• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 2,947 Views, 73 Comments

Mega Mare - Shazam 25

Rainbow was really over her head this time. She save a life of a filly and was kill during the rescue. Now she be reborn as the first Robot Pegasus, Mega Mare!

  • ...

Death of Rainbow Dash-Revised by Cyber System

Rainbow Dash sat on her cloud, looking into the sky. She just finished clearing it and was trying to take a nap, but couldn't for some reason. She wasn't sure, but something told her this will be her last day of her life.

Last day of my life? Where did that come from? Rainbow thought and shook her head.

The idea sounded stupid, there was no way her life was going to end today.

She must be trying too hard to take a nap.

After tossing and turning a few hundred times, Rainbow gave up and flew away. The thought ran through her mind again and again, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get rid of it. Rainbow flew over Sweet Apple Acres and heard her friend Applejack talking to Apple Bloom. She stopped and decided to listen, maybe it could help her get rid of that stupid thought.

"Now, Apple Bloom, I understand finding yer cutie mark is imported and all, but it will have to wait till later, Granny Smith wants us to help clean up the farm." Applejack said to her younger sister.

"I know, Applejack, but I promised Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo that I'll meet them for our Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting and I don't want to tell them that I can't make it." Apple Bloom replied.

Rainbow listened and thought of a way she can help. She flew down to the two Apples.

"Maybe I can help with that." she said.

Both Apples turned to her in surprise and confusion.

"Rainbow? Did you just ask to do chores for the farm?!", Applejack asked to make sure she heard her right, "Are ya sure?"

Rainbow nodded.

"Yeah, Apple Bloom can go to her meeting and I'll take her place." She said.

And maybe I'll finally get rid of this stupid thought. Rainbow added in thought.

"Well, Apple Bloom," Applejack said, turning to her sister, "Looks like ya got lucky, go ahead to your meeting."

"Thanks Applejack, you too, Rainbow Dash." Apple Bloom said and ran off.

Shortly after Apple Bloom left, Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash.

"This is a first, Rainbow. Normally I have to ask you to help out and you just take a nap most of the time unless it's breaking down the old barn." Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Yeah, I know, but I need something to do right now and I can't take a nap for some reason."

Applejack rose an eyebrow out of suspicion before shaking her head.

"Alright," she replied.

"Well, Granny Smith wants that hay over there in the barn. It's a little tough, but I'm sure that with your speed, you can do that in no time." Applejack told her.

"Yeah, no sweat, I'll get it done in ten seconds flat." Rainbow said and flew to the barn.

"Sure you will." Applejack said to herself as she walked off to do her chores.

A few hours later, Applejack was already done with all her chores and decided to check up on Rainbow. She went over to the barn and saw Rainbow was still working on it, normally this is expected but Applejack noticed Rainbow was just barely a quarter way done. Rainbow should be almost done by now, but she wasn't even close to halfway. Not to mention how as Rainbow kept an unsure, uncomfortable and worried look on her face. Applejack could tell something was wrong.

"Hey, Rainbow?", Applejack called out to the pegasus, "You're taking an awfully long time with this, plus you're actin' all glum, is somethin' wrong?"

Rainbow winced out of surprise as she turned to Applejack, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Uh... nothing! Nothing's wrong, this hay is just heavier than I thought, but it's not a problem, I'll have it all done before dinner! Maybe even sooner.", she replied, doing a horrible job at lying, "So, uh, where'd you get it, the market?"

Applejack gave an unimpressed look as Rainbow floated down to her.

"Uh-huh, sure, now tell me what's really goin' on." she said.

Seeing that Applejack wasn't going to fall for any lies, Rainbow sighed.

"Ok, this is going to sound weird and you're probably not going to believe me, but have you ever gotten a weird thought or feeling that just appeared out of nowhere and doesn't go away?" Rainbow asked.

"Rainbow, we all get that sometimes," Applejack said, rolling her eyes.

"This is different! This thought was something that never happen to me. It saying that today was my last day alive." Rainbow said.

Applejack looked at her as if she grew a second head.

"What in tarnation made ya think that?" she asked.

"I don't know, it just appeared. I'm trying to ignore it, but it keeps coming back." Rainbow answered.

"Rainbow, ah don't know what made you think that, but please don't let it get to you, I'll help ya out if it makes you feel better, then I'll go see if Twilight has an explanation for this." Applejack said, not believing such a thought could say that, but wanted to make sure it wasn't something she should worry about.

Rainbow nodded and the two got to work. But try as she might, she just couldn't get rid of that thought and it was started to annoy her. What she didn't know that her thought was right, her old life ends today, but a new life for her starts tomorrow.

