• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,630 Views, 35 Comments

Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order - Zodiacspear

The World of Equestria is a world of balance and harmony, when the balance is tipped in one direction the opposing element swells.

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Chapter Five

Twilight finished covering her muzzle with a cloth as more dust threatened to choke another cough out of her. The howling wind blew it everywhere, and the trees around the abandoned outpost swayed and threatened to snap. The evening sun shone above, but she felt the fur along her spine stand on end as a sense of gloom weighed over the place like a thick fog. Her friends shared wary glances as they stepped over the ruined remains of the wall.

A frown formed on Twilight’s face as she looked around. The sparrow hadn’t been exaggerating when it said the outpost was deserted. All around, there was evidence of a battle—the blasted wall being chief among them. She could see bits of dried changeling goo as well, but saw no signs of the changelings themselves—or of the ponies who lived here.

“Spread out!” Luna shouted, turning her firm gaze to the guards. “Search for survivors and bring them to us. Be alert, they could also be changelings in disguise. If you find any changelings, bring them to us for questioning.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” the guards saluted before fanning out.

“What do you want us to do, Princess Luna?” Twilight asked as her friends gathered around.

Luna’s frown softened as she looked around, watching as a guard kicked open a door—his fellow guards rushing in after. “Try to find clues as to what happened here, Princess Twilight. This could be a rogue changeling attack, or it might not.” She turned her gaze back to them. “We must know for certain.”

“Yes, Princess Luna,” Twilight said. Nodding to her friends, they spread out to search for clues.

As Twilight’s gaze swept over a large collection of the changeling goo, a sickening feeling gripped her stomach as as she imagined ponies being trapped in such.

“What do ya think happened here, Twi?” Applejack asked, as she kept a hoof on her hat as the wind howled.

“I’m not sure," she said as she looked away. "It certainly looks like it was the changelings, but there is no sign of their feeding anywhere. The damage done to the wall could have been Chrysalis, but why destroy the wall when she can fly over it?”

A pensive frown crossed Applejack’s face as she looked at the ruined wall. “Might be the ponies here put up a bigger fight than Chrysalis planned for?”

“Maybe…” Twilight knelt to examine a strange indention in the courtyard. Pawing at the dirt, her head tilted as she said, “Hmm... this indention is odd. How did it get here?” She looked around and her frown deepened. “There's another one too, but why aren't there more outside of the walls?”

Applejack looked around before looking back at her. “If ya ask me, looks like somethin’ heavy hit here. Now unless the changelings are throwin’ boulders, none of them are big enough to make holes like this.” She lifted her hat to rub at her forehead before asking, “Ya think it was Tyranny then?”

Twilight's frown deepened; she continued to survey the area. “I don’t know."

The rest of her friends joined her a minute later, each of them looking nervous, save for Pinkie, who happily bounced along.

“Rarity, Fluttershy, did you see anything?” Twilight asked.

Rarity shook her head, her curls swaying under the brim of her hat. “Not a thing, dear.”


“I saw more of the icky green goo in the kitchen, but I also found barley cakes, and they’re still good. Want some?” she asked as she presented the offered cakes. “There’s no changeling alamode, I made sure.”

Twilight paled a bit. “Not right now, Pinkie.”

“More for us,” she said, and made the offer to the others, Rainbow Dash being the only taker.

Rainbow glanced between the others as they gave her steady looks. “What? No sense wasting them,” Rainbow Dash said before scarfing down her food.

“Did you see anything, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, impatience making its way into her tone.

The pegasus swallowed the last of the barley cake, licking at her lips. “I didn’t see any sign of the changelings anywhere. There’s some broken branches in the trees outside the wall, but that's about it.”

“Outside the wall,” she said echoed, rubbing at her chin. Her eyes widened as she noticed there were two more depressions, one against a building, the other against the wall.

“You appear pensive, Twilight Sparkle. What is it that occupies your thoughts?” Luna asked as she landed near them.

Twilight gathered her thoughts before answering. “I think this wasn't just the changelings alone. The damage done to the barracks and buildings, as well as the green goo was them without a doubt, but these depressions were not done by changelings.” She motioned to those near her and the one against the wall. “Chrysalis could have blasted out the wall, but she would not have used that much power against the guards here. She might have if she was battling you, Princess, or Princess Celestia, but not against ponies like us.”

