• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 2,947 Views, 73 Comments

Mega Mare - Shazam 25

Rainbow was really over her head this time. She save a life of a filly and was kill during the rescue. Now she be reborn as the first Robot Pegasus, Mega Mare!

  • ...

Mega Mare Vs. Elec Stallion

Rainbow once more teleport back into Light's Lab and set Cut Stallion on the table. She sigh once more his words still echoing around in her head. She look at Cut Stallion once more.

"Rainbow Dash?" She heard and turn around.

There she saw her friends at the door staring at her. There was one reason she could think of why.

"So how do I turn this off?" Rainbow ask hoping somepony knew.

Light step up and raise her right hoof, which was her buster, and open a screen. Rainbow then saw that a strange bar with the letters 'CUT' near it. She saw another that just had the letter 'P' on it. Light highlight the 'P' and she turn back to her normal colors.

"WOW!", Pinkie shouted and rush up to her, "I didn't know you can change colors, Rainbow."

"That what the Copy Weapon Ability does. In order to know what weapon is being use, the armor changes colors show the user that he/she is using the weapon they want." Light explain.

As Light explain how the copy weapon system work, Twilight notices that Rainbow was looker more "blue" then normal. She saw Cut Stallion and walk up to him. Twilight saw the damage that was done and guess Rainbow had no choice, but it still didn't explain why Rainbow look this way. She turn to see Rainbow walk out and had in mind to follow her. She knew Rainbow needs one thing right now and that was a friend by her side.

Rainbow sat down in the park after taking her armor off. She look up and saw ponies going on with their lives not knowing what she was going through. Her death and rebirth was long forgotten. Now Mega Mare was the talk of the village. Rainbow sigh before felling something tap her side. She turn and look down to see a filly. It took her awhile, but she notices that the filly look just like the one she save!

"Hi!" She said.

"Hey." Rainbow smile.

"I know you! Your that mare that save my life!" She shouted once she knew her.

"Heh, heh." Rainbow laugh sheepish.

"But I thought your were dead and thought somepony just make that robot up!" She said.

"Well, it true I die, but that robot was indeed me." Rainbow said.

"Wow, But how did they..." The filly started to ask.

"Heh, I don't know really. I wasn't alive when they turn me into a robot." Rainbow said then frown.

"What's wrong?" The Filly ask.

"It just, I don't feel like myself. Ever since I was reborn I feel more robot then a pony." Rainbow said sadly.

"It doesn't matter if your a robot. Your still a pony in my eyes, miss...uh?" The Filly said before she remember she didn't know the mare name.

"Rainbow Dash kid, The fastest Pegasus in Equestria." Rainbow told her.

"Rainbow Dash? That's a cool name!" The Filly smile.

"Heh, I am cool." Rainbow smile back.

"I'm Sunrise." The Filly said.

"Nice to met you Sunrise. So what are you doing here?" Rainbow said then ask.

"I'm just here to play with my friends when I saw you and couldn't help that you look familiar." Sunrise said.

"Yeah, I bet some ponies are having trouble believing that I'm alive. Heh, I bet even Cloudsdale will be shock." Rainbow said then laugh at the image of the ponies in Cloudsdale faces.

"Hey Sunrise!", A voice call out, "You know what time it is?"

"Oh, not her again." Sunrise groan.

Rainbow look up to see a red filly with a black mane and tail. She had a jewel for her cutie mark and Rainbow wasn't sure, but that filly remind her of some one when she was younger.

"What now Jewels?" Sunrise ask.

"Don't pretend you don't know. I'm going to have fun this time." Jewels smile.

"You're not going to pick on me anymore! I'm putting my hoof down." Sunrise said.

Rainbow smile to see that filly stand up for herself after hearing that she was pick on by this Jewels pony.

"Hey! You do what I say when I say! Just because your family rich doesn't mean you can boss me around." Jewels said.

Sunrise family is rich? Rainbow thought in surprise.

"Does it look like I care am richer then you? You think that because I'm rich that make me a target? Well you are dead wrong! I'm trying to be a normal pony." Sunrise shouted at her.

So, she's trying to be normal too? I guess not even pony has the same problem trying to fit in or in my case fit back in. Rainbow thought once more.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" Jewel shouted back and started to throw a punch.

