• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 2,143 Views, 42 Comments

Pony of a Different Color - Sparky Brony

Equestria gains a visitor from another universe, and it's up to the mane 6 to help him get home.

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Chapter 18

It's now been more than a year since I first stepped through the gateway into Ponyville. More than a year since I started a new life in Ponyville. I've had my powers back for about eight months, I've completed my workshop, and even figured out a way to get a hot water heater into Rainbow Dash's house without causing too much commotion. I don't have a care in the world.

Then why am I so restless? I've completed Dashie's armor, along with armor for the rest of the Mane six, though the only ones to know about them are Dashie, Cloud Kicker, and myself. Cloud Kicker refused my offer to make a set for her, but she did let me put the same standing flows into her armor that I've got in all the others. I've built a set of armor for myself, at Dashie's insistence. Her argument was actually very good, every bit of power I use to protect myself is one bit less of power I can use to kill La Rouche. My investigation at home to find La Rouche is hitting several blank walls. I'm now not even sure of the man's name. I'm not even certain he's from my universe. Though the implications of that are more than I want to think about. That means that someone in another universe has figured out how to jump from universe to universe the way I have. That gives me a cold chill when I think about it.

I'm out flying. This is the best way to clear my head. Whenever I have a project that isn't going right, whenever I have something on my mind. I fly. When I was home, I would get into a car and drive, it always cleared my head. Well, flying does that ten times better than driving ever did. It's only a few days to Rainbow Dash's and my wedding. Trust me, I'm not having second thoughts about that. I'm one hundred percent ready for that. Rainbow Dash has insisted the wedding be in Ponyville. She wrote a very politely worded letter to the Princesses when they offered for the nuptials to be in Canterlot, she also invited them to attend. Which only Celestia accepted. I don't think I will ever end up on Princess Luna's good side. Twilight is abuzz getting everything ready. Rarity has made the most beautiful gown for Rainbow Dash, and after explaining what a tuxedo was in my world, she crinkled her nose and said she would make something wonderful for me to wear as well. And she tried to refuse payment, trying to fall back on what Twilight said after I got to Equestria.

I bank hard. I'm trying to see how high I can comfortably fly. Pegasi can fly pretty high I've found out. We can handle cold that would paralyze other ponies. There are times I'm really happy that I unconsciously chose to be a Pegasus when I first visited here. I'm well above most of the clouds around Ponyville. I can see for miles around. There is nothing better than flying as a Pegasus pony. Nothing at all. I flap my wings hard. I want another thousand feet. I have an altimeter strapped to my front hoof. It's zeroed out at the elevation of Ponyville. I glance at it. I'm at eighteen thousand feet. I can feel how thin the air is getting. My lungs are heaving as I take in the thinner air. A couple of other bits of Pegasus anatomy I've learned about. We have nictating membranes. The third eyelid that some animals have at home, but it's completely clear. Pretty handy when you don't want the occasional bug to put out your eye when you are flying extremely fast. And our lungs are super efficient. Oxygen depletion doesn't affect a Pegasus the way it would another pony, or a human. We actually store oxygen for use at high altitude. Makes holding your breath when you are swimming a long term proposal. While swimming with Dashie, I was able to hold my breath for nearly twenty minutes. And that is while actively swimming, not sitting there like a lump. I really like the form I've got here in Equestria.

Time to flap my wings harder. That extra thousand feet isn't easy to gain, but after several minutes, I'm at my nineteen thousand foot goal. I cheer silently as I plan to hit twenty thousand next time. It's time to head home now. I start a shallow dive. In minutes I've more than doubled my speed. I'm actually above the speed of sound at this point. I can feel the mach cone around my body. Pushing against me, making my wings want to fold back. I push harder. I'm not going for a sonic rainboom today, I just want to fly. After several minutes, I angle my wings to help me slow down. I'm getting close to my home. I loop around the cloud house and land perfectly on the front stoop.

I push through the front door. “Dash, I'm home!” I know what's coming. I get bowled over by an enthusiastic Dashie. I end up how I usually do, on my back, wings spread, with her kissing the pure hell out of me. I melt into the kiss. I kiss back just as aggressively until she breaks off for air.

“I don't think we should kiss like that at the wedding, Dashie.” I smile at her.

“And why not?” She playfully nips my ears as she helps me onto my hooves.

“Don't want to get all of Ponyville all hot and bothered.”

She laughs as she swings her flank into mine, nearly knocking me over. “Maybe we should, the prudes here in Ponyville could use getting all hot and bothered from watching how much we love each other.”

I smile at her again. I take back what I thought earlier, there is one thing better than flying, it's Rainbow Dash's smile. I kiss her, making promises with my mouth for later. By her response, I'm coming through loud and clear.

She breaks it off. “You better stop or we are going to be late.” She murmurs.

“The rehearsal isn't for five hours Dashie, it's only noon.”