A disapproving frown crossed Luna’s face. “You should not belittle yourself, Princess Twilight.”

“I’m not, Princess, I was making a point is all. The point is she would have to be facing somepony strong to use up that much magic. Since it was not you or Princess Celestia, or Discord; I can only think of one other who it would have been.”


Twilight nodded. “I don’t know of anyone else with that sort of power.”

“You don’t think he released the changelings in the first place, do you?” Rainbow Dash asked, squinting as the dust kicked up around them.

“He would have had to been the one, unless Discord had something to do with it,” Twilight said to her.

Fluttershy lifted her head and her hoof gave a little stamp. “He didn’t."

Twilight nodded. “That leaves Tyranny; he would have the power to destroy the costume I enchanted.”

“He destroyed my costume?!”

Twilight and the others covered their ears as Pinkie’s screams seemed to quiet even the wind, the mare earning a few curious looks from the guards as well.

“It’s the only way the changelings could have escaped,” Twilight said as the ringing in her ears slowly faded.

The pink earth mare pouted, crossing her forelegs. “Hmph, I’ll have to give him an earful about breaking other pony's things. It’s not very nice to break other pony’s stuff.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “If I know Chrysalis at all, she likely used him to free herself and her changelings; and tried to betray him—” She motioned to the indentions in the ground and walls. “—which didn’t turn out in her favor.”

Luna nodded, a soft frown marring her features. “I had come to much the same conclusion, however it only brings about more questions. Where has the changeling queen and her minions gone after the betrayal, and where have our soldiers gone? There has been no sign of anypony leaving the barracks. Lastly, where has Tyranny gone from here?”

“I’m guessin’ the only ones who knew are long gone by now,” Applejack said, her tail giving a flick.

One of the earth pony guards walked up to them, bowing low.

“What did you find?” Luna asked, turning her gaze to him.

“I’ve come from the armory, Princess; all of the Equestrian armor is missing. Yet, all the weapons remain.”

Her brow furrowed. “Strange.”

“Now why take the armor and not the weapons?” Rarity asked as she looked at the others. “I would think it would be the opposite, in fact.”

“Would the changelings have taken it?” Rainbow asked even as the wind gusted, threatening to tear the cloths from everypony’s face.

Twilight shook her head, retying her cloth over her face. “A changeling’s anatomy would make wearing armor meant for ponies impractical at best.”

“Curious,” Rarity grumbled as she pulled her large hat over her head to protect her delicate mane.

When the gust died down, a pegasus scout flew overhead. “Your majesties, I found tracks heading north.”

“How many sets?” Luna asked him.

“Many. Maybe thirty, as far as I could tell. There were small prints like that of changelings, as well as a set that might have been made by a large stallion.”

As Luna scowled, Twilight gave her a worried look. “Do you think it was him, Princess Luna?”

“It could have been, Princess Twilight, but with changelings, it might also have been Chrysalis taking a form.” He lifted her head to shout. “Gather any useful supplies! We use the remainder of the day to pursue them.”

Rainbow rubbed her forehooves together, an eager gleam in her eyes. “Aww, yeah. Time for some action.”


A few days later they stumbled upon an overturned wagon. It was a small enough wagon for it to be pulled by a single pony, and as they got closer, the painting and fluttering banner became increasingly familiar.

“Is that—?” Applejack squinted at the wagon.

“Trixie’s wagon?” Twilight finished, her jaw dropping.

The two rushed ahead of their caravan—joined quickly by their friends—to find the blue unicorn sitting next to her toppled wagon. Despite looking bruised and ready to collapse, she shot to her hooves when they approached.

“Back! I warn you, back! The Great and Powerf—Twilight!” she yelled as she recognized the approaching alicorn. “What are you doing out here?” she demanded.

“Trixie, what happened to you and your wagon?” Twilight asked.

“Who did you tick off this time?” Rainbow Dash growled at her.

“Rainbow!” Twilight admonished. “Go ahead, Trixie.”

Trixie glared at the offending pegasus before looking at Twilight. “It was awful. A large stallion was on the road heading the opposite way of The Great and Powerful Trixie and wouldn’t step aside for her, despite the fact that he walked alone, and she was pulling her wagon. When she demanded that he show manners and move aside, he—” she choked a bit. “He grabbed Trixie’s wagon and flipped over with his bare hooves! Trixie was still in her harness and nearly broke her legs!” She looked at her overturned wagon and her shoulders slumped. “Trixie has not been able to get her wagon upright again.”