With Applejack's help, Rainbow got the hay in the barn in half an hour, but the thought never went away, by now it was just getting very annoying. She walked by passing all ponies still shaking her head occasionally to try and get the thought out, but it stayed and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Just when she was about to give up on trying to forget it, Rainbow bumped into a white unicorn stallion, causing both to fall down and several blueprints to fly everywhere. Rainbow rubbed her head as she looked up. The unicorn was fully white. His mane and tail was white as well and looked very similar Pinkie's but shorter and he had a light bulb cutie mark.

The stallion shook his head as he stood up

"Sorry about that." he said, picking up the fallen blueprints with his white aura magic.

"Nah, it's my fault.", Rainbow replied, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, no, it's fine." he said as he continued to pick up blueprints.

"Hey, are you new around here? I don't think I've seen you around before." Rainbow asked.

The stallion nodded.

"Yes, I had to get away from the stress of the city life and my assistant told me about this place, so we came here, I just entered an hour ago." he said.

"Alright well then, welcome to Ponyville." Rainbow said, welcoming him.

"Thank you, now I must be on my way." he said and walked off in a hurry.

"Wow, he kinda reminds me of Twilight a little bit, what an egghead." Rainbow said to nopony before noticing something in the distance, a kinda black, foggy, cloud-ish thing, it kinda reminded her of... smoke?

"That's not good." Rainbow replied as she flew towards the source.

Meanwhile, Applejack was heading towards Twilight's to talk about the thought Rainbow told her. She knows Twilight was the best choice because of her experience with these kinds of oddities, maybe Twilight could figure out what they mean, or at least found a way to calm Rainbow Dash down. She reached Ponyville Library and knocked on the door, which was shortly answered by the familiar purple and green baby dragon.

"Hi, Applejack!" Spike said happily.

"Howdy, Spike, is Twilight home?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, she's looking through her books again, come on in." Spike answer with a groan.

Applejack walked in and indeed saw Twilight looking through all her books, this enjoyment for books is why Twilight earned the title of 'Egghead' from Rainbow Dash. Which reminded Applejack why she came here.

"Hey Twi," Applejack said, scaring Twilight, who accidentally knocked over a nearby pile of books from the shock.

"Applejack! Don't sneak up on me like that." Twilight said, trying to catch her breath as she re-stacked the book pile she was working on.

"Sorry, Twilight, but I got to talk to you." Applejack said.

"About what?" Twilight asked, not turning her attention from the books.

"It's about Rainbow Dash." she answer.

"What about her?" Twilight asked again, still not turning.

"Well, she's been acting odd today, she asked to help out with the Farm chores, she takes longer than normal to get done," Applejack explained.

"Asking to help with chores is strange enough for Rainbow, but taking a long time to get them done? Is something wrong?" Twilight said, beginning to understand.

"I think so, when I went to check on her, she told me that she got a thought saying today was the last day of her life." Applejack said again.

That got Twilight attention. She turned to Applejack with wide eyes.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I don't get it either. That's why I came to you, maybe you can talk to her and figure out what made her think that. I already tried and she just said it came from nowhere." Applejack said.

Twilight thought about it and said "I don't know, normally ponies don't get persisting feelings like this, but I'll try, where is she?"

"Last time I saw her, she heading into Ponyville." Applejack said.

Twilight grab some paper and her quill and put them in her saddlebags. Then she turned to her assistant.

"Spike, watch the Library! I need to find Rainbow Dash." She call out as the sound of something dropping answer her.

Twilight roll her eyes as she smiled. Applejack covered her smile when she heard it and they both walk out knowing Spike was ok.

No soon then they step out, they started to notice something was very wrong.

"Hey Twi, you smell that?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, it smell like... smoke?" Twilight said before it dawned on them.

Where there's smoke, there’s...

"FIRE!!" The two mares shouted and rushed to where it was at.

A huge Mansion that sat on a hill sudden went up in flames for some unknown reason. Twilight and Applejack reached the burning mansion and saw three of their friends already there, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Fluttershy and Rarity helped the injured while Pinkie gave them large bowls of ice cream.

"What happened?" Twilight asked once they reached the others.

"We don't know, all we were told was it just went up in flames." Rarity said as they watch pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies work together to put out the fire.

"Is there anything we can do?" Applejack asked.

"I don't think so," Pinkie said, helping herself to some ice cream, "They're already running a check for anypony that's still in there, but if you can find a way to get past them and make s'mores using the fire, go for it!"

"I don't think now is the time for s'mores, Pinkie,"Applejack said.

"I know, but if something bad's happening, I always say to make something good out of it." Pinkie smiled as she took a large bite out of her ice cream, then she clutched her head and yelled, "brain freeze!"

"Wait, where Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked, afraid that her friend was trapped inside.

"Right here!," Rainbow's voice spoke as she flew next to them, "What's happening?"

"We were told it just bust into flames." Pinkie explained before they heard a stallion speak up.

"Are there any more ponies inside?" he asked.

