight and Rarity stepped out of the barracks, Twilight squinted in the sudden light. When her sight adjusted, a frown formed on her face as she looked the buildings of the outpost. “This is one so different from the last outpost,” she said. “There, there was signs of a battle and the Equestrian Guard putting up a fight, but here…” She trailed off as she saw more of the Royal Guards exiting another building, nervousness seen on their normally stoic expressions.

“It looks like everypony just disappeared into thin air, yes,” Rarity finished for her. Her ears laid back as she shivered. “It’s a tad on the creepy side, I’ll admit. It feels almost like when we were at the Castle of the Two Sisters when Nightmare Moon was running about. Dark and… cold.”

Twilight shook her head before she having to squint as the sun poked past the clouds, reflecting off the jeweled choker Rarity wore. Shading from the light, Twilight could see the light sparkle off the violet gemstone of Rarity’s Element of Harmony.

Which in turn made her readjust the crown on her head, again making sure her own Element was in place. “I’m still getting used to wearing this thing,” she muttered.

A smile played across Rarity’s muzzle. “One can almost swear you’ve said that before, darling.”

Chuckling, Twilight nodded. “I guess I have. Still, it’s best that we wear our Elements. That way we’re prepared if Tyranny attacks again.” She held her head up straighter. “He won’t get away from us next time.”

“I would hope not, darling,” Rarity said, her hoof brushing across her Element before a smile came to her again. “Still, it’s not all bad. We’re getting closer to catching up to that hooligan, and between all of us and Princess Luna, he doesn’t stand a chance of escaping again.”

When Twilight didn’t smile along with her, Rarity turned a worried look at her. “Twilight, is everything all right, dear?”

Twilight let out a small sigh before speaking in a lower tone. “I just keep thinking of that night, when we came to help Princess Luna. When we got there, did you see how angry she was? You felt all that magic she had pent up too, right?”

Furrowing her brow, Rarity looked away for a moment before speaking again. “I did, and I’ll be honest in saying it did scare me to see her so infuriated. But I also remember what Princess Celestia has said about Tyranny. It wouldn’t surprise me if he said something that would have struck a nerve with Princess Luna.”

“Yeah, I guess he would,” she allowed. “It also sounds like Princess Celestia and Luna knew him personally before they imprisoned him. It stands to reason he might also know a lot about them too.”

“There. You see?” Rarity said as they headed back for the courtyard. “Nothing to worry about, darling.”

‘Nothing to worry about,’ Twilight thought, a frown tugged at her face but it was gone quicker than Rarity could notice. ‘I’m not so sure, Rarity. I want there to be nothing to worry about but, I can’t shake this nagging feeling something is wrong and we just don’t know about it yet.’

As they walked towards the courtyard, they caught sight of Rainbow dashing towards them. “Twilight!”

A chill ran up her spine at her friend’s expression. “Rainbow Dash, what’s wrong?”

“Come quick! We found a survivor!”

Rarity shared in her surprised intake of air. “What? Where?”

“Come on!” Rainbow sped away back the way she came—Twilight and Rarity close on her fetlocks.

The two followed her to the courtyard where they saw Applejack easing down another earth pony. At first look, Twilight could see that he appeared mostly unharmed save for the large, painful-looking knot on his head.

“We need a medic!” Twilight called back towards the guards.

“Fluttershy already when after one,” Rainbow Dash said as she landed beside her. “We found him under a smashed cart.” She looked at the injured pony and winced. “I’ve had my fair share of hard knocks, but that looks like it hurts.”

“It does,” the survivor said, rubbing at his head.

“Are you all right? What happened to you? Where is everypony else?”

“Now hold up, Twi,” Applejack said as she kept close to the injured pony, a hoof held nearby to catch him if he swayed. “Let’s let the medic get him looked at before we start askin’ questions. It’ll be hard for him to think clearly if he’s hurtin’.”

A rush of shame gripped at her belly. “Sorry! Sorry. You’re right.” Twilight looked around. “Where are they?”

“Here they come now,” Rarity said, even as Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, a Royal Guard, and Princess Luna came running towards them.

“Is he all right?” Luna asked as the medic rushed to help the injured pony.