“It's noon, oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.” She starts running around, packing a quick saddle bag. She pauses for a second, “Pinkie is throwing a pre-wedding shower party, and it started...” she glances at the clock. “oh Celestia, two minutes ago.” She tosses me a brush, “Brush your mane really quick and let's get going.”

Moments later we dive off of the veranda. I leave my wings closed for a moment to allow gravity to do it's work. When i'm less than fifty feet from the ground I spread my wings, I level off slightly above the height of a standing pony and we streak towards Sugar Cube Corner. We make it in record time. One side effect if Rainbow's massive speed is sometimes she has trouble stopping. She barrels through the door while trying to stop as I flair my wings and gently land on the front stoop of the building. I trot in.

“Sorry girls, was running late.” She's apologizing as I get inside. All of our friends are here. In addition to most of the town of Ponyville. I glance at the present table that Pinkie always sets up for birthdays and showers. It's laden. I groan. On our invitations I have insisted no gifts, Rainbow and I aren't hurting for anything. Between her job, which she doesn't need, and the gold I've brought from home, we have zero material needs. I've been using my power to build buildings in Ponyville. This little town has a new hospital due to my work, and some other large projects. I provide my expertise at building and my time for free, because I enjoy building with the power. My daughter isn't the builder that I am, but she's helped a little bit. I've even donated a good amount of gold, and, unbeknownst to many in Ponyville, I've purchased some medical equipment from home as well. I was appalled at the state of medical art in Equestria, and I've mostly corrected that. Ponyville is the only town in Equestria with CT scanner and a MRI machine. I do plan on doing the same thing for Manehattan, Baltimare, and especially Canterlot. But, those are projects for the future.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Twilight. She waves a hoof in front of me. “Helloooooooooo Sparky.” I shake my head. I've been getting lost in thought more and more recently. I wish I knew why. I almost miss when Twilight starts speaking again. “Is this pre-wedding jitters Sparky?” Her look is one of concern.

I rub the back of my mane. “No Twilight. Nothing, not even the worst monsters from Tartarus can even begin to keep me away from this wedding. There is literally nothing more important than four days from now Twilight.”

“Then why are you so spaced out Sparky?”

I have to laugh. “I wish I knew Twilight. I'm almost unbearably happy when it comes to the wedding. But there is something bothering me. I wish I knew what it was.”

“Do you want the calming exercise that Cadence taught me?” She offers helpfully.

I smile and offer the lavender mare a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Twilight. I have a sense of foreboding. It's not about my marriage, it's about something else. And I can't put a hoof on it.” I turn and look at how Pinkie has decorated the place. The party pony has gone all out. I see a DJ station set up, with a distinctive white unicorn with electric blue mane and magenta sunglasses on her face. Next to the DJ station is a stage with several instruments being set up and being tuned.Though with the amps being set up, I don't think we are in for classical music. I take my leave of the Lavender alicorn and move up to the drum set. It's been nearly ten years since I've held drum sticks in my hands.

I wonder if I can handle it with hooves. Only one way to find out. I whisper quickly to the drummer. In moments I've secured a set of sticks and sit on the stool. I glance over at Rainbow Dash. She's in animated conversation with Rarity and Applejack. I start a slow beat on the bass drum. A few taps on the closed hi hat to let myself fall into the rhythm of the song I'm thinking of. I'm speeding up and getting more energetic and bringing the toms and snare into the melody in my head. I think I'm ready and I signal to myself with a hard crash with two of the cymbals. I beat the drums into submission, my eyes are closed, I just have to feel the beat, feel the music. I haven't done this in years, but it feels natural to me. A friend of mine who taught me drums many years ago gave me the best advise. “Don't think, just do.” And I felt the beat. I settle into a steady tempo for a few moments. My ears pick up an electric guitar and bass. We are simply weaving the melody together. With the bass tempo of my right hoof keeping our time. A quick drum roll and I change everything up. These ponies that came to my party are gifted musicians.

They follow my lead, flowing into the melody that I suggest with the snare, toms and cymbals. I hear a violin join in, then a Cello. We are making music. I crack open an eye. A lyre has joined in as well. Played by Lyra, there's a Cellist, a grey earth pony with a pink bow tie, I think I know her name, and my daughter has picked up the guitar and amazingly, Blossomforth is playing the bass. I'm going to tax their abilities. I double the tempo, concentrating on the snare and hi hat with an occasional snap at the cymbals. The other musicians ebb off as I break through with a strong solo. Moments later, they jump right back in as I just keep the beat. Now, this, is a jam session. I look over. All the ponies are entranced by the music, but I'm looking for a special somepony. I finally find the cyan face I'm looking for. Her cerise eyes are filled with tears, I almost lose my concentration, but then I see the huge smile on her face. She's enjoying the music. Tears flow from my eyes as I close them. With a flourish, I bring back a new solo. This time focusing on the three toms, cymbals and I savagely beat the hi hat. Everything else stops in the room as I bring everything to a close. After about three seconds of complete and utter silence, the room erupts into absolute pandemonium. Ponies are stomping the floor for all they are worth. I see a couple of Pegasi, Dashie included, performing somersaults in the air. My face glows red. I'm not used to this kind of attention.