Sunrise was getting ready to duck when something blue move in front of her and the sound of a loud "CLANG!" was heard. She look up to see Rainbow Dash in front of her taking the blow. She look past Rainbow to see Jewel holding her hoof as she cry out in pain.

Once she stop, Jewels turn to Rainbow and said, "Hey! Stay out of this!"

"No, I'm quite surprise to hear that Sunrise is rich and she trying her best to fit in and all you care about is showing her place? If there one thing I hate, its bullies." Rainbow said.

"So you hire a body-guard? HA! Like she will help you." Jewels said to Sunrise laughing.

"I'm not her body-guard. I'm Rainbow Dash, the pegasus that give her life to save a live." Rainbow told her.

"What?! Likely Story." Jewels said.

"You know, you remind me of a bully that try to pick on me when I was a filly. Sea Blaze, yeah, that it." Rainbow said.

"Sea Blaze? You know my dad?" Jewels ask surprise.

"Sure do, now I know he might be proud of you doing this, but I can sure that if Sunrise parents found out, you both will be in big trouble." Rainbow said.

"HA! As if! Her parents are too busy being rich to do anything thing." Jewels laugh.

"Hm, I met lot of rich ponies in Canterlot and there one rich pony that treat others the way he want them to be treated, What was his name again? Oh ya, Fancy Pants." Rainbow said.

The name Fancy Pants shock both Jewels and Sunrise. Jewels knew about Fancy Pant from her father and Sunrise knew because he was her uncle.

Rainbow look back down and added, "That what he did when he met my friend Rarity and when he met us. We may be from Ponyville, but we were good friends."

"Sunrise!" Another voice all out casing the three to rise their heads.

"That Mom." Sunrise said.

"Great, you got luckily this time Sunrise, but next time your body-guard won't save you." Jewels said and limp away.

Rainbow cover her mouth to hide a smile. She notices that Jewels was keeping her hoof in the air during the whole talk and she didn't figure out Rainbow was a robot. Rainbow turn to see earth pony in dress that could make Rarity go nuts over with an light blue mane and tail. Her fur coat was yellow and she couldn't see her cutie mark.

"Sunrise, what did we say about talking to stranger ponies?" She said.

"But Mom, this is the mare that save me from the burning mansion." Sunrise told her.

She look at Rainbow and knew she was part of normal ponies, but if she was the one that save Sunrise then she might as well thank her.

"Thanks miss for saving my daughter." She said.

"No Problem, Names Rainbow Dash." Rainbow said and held out her hoof for a shake.

"Dress Rich." She said not taking the hoof.

"Gezz, and I just stood up for Sunrise when she was going to get hit." Rainbow said.

"WHAT?!" Dress Rich shouted and started to look over Sunrise for any marks.

"Mom! I'm fine. Rainbow Dash took the blow." Sunrise said.

Dress Rich look back at Rainbow and notices there wasn't a mark in her.

"How come your not hurt?" She ask.

"Two reasons, One I'm a grown mare and two I'm a robot." Rainbow told her.

"What?" Dress Rich ask confuse.

"Mom, she die after she save me and was rebuild to be a robot." Sunrise said.

"I can vote for that." Another voice said that Rainbow knew.

"Twilight?" She ask as they turn to see her walk up.

"Twilight? Wait, you mean Twilight Sparkle? The student of Princess Celestia?" Sunrise ask.

"Heh, yeah." Rainbow laugh.

"I been looking for you Rainbow, I notices that you been more down then before. You want to talk about it?" Twilight said to her.

"I don't believe it, what is the Princess student doing here of all places?" Dress Rich asked.

"It a long story, but the Princess let me stay here to be with my friends." Twilight said before thunder was heard in that sky.

"That odd, the was no reports of a storm today." Dress Rich said.

"I hear ya. The Weather Factory said there won't be a storm for another three weeks." Rainbow said.

Then a Thunderbolt strike out of the clouds and headed right for them!

"MOVE!" Rainbow shouted and they jump out of the way.

They stood up to see a black spot were they just where.

"Something tells me this is no normal storm." Twilight said.

"I'm going to have to agree with you Twilight. I'm guess it Dr. Mane-tic robots." Rainbow said.

"Heh, you're right!" Say another voice as they turn.

Rainbow and Twilight stood in front of Dress Rich and Sunrise ready to fight as Elec Stallion walk up to them.