Twilight looked over the fallen wagon again, and bit at her lip as she saw that part of the roof had collapsed inward—crushed under its own weight.

‘If Tyranny can flip over a full wagon like that himself without magic, he has to be stronger than any earth pony I’ve known. I wish I knew more about him and what he’s capable of, that way we can be ready for when he does show up.’ Her gaze shifted back to Trixie.‘Still, Trixie needs our help.’

Twilight’s ears flicked as Applejack spoke. “We can get it upright, Twi, ya don’t need to use yer magic when we can do the same with a little muscle work.”

“Wait, wait, wait! You want to help her out?” Rainbow asked, pointing a hoof at Trixie.

“Oh come now, Rainbow Dash, would you turn away from somepony who genuinely needs help?” Rarity asked, before giving Trixie a pointed glance. “Even if it is Trixie.” Her tone clearly indicated she had not forgotten the show mare’s previous actions either.

Rainbow huffed, crossing her forelegs. “Fine.”

Applejack retrieved a few coils of rope from one of their wagons and tied them to the opposite side of Trixie’s wagon. With all their combined help, they managed to get her wagon back on its wheels.

“Trixie thanks you all,” the show mare said grudgingly, brushing her silvery mane back from her face.

Rainbow's eyes narrowed at her. “You’re welcome."

“So where's your hat and cape, Trixie?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Trixie averted her eyes. “Trixie… does not know. She has yet to find them."

Glancing back at Trixie, Twilight realized the showmare was not wearing her favored star-covered hat and cape combo, something she remembered Trixie always had with her.

Before she could speak, Princess Luna stood next to her to address the blue unicorn. “The stallion that did this, was he tall and dark-coated, and carried a golden scepter?”

Trixie nodded and lowered her gaze. “He did, Princess Luna.”

“I see, thank you," Luna said before looking down the road. "Twilight, we should continue. He cannot be too far ahead now.”

Twilight turned to Trixie. “Will you be all right?”

The showmare smiled her confident smile. “The Great and Powerful Trixie can look after herself."

“But can’t get her own wagon back on its wheels,” Rainbow Dash said before flying off, the others following after her.

Twilight watched them go before turning her gaze to the tall dry grasses of the field. Feeling the breeze ruffle through her mane, she took a deep inhale of the dry air. “I hope we can stop him before things gets worse,” said to herself, her gaze half-lidding. Taking a final look at the wagon, she waved to Trixie before turning to join her friends.


The blue unicorn watched them until they were out of sight, then in a puff of black smoke, the visage of the show mare vanished. In her place stood one of Tyranny’s shadow beasts, its milk-white eyes staring after them. Lifting its head, the creature relayed all it learned to its master before disappearing in another puff of black smoke.

Not far away, the cap and cloak of the show mare sat forlornly in the tall grass.


In Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia walked down a walkway towards the tower her guest rooms were located. A light rain fell, soaking her coat as she walked. Turning a small smile towards the overcast sky, she basked in the feeling of the cool rain.

‘The weather pegasi had done another wonderful job putting together the rain storm today,’ she thought to herself even as the sky lit briefly with a flash of lightning. While preferring the nice, clear, sunny days, she understood the rain was just as necessary as her sunlight.

Making her way into the wing of the castle set aside for visitors, she headed for the rooms that she had given Tourmaline and her brother. Finding the one Tourmaline claimed, she used her magic to dry her coat before knocking on the hardwood door.

“Coming!” Princess Celestia heard the startled voice of the pegasus from within, as well as a thump, followed by an annoyed “Ow!”

She smiled and waited; once the door opened a crack, she saw Tourmaline peeking out at her. The pegasus’s eyes widened and she quickly opened the door for her visitor.

“Princess Celestia, I’m sorry, you caught me sleeping,” she said.

A small smile threatened to tug at Celestia’s face as she noticed Tourmaline’s tousled mane—which had yet to be combed. A quick glance inward and she could see the blankets had been tossed on the floor; likely fromher rush to answer the door.

“It is all right,” she said, turning a warm smile to the pegasus. “On rainy days like this, I can understand sleeping in late.”

