• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 2,947 Views, 73 Comments

Mega Mare - Shazam 25

Rainbow was really over her head this time. She save a life of a filly and was kill during the rescue. Now she be reborn as the first Robot Pegasus, Mega Mare!

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Birth of Mega Mare Part 2

A few days later... Rainbow was holding huge blocks with her friends watching. They were trying seeing how much she could hold. Each stone was weight 1000 pounds each and she was hold up three of them right now. Light took some notes and place another one on. Rainbow grunt as she try to hold on. Every though she was a robot now, she was still the same pegasus her friends knew and love. Rainbow was willing to take the chances with her new body and was doing great. Her speed had greatly increase in the air and land. She could easily do a Sonic Rainboom without any problems. Thanks to Light explaining some things about her body, Rainbow discover that with Celestia sun she can run a lot better like she was fully awake and didn't need naps. When she ask about nights, she was told there was a back-up for her energy source where she runs off of Luna's Moon.

Another stone was drop on and Rainbow was starting to have a hard time holding them up. It look like her new body had reach it limit. She threw the stones up and flew out of the way. Once she was in clear, she sat down to catch her breath. She knew she was a robot now, but wanted to remain as a pony and did everything to make sure to be one.

"5000 pounds. I knew we made you strong, but not that strong." Light said impress.

"Yeah, surprise me too." Rainbow said and stood up.

Pinkie appear in front of her with a cupcake. Rainbow was a little surprise to see one, but roll her eyes. She took it and Twilight spoke up.

"Rainbow you do know because you're a robot now you don't have to eat." She said.

Rainbow sigh at those words, she was never going to get use to being call a robot.

"I don't want to be one Twilight, So I'm trying to be as pony as possible." Rainbow said.

"Pony as possible?" Applejack repeated.

"Don't worry, Because I use your old body you can still eat and sleep like normal ponies." Light said and began to check up on her.

Rainbow remain still. She remember she could never stay in the same place for long, but her new body had that remove and now she had no problem being still. After Light check up on her, he wrote down more notes and nods.

"Ok Rainbow, We are done for the day. You're free to go, but I like for you to return in an week for another check up. Got to make sure your body doesn't malfunctions until then." Light said.

"Ok, now can I go? Princess Celestia wants me at Canterlot so everypony can see I'm alive." Rainbow said.

"Ah yes of course. It also where I can show the Robot Masters." Light said.

"Can I come too?!" Melody asked, when she heard what was going on.

"Huh? You never be to Canterlot?" Twilight ask.

"No, in fact I never left the lab at all." Melody said.

"What in tarnation...Light!" Applejack said angrily at the Unicorn.

"Please relax, I been waiting for the right time and I think it time for Melody to see Equestria." Light said, throwing his hooves up.

"Well Melody you're in luck! Not only because we been to Canterlot many times, but Twilight was born there!" Pinkie pipe up happily.

"Really?! Wow! Why didn't you tell me Twilight?" Melody ask.

"Err...," Twilight try to get the words out, but luckily Rainbow came to the rescue.

"We can worry about it later. After all Princess Celestia is waiting." She said.

They all nods and Twilight put a cloak spell on Rainbow. After all, all of Equestria still thought Rainbow was dead. It was better for it to remain that way until the Princesses show her to them.

Spay was already at Canterlot. She waited until the others arrive before she put her plan into action. She decide that if her ideas won't be noticed, then she'll made them notice. She was so caught up in making her ideas noticeable that she slowly started to think that no one else cares about her. There was one plan she had, get the Robots and reprogram them. Once every pony left the room where the Robot Masters were store. Once they were alone she got to work. They may look like ponies, but they will follow her commands.

Outside, all the ponies in Canterlot gather at the Castle. There were some news about seeing something new and some rumor that Rainbow's body has finally be found. They all went quiet when Princess Celestia step up.

"My little ponies, today I have something to tell you. Something that will shock all of you as it did me and my sister." Celestia said and the ponies talk along themselves.

"First we have a shocking surprise. You all remember Rainbow Dash, the pegasus that give her life to save a life?", Celestia ask letting the thought sink in, "Well she been found and she been reborn."