"Nice dodge there, of course I only did that to find Mega Mare." He said smiling.

"Mega Mare huh? Well you're looking at her." Rainbow told him.

"Who Mega Mare?" Dress Rich whisper to herself.

"Twilight, can you teleport my armor to me? I sure Light had to make the armor with a teleport system if I can't get back to the lab to change." Rainbow ask her friend.

"Yeah, he did. Hang on." Twilight said and started to focus her magic.

She close her eye as the spell started to become harder to do, but soon Rainbow was cover in a bright light and once it faded, she stood there as Mega Mare. Elec Stallion was quiet surprise to see Mega Mare being a pony that live along ponies. Looks like Dr. Mane-tic wasn't lying.

"So you ready think you can stop me? The strongest of the Robot Masters?", Elec Stallion ask, "Heh, can you handle my power?"

"Heh, being a Pegasus is easier then you think. I know a lot about your electric." Rainbow said.

"We better get out of here.", Twilight told the two ponies who was a bit confuse on what was going on, "I got a feeling that this is not going to be pretty."

They nods and ran off. Rainbow look to see them do that. That will make it easier for her. With ponies nearby she will have to worry about their safely. Elec Stallion notices too, but let them go. He wanted a fair fight. He call his electric and fire at her. Rainbow jump out of the way and fire back. She was shock as Elec Stallion suddenly disappear, making her miss.

"What?! Where did he..." She said before she heard something from behind her.

"Are you sure you know about my electric?" He ask before shooting more at her.

"AGHHHHHHHHHH!" Rainbow shouted and then fell to the ground once he stop.

"Heh, you should know that I the first Robot Master that Light built. You are a sad waste of a robot." Elec Stallion said.

"And I know Light would want you back.", Rainbow said as she roll around, "so please come with me back to Light and we can fix you."

"HA! Like I'm fall for that. Light may created me, but Dr. Mane-tic is my master. And you are in her way." Elec Stallion said and raise his front hooves as to smash her.

Rainbow roll out of the way and jump back up and fire her buster. She made a hit, but watch in surprise as Elec Stallion move towards her at a speed she never seen before. She felt a hoof hit her and was knock away. She roll on the ground before jumping back up. She saw Elec Stallion appear in front of her and jump in the air to dodge a punch.

"How can he move so fast? I can move at the speed of sound once I break the Sound Barrier." Rainbow ask herself.

"It simple.", She heard from behind her, "Electric is light and light travel faster then sound."

Rainbow cry out again as she felt the electric shock her. Once it stop she fell to the ground. She try to push herself up only for Elec Stallion to push a hoof down on her.

"Look at you, I don't get how you beat Cut Stallion. Your a weakling." He said and ready his electric again.

Before he could fire, something jump on him and grab his mane. As he turn to figure out what was pull it, he heard a voice.

"You leave Rainbow Dash alone!" Say small voice.

"Sunrise!" Dress Rich shouted to her daughter.

Rainbow roll away and saw Sunrise on Elec Stallion. She was surprise to see her do a dangerous thing.

"GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE FILLY!" Elec Stallion shouted and release his electric over his body.

"AGHHHHHHHHH!" Sunrise scream as she was shock.

"SUNRISE!" Dress Rich shouted.

Rainbow watch as she was shock. After Elec Stallion stop, she felt to the ground. Rainbow just look at her. The Filly she save in the burning mansion was hurt. Rainbow just stare at her when Elec Stallion sigh.

"She luckily she didn't get a full power shock. Now to deal with you." He said and turn back to Rainbow.

Rainbow just continue look at Sunrise. She was breathing, but was badly hurt. Rainbow couldn't get over this was her fault. She wanted to protect her, but instead she let her get hurt. She look down the shock well in her eyes.

"So long Mega Mare. It been nice knowing ya." Elec Stallion and ready his electric again.

"Sunrise." Rainbow whisper.

"Hm?" Elec Stallion ask.

Rainbow stood up and look at him. Elec Stallion was totally surprise at the look in her eyes. The look was the look of she just lost some one and was out for blood. Rainbow step forward and Elec Stallion took a step back forgetting he still had his electric out. He was terrified by Rainbow's look.

