• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 2,947 Views, 73 Comments

Mega Mare - Shazam 25

Rainbow was really over her head this time. She save a life of a filly and was kill during the rescue. Now she be reborn as the first Robot Pegasus, Mega Mare!

  • ...

Birth of Mega Mare Part 1-Revised by Cyber System

A few hours after the fire burned out, several worker ponies were cleaning up the wood that didn't burn up, and there was a lot of it. The news of Rainbow's death spread across Equestria like wildfire, it was truly a very sad day. The rest of the Mane Six had shut themselves away from others. Many ponies thought they needed time alone and left them be. A big funeral was planned once Rainbow's body was found or at least until her death was confirmed.

One worker let out a loud groan as he looked at the giant pile that was left.

"Ugh, how many more layers of rubble are there left?", he complained, "We've been going at this for over four hours!"

"Stop complaining!" another responded. "The sooner we get this done the sooner you can go home! Besides, there's still a pegasus body under here!"

"If that body still around!" a third worker argued. "Even it it wasn't destroyed it's probably a skeleton or piles of ash by now, plus it's not like somepony's going to find it and shout-"

"HEY, OVER HERE!" a third shouted, almost on cue.

Quickly all the other workers hurried over to help remove more rubble to find what they were looking for: the pegasus body that died in the wreckage. What was left of Rainbow was a black husk of singed ash and flesh, a couple bones were visible and broken, her rainbow-hued mane was turned to a black, burned, pile of ash along with her coat. In all honesty the only way they knew it was Rainbow Dash was that the body belonged to a pegasus because of the wing bones and the obvious fact that Rainbow was the only one in the building when it collapsed.

"We better call the royal guards." one of the workers said and the rest nodded.

The news about Rainbow's body being found quickly overtook her death. Once the news reach her friends, they rushed to Ponyville Hospital. Following behind them was CMC, like the Mane Six, they too took Rainbow's death hard, especially Scootaloo, since she's one of Rainbow's biggest fans, the very thought of Rainbow Dash being dead crushed her soul.

Once they reaches the hospital, they immediately began asking staff and searching for their friend's room, all while the princesses Celestia and Luna were in that room in question with Dr. Stable, who oust completed the autopsy.

"We did all that we could do, Princesses," he said as he covered Rainbow's body with a sheet. "But I'm afraid that there is no chance she survived the fire. Currently her body is too damaged for public eyes."

"We understand, Doctor," Celestia replied. "We have already sent a message to her parents about what happen. Rainbow Dash was very brave to save that filly and give up her own life, she will not be forgotten."

The distinct sound of Pinkie's voice came from outside.

"This is it! Here it is!" She said before shortly she, the rest of the mane six, and the CMC came in before being stopped by Dr. Stable.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over, you will have to leave," he said before Celestia put her hoof on him to gain his attention.

"They are Rainbow's friends and as such have full permission to be here for as long as Luna and I are here," she said.

"Oh! Of course, Princess." Dr. Stable said with a bow before leaving the room, allowing the other elements and the CMC in.

Once he did, Scootaloo was the first to ask what was on their minds.

"How is she?" she asked.

"Her body was worse than we've ever seen. I think it would be unwise for you to see." Luna said.

"Guess Rainbow's thought was true after all," Applejack said.

"What thought?" Celestia ask.

"When Rainbow offer to help with the farm chores, she told me a thought appear in her head saying that it was her last day alive," Applejack explained. "I already told Twilight and I was hoping she could help, but when Rainbow went in to save the filly..." she caught herself from emotion.

"Guess we're never going to see her again," she finished with a sigh.

The moment of silence was broken by a new voice. "Excuse me, is this the room of Rainbow Dash?"

Everypony turn to see the same white unicorn that Rainbow bumped into earlier, walking in along with pink earth pony mare with a dark blue mane and tail.

"Who are you?" Twilight ask them.

"My name is Light, a well-known inventor across Equestria," he said.

"And I'm Spay, you may know me by my variety of mane products," the earth pony said next.

"Of course, I heard of you," Rarity said to Spay. "You provided some of the most astounding ways to keep hair full of color, but what is somepony like you doing with an inventor such as Light?"