Luna then took over, "With help from two ponies name Light and Spay, Rainbow Dash was built as the first robot pegasus, but before we show you, we ask you all to treat her the way you treat her before."

Twilight knew what to do and drop the cloak spell and everypony gasp to see Rainbow flying over them.

"Rainbow was rebuilt in a robot like Luna said and here is one of the ponies. His name is Light." Celestia said and Light step up.

"Thank you Princesses Celestia and Luna. Yes, I'm one of the ponies that turn Rainbow Dash in a the first pony-turn-robot. However, it was no easy task mind you. Replacing parts of her body would be too great to tell you and it was very messy work. I also would like to welcome a group of Robots that me and my partner Spay had built. I give you the first Robot Masters!" Light said then try to show them the robots.

But they didn't appear. They all waited, but nothing appear.

"That odd, I upload the command to appear when I call them." Light said confuse.

Rainbow found it odd too, but then her mind started shouting...


Rainbow shook her head before looking up to see a giant piece of the castle falling straight at the Princesses!

Rainbow quickly flew up to the piece and caught it. Good thing it wasn't over 5000 pounds. Rainbow quickly threw it away from Canterlot and began to look around. There was a sound of thunder and Rainbow look up to see Elec Stallion ready to fire his electric. Rainbow was quick by grabbing a cloud and placing it in the attack path, turning it in a thunder cloud. The she heard some laughter.

"AHAHAHAHA! You ponies really believe that Light really did all this?", Spay said as she stood on the castle, "For too long you have ignore my ideas whiling you love my Mane products. Well no more! The Robot Masters will follow my commands now!"

"Spay! What are you doing?! We did not built them to attack others!" Light shouted.

"Say what you want, you dismiss my idea of giving ponies a chance to live longer and we just show that by showing Rainbow Dash." Spay said.

Then she turn to her and smile once more, "Join me Rainbow Dash, join me and we can show what a robot pony can do."

Rainbow wasn't having any of it. She flew in place and cross her hooves in front of her.

"Forget it!", She shouted, "I'm grateful to both you and Light for giving me another chance to live, but I don't want to be seen as robot. I was born as a pony and I'll stay as a pony!"

"You could so much more with that body. You're special Rainbow Dash, you deserve a better life than this." Spay said.

"Give it up Spay, I won't go to the side that starting to using robots for evil. I'm loyal to my friends and I will never leave them hanging." Rainbow said.

Spay was getting mad. She offer Rainbow a chance what she could do with her new body and she turn it down because she didn't want to live her friends? Spay decided that enough was enough.

"Fine then! From this day forward, Spay is no more! I will now be... DR. MANE-TIC! And I will rule over all of Equestria!" Spay said.

"What?!" The Mane Six shouted.

"Spay! Have you lost your mind?!" Light shouted.

"No, Light I have not.", Dr. Mane-tic said, "I have been reborn like Rainbow Dash and there nothing you can do to stop me. I even taking control of all your robots!"

"What? NO!!!" Light shouted.

"For now, I will fall back and start my new plans. For too long you outshine me in every way. Well now it my turn! HAHAHAHAHA!" Dr. Mane-tic laugh and disappear along with the two Robot Masters she already had.

A few minutes later, Light sat on the floor trying to warping his mind on what just happen. Spay is trying to take over Equestria and using their robots to do it? He hug his head in shame. The Mane Six, on the other hand, were talking about how they were going to stop Spay from taking over Equestria.

"I can't believe that one of Rainbow savors is trying to take over Equestria just because she thinks her ideas weren't notices." Applejack said shaking her head.

"There got to be a way to stop that meanie before somepony gets hurt!" Pinkie added.

"And get Spay to realizes she was thinking wrong." Fluttershy said.

"Maybe we can use the Elements to stop her." Twilight said thinking.

"It won't work.", Light spoke up, "We build the Robot Masters to stand up against anything. That even means the Elements of Harmony."

"Then what can we do?" Twilight ask.

"If only there was a way to stop the bots." Fluttershy said sadly.

