• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,626 Views, 35 Comments

Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order - Zodiacspear

The World of Equestria is a world of balance and harmony, when the balance is tipped in one direction the opposing element swells.

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Chapter Fifteen

Her sun was well past its zenith as Celestia watched the activity in the clearing pick up. After a night full of excitement and heartbreak, they all had needed their rest. Even as they rested, she had watched over them—raising the sun when the time came.

’At least that honor hasn’t been taken from me,’ she thought.

Celestia felt a small, proud smile tug at her lips as she watched Twilight began pointing out the specific details of her plan to her friends, making sure everyone knew their exact role in the upcoming conflict.

As she watched Twilight eagerly point here and there around the clearing, she felt her daze drift up to the sun above, her gaze going distant. Memories of their… argument in the throne room running through her mind.

’I blame myself,’ she thought, sharing her thoughts with her son. ’I had meant to tell her, I truly did, but it never seemed the right time. If only I had been more forthcoming, Tyranny wouldn’t have been able to hurt her or take advantage of her as he did.' She blew a sigh through her nose and returned her focus to Twilight. ’When this is done, I swear by everything that I will tell her what it means to be an alicorn… The full and honest truth.’

Her ears turned at the sound of rustling grass and she turned to see Tourmaline and Tormod approach her.

“Princess Celestia,” they said, bowing to her.

She turned a warm smile their way. “Tormod, Tourmaline, how can I help you?”

Tourmaline stood straighter. “Princess, what do you want us to do in the upcoming fight? Princess Twilight wouldn’t give us a place to help out.”

Celestia turned her attention to her. “I understand your desire to help, Tourmaline, but we cannot allow you to put yourselves at risk in this battle.”

“The bearers of the Elements are putting themselves at risk too, and Wanderer is our friend. We should be helping,” Tourmaline objected.

Celestia shook her head. “We want you both to witness what happens here today. Should we not prove victorious, I want you both to lead the ponies of Equestria against Tyranny and resist him with all of your might.”

“It won’t come to that, Princess. You will win and we want to help everypony,” Tormod said, standing next to his sister. “I’m not nearly as strong as everypony else here, but I would gladly give my power to the Elements if it were possible.”

Tourmaline stood firmly, her eyes showing her determination. “We started this mess, Princess Celestia. Let us help fix it.”

Celestia smiled, again feeling a surge of pride. Despite all these two had been through and the heartache they had felt, they still stood strong and determined in the face of adversity.

“Then stay with us, but promise me you will not risk yourselves needlessly. If events do take a turn for the worse, promise me you will flee and show the ponies of Equestria the strength you have shown me.”

“Yes, Princess,” Tormod said, bowing to her.

A confident smile spread across Tourmaline’s features. “Count on us.”

Celestia smiled again and hoped that their strength would carry them past this final test, for it would soon test them all to their very limits.


The evening sunlight gave the tall grass an orangish tint as Twilight sat with her eyes closed—running her plan over and over in her mind for any flaws.

’I know this will work. I just know it will.’ A small frown tugged at her face. ’But what if somepony misses their que? What if we’re not strong enough? What if my plan doesn’t work at all? What will we do then? Am I overthinking things?’

She groaned to herself as so many nagging questions swam through her head. Why couldn’t she just clear her mind and focus? What was it that kept her from finding the answers?

Sighing, she brought a hoof to her barrel and breathed out, calming herself once more.

She looked up as she felt a comforting hoof rest on her shoulder. Princess Celestia smiled at her with that compassionate smile she had always seen on her mentor’s face that used to bring her comfort.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, her voice no louder than a whisper. Looking at her, she wasn’t sure if she felt sadness, guilt, or hurt—or maybe all three. As she gazed up at Celestia, the words of Tyranny still held in her mind.

“Twilight, I want to let you know that I, that we, have complete faith in you,” the regal alicorn said as she sat next to her, both of their gazes looking at Canterlot Castle in the distance. “You have faced many more challenges before and have always come out for the better.” She turned to look at her. “And I fully expect the same today.”

Twilight bit at her lip before she let out a sigh. “I know, Princess, but I still have doubts, questions.”

“We all do, Twilight, we all do. But know that no matter what happens, your friends, your family, and I trust you and your judgment.” A humored smile tugged at Celestia’s lips. “Even if that judgement has sometimes lead to some interesting situations.”

She couldn’t have kept the embarrassed smile from spreading across her face, her cheeks highlighting.