Light stepped up to answer. "Well, Spay and I actually share very similar dreams of peace across Equestria by means of technological advancement. Also..." he hesitated. "Spay's under house arrest for doing dangerous experiments."

"All I want to do was extend everypony's lifespan!" Spay argued.

"Spay, we already went over this, your theories and plans are excellent, but too flawed and dangerous to put them into action." Light remind her.

"What was wrong with them?" asked Fluttershy.

"Spay wanted to implant cybernetics into ponies," Light replied. "Some even to the point of complete roboticization."

"I don't see a flaw for that, that's awesome!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"No, Pinkie, it's not!", Twilight replied, "If ponies were turned into robots, they might lose free will, they would only do what they were told to do and lose the ability to make their own choices, not to mention how dangerous that is alone."

"Thanks for rubbing it in," Spay grumbled.

Light stepped in to end the discussion. "Now, now, let's not pour lemon juice on the papercut here, I did tell you that I would support you in the future, and I believe now is the perfect time to accomplish both our goals at once."

"Says you..." Spay said under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing!"

"Alright, anyway, if we were to have a look at the body, we could see if the procedure will have at least a fraction chance of success."

Celestia showed the documents and the charred body of Rainbow Dash, the two looked at them with interest.

"Brain slightly damaged..." Light muttered as he read the documents. "Organs damaged... but all relatively intact," he said enthusiastically.

"Spay, this is the perfect speciment we could use!"

Spay nodded. "This is perfect, almost coincidental." she said.

"Um, what are you talking about?" Pinkie asked, confused.

"You see, Rainbow Dash has extreme damage in her skin, but her organs and brain remain intact enough to still be functional if given a little 'jump start', so with some robotics and machinery to support her body, we may have a way to bring your friend back," Light said, surprising the others.

"Really?!" Scootaloo asked, almost about to jump on them and beg them to start working.

Light nodded. "Yes, we plan on giving Rainbow Dash a new body to continue her life as a reward for all that she has done for Equestria, with the Princesses' permission of course."

"Wait! You want to make Rainbow Dash into a robot?!" Rarity asked in surprise.

Light nodded. "In a way, yes."

"But, what will happen if it works?" Fluttershy asked next.

"Truth to be told, we never did something like this, it's our first time working with biological bodies and robotics together so to be honest, we don't even know if it will work." Light answered.

"Alright, so let's say it does work," Twilight replied, "How will Rainbow act? Will she be a new pony that has to relive her life or will you be able to have her the way she was?"

"If we were building a robot we would give it an AI, but like I said, this is a real, biological body we are talking about. I don't exactly know what will happen if we do this," Light answered once more.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this..." Celestia said.

Pinkie looked at the princesses, giving them the desperate 'puppy eyes'.

"Please Princesses?" she asked. "It won't be as much fun without Rainbow around."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other after giving it some thought, clearly they were thinking the same thing.

"All right," Celestia said. "We will allow it, but only out of the fact that there is no other option left. If it fails, we will have the funeral."

"Thank you, Princesses," Light said with a polite bow. "Spay? Can you go fill out the papers so we can take Rainbow's body to a place where we can work?"

Spay nodded. "Of course, but where are we going to work? I'm not sure if we have the right resources for this kind of work."

"Maybe we can help," Luna answered. "Whatever you need, we will get it for you."

"We are grateful for your kindness, Princess Luna." Light said with a bow.

"Is there anything we can help you with?" Scootaloo asked pointing to her and the rest of the CMC. "Maybe this could give us cutie marks in... whatever you're going to do."

Light smiled at them but shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but you three are a little too young for this kind of work. As for the rest of you, we mean no disrespect, but we need to be alone for this, this process requires undisturbed concentration."

"We understand, but you will tell us how it goes, right?" Twilight asked.

Light smiled and nodded.

"Yes, you have my word, Twilight," Light said as Spay walked out to sign the papers to allow the two to begin.

