• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 2,143 Views, 42 Comments

Pony of a Different Color - Sparky Brony

Equestria gains a visitor from another universe, and it's up to the mane 6 to help him get home.

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Chapter 6.

I wake up slowly. Well, the good news is, I'm alive, I'm in a bed, no it's a cloud. But, I'm in a house. Oh, must be Rainbow Dash's home. I turn slowly over, my flank is covered in bandages. I'm pretty sure that I've defined a new level of pain for me. There's Rainbow there, she's asleep, I look around, it's dark outside. My moving apparently jostled her. She bolts upright.

“Oh Sparky, you are okay. Wonderful.” And louder “He's awake, you can come in.” The rest of the ponies push into Dash's small bedroom. I'm not ready for hugs from every one of them. And there are more than a little tears in their eyes. I'm confused.

“What is wrong?”

“You've been asleep for three days now Sparky. At the hospital, they stitched up your wounds, and said it would be touch and go for a few days. You not only had what looked like bullet wounds, but you have several broken ribs, and your left foreleg has a greenstick fracture. I watched you fight, how did you let so much through your defenses?” This came from Twilight.

I chuckled as I looked at Rainbow Dash. “I didn't get hit with a single bullet, Twilight. Rainbow here is the one who got hit. I had to heal her, and my normal healing abilities weren't enough, so I used a very rare and dangerous weave to heal her. In using that weave, some of her injuries were transferred to me, and I had to use the power to protect myself so I could survive the injuries.”

Twilight looked incredulous, “You are saying that you could have died saving Rainbow's life?”

I cupped Rainbow's cheek with a hoof, “I would have done the same for any of you. You dying would be worse to me than my own death.”

I stood up. “Well, I got to touch the source again. I just wish your aim wasn't so perfect with that last soldier Twilight.”

The mare looked abashed. “I'm sorry Sparky, I may have destroyed your only way to get home.”

“No worries Twilight, your idea sounds incredibly promising. And I won't be so short sighted if you succeed, I'll make a gateway that I can keep open. So I won't be cut off again by anything.” I shifted my weight, this hurts. I stumble off the bed. I'm glad the floor is made of cloud, it's still soft. We walk into Rainbow's living room. I'm starving.

Twilight has anticipated my needs. Apples, carrots, hay, plenty of food is there. Along with buckets of water. I immediately drink down half a bucket, but I try to not overdo it, but my stomach is empty. I munch down a few carrots and apples. These are fresh bucked from Sweet Apple Acres, the best apples I've ever eaten. I turn to them, the new cast on my foreleg is certainly hampering my movements. I have to take it easy, or I'll be sick, and I certainly don't want to sick up.

“I'm guessing you want to talk about what happened girls.” I really don't want to talk about it. I don't like fighting, I can not believe that I actually looked forward to combat when I was much younger.

“What was all that?” This from Twilight.

“I don't know the name of this group. All I know is they want adepts. They know how powerful an adept can be. They want to use us for their ends.”

“Well, my dear, we certainly have seen first hand what you can do with your power.” Rarity remarked.

“Though from what I've seen, I have a feeling, you would rather die than see us get hurt, am I right Sparky?” Interjected Apple Jack.

I looked at her, tears budding in my eyes. “To be honest, I would rather have died than to have you go through that fight. You are so innocent, so, pure, so...” I can't talk for quite a while, I'm sobbing too hard. I hear a chuckle, from Twilight.

“We aren't as innocent as you seem to think, Sparky. Equestrian history has been replete with war. Ponies have killed ponies quite a bit in our history. But that history is from a long time ago, before the Royal Sisters have been in charge. Before they took charge, the three tribes had constant tension, and more than once, outright warfare.

“And Celestia and Luna changed all that?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“My point is, Twilight, you girls, until a few nights ago, had never experienced the desolation of war. I have, I know what it can do to a pony's soul. I feel so welcome, I feel the magic that is inherent in this world in our friendship. I've never understood how the name of your show so truly applies to you. Friendship, here, is magic. And it is a very powerful magic. I have no doubt that you girls can do anything you set your mind to.”

“No kidding, we are the ones who defeated Discord, and then turned him into a friend.” From Rainbow Dash.

I do have a really big question, “Hey, Twilight, have you talked to Princess Celestia about what happened?”

The lavender pony apparently was waiting for this question, and did not want to answer. Her ears drooped, and she looked abashed. “I have apprised Celestia of the battle. Her response was that she wants to see you as soon as you are better. Should I inform her that it will be tomorrow?”

I nod my head, “What do you think she will do, Twilight?”

“I honestly don't know, Princess Celestia is nearly infinite in her mercy, but despite our best efforts, some ponies did die in that battle. She does not take the untimely death of her subjects lightly. In fact, shortly after the battle was over, a squadron of the Royal Guard did show up, when Rainbow Dash informed the weather ponies and our friends about the invaders, she told Spike to send a letter to the Princess. I saw the look on your face before you took off, I had never seen such fear on a pony's face.” She shifted on her hooves, “I told Dash it was bad news and we needed as much back up as we could get. I have to take responsibility for those deaths as well. I really don't know what her reaction will be when we talk to her.”