The two sat on their haunches, the silence growing as they watched the clouds roll by. After a moment, Twilight spoke up again. “There’s something I don’t understand, Princess Celestia,” she said before looking at her mentor. “Tyranny is supposed to represent order and stability, but surely he has to know that his way of thinking would only cause more chaos for Equestria. What happened to him to cause all of this?”

Celestia sat for a long moment, her gaze distant. “Tyranny was always dedicated to his role as the Spirit of Order, but he was not always so cruel. He made many decisions that would be considered hard, but he was always fair. Luna and I supported him because he not only helped maintain our realm during a turbulent time, but he also kept Discord in check in those days.” She glanced away. “All I know is that he changed one day and became the oppressor we know. We tried to reason with him, plead for him to let go of whatever it was that so changed his heart. But in the end, we did what we had to do for Equestria.” She shook her head. “I really wish I knew why, Twilight, but we will never know unless Tyranny himself tells us.”

A frustrated huff escaped her. “But what about when you and Princess Luna defeated him the first time? You used the Elements, didn’t you?”

Celestia nodded after a moment of silence. “We did, yes. But there was more to it than that.”

“How so?”

“Tyranny’s original form had a flaw. We used that flaw to render him unable to stop the Elements from sealing him away.” A sudden gust of wind whipped both of their manes around. “He has apparently learned from his past mistake.”

Twilight rubbed at her face. “There are so many questions and not enough answers.” She sighed before changing the subject. “So your spell will allow him to hear me? And he’ll come to meet us?”

Celestia nodded. “He will. He will not turn down a chance to make sure that any threat to his authority is dealt with. Knowing that you challenged him will further solidify the likelihood of him coming to us.”

Twilight nodded and stood. “We’d better get started.” She took a calming breath once more as Cadence had taught her long ago.

“Twilight,” Celestia said softly and she turned to regard her.

“I promise to you, once this is done, I will tell you the secrets of the alicorn. Honestly and openly, I promise.”

Twilight nodded after a moment. “Thank you, Princess,” she said, a feeling of relief washing through her body.

Celestia stood. “Are you ready?”

Twilight looked around to make sure her friends and the others were in their places; each one gave a nod of confirmation. “We are.”

Celestia’s horn began to glow and Twilight felt herself become lighter for a moment.

“Now, Twilight, anything you say, he will be able to hear.”

Setting herself, Twilight turned her glare at the castle and issued her challenge to the winds.


Tyranny sat on what was once Celestia’s throne, absently watching the worker ponies remove the debris from his throne room. A line of Canterlot’s citizens were being paraded before him, each forced to swear their allegiance to their new ruler. He glanced at the shadow ponies as they herded each one to make their pledge and saw them back out. Fillies and colts wept in their parent’s forelegs, and many adults had downtrodden looks to them. His ears flicked as he heard the muttered disbelief that their beloved princess had been ousted and replaced by this stallion, who was even more terrifying than his shadowy minions.

“Have you found them?” he asked a nearby pony guard, one of the few who hadn’t steadfastly resisted his take over. Also one of the few he had spared the fate of so many others.

The guard lowered his head, his knees shaking underneath the cold glare. “No, my lord, we’re still searching for them.”

“You had best find them, and soon. I will not tolerate failure,” Tyranny said, giving him a meaningful glance.

He smirked to himself as the guard paled, likely imagining what failure would entail.

“Yes, my lord,” the guard said again, bowing.

As Tyranny saw through a few more pledges, his head snapped upwards, his gaze on something that was not truly there.

“Tyranny!” He heard Twilight’s challenge as it was carried on ghostly winds that only he could hear. “We will not run anymore. If you want to finish this, come find us in a clearing outside of Canterlot and we will settle this once and for all.”

His sudden laugh startled all of the ponies in the throne room, making those near the throne huddle away from him.

’This is beyond laughable, he thought. 'She is either foolish, or desperate, if she thinks they will stand a chance against me now. They just made it easier for me to finally rid of the only power that can contest my rule ever again.’

Standing from the throne, his gaze settled on the cowering citizens of Canterlot. “Your foolish princess has dared to challenge me to a final confrontation. When I return, you will watch as I parade them before you in chains.” His gaze swept over all of them. “Rejoice! For once I return, Equestria will no longer know strife nor chaos.” An eager grin spread across his face before he faded from sight.

“Return to your homes, all of you,” the shadow beasts said in unison.

The ponies wasted no time in leaving. As they were ushered out into the streets, more than a few prayers were given in support for their princesses.