Rainbow was thinking on what had happen since she was reborn. The thought of Spay...no...Dr. Mane-tic ruling Equestria didn't suit well with her.

She then look up and said, "I'll do it."

Everypony turn to her. They saw the look in Rainbow's face, but they were confuse in what she was talking about.

"Do what?" Twilight ask.

"To go and stop the Robot Masters." Rainbow said with a seriously look on her face.

"But Rainbow, you were just brought back! We don't want to lose you again." Fluttershy gasp.

"I own both Light and Spay my life. If Spay is turning into a mad-pony then I'm going to have to stop her. Please, I'm the only one that can right now." Rainbow said.

Light sigh once more and stood up.

"Alright, We can help get you ready for battle. There were two prototype armors I made in case something like this would happen, though I never wish it. With one of the armors, I can give your body upgrades." He said.

"What kind of upgrades?" Twilight ask.

"Powerful body armor that can stand powerful blows, a Plasma Buster, a Weapon Change System built inside. I even have one blue." Light said, thinking about one of the armors.

"How long will it take?" Rainbow ask.

"Not long. It be pretty easy for you to wear due to you body being rebuilt. Only thing is it back at my lab." Light said.

"Then let get you and Rainbow there so up can upgrade her." Pinkie pipe up.

"We, in the meantime, will look out for Spay and the Robot Masters." Celestia said.

"Once Rainbow is ready, we will send the location over once we find them." Luna said.

"Of course, Now are you ready Rainbow Dash? This is something I never wanted to happen." Light ask her.

"Yes, I'm ready and I will stop Dr. Mane-tic." Rainbow said ready for anything.

"Melody, I need you to stay here and keep an eye out for anything. I put tracker spells on all of them and you should able to sense them." Light said to the robot earth pony.

"Will do Light." Melody nodded.

At Light lab, Light got to work instating the armor on Rainbow Dash. Her hooves were cover in dark blue with her left hoof being able to turn into the Plasma Buster. Her lower hooves had air boosters that allow her to jump higher. The rest of her body was cover in the same color as her fur coat, but cover her cutie mark. Her tail still stick out from behind and her wings still came out as well. Once Light was done Rainbow look over herself.

"Hm, This is kind of cool, but how will this help me again?" Rainbow said then ask.

"The whole armor is build out of light ceramic chitin, the rarest metal in Equestria. With your body being turn into a robot, it was an idea choice for you." Light explain.

"I see." Rainbow turn and saw the Helmet to the armor.

She walk over and pick it up. It was dark blue with a light blue square and line on it. She also saw what she believe were pony ears only cover in metal on it. Just then Spike comes running in the lab, thanks to Twilight telling him where it was, with a letter in his claw.

"Are you Light?" Spike ask.

"That is me, I take your Spike? Twilight told me about you." Light answer.

"Yeah, Here!" Spike said and hand him the letter.

Light read it and then turn to Rainbow who place on her helmet.

"The Robot Masters have been spotted attacking Canterlot City. Are you ready?" Light said then ask.

"I was born ready." The blue armor pegasus said.

The Robot Masters were indeed attack Canterlot City. Bomb Stallion threw his Hyper Bombs at everything making buildings blow up as well as other things. Guts Stallion destroy buildings by running into to them and even pick up large rocks and threw them. Cut Stallion threw his Rolling Cutter, slashing up stands as ponies duck under the incoming blades. Fire Stallion shot his fire even where, which started some fires. Ice Stallion shot his ice, freezing everything and even got close to freezing some ponies. Elec Stallion shot his electric in the air and made lighting bolts strike the ground. Dr. Mane-tic watch over as the Robot Masters attack the city. She order them to leave Ponies alive, but scare them with their attacks. Just as thing was started to look it worst and new sound was heard in the air.

All the Robot Masters stop what they were doing and look in air to see a cyan beam descend from the sky and land on the ground. They saw the beam turn into a blue mare with parts of it rainbow mane sticking out of it helmet and a rainbow tail as well. It stood up with a determined look on it face.