“Hit on the head, Princess Luna,” Applejack answered as she stepped back for the medic to work. “Like we told Twilight, we found’em under a cart. He doesn’t look too badly hurt, just that knot on his head.”

A faint frown tugged at Luna’s lips and Twilight could see a glint of unease in her eyes. “I see.”

They stepped back to let the medic have space and it wasn’t long until the injured pony rested on his haunches as the medic finished wrapping his head.

“He doesn’t appear to have any lasting injuries, Princess,” the medic said as he finished tying the wrapping off. “He’ll be sore for the next few days, but if we can get him to a hospital, they can treat him better than I can and give him something to help with the ache.”

The worker waved him off. “No. No. I’ll be fine. I just need a moment to rest.”

The medic turned a frown his way before nodding to Princess Luna and took his leave.

“Can you tell us what happened here?” Twilight asked, turning a sympathetic glance to his injury.

“I’ll try, Princess,” the pony said as he rested on his belly. Reaching up to massage his head, he gave another hiss of pain.

Frowning, Twilight said, “Take it easy. You don’t want to injure yourself more by touching it.”

“Yes, you’re right,” he said as he rested his leg back to the ground.

“So, what happened here? Did you see anything?”

“It all happened so fast,” he said, unease making its way into his tone. “A squadron of Equestrian Guards showed up at our gates claiming that they were sent as relief. The garrison commander said they were early as their replacement was supposed to be a week away yet. But the other commander had a letter with the royal seal and ours said it was legitimate.”

“How long ago was this?” Luna asked.

He tilted his head as he considered the question. “I don’t know, Princess. A few days maybe, I don’t know how long I was out.”

“It had to be a few days,” Rarity said. “The barracks were just covered in dust.”

The worker gave a small wry smile. “The barracks are old, ma’am. Dust is just natural there.”

Rarity hummed. “Fair point.”

“Can you tell us what happened after that?” Twilight pressed.

He gulped, his expression distant as he recalled the memory. “That night, the guards had a big dinner to celebrate the end of their tour.”

“A good reason to throw a party if you ask me,” Pinkie Pie said, nodding sagely despite the number of huffs and glares she got before the worker pony continued.

“The entire garrison was there, all of them but the new arrivals. I was out by the cart, getting more food, when I saw them surround the mess hall—” he started shaking, and his voice wavered more with each word. “I don’t know why, but I hid. Something about what they were doing scared me. It was then they all changed into some sort of black pony. They all started to glow and used some sort of magic on the mess hall. One minute there was laughter, then screams, then just silence. Afterwards the black creatures just disappeared. I was so shocked I stumbled back and felt something hit me hard.” He looked between them with a helpless look. “I don’t remember anything else after that. I’m sorry.”

Twilight’s ears flicked as Luna spoke. “Was there a tall regal-looking stallion with these black ponies?”

He shook his head. “No, Princess, only them.”

Her eyes narrowed and Twilight stepped forward. “I need you to hold still, sir,” she said.

“P-Princess?” The pony blinked, his ears laying back against his skull as Twilight’s horn started to glow.

“Twi?” Applejack’s concern abated when Twilight gave her an assuring nod.

“This won’t hurt; I am making sure of something,” she told him.

He nodded slowly, and Twilight’s horn glowed bright. A nimbus surrounded the pony before vanishing.

Relief flooded through her as she let her magic fade. “Good.”

“What did you do, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“It was a detection spell. It makes any shapechanger revert to its true form.” She turned back to the worker pony. “I was only making sure you weren’t one of the shadow ponies in disguise.”

He nodded even as he let out a shuddering sigh. “Good thinking, Princess.”

Luna watched them, a distant expression on her face before turning to the guard captain as he approached. “Did you find anything?”

“Nothing, Princess, it’s like the first outpost. There is no sign of them anywhere.”

When Luna’s expression fell, Twilight was about to ask before Rarity beat her to it.

“Is everything all right, Princess?”

Luna’s ears flicked before she spoke. “Something troubles me, yes, but I will speak of it later.” Turning to the worker pony, she asked, “Do you require any provisions to get to the nearest town?”

He shook his head, despite a wince. “No, Princess, I can get what I need from the stores here and get there safely. I can’t take food from the princesses.”

A small smile played at her lips before she nodded. “As you wish. Take care on the road.”