“Yes, we. Her letter specifically mentioned both of us to report to her as soon as you were able.”

“Tomorrow will be fine. I still hurt, but I will certainly go to Canterlot with you. As I told you Twilight, this is my fault.”

She smiled, “Nonsense, Sparky. Ultimately, the responsibility that goes with being a Princess falls on my shoulders, especially with this kind of disaster. I will protect you as much as I can.”

I looked down. This is horrible. Oh well, it wouldn't be my first time in prison. I just hope I can escape banishment or worse. Does Celestia have a royal executioner? If she does, I will stand proud before that pony.

“We should go.” This from Apple Jack, who had been silent until now, “I know you are tired, your body is trying to heal, you need to spend as much time in bed as you can. We will be at the train station tomorrow.”

“It's early morning now Sparky,” Twilight said, “rest today and tonight, I'll be here early tomorrow morning to come get you.”

The ponies all got up and headed out to the landing. I looked out the window, wow, what an amazing Alicorn Twilight is. She has all the grace and poise of a Princess, in my travels, I had met a few royal persona's who actually have that bearing. She's so like her character in the show, but the show doesn't really get into how much pressure this young Alicorn is under. And probably the audience can't even see how well she is shouldering that burden. I watch her spread her wings, enfolding Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Apple Jack. With a flash of light, she teleports them to the ground. Fluttershy is flying off to her cottage. I turn back to Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I haven't found a house yet...” I get a mouthful of hoof for my trouble.

“Hold it Sparky, you are injured. You need help for everything right now. I've already appointed myself your nurse for your recovery. You are staying here. Your rugged individualism isn't going to apply here. You need me. If you try to go anywhere, I'm going to follow you, harassing you. You have gotten to know me pretty well in the last month you've been here in Ponyville. Do you think I will take your stubbornness without giving plenty back?”

I had to smile at this. “No Rainbow Dash, there are few that are as stubborn as you. I'm not going to butt heads with you. I'm not sleepy, but I could use some time lying down. I hurt.”

She helps me back into the bedroom. This is my second time ever in her bedroom, the only times I had stayed the night at her house I had slept on the couch. She helps me lay down on my front on the bed, she climbs in next to me.

“My Celestia, you are a mess. If you are going to visit Princess Celestia tomorrow, you are going to need a proper grooming.”

I turn my head to her. “Maybe I should visit the spa down in Ponyville.”

This got a big laugh from her. “You have been a Pegasus for a month, I've been one for nearly twenty years. Let mama Rainbow fix you up.”

She starts with her hooves on my back. Aches that I didn't eve begin to know I had under the constant layer of pain I have start to fade. In fact, it feels wonderful. I feel her work up and down my back, she pops both my hips and shoulders. I can't believe how much pain I was feeling. I had been through a major car wreck many years back, and the recovery was less painful than this is. One thing adepts can't do is heal themselves. If I had another adept here, one who is skilled at the healing weaves, I'd be right as rain right now. But a stallion like me can dream can't I. I feel her pull out one of my wings, I look over, and she's using her teeth to straighten feathers and preen me. I feel sharp jabs of pain as she pulls out damaged primaries.

“You really should learn how to do this yourself, this is Pegasus maintenance 101. You need to take care of your wings, so they can take care of you. After this, you are taking a shower. You stink.”

“I'm sorry Rainbow Dash.” I say solemnly.

This earns me a nip to the ear from her. “I was teasing you Sparky, no need to be so serious. It's just you and me.” She starts working on the other wing. “I will make sure you are one hundred percent presentable by tomorrow morning. I mean, I can't have you looking all shabby. Twilight and the doctor at the hospital made sure I had plenty of bandages and some salves for your wounds. They were all against me taking you here. The doctor said that you should stay in the hospital for monitoring, and Twilight wanted you back at her place so she can keep an eye on you. But I know different, I've gotten to know you quite well in your time here Sparky. You are too independent.”

She finished with my other wing and was back to working on my back, I had no idea a massage from one with hooves could feel so good. I was almost feeling drowsy, I kept listening to her talking to me, making sure to grunt or somehow indicate I was listening to her while she kept on with her monologue.

“I know that you would much prefer your own place while you live here in Ponyville, but we are your friends. You should let us help. We all really like you, you are an intelligent conversationalist, you are cool to be around, and you've almost got the sonic rainboom down. Yes, I've watched your attempts.”

The lights all of a sudden come on in my mind. She's keeping a stream of chatter going because there is something she wants to talk about, but not bring up. I turn my head to her. “Rainbow, do you remember when you got shot?” She was in the middle of working on my hind leg, she goes completely still. I don't even think she's breathing.

After several seconds of silence, “Yes, I do.” The smallest voice I had ever heard come from Rainbow Dash, one who does everything big.