Twilight stood alone in the clearing, the wind blowing steadily from behind her. The tall grasses swayed in the steady breeze like the waves upon a lake. Her mane snapped freely in the wind until she tucked it behind her ears and out of her eyes. The twilight hours were upon them and had set the surrounding area in a relaxing orange glow. It was peaceful—serene even—but Twilight did not let that lure her into complacence. She knew Tyranny was on his way and their feud will finally be coming to an end; for the better, she promised herself.

She felt the hairs along her neck stand long before he arrived in the clearing. Tyranny appeared not far from her, unbothered by the fact she waited for him. Turning her glare to him, she stood calm, unafraid.

“So, you have chosen this to be the place of our battle, Lady Twilight?” he asked, looking around the picturesque scenery with a sneer. “It is beautiful, I will give you that, but not as dramatic as I was expecting.”

“Enough of your games, Tyranny.” Her tone showed no hint of weakness, only the strength of her resolve. “I said it was time to finish this, and I meant it. We will defeat you and end this pointless struggle.”

He scoffed. “There is nothing pointless in bringing peace and order to this chaotic world, my lady. You of all others understand the need for order; without it, all else falls to chaos.”

A sudden gust snapped her mane loose again, but she did nothing to restrain it. “There is nothing peaceful in the order you bring. All you bring is control and disharmony. Nothing can grow or change for the better if it’s not allowed to flourish.”

“Sacrifices must be made to ensure the stability of our world, and change threatens that. It is not unacceptable? Do you honestly believe that you are capable of keeping this world from falling into chaos? You are a fool to believe your actions will ever bring peace in the long run.”

“And we can live with that,” Twilight countered, not backing down an inch. “We can change for the better in our own way that does not include forcing ponies to be your servants.”

A mocking smirk tugged at his lips. “You know, it still is not too late, lady Twilight, to use your powers for me and bring real peace to our world. I promise you will not go unrewarded.”

She growled at him. “You have nothing I want.”

“Not even if it meant saving your friends?” He grinned wider. “I can ensure that you will never be parted from them, no matter how long your existence might be.”

Her answer came in the form of an energy beam that he swatted aside.

“So you would take your one hope for a better life and crush it?” He began to hover off the ground. “As you will then. On your knees! Bow before me!”

“Bow to this!” Rainbow Dash flew in and kicked him across the muzzle, snapping his head to the side. Before she even had the chance to enjoy finally getting her hooves on him, he caught her by the tail. She gasped and yelled in surprise as he twirled her about his head before tossing her away.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy quickly caught her friend, but the force of the throw sent them both tumbling to the ground.

Rainbow Dash shook the dizziness away. “Totally worth it.”

“Are you alright, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, concern in her voice.

“Yeah, just wanted to do that for a long time.” She smiled wide before they both looked towards the glowering Tyranny and the two ran to stand by Twilight’s side.

Tyranny snorted at them. “Did you really think your actions would have changed anything?”

Rainbow stood tall, giving him her cocky smile. “No, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try. I’ll kick your rump as often as I have to if it means protecting my friends.”

“A bully is all you are! You should be ashamed!” Fluttershy said, not backing down from his glare.

“Foolish,” he muttered and brought up a foreleg towards them.

“Oh no ya don’t!” A pair of sizable rocks flew out towards him. The stallion deflected both missiles but did not have anything ready to ward off the next projectile, a blast of icing and cake batter shot from a cannon.

Applejack gave an approving nod. “Good shot there, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie blew on the tip of her hoof as she leaned on her trusty party cannon. “Gotta love cake. I know I do,” she said before both of them joined Twilight in the clearing.

With a growl, the cake-covered stallion vaporized the batter. “You dare mock me?!”

“Only ‘cause it’s funny, silly.” Pinkie met his scowl with a wide smile. “I bet if you laughed, it wouldn’t seem so bad.”

“But a swindler like you ain’t got what it takes in yer heart to see anything past yer own nose,” Applejack said, donning her hat once more as she matched his scowl.

Twilight turned her gaze to Rarity as she gracefully strode to stand beside her friends. “There is beauty in life with a bit of randomness. All the patterns in the world mean nothing without the creative inspiration to see them realized.”

“Enough! I will not listen to the babbling of ignorant foals!” Tyranny shot a beam of energy towards them.

The beam dissipated on a violet barrier. Tyranny looked past the six to see see that it had not originated from the princess.

“We will stand forever against villians like you,” Shining Armor said as he also joined them, his horn glowing. “When you threaten family and friends, we will fight you to our last breath,”

Princess Cadence stood by him, her expression firm. “With love in our hearts, we have the strength to defy those who wish us harm.”