"What this? Rainbow Dash?", Dr. Mane-tic ask herself before ordering, "Robot Masters! That is a enemy, destroy it!"

Rainbow watch as all six Robot Masters walk up to her. She could tell this was a fight, but she didn't come here for one. She decide to talk to them first.

"I don't want to fight." She said.

"Well, you got one." Elec Stallion said.

"I ask for you to surrender and return to Light side." Rainbow said again.

"Heh, think we'll surrender? We will never do that." Guts Stallion said pounding his hooves.

Rainbow sigh, she was really hoping it wasn't going to this. She raise her left hoof in the air and it turn into her buster. She quickly fire, knocking down Fire Stallion, Ice Stallion and Bomb Stallion. Elec Stallion call forth his electric and charge at Rainbow. She quickly counter by firing at him. After Elec Stallion was knock down, Cut Stallion threw his sub rolling cutter which Rainbow dodge by standing on her back hooves and turn her to body to the side. She then ran up and deliver an uppercut that knock him into the air and crash into Guts Stallion who started to rush in. Ice Stallion stood back up and ready his ice. Rainbow fire casing him to throw his aim off and freeze Bomb Stallion instead. Once they were all down, Rainbow walk over and pick up Elec Stallion.

"Give up, I really don't want to hurt you. You were made to help ponies, not attack them." She said.

"Who in Equestria think you are?" Elec Stallion ask.

Luckily, Rainbow already came up with a name.

"I'm Mega Mare." She said and place him back on the ground.

"Fall back!" Dr. Mane-tic order.

The Robot Masters stood back up, surprise to hear an order.

"Come on we can take her!" Guts Stallion argue.

"It doesn't matter. Fall back and retreat. I have a plan." Dr. Mane-tic order again.

"That mare must be stop!" Bomb Stallion said once he thaw out of the ice.

"Follow the orders." Elec Stallion said.

The other teleported away, but Fire Stallion remain to look at her.

"Mega Mare. We will meet again." He said before teleporting after the others.

Rainbow was about to go after them, but decide against it because she didn't know where they were going. She stop the attack for now and Canterlot was safe. She look around to see ponies coming out of their hiding places and some even got close to her.

"It save now, but I fear they may return." She said.

"Who are you?" A pony ask.

They don't recognize me? I even have parts of my mane and my whole tail in plain sight and they don't know it me? Rainbow thought in surprise.

None-less she answer them with the same name as she told the Robot Masters.

"I'm Mega Mare and I will stop Dr. Mane-tic." She said and was teleported away.

All the ponies watch as she did and some look in the sky. Mega Mare, a Mare of Justice. They knew there was hero along them.

In a dark room, the Robot Masters stood in front of Dr. Mane-tic with a map of Canterlot on the wall.

"Here the plan, you will spit the city in six parts and do what you do best. That way the city will fall faster and the Princesses will be unable to stop you." She said.

"What about this blue mare? This...Mega Mare?" Elec Stallion ask.

"She is not like the rest of you. She was once a pony that lost her life saving a Filly from a fire. Me and Light rebuild her into a robot while still keeping her memories. If she appear again, destroy her! She already turn down my offer and now is an enemy to my new empire." Dr. Mane-tic said.

Fire Stallion was quite surprise to hear how Mega Mare die. But he kept it hidden. He knew once he meets her again he can then ask. He was also wondering why she didn't want to fight. Again he had to wait until he meets her again.

"Now here are the places, chose your mark and start attacking. Dismiss!" Dr. Mane-tic said.

They all walk out and look over the map to decide which area to go after first. The battle was far from over, oh no, it only just began.

Author's Note:

And that part 2. I decide to have Spay change her name to Dr. Mane-tic to act like a evil pony trying to take over Equestria, plus Spay doesn't sound scary at all right? Now there something I want you all to know about my grammar. I know you all think it could better, but here my problem, I know the word I'm looking for, I can say it, I just can't spell it! No matter how many times I try, I can not spell the word and it upset me so much that I just skip it and move on. You all may not believe it, but it the truth for me. I also use a scene from Eddie LeBron Fan Film Mega Man. It was a good movie too.