He bowed to her and Twilight before walking for the food pantry.

Rainbow grumbled as he left, crossing her forelegs with a huff. “Man, this Tyranny guy is really started to cheese me off. What’s he doing to all the ponies out here? I wish I could give that guy a swift kick or three.”

“I hear ya there, Rainbow, it ain’t makin’ a lick a sense what he’s up to.” Applejack tugged her hat lower but Twilight saw that it didn’t really cover the frown that spread across her face.

Twilight sat and discussed the mystery with her friends, but as their debate went on, the more Twilight caught herself sneaking glances at Luna. The dark alicorn sat quietly, not really adding to their conversation, her gaze distant as she stared at the sky.

“Princess Luna, can you please tell us what you’re thinking?” she finally asked. “You know something of what Tyranny’s doing, don’t you?”

Luna closed her eyes, a sigh escaping her before she spoke. “Indeed, Princess Twilight. I have tried to think of different ways of what Tyranny has done, but I can no longer think he wouldn’t have stooped to such levels.” She turned back to them, rising to her hooves. “Come. Let’s step out of sight.”

Twilight and the others shared quick glances before following her out of the outpost. As they approached the wagons, Twilight smiled as Spike trotted to meet them.

He looked between them, a worried frown crossing his face. “Is everything okay? What happened in there?”

“Princess Luna wants to talk to us privately,” Twilight said as they gathered around Luna. “She said she might know what Tyranny is up to.”

Nodding to Twilight, Luna waited until all of them were seated. “I have a theory as to what exactly Tyranny has done to the ponies of both outposts, as well as to the changelings.”

“Wait, the changelings too?” Rainbow asked, her brow furrowing. “I thought they were working with the guy.”

“Why would he do anything to them?” Pinkie asked, rubbing at her head. “I can’t think of anything unless he’s teaching them a really good vanishing trick. ‘Cause they’re really good at it.”

“Can you please explain?” Twilight asked.

Twilight’s brow furrowed as she saw a look of regret flash in Luna’s eyes before she spoke. “I wish to be sure before I say, Princess Twilight.” With a slow breath, the dark alicorn closed her eyes and her horn took on its mystic light. When she opened her eyes, it was not the teal-colored irises they were used to, rather they were pure black orbs. It wasn’t long before she gasped, her eyes returning to normal as she muttered. “It is as I feared,”

“What?” the group said in unison.

An angered scowl spread across Luna’s face before she looked back at them. “It will be easier to show you.”

Twilight felt the hair along her spine rise as she felt Luna’s magic wash over her and it took all her discipline not to gasp as she felt herself slip away from Equestria. The outpost and forest faded away like sands in an hour glass to a world of darkness. Twilight felt another shiver run up her spine as she looked around for any sign of life in the black void.

“H-Hello? Princess Luna?”

“Do not be afraid, Princess Twilight. You and all our friends are here together with me,” she heard Luna’s voice say from the dark void.

“Where are we?” Twilight asked as she tried to find something, anything, to orientate herself with.

“This is the Realm of Shadow. It is the birthplace of shadow, the opposite of light. A place of stillness… and of nightmares.”

Before Twilight could form her next question, she gasped and fell back on her rump as something floated next to her. Somehow, she could make out the form of a pony, a guard pony. Twitching and moaning, she could tell he was plagued by whatever nightmare he was stuck in.

“P-Princess?” she asked, hoping Luna was still with her.

“They are from the outpost, Princess Twilight. Sent here by Tyranny for his own ends.”

“What could he—” She gasped again as another form floated past her, and her eyes widened as she blurted, “Trixie?”

Twilight felt a jolt, and when she blinked, she could see that she and her friends were back in Equestria. Each of them blinking and shaking their heads as they fought off the dizziness that came as Luna’s spell ended.

“Y’all saw that?” Applejack asked, unease clear in her tone and expression.

They nodded and Twilight wrapped her forelegs around her, trying to ward off the chill that seemed to linger.

“What was that place, Princess? What’s happening to them?” The darkness was gone, but the horrible images still plagued Twilight’s mind.

“It was so dark,” Fluttershy said.

“And spoooooooooky,” Pinkie Pie added.