Tourmaline rubbed at the back of her head, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Yeah, I was just… dreaming.”

Celestia gave her an understanding nod. “I wished to extend an invitation for you to have breakfast with me. Would you and your brother like to join me?”

“Yes I would, Princess Celestia, I just need a moment to get ready.” A wan smile inched across her face. “I’d never live it down if I showed up a mess for a meal with the Princess.”

Celestia chuckled. “All right, I will see you down there momentarily." She glanced at another door nearby. "I will check with your brother to see if he would also join us for breakfast while I am here.”

“All right, I won’t be long,” Tourmaline said before closing the door. Celestia chuckled as she could hear Tourmaline mutter as she found her brush and cursed about the rats in her mane.

Celestia made her way to the next room and found that the door was slightly ajar. Inside she found the rust-colored unicorn at a desk, writing away in a tome; a number of maps scattered around him.

“May I come in?” she asked.

At the sound of her voice he started and turned; nodding as he caught sight of her. “Yes, Princess, please do.” He set down his quill and bowed as she entered.

A soft smile formed at his show of proper etiquette. “I am glad to see that your return from stone has not been so hard on you.”

He winced at the mention. “It was difficult, Princess, but I am well on my way to a full recovery thanks to you and Princess Luna. I truly thank you for your help.”

“I am glad to have helped, though I cannot take full credit either. It was with Discord’s help that we were finally able to purify you.” She glanced past him to a window streaked with rain water. “Would you and your sister care to join me for breakfast this morning?”

“Of course! I would not turn down such an offer.” They both looked towards Tourmaline’s room at the surprised shout of, “Horse feathers! The waters’ cold!”

“As tactful as a troll.” Tormod sighed and looked at her. “I apologize for my sister, she can be… willful at times.”

A velvety chuckle escaped her. “It is all right, as an older sibling, I can fully relate.” She gave him a playful wink. “I will see you both down for breakfast soon?”

“Of course, Princess,” he said, bowing low again.


Celestia sat at the head of the table as the waiters cleaned up after a pleasant breakfast with the siblings. Wiping at her face with a napkin, she smiled as Tourmaline finished another tale of their adventures.

“It sounds to me as if all of you are great friends,” she said, setting her napkin aside.

“We are, Princess; we’ve done much together," Tormod said, the waiter taking his plate away. "We’ve faced monsters, harsh weather, and difficult adventures before, but this last one…” He paused, sharing a frown with Tourmaline. “None of us were prepared for what happened."

A frown tugged at Celestia’s lips. “How could you have been, Tormod? You found what I had hoped none would have ever been able to find. I had let the jungle grow wild so it would hide the temple away forever.” She blew a long sigh out. “But his influence seemed to have expanded to even keep that from hiding him.”

“Is he really all that powerful, Princess Celestia?”

“He used to be, Tormod.” She glanced out a nearby window as the rain continued to pound on the glass. “With his imprisonment, however, I thought him too weak to cause trouble again.” A sigh escaped through her nose. “It seems I underestimated his resolve.”

“Is there any way to save Wanderer, Princess?” Tourmaline asked, absently brushing away a stray lock of her mane from her face.

Celestia looked at her, her ears standing straighter at the pegasus's tone. “We will certainly try, Tourmaline. But first, Tyranny must be found.”

Tourmaline nodded after a moment, her gaze going distant as she stared at her tea.

Watching her, Celestia sighed as a small wave of guilt griped at her belly. Pushing it aside, she stood from her seat. “You are both allowed to remain here as my guests until we find your friend, but you need not remain just within the castle. Please, see Canterlot while you are here. The city has much to offer ponies like yourselves that you would enjoy.”

“We will, Princess. Again, we thank you for your generosity,” Tormod said, his sister promptly expressing her agreement.

A guard pony approached and presented her a letter after bowing.

“From my sister?” she asked, lifting the letter from his magical hold.

“Yes, Princess, it is a report on their venture.”

She nodded and scanned the letter. As she read the final lines, she felt a chill run down her spine. Sighing, she set the note down on the table, her ears pinning back against her skull.

The two siblings shared a concerned look before looking back at her. “What’s wrong, Princess?” Tourmaline asked.

Celestia closed her eyes a moment before opening them again. “They might have found a lead on your friend.”

Author's Note:

Long awaited update, hope everyone is enjoying this story as much as I have writing it.