"If your the strongest Robot Master then what stopping you from destroy me? Is it because of the first rule of the robotics? Or is it because your scare?" Rainbow said walking closer.

Elec Stallion didn't know what was going on. He just continue to walk back as Rainbow walk towards him. Then he notices his electric was still out.

"I'm not scare of anything! THUNDER BEAM!" He shouted and fire his attack.

It hit Rainbow covering her in smoke.

"Heh, I was worry for bit there." He said smiling.

But it fade as he saw Rainbow step out with the electric cracking over her.

"WHAT?! But how? The last few times you cry out in pain!" He shouted.

"That because I didn't know what to expect from you. Cut Stallion went easy on me because he thought I was joke. Too bad he thought that and you, you just hurt a filly. You just broke the first Robotic Rule!" Rainbow said then her armor change to grey and white.

"What?! Your armor, it just change color." He said.

"Yeah, and here taste of my attack. ROLLING CUTTER!" Rainbow said then fire a Rolling Cutter from her buster.

The Rolling Cutter hit his body and his core. He cry out in pain as the shock was too great for him to control. Once the shock stop, he drop. Rainbow walk over and raise her buster at the falling robot. She was attending to destroy him here and now for hurting a filly. She was stop by small voice.

"Don't do it Mega Mare."

Rainbow look back and saw Sunrise stand up weakly.

"Please, I know he didn't mean it. It was my fault. I rush in without thinking." She said.

The look in Rainbow eyes disappear and replace with sadness. She turn back at Elec Stallion and lower her buster then knee to him.

"Elec Stallion, don't worry. You be fix up once you reach Light's Lab." She said and place her hoof on his body.

Once more Rainbow glow and hear the thought in her head.

Weapon Get! You got Thunder Beam

The dark blue once again turn grey but this time the light blue turn yellow. She then turn it off, seeing she didn't need it right now.

Rainbow sigh and turn to see Sunrise talking to walk to her. She fell as she got close, but Rainbow caught her.

"That was very stupid. You could have been kill." Rainbow told her.

"I know, but if it wasn't for the mare who save my life, I wouldn't return the favor." She said.

"Heh, you remind me of Scootaloo." She said.

"Scootaloo?" Sunrise ask.

"Yeah she a filly like you and is my number one fan. She looks up to me." Rainbow said.

"Well, I do too. You were awesome!" Sunrise said before grabbing her sides.

"You might want to rest, Hey Twilight!" Rainbow told her then call out to the unicorn.

"Yeah, Rainbow?" Twilight ask.

"Take Elec Stallion back to Light Lab. I got a filly to take to Ponyville hospital." She said.

Twilight smile, looks like she was started to get over being a robot. She nods and said, "Sure, I'll let the others know where your at."

Dress Rich stood there for a few seconds before running after Rainbow worry about her daughter. Twilight use her magic and look at them. She smile as Rainbow started to tell Dress Rich about herself. Twilight then turn and walk back to Light's Lab.

"GAH! Mega Mare has defeated Elec Stallion! The rest of you better not fail me!" Dr. Mane-tic shouted.

"Relax Doc, Elec Stallion was the second strongest of all of us. I crush her in no time." Guts Stallion said.

"This does look bad.", Ice Stallion said before his voice change suddenly, "Delay that talk soldier!"

"I gotta admit, I didn't think she'll beat Elec Stallion." Bomb Stallion said.

"Hm..." Fire Stallion hmph to himself.

"Remember fail me and you all be buckets for the scrape yard!" She shouted.

Author's Note:

Here Elec Stallion, Rainbow slowly started to get over being a robot and Elec Stallion is like a Elec Man a little. They both using electrical attacks and you know it fast then sound. Now here something for the future. I'm thinking for pony to play Bass role. My first one was Lighting Dust, once she finds out about Rainbow robot side and how it make her even better then before, she gets jealous and Dr. Mane-tic take notices of it and give her a armor to fight Rainbow. But it doesn't sound right, then I thought about using Firefly from Gen-1. The idea is that Dr. Mane-tic couldn't take any more defeats and look for a way to beat Rainbow at her own game. She comes up with the idea to turn a dead pony into a robot like she and Light did to Rainbow. She goes around until she finds Firefly's grave. Also I plan on putting only eight Mega Man games here but I will tell which game is which by using Japan title names for Mega Man. And Happy New Year!