“Tell me about it from your side.” I feel her start to tremble. I hope she doesn't cry. But I know the tears are on their way. I can feel them about to fall from my eyes as well.

“Well, what is there to tell, I was lifting one of those soldiers, I remember him struggling to get out my grasp. I knew what I had to do, he would have killed my friends if I gave him a chance.” The tears are already starting from her eyes. I painfully shift to face her. “So I was going to make sure it was impossible for him to kill my friends. As I was lifting, I felt him spasm in my hooves. I thought it odd in that quick tenth of a second before that first slug hit me. I felt each bullet hit. Each one was a horrible impact, I could feel how much damage they were doing as they went through me. Not pain precisely, not yet that is. But I knew as each bullet hit that I was going to die. I lost control of my hooves and I dropped the soldier, then I lost control of everything, and I couldn't fly. All I could do was fall. I was falling, it seemed to take forever.” She rubbed her face with her hoof in a vain attempt to stem the flow of tears.

“And then the air around me cradled me, I felt myself slowing. Yet I couldn't open my eyes. I felt myself land on the ground and you land next to me. I focused everything I had to open my eyes, I knew it was the last time, I wanted to see you, I wanted to see my friends one more time before I died.” She completely broke down at this point.

I did the only thing I could do at that point, I pulled her close and held her. She cried for a long time, she wasn't the only one though. My memories of that evening were sharp as needles. I remembered everything. I don't want to be the one responsible for her crying. But here she is, crying her eyes out in my embrace. After quite a while, she subsides. I have to prompt her.

“And then. The most unusual sensation. The pain was overwhelming, it took a few moments to hit, but, boy, when it hit, it was amazing how much pain it was. I knew I was dying. I was terrified. Then the weirdest thing happened. I felt warmth all over my body, I mean everywhere. Was that the weave that you were talking about? The really rare one?”

I nodded.

She continued, “well, all of a sudden, there was no pain at all. Then I could feel what was going on, my body was healing faster than I have ever healed before. But there was more. I felt you. It was like I was inside your head.” She started to blush, “I could see all of your memories, all of your thoughts, your desires, your dreams. I could feel that insatiable curiosity that you have that is driving you to jump from universe to universe. I remembered your time with the only adept you have ever known. I even remember every book he gave you devoted to channeling. He was not a very nice person was he?”

I chuckled a bit, “No, he was a hard man. He taught me a lot, but I have no love for him.”

“You haven't told anypony about your wife have you?”

I shook my head, “No.”

“She died. And you loved her more than anything else in the world.” She said, no question about it, she remembered everything about our link, just like I remembered everything that I gleaned from it.


She looked into my eyes, “so this weave made our minds into one while it was happening?”

“Exactly, so I could take your pain away and heal you.”

“Thank you, Sparky, or should I call you William?”

“Sparky is fine, I decided this will be the name I will use while I'm in Equestria.”

“Okay. That was the most intimate experience in my life Sparky. But I don't have to ask why you did it for me, do I?”

I looked down, “No. As I said, I would have done it for any pony.”

A smile from her, “Yes, I can see you would have, but you would do it for me before any pony, even before Twilight. I think I understand why, but can you tell me?”

“It's hard to explain, Rainbow Dash, it really is. But I will try. From when I started watching your show, I always thought you were the most interesting pony. I saw a lot of me in you. But more than that, you really were the most fascinating of the ponies. I could easily imagine how you were. Especially since I've been jumping around universes for decades. I knew that there was a good possibility that you were actually real. And then I got here, and I got to know you, all of you, but mostly you specifically. I got to see what kind of pony you are. I found I wanted to know you even more.”

“You fell in love?”

I couldn't look in her eyes anymore. That earned me another nip to the ear. But this time it wasn't playful. It hurt.

“Look at me.” She demanded. I couldn't do anything but comply. I nodded slowly.

She continued. “I'm trying to sort everything out in my head William. But you listen to me, I've never really been in love before. I have friends, I have wonderful friends. I've never thought of having anything more than a wonderful set of friends. But from what you've shown me, unintentionally I think. I think I love you as well. And not just for what you've done for me, but for the kind of pony you are.”

I go to kiss her on her cheek, she grabs my face and presses her lips to mine. She's not practiced at kissing, and being a pony, I'm certainly no great kisser myself. But the action just makes me feel better. This kiss goes on and on. I'm thinking, I'm a human, I've never been attracted to anyone outside my species. But I think I can make an exception for this pony in my grasp. I wrap my hooves around her and feel her return my embrace. We finally come up for air.

“Wow.” We both say at the same time. Then we share a laugh. I get comfortable on her cloud bed, I pull her next to me. Nothing would be better than laying here. So I keep a strong hold on her, and eventually I can feel her relax into sleep, poor Dashie, she hasn't really slept since I healed her. She needs rest more than I do. I lay there as the sun rises, just watching her sleep. After a few hours of watching her slow breathing, I finally fall back asleep myself.

Author's Note:

Well, I'm working on the aftermath of the battle. I hope you like it.