“That was the Realm of Shadow, an alternate dimension where there is no light. There have been only a few who could travel there and return.” An angry scowl crossed Luna’s face but it was gone as soon as it came. “It is not the first time Tyranny used the Realm of Shadow for his own ends.”

“Is there any way to bring them back?” Twilight’s brow furrowed; and she felt a new fire burn within to see them all free.

Luna shook her head softly, regret plain to see in her eyes. “Only the one who sent them there can release them. Unless we defeat Tyranny, they will remain trapped.”

“Not even Trixie deserves that,” Rarity said, her tone dropping to a near whisper.

Twilight looked at Luna. “Is this where Tyranny gets his shadow ponies from?”

“Their substance yes. The shadow beasts are made from the darkness of the Realm of Shadow, but they lack any driving force behind them.” She paused and tilting her head, a thoughtful frown pulling at her lips. “Think of them as statues made of shadow or Rarity’s clothing mannequins. That is all they are, dolls without a force to give them life.”

“What force does it take, Princess?” Applejack grimaced.

Twilight felt she already knew the answer. “The life essences of the ponies sent to the Realm of Shadow.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed, Twilight Sparkle. The ponies and changelings sent there give life to the shadow creatures that Tyranny conjures. He can make a dozen from just one pony or changeling.”

“Sweet Celestia, he’s building an army,” Rarity breathed.

“Think how much cake batter you’d need to feed all of them!” Pinkie Pie said flabbergasted.

“Pinkie!” Twilight glared at her friend.

“It would be a whole lot, Twilight.”

Twilight could only sigh. “We’re going to have to stop him quickly, Princess. Not only to save all the ponies he sent to the Realm of Shadow, but also to keep him from building his army. He could easily make thousands of them if he finds more outposts or even a town.”

“We might catch up to him if we ditch these wagons.” Applejack waved a hoof at the caravan. Turning a frown at Rarity as the unicorn grimaced, she said, “Don’t you say it.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, darling,” Rarity huffed.

“How do you know so much about that scary place, Princess Luna?” Fluttershy asked as she tucked a few bangs out of her eyes. “You seem to know an a lot about it.”

Luna again sighed, her shoulders slumping and ears laying back as the pegasus asked the question. “It pains me to say this, Fluttershy, but I am also familiar with the Realm of Shadow.” She looked away. “And I regret having that knowledge every day still.”

“Nightmare Moon?” Fluttershy asked.

Luna nodded by before she could say something else, Spike—who had sat quietly through the whole discussion—belched so suddenly that it caused them all to jump. A rolled-up parchment formed from the burped flames, bearing the royal emblem.

A fierce blush erupted across his face as he slapped his hands over his face. “Sorry!”

Twilight was quick to snatch up the letter with her magic and unrolled it. “It’s all right, Spike,” she said as she scanned the letter. “It’s from Princess Celestia.” As she read, her eyes widened and she dropped the letter like it was hot coals.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Rainbow asked, looking to her worriedly.

Twilight recovered, picked up the letter, and read the message aloud.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

You, your friends, and my sister must make all haste to the Crystal Empire. It has fallen under attack by Tyranny and his shadow creatures. Do whatever you must to make haste; Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are in need of you all.


A stiff wind blew through Princess Cadence’s mane as she sat on the balcony of the crystal tower that overlooked the Crystal Empire. The strands of her mane snapping like the flags that topped the towers of her castle. Her husband stood beside her, his determined expression set in stone as he looked in the same direction through the faceplate of his helm. A pair of crystal pony guards stood by stoically, but Cadence could see it in their eyes; they were afraid, and with good reason.

Her gaze turned back towards the Empire’s borders and to the edges of the protective shield. Surrounding it, was an army of shadow creatures, ones she had never seen nor heard of before. The dark ponies hadn’t made a sound or moved to invade since their first assault on the shield. She remembered the day they arrived, the crystal ponies panicking at the sight of them. Many screamed of Sombra’s return but when the dark unicorn didn’t make an appearance, their relief was short lived. When it became apparent the dark ponies couldn’t cross the shield, she had calmed her citizens by saying that they would repel the creatures with the combined might of Equestria and the Crystal Empire.

Unfortunately, any messenger she tried to send was chased back or captured—never to be seen again—not even the trains were able to depart. It was only through sheer luck that an approaching train from Equestria was able to escape before the dark ponies could catch them. With that, Cadence was sure the news would get back to her aunt and they would soon be free of the threat.