Hours later, Rainbow's body was moved to a room in Canterlot Castle that was blocked off from all pubic eyes, not even the media was informed to give Light and Spay the needed privacy, the only ones allowed in were the princesses to give them their needs. material when they needed it. The work was long and slow, only stopping to eat, sleep or take care of other things, such as keeping Rainbow's friends updated on Rainbow's status at the end of each day. Finally, after three long weeks, they were finished and about to exit the lab for the last time.

"Spay, why don't you go wash up? I'll let the Princesses know that we're done," Light said.

"Of course Light, but I must say, if we can do this then imagine what we can do to all of Equestria!" Spay said, smiling about their work. "We could extend ponies' lives, cure diseases, maybe even stop world hunger!"

Light sighed. "Spay, we already discussed this, I am always willing to help other ponies I only did this to help the others. I will not turn ponies into machines, it's just too risky. We got luckily time, I'm still surprise we got her mane and tail to grow back in its normal colors."

Spay wanted to argue, but instead she said, "Fine! I'll see you later," then she almost stormed out of the room. Light sighed and used a spell to clean himself up, then went to find the Princesses.

Meanwhile, Spay found a wash room and clean all the 'work' off her. She was still steaming about what Light said, she just wanted to give ponies a way to live longer and make life happier, she had no plans on making them full machines. Spay was tired of her ideas being ignored, she comes up with a brilliant idea that could save ponykind and it goes over everypony's heads, but when Light makes a machine to do a simple task, everyone knows about it. Her Mane Products may be a big hit around Equestria, but her other ideas were never taking notice; she doesn't even like working with mane products, her true passion was with robotics, but when even her partner denies the credits she deserves, that is where she draws the line.

Light walk through the castle and soon found both Princesses talking to the Mane Six and the CMC's. He stepped up and clear his throat.

"We are finished, all that is left now is to see how she acts when she wakes up, which should be any minute now," he said.

"Can we see her?" Twilight ask.

Light nodded. "Of course, follow me and thank you again, princesses for giving Spay and me this chance."

"You're welcome, just don't try this with any more ponies after this." Celestia said.

Light shook his head. "Don't worry, we won't, the process is too severe to be done on other ponies, Rainbow Dash was a suitable candidate for this project because of her body being too mangled that she would have died regardless."

"We wouldn't have to worry about that if you would listen to me for once." Spay grumbled under her breath.

"Now if I'm correct, Rainbow should be waking up by now," Light said and led them to the room.

>Checking system functions... 100%

>Checking solar energy...100%

>Systems online...

Rainbow open her eyes and look around, tried to push through the blurry surroundings as she sat up slowly, immediately noticing something odd and different about her body. However, before she could question the mysterious difference, Rainbow suddenly had an extreme headache that made her clutch her head in pain and lie back down. Once the headache left and she could recognize everything, Rainbow could now see that she was in a lab of some kind and she was sitting on a table. She got down on all four hooves and tried to step forward, only to lose her balance and fall off the table.

What's going on? Where am I? My legs feel like jelly. Rainbow thought.

She decided to take it slow, she didn't know how long she was out, but then again her brain was out of whack too and thinking too much made her head hurt again. Rainbow took small steps until she was able to walk without grabbing something to catch herself. Rainbow walk to the door close by and open it. She step out to see she was in Canterlot Castle. Rainbow then tried to fly, but her wings started hurting when she flapped them.

What's going on? I can't fly and I still feel weird. Rainbow thought again.

She took it slow again and soon she was flying once more, albeit only a few inches in the air for only three seconds. Rainbow was going to continue before hearing some hoof-steps. She turn and saw the Princesses, her friends, the CMC and the unicorn she bumped into. Once they reach her, her friends just stood there in shock. Rainbow look all over herself thinking she might got something on her.

"Rainbow Dash? Is that really you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Huh? Of course it's me, why do you say that?" Rainbow replied, confused.

She was answered by her friends jumping on her,hugging as hard as they could. Rainbow was surprised to see that she hardly felt any of them, she was about to ask them what was going on before noticing something on her head which turned out to be Scootaloo with tears in her eyes.

"Scoots, are you crying?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, I'm just happy to see that you still remember us," Scootaloo said, wiping away a tear.