I surrender the drumsticks to the drummer, accept a hearty hoof bump from him as I amble to the front of the stage. The gray earth pony sidles up next to me. I can hear her accent, which is apparently a Trottingham accent here in Equestria. “That was beautiful, sir. If you want to play more, go ahead.” She smiles as the white unicorn tackles me. Her glasses flew off as she pins me down to the stage. “That was awesome. And I was able to record every beat there.” Her bright red eyes are glowing. “You have given me so many samples to mix. Thank you Thank you Thank you.” I finally am able to get back to my hooves. My daughter hoofs over the guitar to a brown earth pony, who has a huge smile on his face, and comes over to me.

“You haven't played like that since before Mom died.” My eyes go wide. She's right. I haven't. I really missed the feeling of playing any music. I just have to hug Moonshine as we get down off the stage. Once my hooves hit the floor I'm hit. Rainbow Dash has my daughter and I in a huge bear hug.

“That was absolutely amazing, Sparky. I never knew you could play any instrument.” She's glowing, she's so happy. In moments the rest of the mane six have mobbed us. All offering congratulations. I get hugged more than I'm used to.

Especially by Pinkie Pie. She whispers in my ear. “Sparky, you helped my party turn into an awesome party. Thank you.”

While we all mingle, the DJ, which I've learned her name is Vinyl Scratch is bringing in her craft. She is amazing. I hear the beats that I was just playing being remixed to be even better. I would pay a lot of gold coin for that on my mp3 player. I tell her as much and get a cold glare in return. And a promise to make a vinyl record. “The quality will amaze you Sparky.” I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't have the kind of sound system that would be able to really take advantage of the extra fidelity. I simply smile and turn back to the rest of the ponies. Food, and a Pinky party. This is fun.

A couple of hours later, I'm at the cathedral in Ponyville where my wedding will be performed in four days. I stretch the collar of the outfit Rarity brought. It's snug, but not too snug. And it actually fits beautifully. It's a masculine outfit, but she was going all out, every color of Rainbow Dash's mane is represented on my clothing, along with an amazing midnight black. It's cut is similar to a tuxedo, but it is her own creation. And it compliments Rainbow Dash perfectly. Her dress is beyond amazing. I'm only allowed to wear my outfit for the final fitting. The sempstress is floating multiple pins around her, her red eyeglasses perched on her nose.

“Now Darling, don't move, or I will stick you.” She says as she inserts a few pins, slightly modifying the cuffs. I really don't understand what she's doing. Rainbow is getting a massage by Aloe from the spa. And I'm standing here. It's less than an hour to the wedding rehearsal. Celestia has lowered the sun a few minutes ago. She should be arriving in Ponyville any time now. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are being fitted by a off white pony with two tone blue mane and tail, with a lavender floppy hat with a scarlet feather for a cutie mark. She was introduced to me as Coco Pommel. Rarity told me she was from Manehattan, and was in Ponyville to help her for the wedding. She's pinning the hem on Scootaloo's dress. The orange Pegasus is standing there, a look of infinite patience on her face. Two other foal sized ponykins have the other two completed dresses as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle compete with each other to make funny faces and break Scootaloo's concentration. Rainbow Dash finally gets her massage over with. She gets off the table and joins in with the CMC. In seconds Scootaloo is laughing uproariously. Poor Coco scolds the Pegasus filly for moving. And the pony yelps as a pin makes it into more than just fabric.

“See Scootaloo, you need to be still.” Coco says as Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders roll on the floor laughing. This earns a bereaved harrumph from Scoots.

“There, all done.” In an instant, the outfit is off of me, and floating to a sewing machine. After a few minutes. The outfit is declared complete. I move over to Rainbow. A quick nuzzle and we all get up to head into the main cathedral.

Twilight is out there. She's all dressed up, her crown on her head. And she looks tense. As the wedding party gets closer, Twilight seems to outdo herself in stressing out.

“This is bad. This is so bad. Princess Celestia isn't here. This rehearsal is very important. She should be here.” She's prancing about.

Rainbow Dash calms her down by sidling close to Twilight and wrapping the stressed alicorn with her wing. “Shush Twilight. I'm certain Celestia has a good reason for being late.” She's interrupted by the stained glass at the back of the cathedral explodes in. A white blur blasts though and lands heavily on the floor.

“Oh no, it's Celestia!” Twilight screams as she teleports right next to her teacher. We all rush to crowd around the injured Alicorn. Blood is leaking from multiple wounds on her body. I touch one of the wounds. Those are bullet wounds.

Celestia's eyes open for a moment. She looks at Twilight. Then she looks at me. “They have Luna.” She murmurs before she loses consciousness.