Being unable to proceed, the shadow ponies had settled into a holding pattern around the Empire. Shining and the Crystal Guard had attempted to break their lines to keep the trains going, but she remembered with a wince at the bruises he and the soldiers had carried when they returned.

A soft sigh blew through her nose. ‘At least the Empire’s fields are within the protection of the Crystal Heart, so we don’t have to worry about starving,’ she thought. Even with that, she knew the attrition would take its toll. The crystal ponies continued with their lives, keeping their spirits high, but it would only be a matter of time before those spirits would start to falter if help didn’t come. It was Cadence’s hope that Princess Celestia would send aid to rescue the Crystal Empire before that happened.

Her frown was small, but her husband was quick to notice.

“Don’t worry, Cadence. I am sure Princess Celestia is sending help,” he said as he shifted his weight, his armor clanking with the movement. “She won’t leave us to fend for ourselves.”

She nodded slowly, watching as a family of crystal ponies hurried through the courtyard. “I know. I just worry what this will do to the crystal ponies. They have been through so much lately; they don’t deserve more hardship.”

Shining Armor frowned, and she could tell he couldn’t come up with anything to argue the point. “But as long as you are strong for them, they will see it through.”

She smiled warmly at her husband at his attempt to lift her spirits. “As long as we are strong.”

He chuckled a bit. “You’re the one they look to for guidance, Cadence, but I’ll be here to protect you.”

She smiled and leaned against him, taking comfort with his presence and the smell of his armor.

They both turned as a pegasus guard flew to the balcony and landed before them. His orange coat and neon blue mane a stark difference from the other crystal ponies’ coloring.

“Have you seen any sign of relief from Princess Celestia?” Cadence asked him.

“No, Princess. I was pursued by a couple of those things, but I was able to fend them off,” Flash Sentry said as he removed his helm.

A soft sigh escaped her. “I’m glad.”

Shining Armor turned a hard look to the army in the distance. “As long as the Crystal Heart stays strong, we can wait them out.”

“Yes, I just hope help comes—” sudden explosion caused the balcony to shake. She took to the air even as Shining and the others spread their legs to keep their balance.

“What was that?!” Cadence yelled as another rocked the tower.

“Go find out, Flash,” Shining said, but the pegasus was already on his way.


Flash Sentry flew past a number of other guards who were galloping towards the sounds of combat that echoed through the halls. He came to an abrupt stop and saluted as he found another guard officer shouting commands.

“Sir, the princess wishes for an update.” He looked down the hallway where other pony guards were running. He could hear shouts and the sounds of magic being cast in that direction, a frown formed on his face at it sounded like chaos was erupting.

The officer turned a scowl his way. “I don’t know, there is some sort of commotion at the front door. We think it is an intruder. Tell the princess I’m heading there to take care of it.”

“Is it the shadow ponies?”

“I said I don’t know, Flash. We—” The two started as the commotion got closer and a guard bounced past them—the poor guard grunting in pain.

Flash looked back down the hallway and saw a tall stallion making his way down the hallway, swatting aside a guard as he tried to tackle him.

“Who is that?”

The officer hissed even as other guards rushed the stallion. “Get back to the princess and stay with her! We’ll handle this!”


Cadence bit at her lip as she watched the door to the throne room. The shouts of battle and panicked screams caused her ears to lay flat against her skull as they grew louder. She looked again as the small detachment of guards as they took up their posts around the throne room, each of their faces set in grim determination. Her husband stood next to her as he continued to issue commands.

She started as she saw Flash Sentry beating his wings as fast as he could. “Close the doors! He’s not far behind me!”

“What is going on, Flash Sentry?” Shining Armor demanded, sounding very much like the commander of the guard that he was.

“There’s an intruder, I don’t know who he is.” He glanced over his shoulder. “He was heading this way, but I’m not sure if he’ll get past our other defenses.”

Their gazes darted behind them as the shouts got closer and it took all of Cadence’s discipline not to fly down the hall as someone cried out for help.

“Bar the doors! Protect the princess!” Shining shouted to the small squad of guards assigned to protect Cadence.