Tyranny scowled. “Love, family, honor? All pathetic concepts to cling to. Each one is so easily taken away, leaving you with nothing but despair. You may know your precious happiness for a short time, but you will forever know despair and sadness as all you hold dear is eventually taken away from you. Life has forever shown this lesson, yet you all foolishly cling to them still.”

His forehoof lashed out, and a single shadow band pierced Shining Armor’s barrier and grabbed hold of Cadence. “And you will watch as I demonstrate this lesson by destroying the one that represents ‘love’.” He spat, lifting her from the ground.

“No!” Shining Armor shouted above the others as Cadence trashed in the crushing grip.

A pair of energy beams, one gold and the other midnight blue, shot out towards Tyranny. He hastily erected a barrier that caused both beams to burst into a shower of sparks. The band holding Cadence vanished, dropping her back into the waiting forelegs of her husband.

“Are you alright?” he asked her with concern.

She gave him a warm smile. “Never better.”

“Over a thousand years ago, Tyranny, you caused no end of hardship for so many in Equestria, and you still do so in this day and age,” Princess Celestia said as she took her place with the others. “Have you truly learned nothing in all that time?”

He glowered at her. “You speak as if you are superior, Celestia, yet you can do nothing on your own without the support of those beneath you. A true ruler is capable of handling troubles without the blessings or consent of those under them. Look to your sister and your beloved student as proof of your weakness.”

“My sister did as she had to when she sent me away,” Luna said, in an unwavering voice. “Despite all the hardship she has endured, she did right by Equestria for the sake of her subjects and kingdom.”

“And you have forgiven her? A thousand years of lonely imprisonment in the moon, and you forgive her?” he asked with an incredulous scowl.

“I have.” She gave a warm smile to her elder sister, who returned the smile.

He spat contemptuously. “Ever the fool.”

Twilight spoke in a tone that carried her conviction. “Princess Celestia has entrusted all of us with helping her oversee and protect Equestria. That is one thing you never learned, Tyranny. Trust. You never took the risk in trusting others for fear of betrayal.”

He laughed at that absurdity. “Fear? It is not fear, child, it is truth. All things will betray you at the first opportunity to which they will benefit. I have seen this tragedy repeated so many times; there is no doubt to my words. Even your dearest friends will betray you one day, just as your mentor has!”

Despite the barb, Twilight stood firm, not backing down.

“You are all fools for believing—” an angered growl escaped him as a lime-green energy ray struck him from behind. He whirled to see Queen Chrysalis sneer at him, her horn still shimmering with magic.

“Don’t you ever stop talking?”

“You, impudent bug!” He fired a number of retaliatory beams that she scrambled to avoid. The changeling queen wasted no time in getting beside the ponies.

“You would ally yourself with them? Knowing that they will turn on you just as easily?” he asked.

She glanced at the ponies before looking back at him. “I don’t like them any more than I used to, but I will do as I must to protect my hive and our way of life from the likes of you. Better a soft heart like Celestia than a merciless dog like you.”

He looked at the assembled ponies before him and sneered at the sight. “You vermin may swarm, but you are still just that, vermin. What can you possibly hope to accomplish?”

Twilight stepped forward. “We may not all be friends, Tyranny—” she glanced briefly to Chrysalis, who simply rolled her eyes “—but there is one thing we all can agree on, and that is that we will never bow to you! Not now, not ever! As long as we have each other, we will defy you. Our love and friendship will never be controlled.”

Tyranny looked at them silently, thoughtfully. Twilight wasn’t sure what was going through his mind, but she was sure whatever he was thinking, it wasn’t good for any of them.

“...It is obvious that you all truly believe your words—misguided as they,” he said calmly, too calmly. “Impressive, to say the least.” He hovered for a quiet moment before he looked back at them.

Twilight’s hackles rose as she met that gaze.

“I see now that I was wrong in believing that I could allow the pony folk their free will and bring about peace and stability to this world at the same time. It leaves only one solution.” His expression turned stern. “And that is to make everything mine! All of those pathetic concepts you cling to will be meaningless, as you will become mere extensions of my will! Never more will this world know strife or chaos, because you will be nothing more than puppets dancing on my strings!” He levitated upward and held out his forelegs.

All of them, even the pegasi and earth ponies could feel the magic he conjured. To Twilight, it seemed the world itself was groaning in pain from the magical build up. A thick overcast formed and began to swirl violently in the sky. The wind picked up to near gale-force power as it grew suddenly dark.

“We won’t let you!” Twilight yelled. “Girls! Now!”

As one, the Elements began to glow, each emitting their respective properties. The six of them levitated into the air as the Elements began to charge.

Tyranny laughed at them. “The Elements of Harmony could not stop me before. Why do you think they would work this time?”