"Huh?" Rainbow asked, confused. "Remember you? What are you talking about?"

"Allow me to explain," Light said as he stepped up.

"Hey, I know you, you're that unicorn that I bumped into earlier," Rainbow said.

"Yes, we never did have a chance to tell each other names. I'm Light and I rebuilt you," Light said, introducing himself.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, the coolest and fastest pegasus in Eques-" she caught on to what he just said. "Wait... REBUILT ME?!"

Light nodded. "Yes, do you remember anything that happen to you before now?"

Rainbow began to think about what happened, she remembered sitting on a cloud, helping Applejack with the farm, rushing in to save a filly, having a piece of the burning ceiling fall on her... then waking up here. She stopped and her eyes widened with shock once she figured out what happened to her.

"I... died?" she ask softly.

Light nodded sullenly. "I'm afraid so, Rainbow Dash, fortunately my assistant, Spay and i took your body and rebuild you in a robot, but it looks like you still have your memories."

Rainbow head was spinning. She died and was built into a robot?

>Warning... systems overheating... begin shutdown mode.

"What..." Rainbow started to say before her vision went black and her body drop with a loud 'CLANG!' throwing Scootaloo off as well.

"What happened?" Twilight asked Light.

"It appears the shock was too much for her to handle and had to shut down to stop from overheating," Light said before Spay came walking in, already seeing Rainbow on the floor.

"Did you move her already, Light?" she asked.

"No, Rainbow Dash just woke up on her own and I guess she was taking time to get use to the new body. We arrive to see that she was flying a little before I explain what we did to her, her system overheated and shut down," Light said then noticed that Spay was still dirty.

"Spay, I thought I told you to get cleaned up."

"I did, but headed back to the lab to check on the Robot Masters," Spay said.

"Robot Masters?" Twilight ask.

"Yes, they were the first robots we built before we moved here," Light said. "We were hoping there would be enough peacefulness for us in Ponyville to put on the finishes touches on them before we can show them to Equestria."

"Can we see them?" Twilight asked excited.

Light chuckled.

"Well, I guess so, we need to return to Ponyville anyway to finish on Rainbow's design," he said, picking up Rainbow's body with his magic.

"My sister and I will bring in a transport for you while we remain in Canterlot to schedule an announcement for this wonderful event," Celestia said. "But be sure to return within a few hours."

They returned to Ponyville to see a huge lab built on hill not to far away. Light lead them inside and were greeted by a red earth pony mare with a blonde mane and tail much like Applejack's, except with a green band on her head.

"Hi Light! Hi Spay!" she said cheerfully.

"Wow! She got to have as much energy as Pinkie." Applejack said.

"Oh, you brought friends with you! Hi, I'm Melody." the earth pony said, taking notices of the guests.

"Nice to met you, Melody, I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity; these are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Twilight said.

"Nice to meet you all! I was hoping Light would bring some friends after being gone for so long, get boring being in this lab all day," Melody said, before she spotted Rainbow Dash.

"Who's that?" she asked. "A new robot?"

"That's Rainbow Dash, Melody, a friend of ours who lost her life saving a filly from a burning mansion and was rebuilt into a robot," Light explained, "We just brought her here to finish the last touches on her design."

"Your Kidding! A pegasus rebuilt into a robot," Melody said amazed as Light took Rainbow into another room before she turned to the others.

"So that's what he was doing for three weeks. Wow, and to think it took him a month to build me."

"I know r- wait, built?" Twilight said, surprised. "You're a robot?"

Melody nodded. "Yep!"

"She looks like a real pony to me." Applejack said, shocked as well.

"Melody! Can you give me a hoof please?" Light called out from the other room.

"Be right there!" Melody replied before turning to the others. "I got to go, maybe we can hang out some time."

Shortly Light returned to the others.

"I understand your confusion, I tried to make Melody as pony-like as possible, and it seems I did a good job. Anyway, would you like to see the Robot Masters while we wait for Rainbow to wake up?" he said.

The guests nodded and followed Light to another, much larger room that had six deactivated robots of each pony type.