As the doors were closed and secured, the guards formed a defensive line in front of the royal couple. Unicorns and earth ponies stood shoulder to shoulder, and the pegasi, Flash among them, hovered above.

Cadence’s ears flicked as she heard one guard whisper to another, “Do you think it’s him? Sombra?”

“I don’t think so. The brave and glorious Spike blew him to bits, remember?” Despite the whisper, Cadence could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

“Cut the chatter,” Shining said, his voice strong and without waiver.

Taking heart, Cadence sat up and flaring her wings to their full width. “Rather it is Sombra, the changelings, or any other foe of the Empire. We, all of us, will stand tall and defend our homes and family. The Crystal Empire will endure!”

The guards gave a rousing cheer for their princess as they turned back to the door. Shining offered her a slight smile and nod as even he seemed more than ready to face whatever came their way.

The commotion grew louder until it sounded like it was just outside of the door. The guard gritted their teeth and Cadence felt her own hackles rise.

She blinked as all sound had suddenly ceased. Concerned glances were shared, and before Shining could order they go find out what happened, the doors shook on their hinges as something heavy slammed into them. Cadence barely had time to register the first slam when a second came, then a third. With each hit, the doors shook and threatened to cave in.

“Reinforce the doors! Don’t let them in!”

The earth ponies and unicorns ran ahead and braced against the door. The next hit jolted a few of them back, but they were quick to press against the doors.

“What is doing this? A minotaur?”One of the guards yelled as another slam shook the doors.

“Did that stallion bring friends along with him?” Shining asked, turning his gaze to Flash.

“I don’t think so. He—”

Startled shouts accompanied the next attack as the doors caved inwards. The guards tried to scramble out of the way, but the heavy wooden doors caught them under its weight. They groaned from underneath, and the groans only grew louder as the intruder stepped over them.

Cadence felt her blood run cold as she met the amber-eyed gaze of Tyranny. The stallion stepping past her guards—never so much as sparing them a glance—and walked for her, the sound of his scepter striking the floor causing a wave of dread to run up her spine.

Turning to her husband, she shouted, “Shining, your spell!”

“Right!” He gathered his power around his horn and unleashed a purple sphere that expanded outward. As the sphere rushed over her, she felt the familiar sense of warmth and basked in the memory when they used the same spell to expel the changelings from Canterlot so long ago.

Tyranny’s eyes widened before he slammed his scepter in front of him. As the sphere connected, a light emitted from the gemstone and a darker violet barrier formed around him.

Cadence and Shining both gasped as the spell didn’t have the desired effect. Once Shining’s spell passed, the barrier around Tyranny faded away. With a contemptuous snort, he started forward again.

Shining was quick to recover. “Pegasi! Now!”

With a shared battle cry, Flash Sentry and the other pegasi dove down to fend off the intruder. Turning an annoyed frown at them, Tyranny spread his legs in a battle stance. As they neared, he sprung into the air, catching two of the guards by surprise, and smashed them together before tossing them aside. Another guard flew in for a tackle and caught the stallion as he landed. The two rolled across the floor and Tyranny caught the guard by his faceplate and slammed him to the ground.

“Know your place!” Tyranny shouted before hurling him like a rag doll into another pegasus.

“Know my hoof!” Flash shouted as he rushed in with a punch.

Tyranny dodged the punch and countered with his own. Seeing it coming, Flash took to the air and came back with a flying kick that caught Tyranny square on the chest. Not seeming to even register the hit, Tyranny grabbed him by the back leg and yanked him closer. Flash barely had time to cry out before Tyranny slugged him to the floor—the pegasus laying spread eagle, his eyes rolled back into his head.

Snorting, Tyranny turned his glare to Cadence. “Now that the foolishness is done, it is time that we speak.”

“We have nothing to say to the likes of you.” Shining Armor stepped in front of her.

“Leave our kingdom in peace; we have no quarrel with you,” Cadence said.

A mocking smile crossed his face. “There you are in error, Princess. You sit upon the throne of what will be the start of my Empire, and you are what stands in my way.”

“I won’t let you pass me,” Shining Armor growled and Cadence felt the chill again as Tyranny simply smirked at his gesture of defiance.

“We know who you are, Tyranny,” she said, pushing her unease aside to stand tall. “It doesn’t matter what you do here; you will not have Equestria. Princess Celestia will see you stopped beforehoof.”