“Because we believe in each other!” Twilight yelled and collected the energy in her element, and the rainbow-colored beam shot at him.

He scoffed and held out his hooves like before, holding back the power of the Elements with little difficulty. “It is futile. You were foolish to confront me.” His eyes flashed and a colorless energy beam began to push the magic of the Elements back.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! Now!” Twilight yelled as she and her friends strained to continue the energy of the Elements.

“Now, sister, give the Elements your power,” Celestia said to Luna who nodded in turn and closed her eyes. Both began to glow and levitated to join the Element Bearers. Their combined energy caused the rainbow beam to swell, and it pushed back the other beam.

With a grunt, Tyranny scowled and fought back with a power surge of his own. He halted the advance of the Elements, and slowly began pushing them back again.

“Cadence, Shining,” Twilight called.

“For the Crystal Empire!” Shining shouted.

“For Equestria!” The couple glowed, and they too levitated with the others. The Element’s beam surged once more and advanced on Tyranny.

Tyranny’s growl of frustration became louder as he strained to hold back the powers of harmony. “Inconceivable! How can you enhance the Elements in such away?” With another growl, his energy surged, and his magic began to creep closer to them.

“Chrysalis!” Twilight yelled.

The changeling queen looked to the exchange of raw energy with a look of pure, frightened awe.

“H-how?!” she stammered.

Celestia’s expression was strained. “Feel the world around you, and give yourself to the Elements. Feel their glow and their warmth, and allow yourself to become part of it.”

Chrysalis looked confused but closed her eyes and concentrated. As she closed her eyes, her brow furrowed before her eyes widened again. “This is…” She closed her eyes and the magic of the elements lifted her up beside them. “So warm.”

Tyranny strained under the combined powers of the ponies and changeling queen. The sky still swirled above and the winds howled, but not by his doing alone. The combined energies of the Elements and his own caused them to act out violently. Lightning flashed and struck the ground around them, splintering apart trees and blasting holes in the turf.

Sweat rolled down Tyranny’s face as he stared at them in disbelief. He simply could not believe the sheer power they had amassed together. Never before had any stood up to him like this—pushing him to his very limits—not even a thousand years earlier when Celestia and Luna had tricked him and caused the imprisonment that had destroyed his physical form.

Rage flashed across his expression as the memory filled his mind, and his anger gave him new strength. With a growl, he gave another surge to his magic. To everypony’s horror, his beam slowly, ever so slowly, began to push back the Elements of Harmony.

“No!” Applejack yelled.

“This can’t be!” Rarity shouted, despair in her voice.

“Focus! Push him back!” Twilight yelled under the punishing strain.

The two energies pushed to a standstill, but eventually, Tyranny’s beam inched forward.

Maniacal laughter erupted from him. “It is no use! You are nothing before me! True order shall win the day, and this world will be mine!”

Twilight groaned as she gave more power to the elements. She could tell that Tyranny was giving everything he had, pushing himself to his very limits to combat them. “Girls, everypony, don’t give up…”

“Wanderer!” A shout from below had all eyes turned towards its source.

“No! Tourmaline, Tormod, stay back!” Celestia cried, gritting her teeth.

The two ran through the wind-torn grasses of the field. Their manes whipped around with the violent gusts, causing them to struggle to keep standing. “Wanderer! Don’t let him win!” Tourmaline cried over the howling gale.

While Tyranny’s head never moved, he did stare downward at the two ponies who dared to interfere with his victory.

“We know you are in there, Wanderer, fight him!” Tormod called up.

“You never let anything keep you down before, why start with him?!” Tourmaline shouted.

There was no change in Tyranny’s expression and his magic kept its slow, steady advance on the Elements.

“Do you remember what you always told me?” Tourmaline asked. “You said to not let fear stop you, and things were only scary until you conquered them. Well, follow your own words! Conquer your fear and stop him!”

There was still no change.

“Please! Wanderer!”

Tyranny’s gaze was locked on the pegasus, simply staring at her with no apparent emotion. Then, for a split second, Tyranny’s amber eyes were replaced by Wanderer’s hazel.

For a split second—under the punishing strain—the Spirit of Order lost control.

Tyranny’s magic faded for that split second, and the power of the Elements surged, unrestrained. Tyranny quickly asserted control of his body again but didn’t have the time to muster enough energy to stop the Elements, and there was no possibility of avoiding them.

His expression showed pure disbelief as his scream of denial was heard throughout Equestria as the power of the Elements of Harmony washed over him. There was a bright flash of light, and a thunderous explosion flung them all to the turf.