"I'd like to present the Robot Masters," he said. "Each one was build to help in any way they can. Guts Stallion's strength enables him to easily work with construction and heavy lifting situations, Bomb Stallion's Hyper Bomb will assist in demolition and wreckage clearing in a safe, Cut Stallion's razor sharp blades allow easy methods of deforestation and cutting various obstetrical, Ice Stallion's design allow him to easily survive and study arctic ecosystems, Fire Stallion's burning heat provides easy waste-management situations, and finally, Elec Stallion's design helps him keep the voltage in power plants stable. I also had three other designs for time travel, oil management, and adhesive construction, but there was no point in building the first two and I lost the designs for the third one a long time ago, but that doesn't matter right now."

"What about Melody?" Twilight asked.

"Melody was made for two things: to help around the lab and to be my daughter," Light told.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

Light nodded. "Yes, I was once married years ago, unfortunately I lost my wife in an accident. She was going to have a filly as well," Light explained sadly.

"We're sorry for your loss, Light," Applejack said knowing that he misses his family.

"Thank you, Applejack. Anyway, now we should see if Rainbow is awake," Light said as he started to walk away with the others following.

Twilight walked up to Light. "Hey, Light, I got a question, how many robots did you build?"

Light thought about it.

"Hm, counting Rainbow Dash, that makes nine robots so far," he answered.

"Nine? Who's the last one?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, he's no longer around, I don't want to talk about it," Light said, mildly depressed.

>Systems cooled down... reactivating.

Rainbow opened her eyes again and looked around.

"Wow, deja vu," Rainbow said, seeing she was once more in a lab, albeit slightly different.

Rainbow got off the table she was laying on and thought back to what was told her, she was a robot? Rainbow looked in a mirror and saw that she didn't look anything like a robot. In fact she still looked like a pegasus. Even if she was one, she found it weird and cool at the same time. Maybe she can use this new body to do more tricks. She then heard the door open and saw Spay walk in.

"Um, Hi?" Rainbow said, never seeing her before.

"Hm? Oh, I see you're awake. My name is Spay, I helped bring you back to life," Spay said as she reached her hoof out.

"I'm Rainbow Dash," Rainbow said, shaking it, making Spay wince in pain.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" Spay exclaimed as Rainbow shook.

Rainbow immediately removed her hoof. "Sorry! Still getting use to this, I don't know my own strength anymore."

"It's fine, I'm well familiar with robots being stronger than ponies" Spay said, waving her hoof to shake out the pain.

"So, where am I now?" Rainbow asked, remembering the last place she was in was Canterlot Castle.

"You're in Light's and my lab in Ponyville," Spay answered. "Now, there's something I want to tell you-" before she could say anything, the door opened again and Light and the other walk in.

"Good to see your awake again, Rainbow Dash." Light said. "Now, if you'd mind, we'd like to-"

"Hold on a second, Doc," Rainbow interrupted. "Spay was about to tell me something."

"Oh, it can wait," Spay said, silently growling.

"Alright," Light said. "Anyway, the princesses have scheduled an announcement to tell about your rebirth, so until then of you'd like, we need to go over some test with you to make sure everything is working just fine."

Rainbow thought about it for a brief moment before shrugging and nodding.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that," she said. "Heh, I bet everypony would freak if they saw me alive again."

Everypony laughed, except Spay on the other hoof just walk out without anypony noticing. She was hoping to get Rainbow to work alongside her in making some ponies like her, but with the Princesses around, there was no way for her to do so. She has to come up with a plan.

Author's Note:

I'm spiting this chapter. Now you are properly wondering about Light and Spay. If they are already know for their talents then why have them working with machines? Well I needed two ponies to play Dr. Light and Dr. Wily roles and I made them up. Also because I can't find the look of the Robot Masters any where on the internet I'll will tell you they look like the Robot Master from the first Mega Man game, only as ponies instead. The Unicorns Robot Masters are Fire, Ice, and Elec Stallions. The Earth Ponies are Guts, Cut, and Bomb Stallions. Next will have Spay try to take over Equestria and Rainbow becoming Mega Mare.