The Spirit of Order laughed before she could even finish.

“Why has the Crystal Heart not stopped you as it has your creatures?” Shining demanded, and Cadence spared a quick glance at him as she knew he was trying to buy time to think of a plan.

Tyranny turned his glare at her husband. “The Crystal Heart is powered by the emotion of ‘love,’ and it was a challenging ward to bypass, I will admit. However, it is something that draws power from a—” his ears flicked back and he whirled, his scepter lashing out. Flash Sentry, who had picked himself up and charged the distracted stallion, was knocked aside with a clang of scepter meeting helmet.

“Persistent,” Tyranny muttered as the pegasus stood up once again on shaky legs. Before Flash could try again, Tyranny uttered a word Cadence didn’t recognize and a mist flew from the scepter and surrounded him.

Cadence felt her breath catch and she covered her mouth with a hoof as she watched Flash’s body turn solid black.

“Princess!” he shouted, the fear in his voice causing her blood to freeze before he shattered into a million pieces, the black shards vanishing into nothingness.

“Flash!” Cadence shrieked.

“You monster,” Shining growled through clenched teeth.

Tyranny turned a callus look their way. “He yet lives.”

“What?” she asked. “You just killed him!”

A scowl spread across his face, but it was gone as soon as it came. “None who have battled me have met their ends. Doing so serves me no purpose. I am, after all, no mindless monster.”

“I don’t care what you are! Leave now before—” Shining stopped as Tyranny, who had stood a distance away, lunged with frightening speed and caught him by the throat. Shining thrashed and tried to kick at him as Tyranny held him aloft.

“Silence!” Tyranny yelled before he flung Shining across the room.

Shining hit the ground and bounced back to his hooves and charged back in. “Keep away from her!”

“Idiot colt,” Tyranny growled and turned to face his charge. The two butted heads, the stallions trying to toss each other, before Tyranny shoved him back. Swinging his scepter, Tyranny’s attacked bounced off a shield Shining conjured.

The attack caused Tyranny to stumble and Shining was quick to whirl and land a buck on his chest, sending him skidding back. Scowling, Tyranny rushed back in, but his attack once again was stopped by another shield.

“An impressive conjuration, colt, I didn’t think you more than a pompous fool clinging to the fetlocks of your betters,” Tyranny said before hopping back.

Shining stood tall as his shield vanished. “I’m Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire and the captain of the Royal Guard.” He lowered his head, leveling his horn at him. “And I would rather die than see you lay hoof on my wife or Equestria.”

A smirk tugged at Tyranny’s lips before he twirled his scepter and rested the butt of which on the floor. “Equestria’s protector?” His smirk grew a bit wider. “It seems to me you are a poor choice for such an important position.”

Cadence scowled but Shining only smirked in reply. “Say what you will, Tyranny. I know your delusions of grandeur is all you have.”

Tyranny’s mocking laughed echoed through the throne room. “Delusions? They are not delusions, fool, but promises. This world will have the peace it so rightfully deserves, and I am the only one who can ensure that it is brought about.”

“You really are delusional.”

“As you are no protector.”

Furrowing his brow, Shining scowled. “I’ll prove it once I put you away.”

Tyranny swept his scepter over the carnage in the room. “Look around you. Your soldiers are helpless, your castle overrun, and the only thing you have left is your bravado. Do you really think you are the protector you make yourself out to be?” Tyranny snorted. “You had one task, Shining Armor, and you have failed everyone around you.”

“Don’t you lay a hoof on Cadence!” Shining shouted before blasting a ray at him.

Tyranny batted it aside with his scepter. “Just as you couldn’t protect Canterlot from the changelings.”

Cadence’s eyes widened and she saw that had stopped Shining in his tracks. “Don’t you dare bring that up!”

She felt her hackles rise at his amused smirk before he turned his gaze back to Shining. “I know all about your botched attempt to stop the changelings. Do you really think yourself a ‘protector’ after failing so fantastically?” His smirk took a vicious turn. “You couldn’t even protect your own wife from being kidnapped and replaced by an imposter. A 'protector'? You are nothing, colt.”

With an enraged shout, Shining burst ahead.

“Shining! Stop!”