"No, I think that was the last of them." another replied.

"Help!" a young voice call out and they all look to see a filly with a white fur coat with a bright yellow mane and tail on the top floor.

"We can't get up there! The stairs are busted and the pegasi are too busy to go in and try." a third firepony shouted, fearing that it was too late.

Rainbow gave a face of determination. "I got to go save her."

"Wait! Rainbow!" Twilight tried to stop her. "Do you really think you should?"

"Twilight, there isn't anything left to do, I have to save her!" Rainbow said.

"But, Rainbow!" Twilight tried to warn her about how this could link with her thoughts, but it was too late once Rainbow became a rainbow-colored, blurred line that zoomed into the mansion.

"Rainbow Dash! Ugh!" Twilight groaned.

"What is it, darling?" Rarity asked.

"You're not going to like this..." Twilight started to explain Rainbow's feelings about dying and how the mansion could relate to this.

The other elements of harmony just stared in horror at the thought of their friend dying.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said.

"I hope you're wrong about this." Pinkie said.

"You know what, Pinkie?" Twilight responded. "So do I."

Rainbow flew in without thinking when she heard the filly being trapped on the top floor. She was over her head, but a young pony's life was in trouble and she going to save it whether she died or not. The heat started to slow her down, but she kept pushing. A beam fell in front of her, but she jump back so the flames wouldn't hurt her.

"Help!" she heard the filly again.

"Where are you!?" Rainbow shouted.

"In here!" she heard once more.

Rainbow jump over the beam, feeling the flames lick at her fur coat. She ran until she found some doors and call out again, "Which door are you in?!"

"The fifth door on the right!" she heard again.

Rainbow could tell time was running out. She flew to the fifth door and kicked it open. She flew in and saw the filly in a corner wrapped in a ball. Rainbow flew up to her and picked her up.

"Don't worry, I got you." Rainbow said.

Rainbow tried to fly out the window until several boards blocked her path.

"Dang it," Rainbow muttered, seeing how she couldn't go that way anymore, quickly she started to try running back the way she came, jumping over some more beams and started to run down the stairs as fast as she could.

Rainbow looked back to the filly.

"You doing alright back there?" she asked, the filly nodded.

"Look out!" the filly exclaimed as she pointed.

Rainbow looked ahead and was just barely able to stop herself from running into a giant wall of fire. There was a crack and Rainbow was sent plummeting all the way to the ground floor, luckily they were unharmed. Rainbow stood back up and shook off pieces of ash as the filly did the same.

"You alright, kid?" Rainbow asked, the filly smiled and nodded. That was wheard another crack and looked up. The ceiling was starting to fall and the filly was underneath it!

There was only one thing to do.

Rainbow pushed the filly out of the way as the ceiling fell on her instead. The filly stood up and tried to go back in hopes to help the mare that trying to save her, but Rainbow knew there was no time.

"Listen! You gotta get out of here! This place is about to collapse!" Rainbow told her.

"But what about you?" the filly asked.

"Don't worry about me! Get out of here! The exit should be around the corner!" Rainbow said again.

The filly didn't want to leave Rainbow behind, but she could see that she was right. Then she hugged her hero and ran out as fast as her legs can carry her. Rainbow smiled as she watched the filly disappear around the corner just before more boards fell in front of the only exit.

Guess that thought was true after all. Today is my last day, and I'm okay with that after I know I helped somepony from having their last day. Rainbow thought before she heard more cracking.

Rainbow lay her head down and close her eyes. She was ready and she did have the best life, at least if she was going to die, she was doing it heroically.

Outside, all the ponies watched as the filly came running out, but no sign of Rainbow Dash.

"Where's Rainbow?" asked Fluttershy as the filly came to them.

"The mare is still inside! She's trap under a piece of the ceiling!" the filly shouted pointing to the mansion.

The rest of the Mane Six was about to run in hoping to save their friend, but it was too late.

The mansion finally gave in to the heat and flames and collapsed with Rainbow Dash still inside!

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy shouted in pure horror.

They stood and look over the burning wreckage. They couldn't believe what just happen. Rainbow Dash, their friend and one of the Elements of Harmony, was gone.

Pinkie's mane immediately lost its poofiness as she hugged Fluttershy for comfort, both were crying a river of tears. Applejack removed her hat and put it on her chest as she looked down in despair. Twilight and Rarity just kept looking at the smoldering rubble.

"She sacrificed herself," Twilight said. "At least she died a hero."

And this was just the start of Rainbow Dash's heroism.

Author's Note:

This is the first time I wrote an Character death. This is the only chapter though, Before you ask about the start please know even in real life something tell people that their live will end. I, myself, never had those thoughts. Don't worry, Rainbow not completely gone. Next chapter will be the rebirth of Rainbow Dash and the start of the new Mega Mare.