Her warning went unheeded as Tyranny ducked under his attack and lifted him up by the throat. “Too easy,” he said before he slammed Shining to the ground. Not allowing him time to recover, Tyranny lifted him up and slammed him again, the tile cracking underneath.

“No!” Cadence gathered her magic and blasted at him.

Her blood ran cold as Tyranny saw the attack coming and used Shining as a shield. Her scream joined her husband’s as the attack struck him full in the back.

“Shining!” Cadence screamed before Tyranny tossed him at her hooves. Falling to her knees, she held his head against her barrel, tears streaming down her face. “You’ll be all right, you’ll be all right.”

Shining grunted and turned an unfocused look her way before he slumped.

“Shining!” her tone took shrill octaves and she laid an ear over his muzzle. Her shoulders slumped as she felt his continued breathing. “Thank Celestia,” she whispered before she started as Tyranny slammed the butt of his scepter into the tile next to her.

“Surrender your sovereignty to me, Princess, and this senseless violence will cease,” he said before leveling his scepter at her.

Hugging Shining close, she turned a defiant glare his way. “Why are you doing this?”

“I seek to bring stability and order to this chaotic world, and to that end, all must submit to my rule. There are none more suited for this task than I.” He tilted his head as he regarded her. “There is a strength to you. Behind that aptitude for a weak emotion as love. I can see why Celestia chose you.”

“How did you get past the Crystal Heart?” she asked.

With no change of expression, Tyranny held up his hoof; in a puff of black smoke, the Crystal Heart appeared. To Cadence, the Crystal Heart had lost its luster, and more worriedly, it was not on its pedestal.

“A powerful relic, yet one with a flaw; it is powered by ‘love,’ a fickle emotion that changes as easily as desire, another emotion that has led to no end of despair, hatred, and jealousy. It is an unreliable thing to use for protection.” With a snort, he tossed aside the relic sending it skidding across the floor. “Now, surrender your authority to me.”

She looked at him and she could tell by his tone that he was fast losing patience. Glancing between the unconscious Shining Armor, and her squirming guards, she knew that there was no winning this time.

“The crystal ponies will never accept you,” she said, returning her defiant glare at him.

Tyranny smiled wickedly at her on his way to the throne. “They have no other choice.”

Sitting upon the throne, a victorious smile spread across his face. Uttering a few more words in the same language as earlier, he cast a spell. Cadence gasped as she looked out the nearby window to see a large projected image of him on the throne appear around the crystal tower.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire, I am Tyranny. Your princess has surrendered her throne to me, thus making me your new Emperor. I am sure you have many questions and fears, but answers will come with time. Know that your lives will change little, as long as a monthly tribute is paid and all laws are followed to the letter. Obey me, and no harm shall come to you or your families.” His brow furrowed and a stern frown pulled at his lips. “Any defiance shall be met with swift and firm punishment. For now, go about your lives. My minions will pose no threat to you, but know that they are my enforcers.” He paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the stunned masses. “Rejoice, for we are the beginning of a new world that will be without strife or chaos.”

The image faded and Tyranny chanted again in the same language as earlier. In response, a half dozen dark ponies appeared from puffs of black smoke to stand at attention in front of him. “Take the royals to the holding cells below; they will remain my guests,” he instructed, and Cadence could tell it was more for her than to actually give orders to the creatures.

“You intend to imprison us?” Cadence demanded as her husband groaned and started to stir.

He didn’t bother turning to regard her. “Of course. Your presence here will ensure that the crystal ponies will remain loyal to me.”

“You hold us hostage then,” she accused.

“It also serves another purpose, but one you need not concern yourself with.” He turned to the dark ponies and held up his hoof. Another puff of smoke and a small marble appeared in his hoof. “Take this one as well; I tire of carrying her around.”

Cadence felt a sick feeling clutch her gut as she could make out a miniscule figure within the marble. “Who is that?” she asked, pity making its way into her tone.

This time, he did turn a wicked smirk her way. “One you are well acquainted with. She has told me much of you, and I believe a reunion is in order.”

Author's Note:

Edit 12/17/16: Sweet Celestia... The remastering of this chapter almost doubled the word count! Still, I think it's for the best. Something needed to be expanded upon and not just bluntly told. Tell me what you guys think so far!